Snowy Trees Landscape Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is Angela Anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video I'm going to be showing you how to paint a little winter scene may have some trees and a little bunny some snowy sky it's gonna be really fun and I think pretty easy gah my husband Marc with me hey everybody he's married chat for our live show today so if you've got questions while I'm painting you can ask us and I'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] all right so I decided to use an a longer canvas today this is an 8 by 16 inch canvas from Frederick's there bro let's say nature core mixed-media board it's got smooth sides so that's nice it's actually one solid piece while my camera do not like that dude um oh my goodness it keeps going in and out what is it doing I may have to it's maybe because it's so far away I might have to change the angle of it anyhow sorry about that so yeah it's really smooth so this is gonna make it nice for our project tonight I'm going to be using a large flat for the background this is number two inch from Princeton Aspen series and then I've got a number 8 filbert I might use maybe not I don't know 4 also for the background and then I've got a few little detail brushes so I've got a couple fan brushes and different sizes for the pine trees we've got a 10 odd in a number 4 in the Select series and then a deer foot stipler at five eighths inch and then I've got a couple of the Willows blenders so these are all basically gonna do similar things similar almost you know same things they're just gonna have it's like a little bit different tip so these ones are more of a filbert shape this one's got more of a round but it's still angled tip and then these ones are the flat fan brushes that you've probably seen multiple times being used so really any of those would work for most all of what we're doing if you don't have all of those different brushes don't worry about it I've also got a number one round and a script liner so you will want a liner brush for some of the smaller branches on a large tree and then I've got a quarter inch angle shader in case we need something for some of the larger branches so those are our main brushes and then I'm gonna go ahead and use a toothbrush for some of the splattering favorite timing here splatter moment love it you know we like this ladder chair and then I've got some different watercolour pencils for doing some of the sketching really mainly we're just gonna need it for the rabbit and I wasn't sure if I needed a gray or why for him because we're gonna have the dark background on there to start with I'm going to use a blue for this guy I like to try to get a color that's close enough close to my whatever it is that I'm painting so that it blends in easily so like in this case I wouldn't use a red or something like that on my sketching and I don't use regular pencils because they don't dissolve and so you'll actually be able to see them through your paints especially on this white so if you like how to had a line here with like a graphite pencil and you tried to cover it up with your white paint you just you'd kind of see that faint line of dark underneath so that's why I use watercolor pencils or chalk or something that would dissolve and then you'll possibly want to palette knife if you want it for mixing up some of your colors let's go of our colors really quick I've got carbon black on two different kinds of students just a liquid form so it's a little bit thinner it's gonna make it easier to do our tree branches carbon black burnt sienna phthalo blue green shade quinacridone magenta unbleached titanium and titanium white those are both titanium white and this is zinc white I don't know that we'll needs is ink white we'll see I'm thinking I might use it to kind of cloud out the background I'm gonna try to get the background in one go we'll see how that works but if I can't then I might use the zinc white for later you know glazing and then this is our glazing liquid to help with the background alright so let's get going here I'm gonna use this pencil and just kind of sketch out lightly whenever I'm doing something that's like low to the canvas and I know that you know I may end up getting framed someday I'm gonna want to go above the quarter inch mark because usually frames will come up to about maybe a quarter inch or so so I'm gonna come up above that even though our line might you know our photo was actually an inch wider in the reference photo so I'm actually kind of squeezing the image a little bit to get to get it so normally I would just cut off the bottom part of it but it's so low already to the or to the edge that I don't really want to cut off any of this bottom part so I'm just going to kind of do a area here and again try not to get anywhere leave a little bit above like a quarter inch on all spots there just so that we have I'm good a bit of it showing in case you ever did frame it all right and then our main tree is gonna go right in here kind of right in the middle just a little bit off-center a rabbit's gonna go right in here somewhere we're not gonna draw it all of that in right now but I've just kind of want to get a general idea the shape is going to be like this pear shape right in here so that is where I'm gonna want to focus my halo effect on my background I know I'm doing it really lightly did I don't want to have to fight these paints or fight them later and then our pine trees are gonna go here and a little bitty one over here so I left plenty of room for those all right let's get going here on our painting so I'm gonna mix up with the palette knife I'm gonna mix up quite a bit I'm gonna take a big whew that was WOW good it's it's like nails on chalkboard nice sound yeah I'll turn off the mic so you can get it hey somebody had a question about the palette knife they wanted to know plastic or metal which is better or worse I don't think it matters really metal are a little bit stronger more flexible than plastic I've found so that's you know I just tend to go for those but the plastic are fine I use plastic for years because I don't use palette knifes all that often so really it depends on how often you're using them fear gonna be doing several palette knife things I would invest in a good couple you know a couple different sizes of a good metallic palette knifes but if you're you know if you're not doing them that often just get a dollar set of plastic ones that's fine wow this is making all kinds of noise weird noises alright so I think that's pretty close to what I want I want kind of a deep teal so I went more then then the burnt sienna there and I might add a little bit of black when I go around the very outside edges but I think that's pretty good so I wanted a lot of it because we're gonna use it in the trees and stuff too so I'm going to wet my brush down I'm gonna start with the large brush here and I'm just gonna brush off this extra paint so we're not wasting it wipe it off while your paint's still wet if you don't if you've got it like this and it won't come off you can use alcohol to rub the rubbing alcohol to get it off your palette knives all righty oh that's a pretty color all right spray it a little bit to keep it moist and I'm also gonna spray my canvas just a little bit like once don't overdo it but it'll help kind of moisten it a little bit and then I'm going to grab actually I'm gonna start with this I just realized I didn't want this color on my brush sorry like havin a crisis here like what do I do okay hilarious oh really mix it all up put some on your brush then wash it up check this is what the pros do the people you do not get this anywhere else the beginners usually just pick up the paint they want the first time we're changing what we're doing today oh okay so white and unbleached titanium that'll give the sky just a little bit of Oh like a yellowish tint because that unbleached titanium has that kind of a yellow tone to it I'm gonna get some of this glazing liquid cuz I don't want to go too thin on this there we go and I'm just gonna kind of put it in that area up behind my tree just start with and thin it out so I don't want it super thick I'm gonna go around here and this bigger brush just kind of helps this go faster I've started to use the bigger brushes for the my backgrounds I find that it really does help kind of speed things along so getting just a little bit of that blue and I'm gonna go on the outside so I want it to blend in this area is really the only area that's gonna be that color there so I'm starting well outside you can see how much whiter I went with that I did not go just right in here and then expect it to blend so I've got to leave myself a lot of area here too for those colors to blend and that way I can start way out here and then lightly very lightly go back into that area where that lighter color is see how that does so grab some more and do it the same thing on the outside so outside my blend area with my new color and then in back and forth very lightly until I get to the area where I don't want it to blend that's working really well for this really nicely okay so then I'm gonna get a little bit more of that dark color some more of that glazing liquid a little bit of water the