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it's really hoping to get this wall up and get the floor joists on but i don't know if you can hear the thunder that microphone but the uh oh yeah it's coming fast i've probably got 15 20 minutes before that thunderstorm hit so i'm gonna get this wall up nail it into place on this side i need to shift these walls a little bit still to square it up and then i can start putting the floor joists on but like i said not today too bad just gonna have to nail this to hold it up flip this wall up and then i can finish the blue skin from here put from that section up which i have to do in a couple spots uh fix the corners so make those water tight so on on either well these two corners and those two corners i'll need to get in there and put a piece wrapped around the corner that goes straight to the ground up to the top and then a what more pieces of wood i'm going to blue skin all of that to get water is getting in the joints and getting in a little bit so i'll blue skin that and then i'm probably going to put metal uh lath on there now and and even maybe a scratch coat i will be doing a stone sort of a facade like a skirt around the whole cabin and a lot more stone on this section actually which you'll see in the future [Music] so anyway i want to get that water tight get the insulation and and then backfill and then uh from there then i'll get back onto doing the cabin log so that's probably gonna be a couple more days of all this messing around and then back to the cabin for the logs this is this shorter wall it's only like seven six and a half feet wide so i can lift this one get some nails right though not easily mind you it's not that easy not that much later ready so so now the reason i'm doing this is the water has been blowing in here and splashing even dirt from here into there so um i need to get it dried out i realized something that um with the back filling now having settled for the most part around the rest of the cabin and then getting this in i still have to be careful that i don't do too much like moving these really really heavy logs around and if i get out of balance at all there is the possibility that i could get some shifting in the foundation it's unlikely because i have so many nails in it and so many different directions of wood but one thing i don't have really is diagonal bracing so on the inside i need to get the inside walls done with wood and in order to do that i need insulation in the cavity first and in order to get that done i want to make sure that the studs are as dry as possible so i actually have been burning a couple of candles in there and a little propane thing a little propane cooking stove and it's getting pretty dry so happy with that but like i said i'm trying to keep the water from splashing in here and also keep some of that heating but that's it i'm gonna wrap it up and uh back at it tomorrow good morning it's not a lot better today did poor though we got that pretty pretty severe thunderstorm and lots of rain for the last uh what 18 hours or so so far and it's still showering and still planting or still calling for showers on and off today and then again tomorrow chance of a thunderstorm either this afternoon or tomorrow i can't remember which anyway lots of water in the stream at least a little bit uh not impressed with something that happened on the weekend on the facebook marketplace buying and selling you stuff i don't know it's like so brutal i don't never like i never enjoy that experience selling or buying on the kijiji which is our sort of like a craigslist app here i don't know if it's everywhere or not but here in canada anyway and then uh facebook marketplace anyway i'm looking for a couple of cheap canoes like um just old canoes that i don't have to worry too much about if they were to get stolen or damaged and the reason i'm looking for them is i want them back on the the two biggest beaver ponds here for hunting and uh well i'm fishing on one of them so i want to store them there permanently stash them at the edge of these places i'm the only one really that has access to these places so i'm not worried about that so much i mean anything's possible during hunting seasons people come across them but i'm very unlikely so you know two or three hundred dollars i thought would be reasonable probably last a lifetime if i prop them up and keep them covered in the bush and it just allows me to quickly go for a hunter fish without having to haul my canoes back so it's quite quite a distance it would be a bit of a time-consuming effort especially in the morning or evening like hunting typically want to be out on the water or the edge of the water for ducks before and after sunset getting in and out anyway so anyway i find this canoe online on facebook marketplace for 300 already camouflaged like painted pretty nicely and a decent shape no leaks and i thought that's a reasonable price and it's exactly the canoe i'm looking for so i reached out to the guy and said i'll definitely take it and he says great i said he said um you know i hate i hate selling things on marketplace and kgg2 and well i'm glad to find somebody who's committing to it i said yeah me too you can check out my facebook profile to see what all what i'm all about and that i'm not going to uh back out of the deal anyway both he and i were spending time with our respective families so we couldn't uh get together for the pickup not to drive like an