Purple Meadow Wildflower Landscape Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is Angela Anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video I'm going to be showing you how to paint some purple flowers calling it to purple meadow it's gonna be a really fun project I'm really excited about this one I'll show you start to finish how did how to do it I've got my husband mark with me hey there everybody he's managed at for a live show so you have questions you can ask those and I'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] all righty so I'm going to be using a 9 by 12 inch belgian linen canvas board for this one it's the Fredrick's canvas so thank you to them for providing our canvas today our brushes are going to be a number 12 bright for some of the background work also number 8 filbert number 6 filbert number 4 filbert not sure if we're gonna need all of those but we'll have them on hand just in case and then I've got the number 2 aught around and these are the 6100 series in Princeton then I've got the Princeton Velvet Touch got the quarter inch and 3/8 inch angles and quarter inch 3/8 inch Willa's blenders for some of the more detailed work the world's blenders are just kind of a rounded filbert with a stiff bristle so any kind of stiff bristled brush will work for that first time in the kind of fuzziness in the background I've also got well got two of each so you don't need four um okay three-eighths inch and five-eighths inch different staplers just some sort of stippling brush for that kind of blend a background so whatever you choose to use is fine I just that's what I'll be using today so I've got a bristle fan brush to number ten not for some splattering so yeah yeah just letters we need a like a Cheers cheering no like one of those you know laughs machine kind of things work yeah exactly like that lettering when we do that and then we'll need a pen for our signature so this is a pigma FB Sakura that I use when I do my signatures all right I feel like I'm a little off today for some reason I'm not sure why marks already been left thanks to our sponsors oh yes thank you to Princeton for sponsoring our brushes too we were already using them so it was kind of a win-win for us nice to be an official ambassador alright let's go over our colors got burnt umber burnt sienna quinacridone burnt orange yellow oxide cadmium yellow medium yellow green yellow shade teal they'll a Bluegreen shade ultramarine blue light ultramarine blue noxes in purple quinacridone magenta and then this is cadmium red light which I'm not 100% sure we'll use unbleached titanium titanium white zinc white and this is glazing liquid so if you don't have all these colors just use what you've got some of these are pre-mixed so like the teal and the light under tremendous colors that you can just mix on your own so I just have them out because it makes it faster for the process one more painting it live alright so really I'm not going to do any drawing on this today I might do some later I mean grab a chalk on the little chalk bear here say hi chalk bear he's cute alright so we'll we'll probably sketch on some of our just general flowers later but for the most part we're just gonna kind of do three different layers on our background we've got kind of a blue layer the top sort of a green layer in the middle and then almost the bottom half is kind of a yellowish pinkish green I don't know it's kind of a weird color so I think we're just try to mix that as we go and we'll do a lot of blending also so for the background I've thought about painting the background with a yellow oxide but I just decided to go ahead and leave it blank for now so before I start I want to say hi to everybody thanks for joining us for the live show or if you're watching afterwards but hope you enjoy it and if you do if I hope you'll subscribe and leave a comment to us and let us know what you liked some n thumbs up oh and thumbs up - yes thank you that let's YouTube know that you want to see more also if you want to get notifications there's a little bell next to the subscribe button if you want to get notifications of all our live shows - since they don't really pay attention to subscribe anymore unless you click the it pretty much yeah so alright let me keep them going here marks like let's get going no all right so I'm gonna mix a little bit of the phthalo blue in ultramarine but mostly ultramarine blue for this upper part here and I'm gonna add some let's add some burnt sienna see what happens I want to make it kind of like a deep almost like a Prussian blue color like a navy let's add a little bit of white we'll be able to tell what color we got going on that's pretty close I think I want a little bit more of that ultramarine blue look though maybe added a little bit too much of that burnt sienna well yeah that's gonna be pretty okay so that's our color so I'm gonna start with the kind of medium value that's got a little bit of the white in it and just start up here and start adding and I'm gonna grab a little glazing liquid just to make it go on a little easier and actually I can spray my canvas with a little bit of water just one or two little spritzes I don't want to overdo it that'll make the paint go on a little smoother onto the canvas when it's dry so all right let's grab some that darker and right this one I'm just going to kind of lay down the color I'm not gonna really worry too much about the background looking good I'm kind of just slapping it on there back and forth a little bit white all right that's good so now I've got most of the color off my brush I'm gonna pick up teal just kind of that next greenish layer and start laying some of that in pull it up so well what is the plural of hi plural of hi yeah like when you say hi to somebody I don't know what you're talking about okay well yeah is there such a thing as a portal like I was gonna say eyes yeah so many highs but is that like a chai posture vs cuz it's not really possessive is it no I mean if you just do a chai yes well then that's his Oh true I didn't think about that see okay we need to stop right now and try to figure this out so we're gonna put the brush down we'll come back yeah Chet is much more important right guys to everyone well I can say there's so many highs like I say hi to this person and hi to that person in hi hi hi and just that's gonna say so many highs but then um there's gotta be a wave you see what I'm doing now I'm going back in and kind of darkening up and like adding a little brushstroke II kind of thing use in sort of the corner of the brush now over here it's starting to dry so when I touched it right there it started to lift a little bit so now it makes me lets me know I need to leave that area alone and let it dry before I do anything else to it I'm gonna get a little bit of water and just kind of clean actually I'm just going to go ahead and clean out that blue because I'm gonna start getting into that green and pink I don't want the blue to influence it so yes so hello you can say so many hellos that's kind of plural it's not fair you didn't expect this conversation did you I didn't it's hard to paint and make sure that that at the same time so I'm gonna concentrate on this you work on that okay all right teaches Oh [Laughter] [Music] all right so getting a little bit of the sale of green mixed with this teal and teal is just they love green and phthalo blue plus white so it's already got that color in it and we're just adding a little bit more and I don't really want to go much lower than the halfway mark here so I'm trying to keep it above without kind of messing up into the blue that we've already got going on all right so that's good enough there and then so now I'm going to start with the quinacridone burnt orange a little bit of yellow that'll make kind of a khaki green that's what I'm seeing down in here yeah that's pretty close to it now and down here I'm gonna start kind of just sweeping up up here we've