water just kind of helps release that paint off your brush again going outside the boundary of where I just painted I'm gonna go ahead and just go all the way to the edge and I'm not worried about this bottom area the white whew that's pretty so I'm gonna bring it's nice and in here there we go I was starting with the light color first so that it will it'll be there to blend it in you don't want to go any far past and if it if it's getting this color all the way to here then you know you've got too much paint on your brush so what you do in that case is just wipe your brush clean of this dark color and quickly get this light color and do the light color and push it back it's it's harder to push back the light color or the dark color with the light so you'll need a lot of the light and you may have to do it multiple times so just try to kind of slowly encroach on that on your light areas because it's just it's a lot harder to get that darker color off than it is to introduce okay and so you want to keep it going pretty quickly and you have in this larger brush it makes it much easier to go ahead and get all the way in there and I'm going to hopefully and there's some of the dark at the top now that I'm seeing it so I'm gonna go ahead and bring it up and around and then I'm gonna wipe my brush off now so I don't want too much of that darker color on there anymore I've got to do this quickly before this dries because I don't want it to dry with these streaks in it good submit glazing liquid and some more of my lighter color okay and I'm gonna go start in here right on that edge right there and just push that around there we go very light touches are here very light if you press too hard you're just gonna lift your paint off and we don't want that okay getting some in a darker color now okay people are complaining that you're making it look too easy so could you struggle some make it look harder it's actually this brush makes it pretty easy I'm saying if I was trying to do this with a smaller brush it wouldn't cover as much area it does kind of blend out much quicker these these kind of things so I am finding that I'm liking these larger brushes I've just started kind of introducing them in with my paintings because they sent me these as a sample Princeton did by the way thank you to Princeton and Frederick's there are brush and canvas sponsor did not mention that before they're awesome yeah they provide us our canvases and brushes I had not used Friedrichs before I added them as a sponsor but I really like them a lot but Princeton I'm the one that contacted them because I was already using them and I was like hey you think you want to sell me some brushes I'll talk about you and they're like sure so it's a win-win for me cuz I get all these awesome brushes and I get to talk about a company that I actually really like and support so opinion did a series of little short tutorials I did more then that's over on their YouTube channel the princess impressed Channel yeah yeah so if you want to see how to use different kind of brushes go check those out alright so I'm pretty happy with that it does it's not super blendy right there in the middle so I'm gonna try one more time just added some adult lighter color I don't want to overdo it cuz I do want to leave that dark color at the top that's kind of hard because it's it goes really quickly from light to dark right there so let's try one more time here very lightly and also you kind of have to have a canvas that's not going to dry out too fast on you so all right I'm gonna just have to let that dry and probably use a smaller brush is what's happening is it's just not small enough it's wonder maybe maybe we did it we'll see maybe that did it really like like I'm barely touching here so did you mention where you found this painting I didn't know we did a thing on my Facebook page actually like wait earlier this October September yeah and just asking people to submit pictures from Christmas ideas for our paintings so we've chose three that we're gonna be doing in December and one of them is gonna be our bonus video on patreon so we'll have to have we'll give Tracy her free access to that one the one that was submitted at the barn but this one was submitted by two people actually hmm Jane Yates and Deanna Bates there might be DN I'm not sure probably Dan I don't know I'm not sure exactly but thank you to those ladies for submitting myths it was awesome beautiful and it's actually was voted number one in one of the polls for things that ones that people wanted to paint so it was very popular popular others just use that kind of a light blue for the bottom of this snow and we gonna tap it in here paint question okay yeah they want to know how do you know if your phthalo blue is green shade if it doesn't say on the tube if it doesn't say then as probably is green shade because the kind of the neutral green fela blue is more green some they love blue the feel of blue blue shade is basically ultramarine blue ultramarine blue so you'll be able to tell right away when you mix it it won't it will make a teal if it doesn't make a teal if it makes a purple when you add white then it's it's a blue shade or red shade I should say red shade I'm just tapping here okay we're gonna add lots of white over the top of this but we just want a little there to start with it's so pretty I love it okay so we're gonna definitely add a little bit more black to the sides I didn't get to that because I was concerned about this part but and honestly most of this is covered up by the tree so if you don't get it perfect don't worry about it most of its gonna be covered by that tree anyways so it's not going to have to be like just so for it to look right so I'm probably gonna have to have you try this for me honey really quick I realize but yeah and this these will take a little bit longer I mean I guess I could do the sides but the those solid core ones kind of take a long time to dry the paint just sits on top of them instead of there's no airflow underneath so all right I'm getting all this blue off my hands one just because just because but also because you don't want this especially when we're working with white stuff with this blue if I was to touch a part of the canvas that was gonna be once it's dry it would it would transfer to the canvas from my hands so acrylics stick to one another hmm so I want to spray that really well keep those moist and let me share with you what we did just talking about patreon so we just finished this guy in our ten dollar group we worked on him for it's a six hour project so in the in a patreon stuff if you're interested in that that's just kind of bonus videos that I don't do public they're paid videos so once a month I do the five dollar level 1 and then it knows but videos are usual about four hours ish and then I do longer ones for the ten dollar level group and they get their own Facebook group and so that's that's who did this one with me and the ten dollar level and they also get a they get to do polls so let me show you the five dollar level too so that was the bonus video for for November for the five dollar level folks so when you sign up you get all of the previous of a bonus videos plus any new videos for that month so one a month so we've already done the one for November so if you signed up in December then you would get December's plus November's but anyhow I was gonna say oh yeah so they they got to vote the ten dollar level group also gets to vote for whatever we do for the bonus videos so they get to kind of choose what what's happening so next month we're gonna be doing the like a Christmasy barn if you go to my crowdcast you just kind of google crowdcast Angela Anderson and it'll pop up you can see the upcoming videos and you can also see all the bonus videos that we did this year on crowdcast that are posted there so thank you honey looks good all right perfect I missed all what you just say can you say it again oh I just talked about patreon though I didn't put patreon down there that looks good all right so I think we use the smaller brush for some of the more detailed stuff here and I'm gonna go ahead and do another layer here I feel like we can get away with it and I need more glazing look what I've already kind of gone through all of my glazing liquid here and this is where I was thinking that I might use that that does ink white because it's transparent so it'll go over this a little bit easier so I'm gonna go ahead and grab some of that too and the the glazing liquid also makes the paint transparent so we're kind of win-win there we go and I don't want this to be pure white because our treaty obviously is white so I want the pure white to be coming from our tree so we can add just a little you know a little bit of blue here there we go small brush strokes and okay then it's pretty close quickly going to the dark to the dark side Disney Channel plus is awesome fun to say just a plug for that right now if you haven't checked it out Disney call me our son Nathan we got Disney Disney plus and he he was hate like on the day he was like um are we gonna get Disney Plus and I'm like yeah I think so and it's like okay because I want to watch a Star Wars you know thing and he came over last weekend for Spencer's birthday and