I've Been Gone and Here's Why...

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[Music] hi guys it's vanilla welcome back to my channel so today's video is a quick little video because i have something to announce i already announced it on instagram but if you don't follow me on instagram then you don't know um and i figured i should probably make this video before i post anything else because then i'll be confusing my big news is that i switch schools in the middle of a pandemic don't worry i'm still teaching first grade i just switched schools in case you didn't know i used to work at a charter school for the past two years at a public charter school and if you work for a private school or a charter school in arizona i don't know how it is everywhere else do not get to participate in the arizona retirement system which is kind of a big deal and that was a big reason of why i decided to move um there are other reasons but they don't really matter follow me on instagram then you probably read them on my story but yeah i switched i'm in a school district now um at a school that i'm familiar with and i was still teaching and i'm still teaching first grade big thing that i was really excited about is that i have a teen teacher i have not had a team teacher for the past two years and that was really hard especially as a new teacher i mean i was only a second year teacher when i moved to my previous school and i went from being part of a 12 kindergarten teacher team to being the only one in my grade level and that was so incredibly hard my first year there was very very difficult at least the first part of it at least the first half of it um i never once cried my first year teaching but i cried like five times within the first month my second year teaching because i was just so overwhelmed didn't know where to start didn't know who to go to when i had like first grade specific questions also if you see a pillow up there i'm just using it to block the sun we don't have blinds in these windows and it's really sunny but like i was saying um i knew i have friends that are first grade teachers but it's just different when you are not teaching the same curriculum so yes so we're teaching the same standards but we're not using the same curriculum so that makes it hard um eventually i felt like i got the hang of it being like the only first grade teacher and i was able to collaborate vertically but but collaborating vertically is still not the same as collaborating with a grade level team and by vertically i mean a grade above you and a grade below you so i did have a primary grade team which i love to death leaving that team was definitely super hard and it's still hard because they were just they just became really good friends of mine like we would talk every day would joke around um i don't know i'm just blabbling but yeah not having a grade level team was hard but i did have an amazing vertical team which which was really helpful so i know a lot of you are probably wondering if you're going to be able to see some classroom setup vlogs and unfortunately for the time being you probably won't if you've been following me on instagram then you know that i'm working from home i won't see any classroom set up vlogs at least not anytime soon because i'm not setting up my classroom a morning from home uh and i really don't know how long i'll work from home for so i started sitting at my classroom a little bit but once i realized that working from home is going to be a thing and i don't know for how long i just kind of stopped all i did was um organize all i did was organize a closet that i'm going to have in my classroom and then put up some bulletin boards which i'm actually going to change eventually because i wasn't super happy with them however you probably will see more like weekly vlogs or daily vlogs of me teaching virtually just kind of walking you through my day so yeah that's pretty much all i wanted to tell you um i just want to make sure that i updated you on here in case you don't follow me on instagram because i do plan on posting some vlogs here and there and i didn't want you to be confused as to in regards to all the changes that are happening so yeah that's it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did please give this video a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you guys in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 6,716
Rating: 4.9408283 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher
Id: 3ZtXPn3TmQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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