Autumn Roadway Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is Angela Anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to paint autumn a roadway I'm going to show you step-by-step how to do it from start to finish got my husband Mark with me hey there everybody man chat for our live show tonight so if you have questions while I'm painting you can ask those and I'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] all right so I'm using a 9 by 12 inch canvas panel today this is Belgian linen panel from Frederick's and I haven't done anything to it is it's just pre-prepared with gesso so they've already done that for me so I can go straight on there and paint I'm going to be using a few of the brushes from Princeton here I've got a 10 angle a 6 angle 8 bright and a 2 flat these will be for some of the foliage for blocking in some of the colors and then these will be for the roadway mostly and then I grabbed basically all of my Deerfoot Stifler's because I figure we're gonna be doing a lot of stippling tonight so I just grabbed a variety of sizes and just use what you've got I've got I think three it's inch down to quarter inch here and all kinds of different sizes there and it will just help me work faster not to have to clean them out in between colors which most of them are yellow so it's not going to be that big of a deal I might not need all of them but and then I've also got my little Willows blenders here the three-eighths inch and quarter inch Willows blenders for some of the smaller details down around the bottom and maybe some of the edges of the trees and then a fan brush for some of the grasses and a angle shader for some of the tree trunks so I think that'll probably do this we've got a lot of brushes out there seems like a lot more than he won't need that many promise I just grabbed all of mine and then if you've got one a sea sponge will kind of help speed things along as well all right we're gonna need brush cambree for too long I know we will there's a lot of I've got some there are different sticklers and I've got a couple of the round blenders as well so they're just they're kind of the same material they're just round instead of angled alright I'm gonna go over my colours here okay well kind of spread out cuz I used so many yellows tonight and use what you've got if you don't have these exact colors don't worry about it I'm just threw out all my yellows basically so here's DOCSIS in purple carbon black burnt umber burnt sienna quinacridone orange burnt orange yellow oxide cadmium orange let's see yellow Indian yellow hue they are cadmium yellow deep medium in light phthalo green yellow shade ultramarine blue Doc's are quinacridone magenta which I'm not sure if we're gonna need that or not or the CAD or the cadmium red medium so those you might save those and see if I use them skip to the end see if I use them and I'm not sure then cadmium red light and titanium white and unbleached titanium so those are colors we'll see how it goes I have not painted this before so we're just gonna be painting it on the go here as we normally do yeah so be interesting we'll see how it goes alright so I kind of prepped my canvas I'm noticing though I think that I got my perspective a little bit off I think I need to bring this bottom roadway up just a smidge so let's do that that's kind of where I started with this drawing here it's let's see yeah it's a little bit higher maybe in here that's what's kind of throwing me out to think somewhere in here so I'm gonna start there it's about two inches above the bottom of the canvas maybe a quarter at the bottom quarter of the canvas so actually I could probably yeah it's probably right up in here that's where I was making me feel like it wasn't quite right yeah and then this is much more foreshorten because it's farther away so this curves in like this goes all the way to this corner right here this roadway right here does a little hook it almost goes straight towards let's see where would it be pointing maybe towards the halfway mark right there some sort of that angle there and then right when it gets almost to that line it's gonna just hook right back in like that and then this one on this side is going to go from that line and just kind of do a wedge right here and straighten it out so this last like inch or so is almost straight down towards us and then it curves in sharply and towards that line there and then our greenery is going to be kind of starting here so we can go ahead and put that line all the way out and then the dividing line there is right kind of on either side of the middle mark so you're going to kind of split the difference there it'll end right about in the middle so you're gonna end right about there and it kind of comes out and it's going to kind of follow the you can kind of look at these lines it's gonna follow that curve pretty much so just like that and it's more to this side this thing is smaller than this one's widened just because of the perspective it's a little bit wider I did not have time to read pre draw this so we were getting back slow down my version here particularly fast drier so real quick mm-hmm if people want to own all the brushes yes there's a link down below to the brush guys yes yes and you have a list of recommended brushes right I do on their website there is a list these are like a starter scissor and amending yes there's a starter set of I think it's 12 maybe I'm not sure mm there's a little bit more of a curve there yeah so they did a I think it's $50 and it's got all the basic brushes that you'll need I think it's got one of the deer foots tipplers in there and maybe a Willis blender thing and then the angle brushes that I use often and one of the large flat bristles brights and a filbert I think and