he knows all the backstory I think he read all the books so he was just filling us in on all these backstories for like there's a new series called the Mandalorian and it's just hilarious I loved it so cute this is our 22 c28 [Laughter] and only three days until Liam and his handler show up get the room ready we did get there I'm ready today decided to move the heavy marble table it kind of on shaky legs that might fall over on him and the mirrors on the floor and the mirrors on the floors yeah so making it baby safe we have not had to worry about baby safe in a long time so alright noticing that it's really dark down here it's not one to blend very well for me so I'm just having to add this glazing liquid to kind of make it behave here definitely didn't get it in there the right on the first try go ahead and get that lighter color here we come what nothing about know people are just saying commenting on my lame and the handlers yeah they said that one day Liam will be reading through and laugh [Laughter] hopefully so what people wouldn't really realize when they first look at this painting is how much time is pinned on the background just of all the different layers and all the different shades and it just doesn't all go on in one stroke right takes a little time you know just right this isn't McDonald's no we try to get your order right don't start we've been eating out still because of the home renovation stuff although we don't have that excuse anymore I don't really know why cuz we haven't really restock we haven't we haven't restock during food yeah so we're still eating out and every night this week something has been wrong every single place we ordered every single I think it's the universe trying to tell us yeah we need to start cooking it's like pushing us out of the nest this time you need to cook alright just kind of slowly see just trying to get that kind of blend happening it starting to get there oh this is gonna be covered up by our tree so again it doesn't have to be perfect now the parts out here or not so as we get out to the sides here this Bartle be showing but this part in the middle here is not it's gonna be behind our tree so we'll be able to see it a little bit but it won't be super noticeable noticing the light is kind of a little bit brighter on this side so I'm gonna bring the light out just a little bit more over here okay go down good all right it's a little bit more this light try one more time right here the vending blending and see how many brushstrokes I'm doing this so I think people kind of get frustrated with with the with this kind of blending because you do have to kind of really kind of finagle it it's kind of a light bossing that paint around push it around and kind of light touches but lots of flight touches you know it's not just like once and it's blended gonna have to okay okay I'm happy with that so my tree is gonna be in here gonna have a nice dark area around at the bottom here for it and then let's go ahead and blend out some of the all out of that dark color so I'm gonna have to blend some more here we go and then I'm not going to get some black right in here and I don't want it to be black black so if it if it's completely black then you've gone too dark you know so you want it to read a little bit of blue I may have gone too dark there but it's actually look at the reference photo it looks pretty close so it's pretty close to what it looks like there and we still have just a trace of white in our brush here from well we were just blending we didn't clean it out completely so there might be a little bit of residual lightness here that's affecting it too again can I do in the rounded corners there and then let's just get some of the blend color here this blue come on there we go this is our second layer so it's going on darker too just in general the just the regular color is gonna be darker then we added that black - it's gonna really darken it up okay there we go pretty good good good all right definitely now it feels like winter doesn't it it's awesome okay so you've painted it a hike if somebody coming to denim chat looks like stranger things okay okay all right so now I'm wondering if I need to hmm let me see probably need to dry this again I might be able to do a little bit down here but really not a whole lot because we really want to wait this is kind of the upper layer so we don't really want to do a lot there that's still wet go ahead and dry it one more time huh if you don't mind please I'll get out fresh it shouldn't take as long because I didn't put as much paint on this time I'm gonna put out fresh clean up my palette and put out some fresh paper towels here cuz I destroyed these ones I'm just gonna scrape all this color off we'll blend some more of that cuz we're really gonna need some more anyway so I'll put out some fresh color here and we'll get it going anymore glazing liquid - okay this is just a glass palette with a razor scraper here a lot of questions about it it's actually works pretty good it's nice because I can I can clean it off really easily in between I'm just spreading out blue all over it now the clean one clean it off in between colors like this there we go don't want it in my blood back there we go okay so put out some more I'm doing okay and white looks like surprisingly enough but we will need a lot more of that blue so I'm gonna go ahead and mix some of that up while we're waiting cuz we're gonna need some for our pine tree though that might be enough but I'll put up just a little bit more just in case and if you wanted a little bit more like purple tone I almost was gonna use purple on the corners but I just decided not to but you could totally make make this guy a little bit more of a purple tones by adding a little bit of a magenta in when you do it nice oh man we're matching that's our I'm sorry work-related injuries they're kidding worker's comp all righty so let me I think I'm gonna use just chalk because I think it'll be now be less is less scratchy down here so then my pencil so my smaller tree is gonna remind you taller tree it's gonna be right in here so I'm just gonna kind of draw in the very light outline of it and it's gonna kind of do this teardrop shape mmm and it's gonna have these kind of arms that are kind of hanging down like that okay so there's that one tree I don't know if you can see this but I'm trying to do it really lightly in here so it doesn't scratch the paint off and then this one's gonna be in here this one's kind of more kind of a upward reaching this branches this one's kind of going out and drooping a little bit like that this one's kind of pulling it up a little bit more and then kind of carving out a little bit and it's sort of wide all the way down almost sure super cute I'm gonna make this one a little bit lighter so it's gonna have a little snowflake at the top there and then our tree is gonna go all the way to the top here and it is going to go just so here's our Center mark so I'm gonna come just on the inside of that and do you mine and if you wanted to you could you could put it well off-center and do your two trees over here and do this big one over here if you wanted to do the you know golden mean and and get out your calipers and make sure that it's like you know in the little golden ratio area you could totally do that I would say that would be nice but this is making a really nice composition it's got the three these two are a little closer together than this in fact I might move this tree over just a little bit so it's even closer to this one or even maybe but I want to keep this kind of right in the center of that halo right there so I might move that one over just a little bit so that it's a little closer to right in here maybe something like that did you say you wanted me to sing halo and this is pretty I'm just gonna like move on and act like I didn't hear you to say that just like and I didn't realize that I also sound a lot like what's that British singer Lady Adele yeah I sound a lot like her too do you yeah don't you say for you no it's okay I'm good no you're gonna get me in trouble okay well it doesn't sound as good in here it's a lot better in your car yeah I think it's the acoustics volume okay all right awesome I'm numbering my snow up to here I just realized I haven't weighed too low right there so I'm gonna bring it up a little higher so my rabbits gonna be a little higher than that um and we'll draw him in later I'm not gonna drop them right now okay we'll do our tree and then we'll try a minute super cute all right so uh let's see what do we want to do we want to we want to mix up some of this feel very scattered today not sure why I guess cuz I've got so much going on this week excited to see Liam our only grandbaby so and he lives six hours away so we haven't seen him since me so our next show is Tuesday night yes we are doing a show on Tuesday night it's gonna be hopefully a really short one we'll see cuz they're gonna be here so and I didn't really think that I didn't think they were coming until Wednesday so Angela will be talking just say so if I'm talking baby talk to everybody on it why yeah okay so just mixed up some more of that at this time I kind of ended up with a little bit more of the burnt sienna which is fine actually for