So I beat Dream in Minecraft...

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in today's video ladies and gentlemen we're going to be beating Minecraft but you know how the Ender dragons like the final boss yeah no fam in today's video the final boss is dream I'm not kidding guys we're actually gonna have to beat dream in today's video so with that said if you guys are excited for today's video you already know the drill smash the like button and we can Crush 40 000 likes guys for today's video which is a massive light goal that would be awesome and of course if you're new to the channel make sure subscribe with post notifications on because if not this is gonna happen to you don't risk it Gamers just subscribe plus it's literally free and if we hit 2 million subscribers this year I've been saying it every single video but I'm going to shave my head bald I'm gonna look like an egg of course guys make sure check out dream down in the description I'll leave his links I mean I'm sure 99 of you guys who are watching this video already know him but with all that said let's do this ladies and gentlemen do you see this right there no not my bald head I can cut G I'm talking about the giant mansion that's just green wait if I had to guess hold up wait a minute oh my God this place is beautiful wait is that the portal back to the normal world where even are we bro guys I feel like a lost kid in like Walmart or at the mall Mommy actually wait in this case dream dream where are you can you hold my hand unless wait a minute wait this is probably dreams house bruh guys I'm actually kind of scared though hello is anyone around here oh wait Reems house no Tres no true okay well I can't read I don't know what that means anyways let's just go ahead and hello there's sign in front of the house that I know how to read okay bro why is this house actually beautiful wait what is this is this a bat oh no this is a kitchen bro what how many kitchens does this guy have look at this house dude oh my God this is actually insane wait what's oh what is another entrance we got a secret entrance on the side okay wait is dream here wait hold on can I like take some of this food okay no I literally can't boys this actually looks so sick hello dream are you recording a Manhunt wait am I being hunted oh God wait that's actually kind of scary I'm just a bald sideboard just vibing please do not kill me there's a bunch of books I guess dream is an intellectual and he likes to read okay wait what's in here oh is this the toilet oh wait oops I I fell in the toilet bro I'm actually sort of creeped out right now it's just like literally no one here bro wait what is going on wait do you guys do you guys hear that I hear a piano hello is that hey yo what's up dude uh guys we found dream doobie vibing though okay wait why why does he move like that no this isn't the real dream wait what hello hello uh he's talking but all he knows how to say is what do I follow you or no what is this your bed oh what the yo wait what you no ah wait what I am being haunted I'm literally being hunted okay no I'm getting out of here bro oh my God he's still after me oh my god dude how is he so fast what help help help help no no he's gonna catch my booty okay no no we gotta dip we gotta dip we gotta dip we gotta dip dude get back he's yelling okay no oh my God I was so close to getting into the portal dream why would you do this to me okay wait what what where am I oh hello hello dream why you why are you bullying me okay wait so that wasn't like technically the real one and it's low-key the boss of this world meaning screw the Ender Dragon we gotta be dream in Minecraft okay wait this video just got 10 times better I was about to say because the real dream DM me he'd be down for a 1v1 which I would 100 be down but I'm probably gonna get wrecked or maybe not maybe I'm actually gonna do good versus the real dream but who knows if we can't beat the mob dream which oh my God a green bed okay no I'm sorry green is gonna overtake my life bro more green okay no you gotta go bro oh wait I get some handouts from the mom dream let's go I mean do I want the handouts nah nah screw your hand out his dream okay wait I'm kidding I look you need them but yeah guys if this video smashes 40 000 likes then I'll 1v1 the real dream but no we need some practice because wait what is this path going up hold up I see Green Path I follow because I got two brain cells and I'm bald at least in Minecraft grab to make me ball at two mil okay wait what is this okay bro what what type of portal What type oh this is probably the portal that connects to dreams place okay wait so there you go I took a screenshot of the chords guys so hold up I guess what we need to do is we need to get stopped which you know what I'm actually gonna go and just take some bread over here wait is this a village oh there's a village right here we're gonna show the mob dream that with the power of gunging we'll be able to defeat him oh my god dude this entire Village is green I don't like it stay away from me the color green follows me everywhere hold on guys there's an iron golem right here I'm gonna join this door I'm gonna smack the freaking booty crack out of that guy yeah come here watch this watch this watch this so I'm gonna eat over here yeah yeah follow me oh God okay wait that didn't work out that didn't work out we got him boys I learned this from yours truly yeah who's a caca head you're a Gaga head come on touch me touch me touch me if you're not a Kaka head he's a Kaka head boys and one more so do the job okay one more there you go we got three iron ingots there you go easy peasy okay so we got a low-key trying to run this boy so there's no loot in this Village other than just the bread we just needed we should definitely go mining but hold on I need some wood I mean and we're in a desert so that doesn't mix well I don't know what it's gonna take to defeat the actual dream hopefully it's not gonna be impossible bro he like did actually like two shot us he has a diamond sword and a crossbow and he's booty naked but if you guys think I'll be able to defeat him just make sure to smash the like button we're gonna try and do this without dying once okay well again I'm not dying again make a crafting table there you go make a few sticks there you go easy okay let's just Dig Down did