got like little dots down here it's kind of more these grassy things so I'm gonna start sweeping my brush strokes up this way instead of dabbing it like it was before right that base color and then a little bit of yellow there we go let's get some of this covering that's pretty so we'll just say hi to all y'all oh yeah that's a good way there you go or use guys these guys the Boston area huh it's mark Esparza neck of the woods there I grew up in New Hampshire not too far a New Englander I didn't even know where New England was when we moved there my mom was like we're moving to New England and I'm like hmm I had to look it up spoken like a true California and I'm in this is before Google so I had to actually take it took some effort to actually what's the pedia huh I think I did I think I had to look it up an encyclopedia to figure out where we were moving so interesting fact I thought it was estate so sadly that estate we went to Florida for vacation once quick yellow oxide and burnt sienna here burnt orange I mean and we went to McDonald's room we got there we're going anywhere didn't like the Disneyworld area and person was like oh where are you from and we said New Hampshire and they're like oh where's that like it's in New England and they're like well oh hope you like it in the States and we were just like yeah it's nice thank you appreciate it it's pretty much how the southern anywhere you know we're pretty much like if you're not if you're not here it doesn't really matter to us a lot I was from California so I was pretty much thought that was California was the best I didn't understand why anybody lived anywhere else it was pretty much what I was thinking at the time and that wasn't really under didn't understand why nobody else was impressed that that's where I was from so we moved to Boston area it's very disappointing alright so it kind of brought it up on the sides just a little bit mmm and I'm just kind of going up over but try not to cover all of that greenery but you can kind of see what we've got going on now it's starting to take shape just every now and then adding a little bit more that green in there and you kind of want streaks of the different colors so I'm just gonna kind of go back over here while that's still wet it's starting to dry so I don't want to mess with it too much well it's are you ready to dry hon for me I know I told you that I was gonna have you drying today yes I did I told you yesterday yes I did I don't know I think we were in the butt room in the bedroom or in here I said oh that's right well it was in here then no I did tell you 100% told you this is our this is our normal kind of conversations because mark never listens to me please yeah okay so this weekend is our bonus video weekend we're doing it early because we've got things coming up next weekend we're having a yard sale and then the weekend after we're going to be we're not gonna have a show so the only other option would be the very last Sunday of the month so we decided to go ahead and do it early this month so we're going to do our patreon bonus videos the $5 level video we're going to do the giraffe mullen baby's so cute and they're going to be in black and white like this I'm gonna make the background a little bit less obvious because I think it's competing with the with them so they'll it'll probably be a lot lighter so they'll stand out a little bit more but I'm really looking forward to this one it'll be really fun I think it's a sweet little thing it's kind of an arm on baby's series we did the llama mama earlier for Mother's Day around me I think it was so this is kind of along the same lines and I think it'll be a fun project if you missed it we did last Saturday we did our country Vince so that one turned out really good I really was happy with this and this was last month's bonus video and so if you sign up for the patreon $5 level you get not only this month's video for the giraffe but you also get last month's and all of the other previous bonus videos that we've gotten was that several yep thank you all right so this are kind of just starting level here so if you want to sign up for that you can go to patreon.com/scishow that or back home but he'll put the graphic on there he's trying to put the door back on the studio literally don't have a door on the studio yet so it's propping he's having to prop it up in that doorway which I was doing my video for my patrons my Wednesday video on Wednesday are now Thursday I mean my Thursday video and I had Spencer prop it up for me and I couldn't get out I mean he went and took a shower so I was stuck in here it's pretty funny to be there but yeah so whoo that's more to do exactly I was like I need the door up there because it's kind of loud and you know there's nothing up on the wall so it's very echoey in the house still we're have going through renovations I forgot to mention that so if you've yeah so our lives are pretty much kiss right now so the art sale hopefully will help okay so I've mixed up some teal and some white I used zinc white at first but it wasn't cutting it down a little bit enough so I went ahead and went with the straight white and now I'm wiping most of that off it did not wet my brush you want your paints moist but your brush dry when you're using the Deerfoot stipler and I'm going to just start going in here and pressing in some and I want some a little bit brighter color than that so I'm gonna go ahead too much paint on my brush I want it to be kind of soft we want our edges to sort of blend it out so just need to kind of slowly build up these layers don't try to do it all at once that's one of the things that will help give your painting depth as if you kind of take your time slowly build your layers up why must that off there we go I had it a little bit of phthalo blue to this one I'm just gonna slowly kind of scumble and it's just basically scrubbing dry brushing these kind of wispy things happening in our background I want to leave some of these dark areas too so don't cover it all up it and then as we get to this horizon line here we're gonna add a little bit more of the lighter colored ones there's a couple spots that are pretty bright just scrub out those edges so they don't these edges are not like they don't look like stiffled a sort of look smooth the edges do so I'm trying to kind of smooth out some of that stipple book from them and I could have used a round round brush too and I thought about I might switch over to my filbert here in a minute but I'm gonna get some of these on first and then we'll add other details okay that's looking good so let's go ahead and get a filbert and I'm thinking this smaller one maybe the number four I'm gonna get some glazing liquid and some of this teal that's got a little bit of the white in it I'm just gonna start dabbing into that area that I've already kind of stippled and just making a kind of a brighter Centers for some of them and keeping those edges kind of rounded out so blend out your edges get a little bit with a darker blue and some places this is they love blue with a little bit of that deal in it that's pretty I'm trying to get it a bokeh effect it's not a real bokeh it doesn't have the really hard circles but it's similar so I want to do the overlapping thing like we would see with that okay we set in here for what two hours uh-huh doing stuff and getting ready mm-hmm and now there's a fly in here I know I know you let the fly in how I think when you went out to blowdry he heard you oh he said there was a party going it was notification would often meaning that you are live yep yep he's like oh man I'm late I'm late I gotta get in there I'm supposed to harass them you're not part of the crew fly go away so excited he wants to see what was him he was landing on her campus the other day okay so just going back in with that dark color I'm kind of going around some of those edges and darkening him up oh he's buzzing my head now you know what he was doing