our trees cuz it gets a little bit deeper color not as blue blue although I do want some I'm gonna have to have some more Dale a blue I do want some almost just ice blue color so I'm gonna mix up some day little blue just a tiny bit I'm just gonna go ahead and leave this on my knife and pick up Oh golly that is just the wrong sound didn't it actually I don't need that much I just need a little bit and a lot of white oops that that burnt sienna just makes the tones down that blue neutralizes it a little bit because that blue is so bright they lose one of the highest tinting colors out there just a little tiny bit it's like nuclear the nuclear option you do not need a lot of it it it is it's like the nuclear option of colors okay and then I'm gonna go over here and just use what's left on my palette here with this white or there we go so I've been nice I slew it's just a little bit tinted with the burnt sienna to tone it down so it's not so bright bright all right I must be tinted with zeal oh yeah I must be tinted with that too so I'm not so bright yes what's that what happened I think that's what happened that's what all the kids are doing today pretty funny huh they're getting tinted all right so I'm using the long script liner the longer the longer liners can tend to look a little bit intimidating but actually you'll be able to do longer lines with them they're a little bit harder to control though so if you have a really hard time with liner brushes you could use the shorter liner for this but you'll just have to reload it more often than I will on this also I'm using a little bit thicker one so that I can make these thicker branches and then it'll it'll go to the thinner branches but if you decide you know if you really have a hard time with thin branches then get yourself a me see I have one that I really like 18 not whoops not that one hiding all right let me just grab the whole thing there it is 80 knots see how thin that is so the if you had about our time with lining get a brush that's not going to be any thicker than the lines that you want to make and that way you can't really make thick lines with it the only thing the only way you could you know make super thick lines is if you go over the same line or number and over again and make it too thick but that'll keep you from you know making super thick lines and just make sure that you use a watered down paint so it thinned paint is key for lining that is the number one problem that people have they use paint that's too thick and that's why I'm using this golden fluid acrylic for this today it's it's comes real thinned out but it's highly pigmented it's just as pigmented as my regular paint so if you don't want to you know buy like a separate whole thing of like a you know the same color but a separate whatever just go ahead go out and get yourself some Kraft acrylics cuz it won't make that much difference with this something like this so get one of those you know dollar two dollar bottles of Kraft acrylics to pull out and use for things like this you will thank me later be way easier to use than the heavy body acrylics for stuff like this and I you know you don't have to use it all the time I don't use it that often but when I do use it I'm really it's it's really helpful when you use it for branches and things like this just makes it go on so much more smoothly all right so oh we had a question uh-huh somebody said that you said the canvas was very smooth yes do you mean smooth like foam board kind of yeah it's it's it's it doesn't have hardly any tack to it at all it's it's you can see the how thin he'll find the and it makes it super easy to do lining on so that's one of the I would this is the only size the this is the only kind of canvas I have in this size so as I was pretty much stuck to with this anyways but it actually is probably what I would have chosen anyways because it makes doing these lines too much there's so much easier if you have a smooth canvas when you have a thicker canvas it just grabs that grabs that brush and makes it a little bit harder to get these thin smooth lines not impossible I do it all the time but you know if you get if you got the option use a smoother canvas you can also use a canvas and gesso it until it's smoother so you can okay I'm trying to keep the shape in mind of my tree so I'm doing these major branches here and then I'm gonna kind of branch off but maybe what you want to do is just kind of lightly sketch out sort of your shape so here's my shape of my tree so that I have some branches going out to all these areas where I want so we need to have some branch just coming down this way so it makes sense you know that something down here is got some [Music] so if you do like that just did and you get a thick spot what you're gonna have to do is make the whole thing thicker all the way to the end so there we go yeah just go and I make Y shape so you see why why why why why why that it will make a more natural looking tree you have all these little branches coming off and then make sure that every now and then you have ones that are crossing over you know so that they're not all just kind of separated and behaving nicely some of them are gonna you know cross over in and I'm just lightly you know changing the pressure of my brush as I get towards the top so that I have it gets thinner as we go up this is going to be the harder part of this so what you could do if you really hate lining and you're just like I just I want to do this but I don't want to worry about the liner brush is you could use a pen so I have the Pens that I draw then I write my name with you could totally use that see I made that too thick right there so I'm just No why didn't it help all the way down just fine it probably need to be wider anyways I was very zen-like just kind of yeah I never never really sketch out my branches I'd maybe if I was to trace anything I might trace out my main branches you know just to kind of give me a starting place but it's just so much easier to to do it freehand I find but you know that that's up to you and I do I hold my pen my brush my pen huh hold my brush pretty close to the tip but I'm keeping the brush upright that's the main thing with liner brushes you do not want to hold it lazy like this because you will not get any kind of lines out of it holding it this way you have to hold it upright right up over and really you're kind of almost leading it almost like you're pushing I don't know no what I was trying to say there but you get the you get the idea I'm just keeping it upright so you're leading that brush to where you want it to go instead of pushing it all right I'm pretty happy and then if you want to get fancy you can get a little bit of the blue maybe and can I do a little just a little kind of like very like catching on there I think that's good so let's get my um I'm gonna let that dry and we'll work on our trees here while we're letting that dry I'm going to get this a little blue mixture that we made before with the burnt sienna and I'm gonna get a little bit of the black and with the fan brush you really want to load up your brush pretty thickly but mostly on the tip so you can gonna see how I've got it loaded there and I'm going to there we go on these ones these kind of these trees that I'm seeing are kind of like I said of bent down here so I'm gonna kind of sit it down and kind of just slightly yank it down just a little bit that makes sense kind of set it down and just kind of pull it to the pull it down a little bit middle parts mainly just all full but I do when I kind of stipple it a little bit [Music] okay oops and then at the top here I'm just gonna kind of do it upright and just kind of let it go up a little bit but it really does kind of start to droop pretty rapidly on this one so there's not as much sometimes you'll see like the first few little bits of a pine tree being straight up and then it starts to curve down but this one's kind of curving down pretty quickly which I don't know if it's even a real tree it's probably Photoshop so you know are you thinking that this isn't a real picture you can probably do your pine tree however you want to so I'm saying no I guess it's totally real what the rabbit is from full focused and perfectly visible against this silhouetted background that would totally happen it's holding still looking at us posing for the photograph okay this one I'm gonna be a little bit more it's like down there we go and then so it does kind of go upward and have some outer things here having enough paint on my brush that's what's key because if I don't have enough paint on my brush then it's not going to come off and what I'm going to end up doing is pressing down harder and harder to kind of get that paint come to come off and then you'll end up with these really thick weird-looking bridges so if it's not coming off your brush just add more paint and maybe add a little bit of water to help it offload a little bit of water a little bit of glazing look good maybe there we go mom brought me this looks so easy didn't he he did he would don't like just do like three like three brushstrokes and then be done Pinetree like it was like magic I loved watching him and then I tried it with acrylics and didn't work well paints an acrylic sector