Who is the Strongest TROLLGE?! (Garry's Mod)

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graveyards are so noisy i guess it's all the coffin today we're finding out who's the strongest trolls we'll make them fight 1v1 last troll standing wins so our first fight is between the troll who becomes the trolls and acid food i don't fancy his chances but he does have four evolutions so we shall see oh he's dead oh oh he just stomped on him wait he's no longer troll he's troj and he's furious he's gonna take out the fusion well he's going to try the fusion's running away oh now he's coming he's coming seems excessive i think he killed him and then he also killed the insane version oh is the game broken that's not good so acid future clearly won um and now his next phone is alone world who has a knife is that a knife what is that he's running from him come on let's take let's take you over there lads passage fuge has a serious issue where it just loves to run from things it's a bit scared here we go are you going in stop running you um he seems to be trying to scoop something out of the ground he's not doing any damage though hmm oh there we go all right now well there it is uh he did a little bit of damage in the end she's just healed it did i say she i always get confused are those hairs and his head's come off up next we have aurora woods would he be likely to win he's got 50 000 health so perhaps hang on he's very slow let's take him over there and is he furious seems like it seems like he's into it oh the belly chompers are out oh no oh this can't be good is he okay oh yeah hey he did some at the belly did something but as the smoke clears he's he's clearly dead here's a monster from a back room um are you where you going oh no oh we have another teleporter please no and oh hang on wait a second fusion's just dropped a bomb although where's your man's where is he gone is he in here there he is we found him is he okay come here oh is he gone again where the hell has he gone genuinely cannot see him he's i think he's dead guys i don't unless he's hiding under there he's gone which leads us to the next trolls which is the bleeding eyes troj 000 versus 1.4 million will anything be able to take out acid fuse what the dickens is going on oh hoi deed oh my goodness he killed the acid fuge and who is now transformed into something else to madness is he gonna kill that too uh it seems like he's trying he is oh we have a new king bleeding eyes trolls beat the acid fuse up next is brush and uh yeah yeah bros he didn't last very long how about we all take a minute and cover ourselves in blood here he comes you whoa um two little jumpy boys just jumped on each other oh he's back hey how's it going hey can you stop i'm gonna catch you there you go fight oh he just one time nice up next is dip oh get him dirt oh talking of dip here's a dirt monster isn't he lovely oh you cracked his skull and then you murdered the guy inside wow that was quick and something i don't think is necessary but we have to do it for the sake of science depena good luck oh yo yo oh no well now the derps are out of the way here's something a little stronger oh get away from me are they are they friends i don't think these guys are friends and oh he just popped it like a balloon fair enough this thing is nuts how about some freeze and forget oh look at him go oh he's ice skating right on over there oh oh he did the most damage but all that was left was the oh it's his feet maybe this guy friends till the end hey they are friends hey that's kind of sweet now let's make them fight oh you popped him why have you done this here's a ghost and he's oh he eated him here's another ghost part two the ghost seems like he's gonna oh he's gonna teach him a lesson oh go get him casper don't run away he's really slow oh oh he's doing damage oh i thought for a second he wasn't gonna recognize it hello maybe ghost three he's okay i'm munching away and there he goes guess the tail whip here's how to troll your friends oh no oh it's telly this man always needs to have his telly fixed this is so sad here's the guy who eats eyes so if there's anyone that could take out the eye monster surely it's this fella you'd think right look how fast he is oh there he goes munching oh and he's done it oh i actually didn't think he could he's not that strong he's still alive 19 000 health and he killed this behemoth great work you strange man now the age-old question eyes versus ears who will win well the ears can teleport and the ears have killed the eyes wow i didn't i didn't see that coming i heard he was quite strong moving on this next one's called left behind and it's massive it seems a little excessive will the ears be okay there's really only one way to find out oh no he's just he's just vanished he disappeared into this whatever this is here's mirror world with loads of little troge faces you see the faces will these two fight oh they oh is that a million health oh he's he's turned him into the mirror heart he just one shot him and