it earlier he was waiting for me to hold I was moving boxes and stuff around he'd wait for me to have my hands full nope he's trying to land on me and then I got the fly swatter out I saw a set my boxes down he was lying on my face and he was still landing on my face I had the fly swatter in my hand and he kept he kept trying to land on my face and I couldn't get him cuz he was like right in my face I know I was to hit myself I know he knows what he's doing he's smart he's he's just buzzing around my head over here all right so just dabbing in around these edges sort of blending them out a little bit you can kind of see where we've done it over here and where we haven't over here it's I don't know if you can see it on the camera but it's a little bit harsher so we're just gonna smooth submit those brushstrokes somebody would like to know is there something they can use other than the glaze what do they have I mean yeah just something that that creates a little flow Oh see he's landing on my canvas over here he's not my brushes right here can you get him get him oh we need flying him yeah no no he left a leg on my brush he did hey don't tell Courtney my daughter-in-law doesn't like us to kill flies and stuff oh this is a great video so far I know it is we were like really on track today what was I saying oh um you could use matte medium or a medium of some sort like that that you know I've seen artists using that the thing with matte medium the reason I don't use it is because it's it does mattify your paint so it dulls the color a little bit but it does work well for blending and stuff then you can always glaze it again you know if you want to brighten it up or just you know add glaze glazes of color over the top but all right grab a little bit more that they look believin make sure yeah this is working pretty well I think I liked having that fuzzy first so then we can kind of focus on we don't have to worry about the edges so much we can just kind of focus on the Centers of some of these brightening them up add some white here yeah just kind of changing the directions so that I'm getting kind of soft rounded spots on here you get another question okay I'd like to know if they can add anything to their paints to keep them from being so transparent um white and white will help make your paint more opaque so if you're you know using a transparent paint and adding white will definitely do the trick chicken also and then what you can do is you you add the white you put your color down and then you glaze back over the top of your color on top of the white and that gives you that bright bold color so especially if you're going over a color like this you know where it's dark like this and you need to you know need to cover it up for some reason [Music] and your your colors not covering it just adding a little bit of white will help and then like I said you can go back in and brighten that color back up by just adding the color on top once it's dry adding the main color so whatever like if you're trying to cover the blue with yellow say yellow especially it's a very hard color to cover anything else with it's one of the lowest value colors out there so it doesn't cover other colors very well let's go and grab some this is ink white here and start adding some of that into I think White's a transparent white so it's gonna be a little bit more soft and subtle than white white titanium white but anyhow what I was saying was if he wanted like if you were gonna go go in here with these some yellow or something like that you would do the white first and then or add white to yellow and then at the very end do another layer of white of yellow over the top of the white yellow and it would make a really bright yellow looks like clouds so what you don't really want it to look like clouds so I think once we get the flowers in there it won't look like clouds so much all right it's coming along all right I think I like that so let's keep that this brush it seems to be working pretty well I'm gonna try to whoops nope that's drying and scrape that off excuse the noise here to make some noise clean off a spot on my palate here I had to change that blade out and I thought I was gonna slice my thumb off it scared me it wouldn't come out and then I couldn't get the new one back in you know pushing on a razor blades never end up getting my pliers out holding it yeah I was scared scary alright so I think I'm gonna go back to the Deerfoot here and work on this area like we did before get kind of some soft fuzzies going and then we can add there's not a whole lot going on in this transition area so I don't have to do a whole lot I'm getting that zinc white and getting some of this mixture here with these three yellow brown green cadmium yellow yellow oxide burnt orange and a little bit of the green teal color yeah basically we're making you know we're just switching from the one color that we've got up here to the color below it so getting some teal here there we go here we got a request from a six year old oh really yeah it says they want to know can you paint something more boyish other than flowers we do have that tank that we painted Oh tank yeah what about a dinosaur Oh a dinosaur nice I like dinosaurs sure and then what you were just you so you're you have a six-year-olds name I don't have that oh okay we'll get it here no that's okay I was just gonna give a shout out okay well we'll games for the suggestion like that idea in your pellet is a glass pellet yeah you have a razor blade scraper for it mm-hmm the glass pellets in your Amazon store it is a scraper yes boom down below link at the Amazon link for her store mm-hmm Amazon shop amazon.com slash shop and slash Angela fine art this is my Amazon store yeah I got all kinds of stuff in there I got music and books and I've got three four different um storefronts I've got the if you go to the that link it'll it'll do a landing page and then it'll will have four different choices so if you go to the acrylic painting supplies list and it'll be in there if you go the books and music one it won't be in there but you'll see some music we also have a new section in our newsletter that we're kind of doing featuring some some of that in case anybody cares but kind of fun we're sending out a weekly newsletter so if you want to get that you can sign up on Wix calm or actually it's not work so comments thankful are calm it's a Wix website but sorry I'm thinking and painting is not it's not easy painting and talking I should say okay alright so you can see what I'm doing I'm kind of just softly blending all of this okay missus muscies all together looks really soft and blendy really pretty get some more of this like teal with the with the yeah sink white hair and add some a title on here back in fuzz out some of these edges that we got going on up here [Music] okay yeah your top ething is very loud I guess it's cuz there's just no other sounds going on right now there's nothing in the room to insulate yeah yeah I can hang up a bunch of blankets okay yeah I did think I don't know I assume I don't think you didn't let me know I want I already got a critique of mine like I like marks decorating is like terrible I have like two square feet and she looked over and like okay yeah that's not gonna happen no so ya know that he moved like the pretty my pretty basket down on the bottom by the floor where you couldn't see it and he put up his big ol ugly filing tote thing up and the top off like right at the very front like nope that tote goes to the bottom and the pretty stuff gets put it to the test right so ya have to bend over every time I want to pay the bills we'll get you a pretty tote and then you can put it up where you want it it's okay honey it's alright form before or what did I say earlier I don't know it didn't make sense to me so right out the window it's you listen I should over for more so yeah it's as an art studio it's gotta look pretty good be inspiring that's inspiring