look we're different you can get the same effects but you gotta know how to what how they're different I didn't at the time in college I have a lot of issues with trying to paint like Bob Ross yes I think that's probably what I do these videos cos I'm like I want people's experiences with painting to be fun I'm you know I know how frustrating it was for me when I was trying to learn the paint and gonna didn't really know how to get the results I wanted so turned into whole thing and now we have people from all over the world watching us it's pretty amazing mark mark and I were just talking about it it's just like so cool he was saying somebody from Bosnia Bosnia I'm like it's no Sicily and Jerusalem well and then our usual suspects from Canada and Australia yeah now Jane you can hates the one that submitted this and one of the ones that submitted this she's from Australia and she's visiting Hobbit town this week I don't know she may have already gone I don't think so I think she was gonna but she said she may not she'd probably not watching today there's some swedish lady in here too oh no not yet I know pretty cool friends from all over the world don't you alright so I'm trying to think if I want to use this brush I think I'm going to I will try it and see how it goes if this does not turn out well such a different brush so might use the smaller one but I'm going to just try it and stay here I'm gonna start at the bottom here and just a little bit of it so I'm gonna do that and then kind of there we go I using the edge of my brush that's working pretty good so these ones in the middle are pretty much just kind of coming straight out at us so we're only kind of seeing a little bit of it and then as it comes around the sides we're seeing kind of more of this line happening and okay that's working just locusts I don't want to I tend to over paint pine trees kind of like I do with flowers it's like if I have an open spot I want to fill it up you know with flowers so I tend to do the same thing with my pine tree branches and I don't leave these pockets of dark in there which are really important so just kind of go slowly build this absolutely I'm gonna go right up out of my branches and just kind of tap right over the top of my dark and then kind of just pull down a little bit see how that worked so let's do it over here tap over the top and pull down just a little bit tap tap down I'm really not having to pull down much on these top upper ones cuz they're so small so they're already kind of just by angling my brush down a little bit it's already kind of given me that look I'm warning you I like your new haircut thank you do they always cut his bangs way too short so they did a good job this time marks like if you wanted a different way you should cut it yourself he's still trying to get me to I cut his hair for how many years so back in the day when you have no money right Angelo would cut the three boys on my hair mm-hmm 30 years the years and finally she was like okay enough we have enough money now first before you guys don't have ever anymore my hands are done there was a very sad day I know Marc prefers he doesn't like people touching his see except for I know so you did go back to a woman which in the United States there's a chain called sports clips uh-huh and it doesn't smell like something died in there because nobody's getting their hair colored or permed or singed off or whatever the lady's doing there right right so they're okay whenever you tell yourself mm-hmm that's my story and I'm stuck in and do with the cute outfits and adorable ladies cutting people's hairs okay chick it's all right I'm not bitter about it it's gonna say he's like he's like if you want yeah I think you do it on purpose cuz you're like you know they don't so he's like you know if i annoy her enough she'll start cutting my hair again you realize I take my glasses off and they cut my hair right it's like when they're done they're like okay how does it look like I don't know I can't see I don't my glasses on okay I can see this this like blurry blob in the mirror there good point all right that's good we'll add more kind of brighter white to it but that'll be our start there on that one and it's not I I added this I didn't end up using this icy white or this one's gonna be more for the tree but I am kind of pulling out of that a little bit but I'm using this kind of deeper blue that was the undertone for this one so just mentioning that like yeah no it is it is pretty cool place I think Spencer there to yourself real quick somebody asked a painting question believe it or not okay everything they said that if they don't have a little blue green shade what could they do you could add it what color do they have if you have like ultramarine blue you could add a little bit of green to it you'll get you'll get something similar to this and add a little yellow to it just maybe if you swing by the house will give you a little bit okay this brush is like a little bit too big these little spots but it's working so I'm gonna stick with it for now it's just going slow I would kind of probably switch to a smaller brush a few you have a hard time controlling these fan brushes because I'm really having to use the corner mostly then so if I had a smaller one and just make it a little bit easier but why do it an easy way right I'm gonna get that off yeah just like see right in here where I got it too much and this if I catch it right away I can kind of just dab it right off just comes right off there I mean if it doesn't then um and I just put it almost the same what I just took off that's probably good um I don't know what's gonna say oh if it doesn't come off all the way or you know whatever you can always put the dark back on you know over itself I need some dark actually he's like borrowing a cup of sugar [Music] can I borrow DAPA phthalo green blue shade doesn't really roll off the tongue No yeah let's try and think I need to do anymore here that's good cute all right so let's clean that out and I'm gonna trying to decide how I want to do this tree so the dilemma is it's a bunch of little sticks you know it's it's like the branches are all ice-covered so I could go in and you know try to paint them all in with like my liner brush I'm thinking I can probably either use I could use my angle brush or the smaller fan brush or like the the Willows blender um what I was gonna say before was like you could totally do this tree with the Willows blender probably turned out really good and I did wait put way too much highlights on here it's way more than on the reference photo but you know that's just it's my tree so I'm gonna do what I want that's it I'm calling the hour please doing what you want so let's let's try it with this and see what it looks like so I'm gonna use the actually many as this kind of medium blue to start with for the background of these branches and that could work let me try the fan brush see if I can get it thin enough I just need it thin enough so that I'm using this glazing liquid just to make the paint a little bit easier to come off my brush and adding some water to yeah this is probably gonna work a little bit better yeah that's working so you're getting that kind of feeling of these lines but we're not having to paint every single individual one so I'm just gonna kind of follow these branches and do these in the direction of the outline of the tree so as the branches go up I'm gonna point these up and as they go to the side I'm gonna point them to the side pretty easy and kind of in the middle here I'm just gonna kind of do them every which way cuz they're all gonna be kind of pointing straight at us I'm down here they're pointing down and it helps can you hold two brushes on your other hand we don't get more control confidence yeah yeah yeah I don't know I don't like my pine trees but that's alright I have several pine tree videos so I have them every time I do I might do him differently seems like so maybe you'll find another one that you like better if you don't like these ones I think my favorite ones were the bear that I did for the bonus video a couple years ago or last year I think around this time we did that bear mountain and those pine trees there were a lot of them I liked those the way they turned out all righty um alright so let's just use this and a letter blue nail and do another layer with the layer blue this is gonna be kind of more visible so would be a little bit more careful weird but these be more aware of the direction that I'm pointing my brush let's do some straight down just playing tapping straight lines pretty much you can see I'm kind of rocking it back and forth here so that I'm not getting any like matchy-matchy liens happening as I get over the lighter colors you're not gonna be able to see it as well you should be able to see it pretty well but down here though I'm gonna come all out from my branches so and try to get my outline kind of interesting keeping that same shape but not have it perfectly you see how they're kind of every now and then I have one that's kind of sticking out random that's what we want what size fan brush are you using the 10 opt so this isn't a little bit smaller than what I use for the pine trees okay dam entry and of course down below this