The BEAST TITAN is now in Garry's Mod!

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what kind of pet are you allowed to step on a carpet do you remember that video i made about the colossal titan this one well his big hairy friend has come along and he's now in gary's mod the beast titan he's kind of like king kong's ganglia brother and he's not actually that tall he's this big the reason i've shown you this is because some of you are very confused when i compare them to trevor henderson creatures well here's how big breaking news is you see the problem which leads me to spawning him in as you can see here we've got the colossal titan which we've seen before and two new ones with the beast titan and a normal titan now you can't have a beast titan without the ability to control the normal titans so let's spawn him in here he is there he is with all his foot why is he why does he only shave his belly and his back well i think he's fabulous kind of looks like he's wearing hairy trousers 68 000 health and let's compare him in size to the colossal titan who is colossal he's massive and has 95 000 health it's slightly stronger but if you remember he doesn't do too much damage this fella on the other hand well you'll see so i'm going to turn him off and just let him wander around for a bit as you can see he causes earthquakes with his badonkadonk oh did i hit him i hit something oh as you can see he's rejoining really quick look immediately we need something a little stronger what about this excuse me come back you can see you can see the insane rate of regen oh my goodness is anything to be able to kill this fella well fortunately i've got these and this and the woo but uh we're gonna need a different map when we get to this point because there's not a lot to grapple on to but first let's just turn him on and see how he murders me will he even be aggressive does he hate fruit yes he does i can tell he just i'm bleeding from behind the eyes what happened he's kind of got a weird butt don't you think it's kind of weird oh hey how's it going can you not get me when i'm up here he can't climb would you think being a great eight you would be able to oh hi everything okay imagine you saw this out your window fortunately for me can't hit me while i'm up here we can see some of his attacks he's got the one janky leg and the boom and also he has a range attack um which hopefully oh there it is oh my goodness that's a big rock please don't hit me with that rock sir you you me or did you hit me it's hard to tell no throw more rocks at me please no i want rocks give me rocks there it is all right i moved a little bit so will he now miss no that one didn't miss that one exploded on my face okay that's what i call a banana split joe you're still in one piece shut up so as we could see he clearly has the strength to one shot any human beings however geraldo will he be able to kill my son jerry i mean my dog jerry almost gave it away there jerry i would turn him on jerry is he's not having any of it jerry's going to protect my honor jerry do do something jerry joe you got three shots um okay well don't worry we've got pet insurance and a good vet so the beast titan does do something pretty magical when you spawn in just regular npcs such as these breens we've got three of them three breens and let's turn him on and you'll see oh no oh maybe they were a little close all right this time for sure ah you see he's summoned oh he's he's also turned me into one and he's also picking up a rock and throwing at us oh my gosh oh my gosh up did that make anyone else blink he's also still he's holding a rock oh where's his children as you can see he spawns in all kinds of different sized titans oh god they're horrible they're just as horrible as i remember them they're a lot faster than he is which is good for him because well he doesn't really need to do much of the killing once he spawned them in also they're completely naked but smooth down there like a like a ken doll why is that one huge what happened to he just barely flopped on me oh there's that rock again i think they come in all kinds of different sizes just like an attack on titan and well it's really hard not to die to them leave me alone hi breen are you thinking what i'm thinking a hundred breens mmm i like the sound of that all right let's turn them on oh my they're all falling all over each other oh they're so gross um some of them oh those two look like they were kissing some of the little baby ones are trapped inside some of the brains died some of them didn't quite make it up and it's just you're just gonna leave these here what would happen if i turned off ignore players oh god oh god oh god here they come oh no oh no no have i fallen off i can't tell i'm on one's neck oh let's get him in the neck get him in the nape oh he's rejecting why is it oh this is horrible oh this is actually a nightmare uh lads oh is he throwing rocks oh he just threw a load of rocks he can't seem to get past his children oh not another rock please hey we got kind of lucky that one exploded oh i'm off i'm off i'm safe oh god here they come i don't like it when they belly flop so if you want to experience this too um there's a download link in the description and uh well i i'm not sure i'd recommend it it's mildly terrifying and also gross let's turn them back on oh hey lads i did so before i try and take on the beast titan myself let's see how he fares against the colossal titan i'd imagine they won't attack each other but you never know let's find out no they're friends however i have the tools to correct that dum dum dum set relationship hatred you hate you and you hate you fight oh there he goes whoa that was a lot of rocks got enough rocks sir baseball throw them that one blew up and it's done not a lot of damage it's kind of hard to say who's gonna win this are you blasting off what the pencil okay don't remember that but the colossal titan's giving him a decent kick in though i think the