me how to pay the bills and and not get arrested just saying okay so going back in with some of these dark areas here just kind of I mean this is gonna have several layers before we're done so I'm just gonna keep on going back and forth trying not to cover up all you've done but kind of just add to it and let's add some zinc white to this blue that we've got going on for our background color and just do some of that here they're keeping the dark blue up toward the top and I want to go down to low it kind of starts transitioning to the softer colors it's really right in here this is probably still too dark even doing here Mona says I should have her refrigerator over here for all my snacks you really should okay so I think I'm getting in there pretty close this one still needs some work here let's get some white teal pretty still looking sound like cloud to think of you just because of the colors and just cloud colors so our eyes kind of interpreting it as that but I think once we get our flowers in there it'll be better it really doesn't matter if it looks like clouds it'll work in either way so are you gonna give me back my magnet over there which man I'd notice you were advertising it as yours and you got an a hung on your side the China were the one from China mm-hmm again that it's hashtag maybe it's from mark it she she mentioned me on there so I think I think that it could have been for me too hmm we do need to go show the magnets we've gotten this week this we haven't shown him in a while so we've got a whole slew of them that we need to show okay getting back in here with some of the white I think we're getting really close to done with this upper area here a little bit smaller actually let's go ahead and use the Willows blender here this one you can wet down I'm going to use some of this teal and they look blue let's use a little bit of that ultramarine blue to the light ultramarine blue white most of it off yeah let's use that color here that all will help cuz we'll be using this color in our flowers so that's good Muse's teal and white here and I can use this brush to kind of round out those edges and to find them a little bit better you steal and my ultramarine light ultramarine is just white + ultramarine blue so I kind of am in-between color and really you can stop at any point when you you know if you're happy once you're happy with it so you don't have to keep going like I have been good just in what's your happy and you know it I don't forget clap your hands thanks honey I appreciate that good advice I didn't know that was for painting too but that's good get to know it's mandatory it's pretty much for anything right it's just a life life lesson life lessons remark just make sure you put the brushes out when you clap your hands if you get paint on yourself okay good thinking okay I'm adding ultramarine blue here with my glazing liquid waiting around those edges noticed that that the new floor is louder and when I move my mat I really need the carpet you know dulled the sound muffle the sound so the hard surface reflects the sound more yep it does what was amazing we should put carpet over it mm-hmm okay gettin some teal I'm just gonna go in straight deal now with some glazing glaze and heal over some of these white areas you can see what it does it kind of changes a color it's already got that intense white color down and now we're just making it warty and some white hair gonna do some breyer right up in here okay and then anywhere we want to add color we just go in with our clays in liquid and add it over the top of these white areas that we've got going on I don't own it change the tint okay I'm pretty happy with that like we're gonna clap your hands over there thank you huh it does sound so weird in here without anything to dull sound other than me exactly okay just a few areas of bright white here let's try to catch those but does back handle all right that's good so let's go down here and I'm going to keep this brush I'm going to mix up some of the yellow and green ones with some of this teal a little bit more white and then we'll do some of these circles down in here too just a few okay and now we've got some of duh I'm gonna go ahead and add some of this tail down here I'm seeing just a little bit of it just tapping kind of blending out those edges doing kind of circles with it really any scrubby brush will work but this the oil in here kind of makes it easy to do it's got the right texture that we're looking for so it likes it easy to get these perfect looking for okay so let's go ahead and keep with this now I'm gonna start looking at the flowers so we can draw on some of our flowers here I think this is dry enough maybe you've got one really high up here another one right there another one right here one right here be careful not to press too hard I'll lift the paint off my canvas right here there's a little one right here you go one right here is it get down closer to us they're gonna get bigger so these ones right in here a little bit larger than the ones farther back and really kind of smush they're not quite circles somebody told me what kind these are I can't remember they're not this one I thought they weren't this low but they're not she told me what kind it was and I didn't write it down okay something like that okay so let's go ahead and grab the purple I'm gonna spray my palette grab the purple and burnt umber that'll be our kind of base color for the underside of these and there's some areas that are pretty dark but we're not gonna lighten it up just a little bit at first I'll go on to dark side a little bit of white to it that's perfect that's kinda me is that right in here I'm just gonna put the base of some of these flowers in someone we're gonna be fuzzier than others so these ones that are in the background we can use a different brush we can use this brush so that we get kind of that softer edge to them and then these ones that are in the foreground well I'm just gonna go ahead and do them all with this fuzzier brush and then we can harden up the edges that we want hard okay so keeping it soft and some of these that are farther back and they'll actually be a little bit more blue - they'll be closer to this color here we can get some of the light ultramarine blue and use that smaller and the fun thing about this is that when we do this we do these ones that are in the foreground that are you know more obviously flowers you're I will interpret these ones that are far back here that are just like little soft wispy blobs and as flowers even though they're not really defined they're not defined in our picture either but it's just kind of cool how our eyes sort of fill in the gaps for us without having to yeah they're always kind of looking for cues and interpreting what we're seeing and so we put these kind of fuzzy flowers back here and then put the more detailed ones in the front foreground these ones back here suddenly become flowers instead of dots pretty cool no if that made sense at all but probably just Sony who's listening you so not you so what you're saying we were trying to help somebody find their thumbs up button oh nice cool but I'm listening now go ahead keep going with it interesting information they're going with blue and some of these it's okay I'm done now I was done with my profound thoughts section of this show I'll have to go back and watch it later then it's okay it wasn't that important all right so keep on going here so I'm gonna go ahead and do these and then we're gonna end up like putting grass and things over the top of some of these so some of them that will get painted twice some we're gonna leave with the stems going through over the top of them so it's gonna push them back into the for background and bring some of these forward for us now the dots are starting to kind of look more like flowers to getting a little bit of the white ultramarine tap on the top edge they're highlighted a little bit and get some white