video you get to show more you'll see a link to the brush guys you have five percent off with the code angel a fine art and you can't purchase you the brushes there yeah anyone who's more send the link here family friends significant others and say hey this is what I want for Christmas right here yeah I don't like it when Angela either buys herself something from me or tells me exactly what she wants me to buy it makes my life so much easier yeah Marcus I'm never really have a surprise about what I'm gonna be getting for Christmas or birthdays anymore you were surprised with that George Foreman grill I was surprised one year with a George Foreman grill I never again left it up to mark to decide what I got for my gifts so did you or did you not say you wanted one I said we probably should get one of those or something to that effect as we're walking by it and Walmart not as we were yeah never mind why are you're not gonna go there not for an anniversary gift not for an anniversary gift oh she said she wanted one of those so glad when she tells me what I want what she should get I know bless you you try at least you remember her anniversaries and stuff mm-hmm anniversaries pretty easy to remember it's just like dude day before your birthday KP from Howard thing okay yeah let's turn out alright I'm CUBAN got a question here mm-hmm they say that I'm a new artist so how long did it take you to get your branches skinny they work and work and they come up fat are you are you thinning out your paint because that would be what I would think probably your number one number one thing to you know look at first and then make sure you're choosing a brush that's small enough so that you can't get them too thick if you choose like I said you know before like get a brush that's super fine then you won't be able to get it too thick but um as far as how long no I don't really know I would say we by the time Jordan was I got pregnant with Jordan I knew I was painting pretty regularly and I started teaching so that was 1993 and I was in college in 91 so about two years I guess when until I felt proficient enough to teach you know I'm sure before that I was oh you know doing all right but so that helps when yeah 91 is when I I I could control the brush pretty well cuz I drew a lot so I already you know kind of pretty decent brush control so that wasn't ever really a problem it was just mainly controlling the paint and kind of how how much water to add and all of that so I think that's the hardest thing with acrylics is just to kind of figure out how much butter is too much when to add it when not to that kind of thing okay pretty good I think this brush is working out so now I'm kind of trying to just sort of any places where I see like a too much of a straight line just kind of try to add you know some cross pieces so that looks a little bit more natural cuz now just like this straight line is not necessarily gonna be I really did cover most of my tree up which is kind of how it is in the picture anyway so we can always go back in and add more branches later so I've decided you know like maybe right in here I want to add back in a little bit of my tree trunk here so I'm just gonna go back in here and just do that so I can see where those branches are there we go and then now that I've got most of my most of my branches or my white on I wouldn't do this until I got my white all on where I want it to be now I can go back in and just kind of lightly sort of tap over just a little bit and that way it kind of settles that branch but I can still see it does that make sense so I don't want to have to do that multiple times but that and actually we did a pretty decent job I was worried about that white showing up against that you know that light-colored sky so we did good I think we got it a pretty decent tone just adding a little bit of that blue to it just gave it a little bit of a little bit of warmer tone it's this white as showing up just fine against it so I'm gonna bring this out a little bit on these sides here seeing that this shape is a little bit kind of curves up a little bit make it a little bit more irregular on the edges here so I'm gonna do the same thing here just gonna do this is really bright and I'm using that that pure white for this now so it was kind of using sort of the mostly white but some of the blue added in now I'm going straight for the pure white here there's up you really eye-catching and defining that part of those branches go right up off the canvas at the top there okay now I'm just kind of shaping it out kind of figuring out where I want to shape out my branches but I think we're pretty good okay so now let's it's so pretty it's all glowy let's use this with this brighter white and I'm just gonna sit it down and very very carefully kind of just every now and then mostly on this side that's on the light side add a little bit of the brighter snow just tapping is good enough and some of these in the middle here are gonna be coming out and catching that light too so they can be but right about here we want to kind of transition to the lighter and let's do it over here too so well know what this light source is back here but there's like a magical glow to our sky here so let's go with it very pity okay and then I'm gonna use the difference to blur with this white might grab a little bit of the darker the lighter blue on the backside of it so it's got a little bit of both colors so lighter white on the tip and then the blue on the bottom it's just covers a bigger area really could do this with the fan brush too you saw me do a little bit of it there when I was working on that time is it yeah aren't half-bad let me stick it alone do our little bunny and then we'll be done sure you leave some of that background showing here and there under coat underneath I'm going to go through and kind of do some snow dress just gonna pull it side to side here gonna set it down and just drag it I don't know if I was on camera or not what's up okay alrighty well does your hands were on camera just my hands were on camera okay I can zoom out born that's all right okay so how many people do you think are going to paint in a cardinal in that tree oh good idea actually have one that I did a couple years ago that had a little really simple two Cardinals that would look really pretty in that yeah yeah good idea honey thanks cam knees go ahead and loom in here I'm gonna use the white pencil here okay perfect I'm so right in here our little bunny lives just below the just below the horizon line he's right in here so I want his head to be right in here I can't get this tomorrow let me see try and I'll try the chalk see if I can get it small enough yeah okay so his little head there then his body comes out from there curves in leg goes this way back comes from that head out up and around it around and down so this is kind of flat right here not really seeing it much and then the ear ear there there's a little bunny so we'll paint it in and it'll make more sense I'm going to add just a little bit of connector die magenta to my bleached titanium here make kind of a fleshy pink tone for the inside of the ears there yeah there no rabbit is gray something is too black and my white and some of the unbleached titanium to make it a little bit warmer gray pretty and he's pretty light-colored get lots of that white so let's go ahead and I'm gonna put them in kind of darker and then we'll add to our lighter colors on top I'm gonna make him show up I need more white yeah I was thinking you could also add the deer from the the fantasy the forest reflections painting that we did that with the purple kind of trees in the background that deer would look really cute like right in here the one that's kind of turned to the side maybe mute him add a little bit more of gray to him instead of the brownish Tom's been you can also paint in the tank from the tank tutorial put that in the background I want to put that in before you put the tree just so be easier isn't that so that you approach it huh yeah yeah I think it the ears a little bit big hair but that's alright it's live it's not gonna be perfect I watched an interview with the Black Keys which is one of my favorite bands mark and I got to see them in Lollapalooza in 2012 I think we decided and you know they're just awesome they've played all over the world and just mega you know mega band for the alt indie crowd you know if you like that kind of music you know who they are and um or you've probably heard of heard their music if you don't know them by name but it was really interesting as he was talking about how you know he used to he was having panic attacks for a while before they would play and he would get all up in his head and kind of just worry that people were judging him and I'm just like it's just amazing to me I'm mark and I were talking about it cuz I I get a little bit freaked out too sometimes when I think about that people are gonna be watching what I'm doing but he said that his he went to therapy for it and he said his therapist was like you know nobody wants perfection they want you know the the thing that is interesting about art is that it's not perfect you know perfect if I wanted perfect I can just go and take a photograph or whatever you know so that when