A Day In My Life As a Teacher Teaching Remotely! | Teacher Vlog 2020

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i've never tried that i've tried tortillas with butter but now with honey and enjoy teaching [Music] more [Music] so apparently i forgot to film an intro to this vlog so this is me doing it so hi it's fernanda welcome back to my channel if you are new here i am a first grade teacher in arizona and i've been documenting my journey as a teacher since my first year so yeah this is just going to be a weekly vlog and here we go all right so i am changed i am wearing another flowy dress if if you follow me on instagram you know what i mean by that basically i like wearing employee dresses i always have because they are comfortable and that is literally the only reason there's absolutely no reason to read into that all right so i got changed and i'm gonna keep working on this i have a huge mess on my desk area right now i really need to clean it up i have a bunch of things under the desk some things on the couch it's kind of hard to focus when i have this big of a mess but it's also really hard to keep up with it and not keep up with it and not be kind of messy does that make sense in the regular classroom i always had like a pile of stuff somewhere but i don't have that much room now okay so now i'm just going to export my powerpoint and then airdrop it to my ipad some of you have been asking how i do that and what i use i do have a video all on it and it's called how i mirror my ipad to my zoom i think but just a quick little overview on how i do it as i create my lessons on powerpoint i export them as a pdf then i air drop them to my ipad and open it on the app goodnotes that's what i do and there we go i got some questions on instagram saying how i use nearpod on my for my lessons and the truth is i don't use nearpod um i think nearpod is great it looks really fun and engaging but i don't have a license for it i know you can use a free version but the storage is very limited so i decided not to use it until we get our licenses because my school is buying us licenses in the meantime i've been creating polls on zoom because it's because we use zoom for our live instruction so you can see the polls here i have question of the day some of the high frequency words and then i want some verbs verb tenses review so on zoom you can make the polls anonymous or not anonymous i don't make them anonymous so i can see the data after the meeting um so yeah the questions go along with my lesson um i'll launch a poll when we're when we get to that point in the lesson and students will click their answer it doesn't tell them whether it's wrong or right so that way they're not embarrassed about it you can also share their results with the class to kind of see like oh well a lot of us miss this question so let's review it or you can just review the answers that were wrong to make sure that students know why that was wrong and they're not being called out because even though it's not anonymous they can't see who answered what once the zoo meeting ends you can download a report and it gives you like a spreadsheet um for me because it's a mac it gives me a numbers page on like what was submitted for each poll with the student name so then i go and color code the ones that are that were wrong so that i know these students didn't get the concept i need to reteach it for small groups or stuff like that so that's what i've been doing my hair is driving me crazy i didn't do anything to it but brush it like this is my natural hair and this little flip is driving me crazy so our polls are done and i need to pull up the announcements for the day and our morning song here's our morning song it's so funny that i'm getting these ads now so this is for hegeridi phonemic awareness we used to use this that means old school and it's fantastic so i bought a digital i bought a digital version to use for interventions and i love it it's really great that's our morning song i need to pull up the announcements maybe answer some emails see you guys later [Music] spell the word box as in what is in the box box [Music] okay so i just finished making the smelling test for today on boom as you saw it took a little long but not as long as but not as long at the same time because i just cloned the one from last week so i could have all the letters already there ready to be dragged and all i had to do was kind of program it to be the right words and then add a voiceover so now that it's assigned i'm going to sign in as my practice student whenever i can i make a practice student account for me so i can see what students see on their end and for boom i am able to see if the boom cards are working correctly um or if i made a mistake or missed something so let's do that i hate doing this because i hate hearing my voice in the voice directions but it is helpful so i'm going to log in right now so i already see a mistake that i made usually i have the voice directions to play automatically and i didn't do that for this one so i know for this one it's the word word box box so let's see so if i were to spell it wrong that shouldn't count it okay spell the word hot [Music] okay spell the word lock as all right so i'm done prepping for that zoom meeting i am now going to kind of tidy up around my desk area before it starts because i have about 20 minutes left also i'm really excited to set this up it's a standing desk so you just put on top of your regular desk i believe and then you can just make it higher or lower definitely be nice to stand up every once in a while and not sit all day long so i have about 10 minutes left no 8 minutes left i'm going to go ahead and make a to-do list for today and just for next week so that way i don't forget anything i was i was really good about doing that the first three weeks of school and then september hit and i wasn't so much so these are my to-do lists as you can see they're all pretty good and then this was last week still kind of good and then this week i totally did not do that so i'm gonna go ahead and do that right [Music] now i'm gonna go ahead and write down the assessments i need to do for next week on a sticky note and just put it on my planner all right so it's 8 31 my zoom doesn't start until 8 35 but i'm gonna go ahead and open it right now good morning welcome back we missed you yesterday short meeting no this is one of this is our longest meeting and then we have our math one and then we just have a short um afternoon one okay is your cat happy today looks like he is i did too yesterday what did you clean it with it you just organized it or did you like wipe it down the neighbor's