not that wait at the top create that highlight in that cashmere yes Mia what are you doing trying to get your attention I'm adding a little bit oh she's rubbing on a mic yep she found the mic I should get a picture of that yeah if we had that app working we could show you picture Kashmir sitting unmarked flap rubbing all over the microphone Kashmir chef cat by the way that would have been awkward if it was with somebody allocation right clarification it's not some random person that walked in it is kind of a if you think about it that way you know it would be kena mm-hmm weird not acceptable no not acceptable do you hear I can hear purring hey yeah somebody wants to know uh says that when they are using the fan brush and they put it in the water in separates into sections how do they avoid that with the fan brush you probably shouldn't be putting it in the water in the first place because if it's a hug bristle which is probably you know what normally these white bristled fans if it's a crystal fan then you don't really want it in the water so that's that because what that happens is they get floppy they the water soaks into the fibers and then they just get soft and they just mush around they don't keep these crisp hard edge so you keep you know you can mix up your color ahead of time that you're gonna be using with your fan brush and then grab it right when you're ready to go onto the canvas and that shouldn't do that for you shouldn't mush or separate that was loud yeah we're on the whole other side of the house we're gonna get Street noises now from the main road out here okay no that wasn't my Prius Jeffery it would have been more like maybe if that if that pretty much the noise that it makes [Music] super quiet hmm I drove it the other day I didn't even know I kept turning it off and back on because I must have done that three times I'm not getting every time I got into it I'd start it and then I think it wasn't started so then I'd set it off I guess it's pretty funny thank you very much somebody yes if the flowers are a globe amaranth maybe arrow probably aren't those bigger I'm not sure I think these are as big as that but I'm not sure though it could be look it up google it honey Google we have Google now it's awesome I thought they were button flowers they look a little bit like button flowers but then the button flowers we have are yeah I don't think so globe this one no they're not calling flowers no and I don't think they're bachelor buttons are they beat flowers look look good look up purple purple button flowers I'm serious I think that might be what they are okay I'm just adding some random color here now I'm gonna grab it a little bit of the pink the quinacridone magenta yeah I think that might be done [Music] maybe so it's wild onion well yep yep yep yep that's the one yep that's what she said yeah I was wild onion we got that growing in our creek do we do we have these yeah they're not why they're white don't get the plus I pull them out before they see it and spread onions everywhere oh nice okay so I'm gonna add some this pink color just a few spots here this is coming along pretty well every time I lean in to talk cashmere things I'm leaning in for her so she reps up against my beard you guys are having a moment over there I hope I see that yeah she is she's literally rubbing in the she's standing in his way in front of the microphone like completely in front of it I need to get a picture of that and I'll post it on Facebook later I don't I won't get you in it I always get her here's a picture totally in his face did you know mommy can leave the room she doesn't need to be part of this we're just having that time here just daddy and me she's a mess it's hilarious okay so before I get too much more done I'm going to use this purpley pink color and a little bit of that burnt orange to it and get some of this glazing liquid and I don't want it to be super like in-your-face color yeah there we go I'm just gonna add these little seed pods all I'm doing is tapping this brush and kind of doing him sort of lines so tapping them back and forth having some little my so I watered this down a little bit added a little bit of that glazing liquid to make it stick and I'm going to use the angle brush and try to connect up some stems on here we come I can hear she's preparing so loud she's so happy to be in the studio with you we usually kick her out we've been letting her in lately though she's been she's been pretty good she hasn't been too much of a mess but she she's still trying to figure out her new place in a new studio so think she thinks she she's part of the show now it's your assistant so which brush are you using for the stems well I've kind of got I've got two going on here people get comments when I do that oh oh I don't even realize that I did until I read the comments on of old video I know what's doing it too there were a bunch of comments about me holding two brushes at the same time I don't know so the answer is yes angled brush for those - yes squirrel yeah no just adding some stems here trying to connect up the the ones that are real high up here but I'm doing it very glazed so they're soft I don't want them too dark or harsh a little bit of the white if you need to just keep them kind of Linde looking I hope you have an odd number of flowers here no oh and a long time ago somebody asked about your nail color okay I forgot all about it hey it's in that box over there I don't know so I think it's a Sally Hansen one oh it's so pretty love it okay thank you that felt good mm-hmm I'm gonna get some of this I bleached or unbleached titanium and mix it with the burnt orange and I'm using this difícil brush here again and I'm just going to add some random leaf shapes here I'm not worried about going over the top of my flowers cuz we're gonna we're gonna have all kinds of different things going on here so we'll we'll add color back over the ones that we need to be in focus you know the recipes were not too worried about maybe add a little bit of pink to this that's for that magenta it's nothing quite deadly than liquid yeah those are it what's Jason Montana that's where they grow that's the name of the flower sheep spit bit okay much better worried about that name named that exactly there's so beautiful I'm glad my mic wasn't on Thank You Mona yeah Mona so they're not wild onions it says that it is a low-growing plant in the family chem panel of data found in rocky places and not planned regions of Europe and Western Asia Oh common names include sheeps bit Scabbia s-- blue bonnets blue buttons new Daisy iron flower sheep Scabbia sand sheeps bit scientific name is Jesse own Montana cute so we don't have him here that's a bummer road trip exactly okay so just come back in here what's this pink color and adding some of that in we're just really kind of creating all kinds of layers here just stuff going on get my angle brush with some white and/or some yellow and green let's get some of this yellow oxide and then some white here let me go glazing liquid where's it flat so that you get a straight edge on it and then we're just gonna use it to do some grasses and if it's not showing up you can get a little bit more of the white make it more opaque here we go I'm doing this fairly quick so don't worry about going over the top of your purple flowers we can put those back in if we need to but somebody's up high to get a little bit of pink in here some nice orangie color yeah okay I think the flowers are of the farm all family we got more opinions on it oh yeah happening okay are we sorry we asked yeah aren't we always no need to know these things alright so mix in a little bit of this purple and pink color with a little bit of blue I think I can't remember it I got grabbed I think it was blue blue and purple I probably grabbed a little bit of brown or something in there - it looks pretty neutral but I don't remember I was talking to you I think I grabbed this this you know I did