I just Dig Down YOLO okay you know what yeah let's just dig down the power of will always be on our side hopefully I hope we don't actually jinx it and just get like terrible luck and uh speaking of terrible luck guys we're low-key not finding a cave please please okay please come on man come on diamonds please give me give me diamonds bro give me diamonds okay wait what we found a cave oh my God right next to Lava by the way yo this is insane what oh my God Bruh Bruh I literally dug down I literally dug down you guys saw me like you guys literally saw me oh my God bro every video I get people saying is fake you scripted shut up you know what what are you serious like bro it's the same okay like come on bro come on man that's actually nuts no that's this is actually nuts how many Diamonds oh just one okay well bro yeah no wait actually just one Diamond okay well you know one diamond is better than no diamonds kind of right because you can make a shovel okay whatever we got some iron right here which is perfect wait you know what we need a shield ASAP no I know there you go might as well craft all our bread into wheat huh all the way around look guys hold on I make border there you go I have Borger okay I'm sorry I have two brain cells let's focus up oh no no no no no no no no no no okay we got him so guys although I'm really excited to defeat the Dr like the dream boss in Minecraft I'm more excited to see if we actually get like 40 000 likes on this video and then we can maybe actually 1v1 the real dream he said he'd be down the thing is though he's really really good at like 1.9 PVP you know with like the mechanics and the swinging and I'm more of like a 1.7 not even a 1.8 guys I'm literally more of like a potion PVP like which maybe I'll show you guys a clip of me pbping seriously right [Music] foreign I think this is really good practice that we're going to be defeating the dream boss because I feel like if we can defeat the dream boss then we're gonna have Loki a better chance of defeating the real dream which is scary that man actually does scare me he's the type of guy you send like a paragraph to and then he just responds with one word it's just like oh crap okay you're intimidating which dream if you're watching right now no that's not how I felt when we were dming I'm not intimidated by you come on bro we're at 20 we're at 30 iron which is so I saw diamonds yes bro let's go okay hold on wait uh hold up no no I'm just gonna secure that you're dead I'm gonna mine these diamonds okay I knew the creeper was gonna get closer nope get back okay well you're okay well I think you're stuck with the water yes I shall mine the rest of these diamonds this is a fat boy vein bro let's go dude holy crap wait how many times what was that eight diamonds holy dude I didn't even know an eight main existed I mean I I low-key did but I thought they were a lot more rare than that guys I think the power of gunging is actually just flowing through our veins can you guys tell yeah I'm editing this video so if I do any stupid effects this is all me to be honest though we got 9 diamonds guys like I feel like this is really really good do I even bother to go for another eye I don't think so I'm trying to speed run so we don't get all the time in the world for this although I'm 100 gonna make myself a pickaxe because now we can get obsidian oh my God yes oh wait wait while I might have Sitting it must be 2000 IQ DAW and let's go and just make like four furnaces we're gonna make a factory spread the booty cheeks just like that and Bob I got one call for each which is probably not enough okay there you go yeah everything is going good let's mind some obsidian and guys we're gonna defeat dream let's do this okay Gamers so I have six obsidian which I think is more than enough for another oh wait we still need a book I'm so dumb not another portal sorry I freaking uh was that thing called enchantment table yes however we got a butt ton of iron so I might as well craft myself full set of iron there you go oh wait there you go full set of iron let's go baby what it do I look so dumb being bald like you can still definitely tell that I'm bald okay nope please stop stop okay yes we got it okay so somehow I found myself way out hello Mr boner man nope yeah if I can't defeat you I won't be able to defeat the dream man himself okay no you guys have terrible aim bro come on man and get blocked and get blocked there you go easy okay hold on we need sugar cane sugarcane right there I see it okay now what we need to do is find some cows which is gonna be difficult okay so I don't know if this is a good idea guys but screw the cows screw killing horses okay should we go back through the dream Dimension back to his house and then maybe still some of those bookshelves and then craft ourselves another uh oh my God I'm trying to talk dude it's already hard enough since I got two brain cells I'm saying should we go through the portal go back to dream's house and try like just sneak break some of his bookshelves because remember he had a library okay YOLO I'm going through okay Gamers we're here I'm kind of scared I see a bunch of smoke randomly disappearing bro what is this oh my God right there too what is happening what okay wait what oh my I'm actually kind of scared I'm turning my sounds up guys this is gonna be nuts we have to locate the library wait I remember if I'm not mistaken okay there's steam coming out dude what is going on there should be a secret entrance that we found on the the other side of the house staying in okay we gotta run we gotta run go go go go go go go go go go go go go if we go through the front entrance it's gonna be too obvious wait look there's a back entrance right here screw this wait why is the door open oh God I think I left it open unless he did oh bruh I don't like this bro I'm actually really scared okay okay we gotta make it to his Library which I don't remember where it is I think it's this way I never even thought dream would actually get a house like this and oh my God yes we found it hey what's in here oh I apologize sir no no sorry okay hold on let's just focus let's break this right here yes all that's just literally all we needed we needed books this is so weird though guys I don't actually like definitely not the real dream wait what is this this is another piano bro this