dogs are working so that last time is done and i don't log back in until 10 45 for a small group and then i'm going to send some messages to parents about having lunch with me on zoom we are doing kind of like a virtual price box and i had three students pick lunch with the teacher so that's today we're just going to hang out and zoom for a little bit so i need to make sure those parents remember i've never tried that i've tried tortillas with butter but now with honey it's pretty good try it have you ever tried what was it that we tried while we were it's i think it's like cheese with honey when i went on vacation last year um i went to spain they eat that over there a lot as a dessert and my husband tried it and he didn't like it would you try it i didn't because i i was scared that i wasn't gonna like it you think that would taste gross what about would you try it you would try it no you wouldn't try it what about you now [Music] all right so i just had lunch with a few of my students um they that's what they landed on for their like prize prize box kind of thing um so it's really nice to just kind of get to know them what they like what they don't like um it would be better if it was in person if things were safe to go back to school it'd be so much fun for it to be in person but soon we'll do for now right now i'm just prepping some like dot cards that i need for my math lesson five group cards i bought these post-it notes from amazon they are not the post-it brand but and i can tell like any time i just take it off it just like curls a little bit and that kind of sucks but it's okay they will do i just have one two more zoom meetings left for today and that's it friday's gonna be done all right let's go ahead and erase that okay i'm gonna show you two different thoughts now okay but listen up let's see i'm going to show you two of them but i want you to start your number sentence with the bigger number okay the big number is going to go first so i have these are my dead tuna oh they're actually the same let's see there we go bigger number's gonna go first what is my number sentence going to look like big numbers gonna go first nala do you have your white boards do you have something to write with are you sure can you try looking for something to write with thank you all right let's go ahead and check our answers so which one's my bigger number is it gonna be my blue one or my orange one um let me flow with the blue one so then our number sentence starts with four plus what's my small number two and then both of these numbers together equals what number oh so close can we count ready one two three four five six how many is it together six thank you equals there we go so it's true because we have four blue ones and we have three red ones and that equals seven you turn your microphone on and tell me with your words what you wrote down thank you beautifully said all right so that's what we've been doing this whole time right we've been writing an equation number sentence and then we flip it [Music] all right one more meaning to go and this is a short one so it's almost the weekend and i could not be more excited so it's a few hours later since my last update i think last clip i filmed i was going to the gym i'm obviously back we walked our dogs we hung out for a little bit and now alex is going to his soccer game and i'm going to put together that desk that i've been wanting to put together this whole time [Music] okay so now that i set up the standing desk it's pretty cool i was a little nervous when i got it because i didn't know if i was gonna be big enough for my imac but it totally is and i'm really excited to be able to use it while standing up i feel like i'll be able to i don't know use my easel a little more hopefully change things up a little and enjoy teaching more because teaching remotely is definitely not the same as teaching in person so i'm trying to find ways to like make it more enjoyable for me and my students anyway set that up and now i'm just organizing under my desk area i have like my curriculum box i have three other like iris boxes i have nail polish under there it was just like i even had like protein bars it was it's a huge mess but i also found this kindergarten crate that i totally forgot to open so i'm gonna do it right now if you don't know a kindergarten crate it's a monthly subscription box for teachers in grades from preschool all the way to first grade so i get the one for first grade okay i'm already seeing something that i'm super super excited about because i don't know where my old one is it's somewhere in boxes but i just don't know where it is but yeah that thing that i'm super super excited about is this sado zado saddle tech i don't know wireless doorbell how cool um like i said i already have one if not maybe two but i don't know where they are because i packed up my classroom and i just don't remember which box i put it in but i'm so excited to have this um it also came with two um reading phones we also got this really funny nose i actually have one of these already and i used to use them for my right through room centers then we also got stickers which is always super fun to have pony beads milk chocolate flavored coating so typically in every kindergarten crepe box they include something for you as a teacher like a little treat um and it looks like this month it was popcorn and this and i have strawberries in the fridge i'm definitely gonna try that we also got some all-purpose labels and we got some mr sketch colored pencils basically crayons but twist up crayons and i love mr sketch anything we've got some pipe cleaners and then you also always get a book and we got the little and we got the little mouse the red ripe strawberry and the big hungry bear and they also always provide like a worksheet that goes along a worksheet or activity that goes along with the book so we have it that was a really good box so thank you kindergarten great for sending that my way if you're interested in signing up for kindergarten create i have my affiliate link down below so i think i'm going to end off the video there one because my camera is gonna die pretty soon and two um it's friday night i'm not gonna do anything else teacher related besides to clean up the loft and yeah that's pretty much it so that is it for today's vlog and if you did please give this video a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you guys in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 5,228
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher
Id: ntbaHL7ybow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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