okay so I'm gonna use a little bit of the glazing liquid here yeah I'm gonna go back over some of these spots here now and just add some more and I've switched to this little bit smaller brush here this is the quarter inch Deerfoot not Deerfoot um will it wonder a little pity pushed my brush nice and flat so I can get a good little straight edge and do some little highlights and some these too [Music] so next time I'll put the the left mic on cashmere some people can just enjoy Herbert I know it is pretty relaxing in it can people here I just cranked up my mic real high so take it here come here from here so I'm sure it's kitty Oh cute doing a little bit with the orange there's different colors here okay right so this blue just kind of encroaching over the top of some of these stems I'm gonna get some of this teal blue white color from our sky and just scrub it back over some of these stems here got some purple and the burnt orange adding some darker so really to find some of these and I'm tapping in these ones that I want more focused I'm tapping so they have a crisper edge on them some of these are still a little bit blurry but some of them are brighter okay so these ones I want more blue so I'm gonna get Beltrami blue and purple and do that that's nice oops I was looking at you laughing at me sounds like you'd repeat yourself mint in mid-sentence let the canvas know you'd like courage the brushes okay adding some this blue purple to other places she's still burned over there okay there's a big one right here it's quite dark [Music] Gee's has to be our next-door neighbor [Music] don't worry I'll go cruising around the neighborhood after the show mm-hmm we'll teach them a thing or two hmm cruisin around on what in your Prius I'll do like you're through in the morning I still don't think it's gonna have the same impact there honey even if I Rev the battery's pretty sure so somebody doesn't have a Willard willows blender what can be used mm well you can you can use pretty much any scrubby brush you could probably use the deer foot if you have one of those I'm trying to think they have they sell really inexpensive a hog hair bristles bristle brushes that you could you could use I think or if you have it like an old brush that's kind of scruffy you could just use that you know anything that that allow you to kind of do this Dippold effect would work it helps if it's a little stiff bristled though so you can get it better softer edges you know so now we're building up our dark ones these ones that we want to stick out a little bit more oh now she's coming over at me I guess you know she's not coming to me she's gonna go get into control so when is the slogan competition over I didn't set a date for it and just when I find six that I like so it'll probably be sometime next week that will pick the pick the six finalists and vote on them I don't have a set date it just kind of depends on one I have time for it but I have been kind of checking them out and there's some pretty funny ones we get a slogan contest for a new t-shirt design that we it's actually Marc's design Marc came up with the concept but it needs a funny title funny or probably be more apt to get in the finals then then the serious ones just saying cuz it's a funny design it's a stick man in a hammock so what are you trying to keep it yes I call my heart all my art is funny or not just for that I'll fluff out my beard for you hmm Thanks Marc's been working on that beard for a while nine weeks okay doing the light ultramarine blue over the top here some of these are more Brown than others but I'm gonna make them purple I will add some brown but I want to I want them to be purple so I'm gonna tap in some of the details edge of my brush there just by tapping off I don't know if we need to zoom in you can see that I've pressed that brush flat so it's got a nice fine line there and just stepping and you can use this any really any brush for this like any that's a that'll do a fine line so you could use your your brush here to do it too in fact I'm gonna use the this brush to do my little dab dots that are happening in there so I'm gonna get the unbleached titanium and there's a little teeny tiny tots just use the very tip of the brush to do those that burst just wants to be in the shot all the time this one was it just sitting off this is my gym okay get some bread that brown I'm gonna round it off the bottom I guess a little bit more it's a little bit more like can I have to shape them a little bit comes in a little bit more alright here we go and then we'll it's simple to marine blue here whoop too much water dab that in there these are the there's only gonna be a few that are really detailed like this we want to take our time and get them really right you know I'm gonna add a little bit of the phthalo blue and white in ultramarine so available ultramarine and white here a bit of all three yeah okay let's do some up here this one here and then down below is just dots okay and if you need to you can use a small liner brush if you are more comfortable with that it's up to you we get a question mm-hmm they would like to know how can they mix a phthalo green yellow green if you have phthalo blue you just had yellow to it you'll get a phthalo green or something similar at least so would like a cad yellow lighters on the mark or yeah probably cap yellow light will get you a brighter green and cad yellow medium would for sure i'll do it here in a second show you but around this bottom ounce this like they it's got two parts I'm gonna just round this out a little bit bring it out a little bit whiter and some deal with this one here do you find that back end of it a little bit more the color may not look all that great at first but will soften it up here in a minute we're just trying to get it dark enough to really register we're gonna get those dark areas in this is a little bit lighter version of that dark color that I was using just add a little bit of white to it put ultramarine blue here right along that line where those flowers start to emerge come on together a little bit oh thanks anything I'm gonna switch to this fresh air this is this the two lot use that light ultramarine blue add a little bit of ultramarine to it but mostly the light ultra mean and then some white just on the tip this brush may not be thin enough we'll see if I can get in enough lines for that there's just some that are kind of coming off the sides that are like curved there and it's hard to get with that round with the flat brush so I need to with the angle brush you know so I need to get this round brush so that I can kind of create these curved lines around the outside edges the rest of it they can be straight okay there we go pretty-pretty it's um Dabbs just some of these they're just kind of in our back round area not a whole lot of detail to them but just a little bit of something going on in there okay same thing here just do some little dabs indicate something going on there but not really have any major detail to it yeah I got the shape of these all wrong I kind of didn't go in on the sides like I was supposed to they're supposed to Kenai have this sort of 300 get some of this I'm starting at whisper sorry have I been doing that for a while probably get some purple and some of the burnt orange what just oh I just pulled that Kim at them paint right off that give it that was weird not sure why I did that it's not cured yet in sum the night like burn orange hair I'm just dabbing that toward the bottom don't want to detail this I thought this would be a fast one minutes got a lot there's a lot of paint flowers too they have a lot of little bits Tim you know a lot of parts I never can tell anymore I don't want me anything that's gonna take and I take I probably take longer than it needs to to get it done getting some of this ultramarine blue here I'm just gonna kind of glaze over some of these blue color might resume out here I'm I'm kind of think I went off