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[Music] [Music] hi everyone and welcome back to my channel so right now i'm just at my dad's workshop and we're just taking off the sap buckets off of the maple trees and then after that i think we're gonna go canoeing and kayaking for the day to make use of the nice weather and just take a break because it's the weekend so yeah we'll do that and then i think after that i'll probably head up to my cabin to get working on that this weekend so we're going on a river called big east river and i think it's going to take us about three and a half hours to paddle along i haven't actually gone paddling on this river yet but i heard it is really nice so i'm excited for that i personally kayak but this is my first time going kayaking this year so i'm pretty excited but i'm also nervous because i'm gonna be out of shape but it is a river so the current will pretty much carry us down anyway which is nice so we'll see how that goes [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so i hope you enjoyed the clips um that i took when i went kayaking i tried to film some clips of me talking but it was a bit too windy on the water so the audio wasn't really usable so i don't really have much me talking sorry about that but it was really nice the weather was perfect we ended up spending all day out in the water which was nice it's nice break but today i'm back in the cabin and my plan for today is to install the flooring and i didn't want to spend too much on flooring so i just found these vinyl planks that are peel and stick from home depot and i'm just going to try installing those today hopefully it works well and they don't lift at all because it is just peel and stick i'm not using actual adhesive so we'll see how that goes after bringing it home from the store i realized it's a bit more gray than i was expecting but it still looks nice um it's just yeah it is very very cool toned very gray but yeah all right so i'm just gonna get started on putting the flooring in and then i'll check back in with you all so the first step in laying the flooring is making sure that you have a clean surface so i made sure i swept the floor first in order to remove all the large pieces of dirt and debris [Music] so there was a hole in the floor from before because this is where the sink was so i just screwed a piece of wood underneath to cover that and then i went through and vacuumed the entire floor to make sure that is completely clean before placing the flooring [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so this is the completing flooring so far i actually was a box short and i knew that before because the store didn't have enough in stock so we'll be going back and finding another box and then completing that so i just wanted to thank everyone that has checked out my channel the past few days i have gained a lot of new views and subscribers so i'm very thankful for all of you the majority of you i know came from my dad's channel and i know my style will be very different from his um it's a lot more modern his more traditional and we are doing different types of work because he does a lot more experience than i do i honestly i'm i'm full beginner with everything i'm just learning as i go and i have a lot to learn i'm definitely asking him for advice but don't expect that i'll be building anything like him yet obviously yeah so i have gotten a lot of comments about me painting over the wood and painting it white um a lot of people don't really like that but personally like i do love the look of the unpainted wood too but it's not exactly what i had envisioned for this cabin for myself i do want it to be white and bright it is a small space and i want to feel a lot bigger yeah so i'm going for a pretty modern look and i just want to be very minimalistic because i just want to come here and relax and not focus too much on so much going on like i just want to be a nice clean open space i like that it's small because it won't be too much work for me to clean and maintain which is nice because i don't want to really want to come up here and focus on doing stuff like that so as i mentioned in i think my first video i am still working in the city i'm a dental assistant and i'm also in university um which is all online right now anyway which is nice but i am pretty busy i have work school and now youtube so that's why i'm not posting as frequently as i would like and i'm not up here as much as i'd like to be but i'm trying to try to get here as much as i can so as you can see i like to keep myself pretty busy i don't really like to sit around and you know watch netflix or anything all day like i want to constantly be outside and constantly be doing something so that's why i thought this would be a great opportunity for me yeah it's going to be a lot of work but i'm i'm excited for all of it i really appreciate everyone coming over and checking out my channel even though it may not be the type of videos that you usually watch but i'm open to any suggestions on videos that you want to see and like i said before i am a complete beginner so be mindful of that and feel free to comment any suggestions um as always because i have been reading through all of your comments and i've taken a lot of things into consideration and i find it very helpful a lot of you also did mention that i should paint the door and i'm planning on painting another color but i haven't decided what color yet so if anyone wants to comment down below what color do you think would look good um that would be great i'm thinking red right now but i'm not 100 sure so thank you all so much for watching and i hope to see you next week again for another video um i'm getting together with my dad and helping him build the greenhouse so it should be pretty exciting and yeah i appreciate all of you supporting me and i'll see you next week
Channel: Emily Aisling
Views: 832,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cabin, reno, renovation, kayak, kayaking, cabin reno, cabin renovation, off grid, off grid cabin, muskoka, canoe, canada, vlog, my self reliance, shawn james, flooring, what i do for a living
Id: MfS9tkKbZqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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