now what's he going to do to the mirror heart he's he's just broken easy maybe this man of mystery will do better oh he's he's just he's disappearing where's where's your face going he wants to fight him i respect it this guy's pretty tough what will he do oh not very well would you like a bit of nightmare with your coffee these two absolute mammoths this is gonna be a good fight please nobody one shot each other just this once they're very slow they get a kiss [Music] do it man i wish jerry was here to see this left behind has just taken a ton of damage i'm not sure how um nobody seems to want to fight i've been dragging them all over each other oh hang on this time perhaps oh there we go all right well left behind just i just one shot the nightmare well it took him a while to figure it out but he's done it up next we have this little can of oil um who grows legs and becomes a cup of blood and he's going oh get him lad oh that's it you can do it do you want me to bring you a little closer would you like that would you oh he's oh he's i was killed i always killed him and then and then cover yourself in blood came out and and he died too so not great maybe we can give this guy a parasite and that'll take care of it it's the stilt man oh he seems ready for a fight look at that little gate have you ever seen a man happier for war oh oh i thought for a second he was going in but no no he's going down who is that it's the backroom monster he's still here he's just wandering around up next is probably i think the one who's going to win it all it's the bowling stars and he's he's just what he turned him into a puddle before i could even turn around let's see that again oh he does he turned him into ashes with his laser beam maybe the battles of earth will be able to teach him a lesson you never know right oh he just blew a hole in his face you never know caterpillars are pretty strong right caterpillars with teeth that's kind of my worst nightmare i hate moths and this is basically a moth it's gone thank goodness thank you sir what about it what about a little creep little creepy guy no eyes just a mouth that's pretty creepy oh get him creep oh he's seen him he's seen him and he wants to fight him he's very slow however we shall help him come on oh lucky that one didn't get me the dastard oh he's found you he's found you he's coming for you lad you better run no no he's there are you gonna are you gonna oh he's seeing him again he's are you oh he's going he just takes an unusual path he's following the scent oh oh no he doesn't even let anyone get close this thing is nuts but maybe the first trojan incident will be able to take care of it he is the first after all oh my it looked like i did that that wasn't me he did this when in doubt aka i that was he went through the phases real fast oh my goodness how about a hangman hang man oh he's just oh hang on there's a always gotten bigger and what oh he's even bigger again he's massive and how he's gone too this is just unfair oh i forget how creepy the trolls is look at these mounds of ash in the distance they're pretty hills the imperfect evolution one of my favorite trolls the lord of darken one of the trolls that has the most abilities oh oh and he's taking barely any damage oh he's he's taking ones oh this thing this thing is a tank oh if he can get close enough i think it's game over come on lad oh he's doing it he's doing it lads what is that is it who is this what he i think he spawned this guy in and it died he's genuinely winning what's happening i j i i honestly thought nothing could kill this thing but it's got its permanent laser beam on and it's losing he keeps spawning in little critters to be destroyed look at his health he takes one's twos and then regens it all he's a beast oh look all these little lasers that are going up past him what is happening well now all i have to do is wait for 780 million health to go away i know exactly what to do i'll practice my dancing [Music] and with only a few million health left the bowling stars is going to there it is there goes his face it all came crumbling down and now the world is really green what why so now the lord of darkening must fight the mortality stealer and he seems like he wants to oh it just electrocuted him is this guy pikachu surely he can't defeat the new god at least i wouldn't think so this guy kind of looks like a moth too please take care of this oh he's i what just happened it looked like he turned him into the alone world hey he took a bit of damage though how about an outrunning night maybe okay well outrunning night didn't last very long maybe the sus guy there he goes perhaps a guy that's slightly inconveniently tall is he coming i feel like he's coming maybe he's definitely coming over here it's very hard to tell is he what's happening and just like that with a flick of a wrist it's over talking of tall guys here's a man made of spagooter and oh would you he just blew his face off and who was that why have you done this why has he got so many kids roaming