we you know put these unrealistic expectations on ourselves in our art then that's when we you know have problems and really that's not what people want to see anyways you know they want to see a reality so if that really helps me like that's actually something that we had we had talked about years when we first started doing these shows you know because I would get a little freaked out by a little nervous and stuff before the shows but it really it's been a while since I've had that because I got in one of my friends Margaret twilliger hey Margaret she's my concert buddy on another note but anyhow she she and I have these nice long conversations on the way to our concerts and one of the times you know we were I was talking about it you know just about how you know just I I wanted to do more art I wanted to do more videos this is before I was doing the live streaming and went twice a week or even once a week I still hadn't even gotten into the rhythm of it and um I was just having trouble like finding projects that I wanted to do because I because I was wanting to paint them all ahead of time you know and get them all perfect and like that's how I would teach my classes when I did him you know locally I would you know spend a lot of time designing and making sure I knew exactly I was going to teach it and how long was gonna take and all of that well you know that's good for a local class but something like this it's I don't know I didn't I didn't need to do that and I hadn't really gotten into that new mindset of you know the fact that nobody's paying for this so it doesn't have to be perfect I can just kind of be myself and I've been painting long enough that I need to just trust myself to be in the moment and to just work through problems and know that there will be problems in that you know I will have times when the painting may be you know not go exactly to plan but that hopefully you know since I've got enough experience with painting and been doing it for so many years that I can figure it out you know and that nobody wants to see perfection anyways and when we do have mistakes that's where the learning opportunity is you know the teaching opportunities anyhow it was really freeing for me just know and I just thought it was kind of interesting to hear other artists especially somebody like him who's I really respect who's been you know doing music for so long and just I would think you know he's got it all together and yes you know everything that he has the same struggles as everybody else you know I don't know why you wouldn't think you wouldn't but you know it's just it's just always kind of encouraging to me to to hear that so maybe not be perfect but we're gonna do the best we can mm-hmm but you know if you want perfection then use Excel is that it yeah okay that's not spreadsheets rule mm-hmm sorry I don't think that's true nobody's afraid it's very true you know everybody is gonna get some level of stage fright or whatever so well and with your own art I think a lot of people are afraid to even try because they feel like they can't do it or they're afraid that they're not going to do a good job well you know I mean or you know have a lot of anxiety about it and I think one of the the most freeing things is just to kind of give yourself permission to fail give yourself permission to suck at it for a while until you kind of figure it out you're not gonna you're not gonna be really good at it at first it's just like if I started playing guitar tomorrow you know I definitely wouldn't know what I was doing for a while it'd take me a while to develop the skills for it and you know to figure it all out and nobody would look at me and to say you know oh man she's never gonna be able to play the guitar or she's not a you know she's not good enough to do it you know but somehow with art we do that to ourselves I'm gonna put these away on the outside I put them too close to the center but those eyes away on the right on the edge of the eye face there I feel like we could come in a little bit tighter even I don't think they can see what is happening with these much better all right let me see if I can get off the outline without robbing him oh boy so I'm gonna get some in there so all that just to say be kind of yourself give herself permission to not maybe do as good as you hope for for the first you know 10 12 15 20 paintings you know may take a while your journey is not gonna be the same as mine so just kind of know that and let yourself be that I did it for a while if it really is important to you and you really want to learn it you know just it just takes time just put in the work and you'll figure it out eventually but it it may not happen right away you know and that's okay that's a normal part parse part of learning something new and with art for some I don't I don't know any other discipline like art where we expects ourselves to be perfect at it right off the bat and people you know have this thing in their heads that they're not artistic or they don't have talent and that therefore they can't paint which nobody picked up the brush for the first time unless you're some sort of genius prodigy and painted correctly you know nobody I had to learn it everybody that you see painting you know professionally haven't you know had to learn how to use it and just like anybody else that played him you know played a musical instrument or you know acts or anything like that any kind of artistic endeavor you're gonna have to just like any kind of other skill you're gonna have to learn it takes time doesn't mean you can't learn it though I mean other than breathing you pretty much have to learn everything you do yeah yeah walking talking mm-hmm eating yeah eating is probably one of the better things I'm that good at I've been practicing a lot you've mastered that skill well I don't over mastered I'm still practicing you still practicing as you say practice makes perfect did you I give him a little chin there it's very subtle in this picture though it's kind of you know I don't want it like it's kind of hard cuz the bunny in the picture so small right now he looks like he's got a kind of a weird for a cloak one can we get a paintbrush question okay they said that the accident accidentally left their fine lines I guess their fine liner standing up and now all the bristles are bent to one side yeah is there a way to straighten them back out yes you can try it's it's it's hard it'll it'll happen eventually they will they'll straight now they're not that's not going to be permanent you can try dipping it in boiling water for like 30 seconds what I like to do is just put it in hot hot water I don't you know don't necessarily do the boiling water thing hot hot water and then shape it reshape it let it dry out a little bit and then try it again it's going to take a couple times you can do with I on camera that whole time lovely yeah did I move it the bunny was I mean you just moved it okay you know what I mean nobody keep saying that so heat it up in some hot water heat it up in the hot water repeat and um and then mm-hmm just adding highlights to back hair and turn that gonna man he's he's so tiny I his ears like way bigger than they're supposed to be - he doesn't look anything like a bunny in their picture I'm gonna make it that back a little bit bigger no no he's fine hey Brooke you so we've heating it up in water so it doesn't work thing then you can use a there's a you could use ivory soap or get a get a cake um cake chick yes not cake cake cleaner like a um cake brush cleaner Thanks stop I'm trying to explain this is why we get comments that right there do you wonder all right so get cake cleaner their art of it before but okay yes and use that in an it'll dry in the shape that you want it to dry no this is the kind I'm talking about right it's a cake and it's got a waxy whatever and you you just put it in there when it's wet and shape it shape it into the shape that's supposed to go it'll hold it in the right shape and then it'll you can okay says face that's way too wide but let me see if I can get him a little bit less wide oh this could be bad thing if that doesn't work just set him on fire by somebody ones no make sure you do it outside you know it's I've done it to multiple purses out they always bounce back eventually he just takes a little bit of time you know okay it's getting some glazing look good with this darker color I'm gonna put a little shadow my snow under my bunny okay man I'm gonna get that white and just gonna tap off that edge gonna blend it out what was that out that whole time somebody asked if Oh last question if their paints look kind of dull effort dries is there anything sorry if their pants look and I don't after they draw is there something that they can add or spray on to get it more shiny prepping it up yes you can and that can happen because you're either using like I'm matte medium or something like that matte medium will dull your paints using like a paint that's a little bit more of a student grade will also kind of do that yeah not that dark what am i doing trying to shape out his leg a little bit I was kind of looking weird so he's got this kind of thing going on here his back like I'm in this back here I feel like and he's just getting bigger and bigger