beast titan's losing he's not doing any damage to the colossal titan and he's taking a pounding i mean look at him it's like an ant versus an elephant he really shouldn't stand a chance oh he's furious he's become mad his eyes are glowing and um what does that mean has have his attacks changed he's pounding more is it do he's doing damage he's actually doing damage but he's regening and he's almost dead oh he started swinging i don't remember him doing that and he's dead well it was nice when it lasted you say ah op but let's be realistic surely he'd have the help of some brains will he summon them he summoned them if they are no one it's only nine breens he's got the lads uh that what's happening maybe his eyes need to start glowing before the the little titans start helping him well they'll start glowing soon he's getting kicked in the chest mr beast okay he started throwing his rocks is he furious yeah his eyes are glowing i think but the the little ones don't seem to want to help him it's a true shame maybe he needs more brains oh there we go there's some summer they help are you helping you know you're just running away didn't drink enough wine well you know where we've gotta go next i needed some height if i'm ever gonna defeat him with my swishlash but first we may need to practice on a little titan 1800 health he's pretty average and i'm ready um am i ready i've turned him on he's amongst the trees oh he's he's really down there uh okay ah no what's up oh well i'm not sure that's gonna work oh let me up let me up let me just flatten me okay it's fine that's why we're practicing get me out of here get me no seriously get me out of here get me get me up get me up get me up where is he there he going did i is him you know it's a lot harder than it looks that's why they trained for years you know i've only been doing it for three minutes get away from me oh i'm getting better i'm getting better it's a good job he's really small no wait i feel like i hit him hang on pause stop himself hey i did i hit him for a bit we're doing it no please you're cheating come here you no he's regend all his health all right well i think i'm ready for the big guy yeah that went pretty well um bring it on and there he is maybe it'll be easier because he's bigger more to hit you know what you never know hopefully he just doesn't throw things at me um i've kind of got to get off here though all right here we go we're jumping off with we're latching on okay i missed clicked once it's fine oh hi how's it going i'm kind of stuck under here but you can't reach me fool am i getting him is it working all right we're still alive making progress what if i just jump on his oh oh my goodness it's working holy moly i'm doing it and he's not actually rejoining that much why didn't they just stand on his head we did it and then now you hmm well this went a lot better than i was expecting um how have i done that then well i think i'm ready to inherit the founding titan what do you think and of course we can't have a new monster showcase without breaking some bones are you ready lad i don't think he's got that many bones oh but no wait maybe he likes to resting his pelvis forward i don't know if i like that what about from the back gross you know they say some experiments are forbidden well uh they're not on this channel let me simply put you inside you and what's happened well let's make you transparent and there it is we've done oh my god what is this what it's incredible so if you ever wonder what the beast titan looked like if he was as tall as the colossal titan well now you know he's look at those feet oh my goodness now let's do it in reverse we grab you and stick you in there what's happening what let's turn the beast uh transparent and let's lift him out of the ground oh my goodness i don't like it it's gross let's see let's turn it on and see what it looks like when he's running oh that's so weird it looks like he's had most of his limb shortened is he just as vicious yes he is with his stubby little legs now of course we have to do the dupe test are we safe inside this incredibly tactical bunker how do we open the um is this door all right we're in hey it looks pretty pretty secure in here how do we close it close the door all right what could possibly go wrong he's out there he's waiting i've turned him on uh am i gonna survive why is he doing a zigzag is he coming i think he's coming oh and he's just he's just stomped now he's on the roof he really thinks he is king kong wait he just threw a table at me do you mean he just picks stuff up that's a rock or a fridge or a cabinet what you're just picking stuff out of my house and throwing it at me that's a bit rude stop chasing me and throw more things at me would you okay what's he picked up this time what is that ow oh this time he's picked up a can't really tell i think it's a rock maybe this can sort him out a junk mech with a banana at the helm hey this thing walks pretty good look at these little booties it has all right how do we fire the torpedoes i don't i don't think it has a it's holding a weapon but i don't think it can use it anyway let's see if we can uh fighting is he going to pick me up and throw me please don't no well at least my mech's fine well that's pretty much it for the beast titan if you want to see more creatures added from attack on titan let me know in the comments who you want to see and remember to subscribe it's free and i'm yellow you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 458,678
Rating: 4.9240117 out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, beast titan, attack on titan, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, attack on titan gmod, attack on titan garrys mod, beast titan gmod, beast titan garrys mod, justjoeking titan, titan, titan gmod, aot, aot gmod, new attack on titan, new titan, colossal titan
Id: 7XbbKaV8J6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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