camera there somebody would like to know what can they use if they don't have QBO burnt sienna and and they low or and quinacridone magenta get something similar very similar let's get some weight ultramarine blue and I'm just going to some of these I'm just gonna do little fuzzies and I'm not gonna try to define them very much get a purple in burnt umber or Ultraman blue and purple I mean here we go get away with some of this purple here I'm just setting my brush down and kind of skimming it so it's catching the texture of this brush and canvas creating these soft could you repeat again with the qbo colors were yes quinacridone magenta and burnt umber [Music] I'm getting some light they love blue here and wait halo around some of these that are further back closer this guy a little bit of that blue color I'm gonna get some that blue water mean blue and just gonna find out around the edge of this one here what my brush-off just mush that around I disappear that one see how that did let's get a little bit as I think quite well and a little bit of that on top but probably pink color you know just getting a little too like defined so I wasn't bring it back down a little bit [Music] [Music] right here and just adding it to the tops of these ones that we want to kind of fuzzy in the background here so here's the quinacridone and burnt umber or I'm sorry burnt sienna inquanok or down so there that and then if you mix the QBO with quinacridone burnt orange with white you can get a similar color it'll be a more vibrant obviously because it's pure you know it's not cut with that Brown the burnt sienna dulls it a little bit but it's still the same tone so it's still in the same color family I'm gonna get some yellow oxide in here [Music] that's doing some of that on there was just double summer my son or the purple and ultramarine with white yeah what's she doing hmm on what ah because we get that question every time I use it okay I'm gonna defect check to you what so before we said it was a CAD red light plus burnt sienna plus gornak or no magenta so what I wrote down before CAD red light plus burnt sienna plus quinacridone magenta okay yeah the the the CAD red light will make it more vibrant so yeah it probably probably would have bumped up that vibrancy by adding more the CAD red light so it's I was probably right the first time either way of work it'll just make it a little bit more vibrant okay marks notes are always right so it won't hurt anything listen to mark good job can some purple with that should be okaaay remixed and then can some of the lighter color I'm just dabbing that on so there's a couple more that are you know I've got three brushes I need to clean these up because I could not start getting stuck with me dip these ones in that I haven't washed yet so you don't want to keep their paintbrushes in the water but you do want to keep them moist until you can paint or dry than paints to clean at the paint out so I'm just dipping these ones back in there's use that I haven't washed yet all right yeah so we need some brighter highlights on some of these that are in the background it gets on that light ultramarine and the white [Music] we're still a little bit too zoomed in for all of it to show on Thanks [Music] they love blue and white here so I've got a little blue and white and ultramarine blue and wine I'm just gonna alternate between the two better highlights here some of them are quite bright so don't be afraid I'm really good going for it and always tone it down if we need to I'm thinking that my note-taking resembles the guy at the hardware store yeah yeah you were complaining about him not having good notes McDonald Cindy house-painting quote CAD red light plus and then over the top it said link palette knife painting check and then you got something rose to to 2:05 how to find traceable makes perfect sense it's all very organized I hope you understand what any of that meant because I didn't Taco Bell and McDonald's was suggestions for dinner was one Tuesday night I think it got saved along with oh yeah I think you Pope you you showed me that you held it up yeah now I remember that I do where's passing me notes during the show that was awesome that looks about like how my house notebook looks like I started a house notebook thinking you know I'm gonna just keep track of everything so nowhere you know what we're doing and I have like notes on every page just they're all in random order it's driving me crazy I should have done a three-ring binder so I could move the pages around after I took notes but now and if it had been a few years ago I would have if I when I wasn't working full time you know and had more time on my hands I I would have gone and read dinking rewritten all those notes out but now I'm just like yeah whatever didn't nobody got time for that okay so just going back in here with my white highlights and this is really gonna make it pop it's gonna really pull all those flowers forward we've got this big one here that we need to still like put details on so I'll start the process of that this guy it's got the fuzzies all the way around just about so the ones that are sticking up straight towards us that's why we're seeing dots because those ones are literally when you know when you've got a fuzzy flower like this and as those bristles turn towards you by the time their paint facing straight onto you you're only seeing like a dot like that part of it and maybe a little bit of the stock but so these ones that are better on this part of the flower that are facing us are just going to be these little dots that's all we're gonna see of those and then they'll start come down around so this but this middle part just gonna be a little literally like little dots and short lines you know same thing with this one here this one's got the little lines all the way around it so I'm gonna try to get that look without having to draw every single little one again so do all the way around it and then kind of in the middle here I'm just gonna dab little dots short lines kind of curve out like that hmm back in with the blue unjust the dark purple just me the dark deep colors to give us contrast that our flower takes form otherwise it'll just look flat so I'm gonna need those dark little bits right in the center so that it looks really has some dimension your suggests yes it's not really bucks for that is it could be I'm saying just a few little bright whites to bring some energy on focus you're fun just a little white highlights to these it's got something that blue and it's that's not pure white some of the blue and purple yes timing done it aside yet it's a darker blue here most of these over here are pretty shadowy so don't have to do all out with them this one has a little bit more detail make them a little bit bigger okay we're almost there 30 minutes yeah about that maybe less hopefully yes hopefully less now that's funny it was about this time when Mark started thinking about dinner what are you not thinking about dinner that's what I want to know mm-hmm let's be real he's calling you it's it's the the mommy grandma chat nice let's liam up to he was trying to feed himself earlier crantini again it's a big they were asking what was he trying to eat is applesauce or some Apple blueberry and spinach I'll pass you had me until the spinach there you lost me though move it on its own but maybe not with apples and blueberries that's funny all right so now I need to add some our stems back in and I'm really big we've covered up all of our stems okay brushes straight hair they're magenta and unbleached titanium what what color what I'm mixing up quinacridone magenta and unbleached titanium and maybe a little bit of burnt orange okay I'm going to use this to put a nurse Tama said what disappeared her the ones we want to make prominent again so just a few of them we'll run some stray grasses through here do a little bit darker version let's get some of that connect with um burnt orange you