there's the neighbor good enough there we go now he's starting to look like a little bit like a cat but no no we'll get him there eventually just keep on working on it it's just gonna get bigger and bigger what's a moose no it's nobody wants perfection so we're not you're gonna have a perfect rabbit today you can't stop painting your animal at whatever stage you want it to be good okay I'm gonna use the deer foot step ler and a little bit over there just try to kind of blend that whole thing in oh he's cute see so you never know what you're gonna be looking that close anyways look how far away he looks now he looks fine sitting maybe the cabin I like it that's a town in Arkansas [Laughter] spelled differently but um yeah so yeah the brush yeah I wouldn't worry about your brush too much it'll be all right yeah I'd wear more about it if you had paint in it that's that's when you really have a hard time but then they get they get misshapen like that pretty easily all right I'm gonna use the white and my a little bit of blue to it if I can find some that still kind of wet there we go get that gray blue wait and we'll take our little star up here I'm super excited about painting snowflakes we're gonna be painting snowflakes for one of our videos next month of painting snowflakes they're really fun I'm doing the X do straight line then do an X through the side and then little V shapes out I thought you were gonna talk about how you got in trouble for me texting you Jenna this woman that's true so I have a reputation for not getting Angela's texts we actually we do it to each other yeah and so on my phone I have it said to you know vibrate and make a noise do all this stuff the light flashes and then if I don't see the text it will maybe repeat that every four or five minutes or something like that and so I actually cut up early this morning and she said hey you know I know you go to the store or something like that I said yeah I'm gonna run in try to get some stuff mark mark loves going to the grocery store unlike me so so she's in the bedroom I'm just dotting here I'm great coffee I'm checking social media and all that stuff and apparently she texted me something that she wanted me to get well the phones in the bedroom you know I haven't left yet and a few minutes later she comes and opens the door she goes will you come get your phone it's bugging me like what that's because I texted you and it won't stop beeping you mad at me because you sent me a text okay yes yes I'm mad at your phone I met you because what happens is mark the mark gets up early mark goes to bed early and gets up early I go to bed late and get up late so I don't know that that's ever gonna change we've been married 37 years now and it works and it works for us so he gets his free time I get my free time in the evenings he gets this free time in the mornings and then we come together in the middle of the day and everybody's happy and so but mark has has these reminders on his phone or not reminders he's got these alerts on his phone for our front door I've turned those off thanks God cuz what he do every weekend every weekend he he leaves his phone in which I don't understand so he leaves this phone and I'm just doing white here just gonna touch it up right there I kind of messed it up leaves his phone in the bedroom or in the in the bathroom where I can hear it and every and then he goes outside in like like sets off the alarm every weekend he goes outside and you know I was running around in the backyard and going back and forth in and out of the garage and every time it's making a noise and so didn't I bring him his phone this has happened multiple times it's like our battle of so then I was just like seriously can we find somewhere else to charge your phone so I don't hear it on the weekends that's all I'm saying I will I was gonna make a sweet charging thing in one of the drawers in the kitchen but you took all the drawer so I can't do that now mm-hm yeah that's not I just don't have room in the kitchen for it well obviously not anymore okay it's butter time yeah and my toothbrush and I roll up my sleeves can I'm gonna get this everywhere maybe push my microphone a little bit a ways you know so I've got a little bit of water I'm using the thinned-out paint though so I don't hardly have to thin it out as much as I would normally tap it on the paper towel when you're using toothbrush oh look at that it's gonna come off just so nicely that you have tuned out paint just makes it so much easier really go to town on it if you want some bigger spiders you can do the more watery the paint is the bigger splatters will be but you get finer splatters with the toothbrush that's why I used it because our pictures got a lot of really fine little misty misty snow so alright and I got a big ol thing right here by my bunny so I'm just gonna tap that off so it didn't change the shape on my bunny and there we don't know almost two hours this is that person or a pen that I was talking about that you can use figure your tree what's it called again pig met Sakura is the bigness of her FB it's in my mmm shop so if you want to look it up I can't yes it's super chat hmm we had two super chatters today no the first one was from Denice and she says hi Angela and Mark merry Christmas to you and your family blessings and good health for the holidays in the year in the new year coming hugs and kisses X's and O's ah thank you thank you did you know no okay good I just want to make sure and the second one was from Newfie and she says thank you Angela and Mark for all your wonderful tutorials love you guys your humor honesty and heart are inspiring to us all thank you guys Canadians are bringing it today nice it's not even Thanksgiving for them either all right so we will not be back next Saturday but we will be back Tuesday like Mark said and then we'll be back again the next Tuesday so we're only going to take one day off this week for Thanksgiving and then we'll be will be back for some more Christmasy stuff so fun projects planned I will have my schedule out on social media so if you want to follow me on Facebook or on Instagram those will be posted earlier in the week and you can also already kind of go and click on my name or photograph you can see the upcoming videos that we've got coming up so on the ones on on YouTube and then the ones on crowdcast you can go to crack cast if you want to check those out or you can if they'll be on my social media post that we have it'll show everything so so you talked about patreon I did talk about patreon yeah that traceable I didn't talk about traceable as though I forgot about that so the traceable for this will be available on slash Angela fine art and their dollar their dollar for all of the trace bowls that we've ever done so back to 2007 yo teen we we did have some before that but they were there not as many and so we didn't do them for every video but now we do them for every video so if you are a member of patreon and you're still having a hard time finding the trace of bulls yes good go to the Lord Lord calm and the trace of bulls are all linked up um with images on my website so you can go there search there's a little bitter search easier search functions or you can scroll down through the images and see them all on one page so makes a lot easier to find them so yeah if you're having trouble navigating patreon website which most people do it's not easy to talk about their their search functioning is basically non-existent so thankful art is the way to go and it also has our previous bonus videos listed on there too so you could see kind of what we've done in the past for our bonus videos and for our challenge images which are the ten dollar level ones bonus videos five dollar level so alright so in the upper levels I'll get the trace Bulls as well and the five dollar level also gets the reference photos at a high resolution reference photos of the finished painting and the reference that I use included under that level so alright and thank you again to Deanna bait Deann Bates and Jane Yates for the image suggestion for this painting I'm really excited I love loved it it's really fun to paint hope you try it so alright is that it yeah and then Tuesday we're painting the ornament on me yep so marks gonna have a lot of correcting to do 6:00 p.m. or I'm an ornament I am gonna start with the light blue background so I will be painting that with a I think ultramarine blue maybe a little bit of phthalo blue mixed in with white so it'll be um a light blue background to start on that ornament so yeah you can really make your background whatever color you wanted to so alright we'll see you next time thanks guys bye [Music]
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 44,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, beginner painting lesson, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques, Winter Acrylic painting, White tree Acrylic painting, Snowy trees landscape, Snowy winter trees painting, landscape painting, snow painting, tree painting, winter landscape, winter painting, winter wonderland
Id: 7__ITE7Ob1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 34sec (6994 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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