around perhaps the unknown man the man no one really knows much about ah no unknown man summoned a bunch of ghosts and is that him is that all that's left who are all these people why are there so many bodies here's a virtual monster he's one of the happier trolls but is he a man of violence slightly he's put his hand in his face most people don't like that and neither does the lord here's the watcher oh he has such a wonderful walk i don't know if i remember him having four legs but who am i to judge i am a banana and what he's he's just killing everything did you see that surely a thing that's called the world eater will be able to take care of him i mean if it eats worlds it can eat him that's my logic he stood he stood on the corpse and for some reason the world eater is just tanking it please world eater don't let him do you like this no what about the little stalker guy the guy he spawned in earlier you know you really never know no he's dead he's he's gone well he uses lightning and this guy's made of water surely that'll cause him problems no and we have one final troj it's the weeping god are we him in his son don't ever talk to him and his son oh is he doing he's not doing any damage to the weeping guard oh and the weeping god he's turned on him now he's taking damage it's hard to say who's winning the weeping god started doing a jellyfish move is he doing any damage it seems like he isn't it's this mecca suit this troll just unkillable he's too strong the weeping god he's having a go bless him but he's a bit like 10 to cool all cool and no damage i feel like i'm in a transformers movie hey look at me go i'm the hero what's happening this doesn't seem very normal he seems like he's powering up i think he's at enough he's finally taking damage but it's only once and as we know he regens his ones look at him he's like some sort of mighty angel and the weeping god he's kind of low and ladies and gentlemen we have our strongest trolls bye-bye weeping and the world went black my crowbar went white and the science experiment has ended hold up wait a minute this is an emergency edit after i finished recording this video eight new creatures came out and so now the lord of darkness must face those as well starting with this fella who's called the husk and he is really creepy has five million health ah he may be able to do it you never know oh wait caught in the crossfire i think he's just killed him and the husk has turned into what the i don't like that what's this this thing has seven million health so this is the controller oh no please don't shoot me this time i look at him all bobbing he's bobbing and weaving and he's he's dead too all right this next one's called skeletrol and he has nine health which means i can do this to him so i don't think he stands much of a chance but for the sake of science we'll let him fight him from his phase one and oh there it is phase two that's it lad get in there son oh oh oh he's going for him oh he's oh is he okay what what happened and he killed phase two and three at the same time alrighty this next one is called thank you um you're welcome i guess go and give that man some balloons maybe he'll be your friend he popped his balloons oh no what have you done this this next one's called diffusion oh that is a fusion of those ears and eyes and it's dead okay maybe the orb keeper will do better oh is that your orb do you keep it well i think someone's gonna want it from you what just happened he he turned into phase two and then died and this guy spawned in well here's phase two in case you were wondering oh it's an orb um but that doesn't last very long here's a puppeteer oh that's so gross i don't like it but i kind of love it is that guy drooling it's hard to tell who's winning this hat this thing has 200 million health it's definitely losing i think is it caught on something let's let's drag him around is is is this helping i think that oy oy dory he's going in and the lord is regening as he as he always does trying to hit him with the flick of the wrist why is this dude look like he's sucking on a starfish oh what the did you see that is that nightmare fuel i think so it looks like it's been erased holy and so that's it that was the mini update the lord reigns supreme if you've enjoyed this video please smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free and i'm really yellow you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 2,708,281
Rating: 4.8461785 out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, trollge, who is the strongest trollge, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garryโ€™s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, scp, scp gmod, scp garrys mod, trollge gmod, trollge incident, trollge snpc, trollge nextbot, trollge garrys mod, troll, trolling, trolling friends, trolling creepypasta, creepypasta, who is the strongest, trollge fight, trollge strongest
Id: laywAzB3mC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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