need to be a little bit darker get some that purple some of that unbleached ikm get kind of both on my brush maybe one on one side and did the darker on the other side and I'm going to dab in right here with the tip of my brush it's more of those seeds here can do some stem as if we need to these can go over the top of our some of our flowers here push some of them into the background let's brush I'll give us a little bit more control over where these are going and then some of these that are farther in the background we can make even lighter there's a lot of these so just do as many of these as you want really they're pretty much the entire painting is this whole bottom section is just full of these little grassy things here with the little seed pods do as many as you have the patience for hmm mm-hmm yeah yes that is the angle brush there's like these little stalks that come off of it and then little pots gonna fan out around this dock he says you're a quarter-inch angle brush yes quarter inch dinner what did I say I don't know I think we just said angle brush mm-hmm quarter-inch anglers yep mm-hmm yep just the magenta and the burnt orange in the purple so just kind of doing versions of those for these grasses and so I'm just going back in here and highlighting few of them and make it some green here green and yellow oxide if I can get some that glazing liquid I'm gonna add some go anything around here just adding some of this green back in here and there tucking it in we've got a little bit dark I'm kind of wishing that they were a little bit lighter back there so I'm gonna see if I can mine it up get some I'm just scrubbing in some lines with this scrubby brush using this will kind of help keep it from getting to define because these are we're so at the end of this process we don't want to I mean unless we want you know really fine detail green lines through our painting but if we don't if we want to keep them kind of soft and blended then using this dry brush technical help that I mean I can do some over the top of some of these they're a little bit more a little bit of water make it a little bit more fluid there we go careful not to cover up or anything that you don't want you know covered over it's profound okay and we could have done this step like before we put in our purple flowers and then again and afterwards you know doing some so and the more more grasses that you have in there the better I think it looks right I like it I like it let me add just a little bit more of the kind of covered over some of my seed pod things think of a bomb since add just a few more of those in there and mmm do a little bit more with that one down here not as defined try and make sure that I got all the ones that I was supposed to be more in focus I can see a couple of it I need to work on purple and blue green blue and then I've got white here am I going too fast not telling people what I mix it uh there have been some comments about you mixing in with the colors that you've already gotten mixed on your palate and adding color so just make it trying to make it easier for them to follow along you I get to go in and I forget to stop in mention that thank you one more layer the bright white down here something oops make sure that you got a stem going over the top you don't cover over the stem that looks weird get half the flower covered and then the highlight is not don't do that alright I think we're about done fun one I think it's particularly difficult it just takes a lot you know a lot of layers to get it to look right I think but yeah I like it I wish it was a little bit more yellowish I I kind of think I went a little bit too dark on the background I wish I'd left it a little bit more orangey but too late I mean get some yellow and some white here and a little bit of the burnt orange and we'll use that first bladder so I don't add some of that lighter color in that we're missing really not a whole lot we can do at this point cuz we've got it Oh down so I think you got it but I don't so I'm not gonna worry about it and these yellow bits will really help contrast with that purple - it'll look really pretty OOP I just spotted all of my shirt I'm just splattered back so can you glaze with white you can if you're glazing I would I would you think white cuz think what's transparent glazing technically is you know it meant to be a thin layer of transparent cover so I think I think I got it on the floor then layer of transparent color so you know if you want to keep it transparent then you think white sure go to color for white transparency yeah I'm just gonna dab off some of these that are a little bit big it's actually not bad huh can I don't mind that a little bit messy look there yeah add that lighter color in there I hope Dave didn't fall asleep for that part see hanging in there I don't know he was you know earlier I haven't seen him in chat lately so you may have given up all right yeah I like it I hope you liked it too and if you did you can give it a thumbs up and subscribe and all that good stuff you can share it with me if you paint it and I've got all my social media links down in the description as well as the list of all the materials that we use today so if you click on the show more or the little arrow it'll drop down and show you all of that we've got it some super chat nice yes let's try with the microphone on yes we go to super chats the first one was from mrs. homey and says love your art oh sorry love your art the boast was righteous thank you the both yep and then the second one was from Tracy no special comment but thank you so much Tracy and thank you mrs. Oh me and I had to put the disco light on side cam because the monitor and everything is blocking so we can't see it so uh yeah the the disco lights on side cam mm-hmm all right yeah I think that all spiders definitely added those yellow splatters help help kind of bring out the tones in the thing in good contrast with those purple flowers so you can leave those out though if you don't like it so it's all up to you it's your painting your rules you can do it your way share it with me if you'd like you can paint the bug if you want to oh yeah there's a bug in there but I'm not gonna paint that time for that no all right guys have a great weekend in tomorrow yeah if you want to join us for tomorrow's show on patreon we're gonna be doing on crowdcast there is a link to patreon there patreon.com slash Angela fine all right you can sign up and then you can find the post that is on there that shows the link to the giraffe video and it will let you in you can watch it with us tomorrow 2:00 p.m. Central again the last one was about four or five hours yeah yeah five hours I don't think this one's gonna be that long so now it's Pecola we we have it skit him for four hours so we'll see how it goes and how long did you have the last one for I understand that we had to do a third one yeah yeah we went over well five hours at least it's five and a half I think but it was awesome yeah I did it turned out good so and like I said you get not only the links to this video this month but you get the previous bonus videos so we have several of those and yeah what are you loving it Mona said that you could just glue the fly leg into the painting and on that okay more the whole fly I guess that's true that's true he's in the trash somewhere alright guys thanks for joining us today we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 35,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, beginner painting lesson, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques, Purple floral landscape, Floral landscape, Floral painting, Blurry floral painting, Thistle painting, meadow, purple flower, purple wildflower, wildflower painting, bachelor button flowers, cornflower, flower painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 53sec (8813 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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