is literally such a creepy house I don't feel like dream's the type of guy though to like cop a huge house okay there you go we got the enchantment table wait is this where he eats or something okay whatever we don't have time to care I don't have lapis bro are you kidding me okay maybe we'll find lapis somewhere in the house dude this is so dumb okay we just gotta keep we gotta keep an eye out I don't know which way to go should I go left or right guys just comment down below oh wait this I'm not live streaming it okay well I'm just gonna go to the right you coming to the right you're a big brain my God yes we found lapis okay I'm gonna lock myself in here literally boom okay there you go we have more than enough lapis uh there's enchant our sword no okay due to enchants let's do pick out wait I don't need pickaxe I got full Protection One yes with depth Strider oh okay and I got him breaking one Whatever full set let's go now perfect we can get sharpness one and I think that's basically it right oh wait adding Protection One book oh I don't have an anvil though I just realized where did my shield go okay boom and then like that perfect and then oh wait we can make a flint steel that would be nuts please okay this is dumb oh yes there you go I got it boom there you go Flynn steal okay this is actually lit oh wait we can also make a freaking fishing rod yes okay now boys now we're ready okay wait so if I remember correctly you should be this way all right boys here goes nothing we shall defeat if the dream ethy around here should be in his piano room right where is his piano room I don't even know that classy son of a gun okay no this is some abandoned Library thing wait what is this hold up yo what okay no no we can mine the stuff later I don't even actually yeah yeah no let's take it now I didn't even know this was a thing bruh you ain't my man is rich this is probably just only some of his stuff the rest of his money and stuff is probably under his mattress okay wait why is that door open did I go through that door already oh no it's here is he is he there I see he just said what it's like the only thing that comes out of his mouth what it actually sounds just like him oh god dude I think he's waiting for me I didn't say anything idiot hello dream what what we meet I said hello dream we meet again what I I said we meet oh my god dude I hate this what all right bro let's do it oh wait what what the oh no I'm actually dead I'm actually dead bro wait what what what what what what what what what what what I died already oh he's so powerful okay no no let's do that again I wasn't ready I wasn't ready I wasn't ready this is gonna be insane he had particles he's way stronger than when we first 1v1 Dem or like he found us and killed us okay hold on I think I know the way to his mansion that's this way it's this way oh no fight me nerd what what the heck was that okay no no hold on this is so dumb all right now dream come find me out here bro I can't find him in the stupid no come on come on I see you in the window over there come on out here if not your mom gay okay okay okay okay we're going we're doing this I'm doing this oh my God he's so loud what are you yelling no for dude okay come on come on come on I can't find steal this floor oh my God okay wait hold on we're doing pretty good though we're doing pretty good he's chasing me oh he's chasing me how is he not dead yet oh my God he did so much I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my nuts Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no what she picked me up I got him I got him I got wait what oh my God he jumped what the heck was that oh come on come on come on nope oh my God oh my God oh my God he picked me up what is this what bring it on bro Bring it on Bring it on it has to be close to the Dead come on what the heck is he is he eating in there for no no no no no no no he does this weird pickup move come on come on no we weaved it he's 2009q he's 2009q oh my God never mind he's small frame no how many times have I died bro oh my god dude this is way harder than the Ender Dragon bruh come on come on come on come on come on come on oh I got this I got it no every time I right click with my shield he just freaking hits me okay dude no no no no no no no I'm blocking I'm blocking what do you mean what no no no no no no no no oh my God oh my God it was so cool so so close that was so close come on what my shield broke you just gotta keep respawning and murdering him boys come on come on full aggressive full aggressive full aggressive mode wait we're actually just showing him now he can't even hit me okay wait he just hit me once I'm giving him this combo stop yelling and just give up give up dream oh my God why actually won't he die yes that Screech at the end though we did it we have defeated dream and we took all his diamonds and stuff yay we got 20 diamonds now oh my God that was so hard wait what's gonna happen to his house is it is it my house now there's one thing we must do in order to claim his house now that's how eviction Works guys we just evicted dream in today's video I died more times than I can count which is probably above four because that's where I can't count anymore okay we broke his sign I'm gonna do bionics house and then what what was written no trains painting yes boom yo let's go okay wait what why does this look so sick my house now boy let's go dude we have claimed his house look even the path is blue oh dude this is so sick with that said everybody hopefully you guys enjoyed today's really weird video we beat Minecraft though okay Gamers we did it Sun is setting somewhere oh there it is yeah it's somewhere you guys enjoyed today's really weird video make sure to smash the like button again 40 000 likes guys and I will fight the real dream I'll do like 1v1's parkour I'll I'll spice it up and with that said Gamers I'll see you dudes in the next video peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,002,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, So I beat Dream in Minecraft, dream, i beat dream, challenge, dream challenge, minecraft challenge, so i killed dream in minecraft, dream minecraft, dream mod, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, bionic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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