hour and a half to get this thing um so we made arrangements for the following day so i reach out to him the following morning to get the address and the range of time and he doesn't reply to me so i'm looking for the ad and i see that it's sold i thought okay he's committed to selling it to me and it's marked it as sold which is a good sign still keeps ignoring me so later in the afternoon i messaged him again said okay i'm on my way down i'm about to leave to come down um what's the address and he says oh it's sold but i have another one it's like he's complaining about people being difficult when he's selling something and that they don't that they're not reliable i commit to something and i'm tell them and show him that i'm reliable and he goes ahead and sells it so he doesn't recognize that he's one of the guys that he's complaining about he's the problem part of the problem and it's just a it's just typical of i don't know if it's typical of all people or in this day and age whether it's worse or not i would say on social media because our circle is so much greater so much broader that um we're gonna um end up interacting with people like that and it's just a lack of responsibility and integrity so i commit to something and then don't follow through it's only online who cares i'll just sell it to the next guy and don't don't to worry about because i don't have a relationship with any of them so their circle of friends and you know trustworthy circle has it seems like it would have expanded with social media that we have more contact with more people we're able to find more people like us that we can connect with and it's the same as what i experienced in business the further you get outside of you know close-knit family friends community the further that circle expands the less integrity and less cooperation there is and it's just just the i mean there's good reason for that um but it doesn't mean it has to happen that way when you're you can still have integrity outside of your inner circle and it's just a reminder of you know personal responsibility it starts with yourself and you can't keep putting it uh blaming things on everybody else if you're part of the problem same with pollution and things like that like thanksgiving long weekend of course everybody's coming in ontario north out of the city to come spend time in the in the outdoors because it's so beautiful right now no bugs and beautiful fault colors and just seeing the traffic jams and the the parks that are completely full but being littered like you wouldn't believe uh people stepping out to film and photograph um wildlife and and scenery with no regard to the traffic like every year people get killed in algonquin park just by stepping out in front of a car because they're excited to see a moose or or you know fall colors or something just don't put anything on to it but it's the coming into a different region and not taking any responsibility for your actions especially in like i said in the in you know when it comes to littering and things like that you know i don't know i i'm not saying i'm not like that or haven't been like that myself i know when i lost my business took a long time before i admitted how much of that was my responsibility and stopped blaming you know the people that were corrupt and that you know the fraudulent activity that did contribute to my company's demise but i had you know i was implicit in that as well and i know that it took me a while to fully take responsibility for it but responsibility seems to be my new mantra that i'm finding is one of the most important things that and not being lazy take a responsibility for everything that you can that's within your your control and you know only then you've done everything you can can you start condemning others for not acting the same anyway [Applause] just had to rant a little bit about that just so ironic that a guy complaining about other people doing exactly what he did and not recognizing it's just one of our problems that's you know that's one of the things about ownership when people own something they tend to be more responsible with that thing rather than the renting you know what i own this land and i want to be a good steward of this land i own it while i'm here while i own it while i'm alive and i'm taking responsibility for it and i want to improve it not degrade it but if i rent it if i don't i wonder if i would be the same as everybody else just not taking care of it because it's not mine um i don't know less responsible less ownership you take over something less responsibility people tend to have for i get i have to stop this rant so i gotta get back to work anyway i'm working on the getting that floor up on top of the walls now the walls are squared up and fastened together so i'll get this get these six by eights on top that's the main structure that says like the timber frame of the foundation and then i still have to mill some the floor joists will do that hopefully it doesn't rain too bad [Applause] it's amazing how much the rain slows me down especially i'm trying to film but i'll be amazed at how much the snow slows me down in a month too
Channel: Shawn James
Views: 196,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self reliance, my self reliance, log cabin, off grid, ontario, canada, bushcraft, survival, dog, golden retriever, cali
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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