maybe a fan brush I can't remember there's there's several different really good brushes in there so definitely gonna get you to get you started and they're all the really good Princeton brushes we I'm um I don't know I feel like I have found myself and I recommend to my students that they buy the better brushes but it's better to have fewer brushes and better brushes you can do more with a good brush then you can with the bad brush so you know it doesn't matter how many of these angled brushes I have in what different sizes you know if I had you know five different sizes of this angle brush but none of them performed really well it wouldn't really matter how many I had so one good angle brush is gonna make up for you know five bad ones and be way better and easier to use yeah so I just I figured by quality with with your brushes and just take good care of them clean them wash them really well after every use and you'll be fine and here's a code five percent off marksman well yeah it's the money exactly one word there's only incorrect down below the video mmm-hmm Angela fine art okay show ya brush guys doggone yeah okay so right above that line then and to just below the it's really it's not quite on the quarter or on the third but close to it so right kind of almost on the third is the top of the road where it kind of goes into shadows so this parts kind of shadowed so if you kind of find that mark it's right in here somewhere you can see a little bit of the road kind of coming up from it but and then it goes into these trees that are right here so there's a little tiny angle that comes off right above where this curve is and it comes up and around like that and then the dividing line you're just gonna I think I put too far that way to maybe be like right in here and then it dips down there's like a little dip here we're not seeing the whole line so it disappears right about here but we can kind of figure it's going back up and around like that and then this is coming out this way an angle and then right as it comes around it's kind of ending off here and there is going to be kind of a line there so kind of just like that all right and then the greenery is gonna be coming up and over like that I've got some tree tree tree tree tree tree and then this area here is really important because this is kind of our vanishing point area so we want to get these trees height really low there they're almost the height of this right here they're just a little bit higher than that so they're right in here and there's only a couple of them and then right about where this comes up right there there's gonna be our first kind of cutoff and it comes up to about the top third right there and then right from the top right from the inside of that we're gonna have this big old tree here cutting off this whole area here so there's just a like a little bit of greenery that comes in a little bit some bushes bushes low bushes tree tree there and then I'm not doing the tree trunks really but there's gonna be some greenery kind of or some bushes and things around the sides of the road kind of low and then in here there's some bushes and things and it starts right about here what about where this lightens off here we're gonna start seeing tree trunks coming up this way and it's going to cut off at an angle this way and angle up and fill in this gap right here so this is all gonna be tree tree yellow trees and then it angles back this way so you should end up with kind of a pie shape wedge right here where dark trees are gonna come in and we can bring these in just a little bit more okay so we need to make that really dark right there and then these will be our lighter trees on either side and then there's going to be another set of trees that are in our foreground that are gonna cut off this area right in here kind of come in in an angle these ones are kind of going upright and they're mostly kind of all just bunched together there's a few there's a few bullets muscle just tree trunks and a little bit of lower lobe branches and and some grass and stuff right there okay and then on this side there's another there is another like large foreground tree right in here it's gonna cut off this area and it's gonna come up like that and then most of this is just kind of random green area right there and I said greenery but I mean yellow trees it's all pretty much yellow so we can you can get creative with this I would say you know if you want to add some red in here by all means do that I think it'd look cool to have a little pops of red so that's why I put out some reds cuz I thought when we get this going we might want to add a little bit alright so I'm gonna start with my large angle brush here and wet it down hope you guys are doing well tonight if you're new to our channel welcome and welcome to all our regulars to you join us we so appreciate you it's been on time with this one Tuesday night I hope you're having a good week brush the brush guys are out of there beginner essential sets they're out of it out of stock whoo yeah what so how long it'll be I think it's more your two-cylinder well that's a good sign yeah I think I've heard back from some people that have gotten in and they they thought it would they liked it so and then somebody's asked it's been a while I'm so surprised that via the green blocks underneath our painting our yoga blocks yeah they're new box they're the only thing that we use yoga stuff for yeah okay so I've mixed up burnt umber green and a little bit of purple so all right let's go sorry here so that's why her paintings are so Xin had you waited thank you very much for the pie of course of course I'm working the crowd here had that yeah I know I posted that that the oh yeah the fortune cookie yeah we got some interesting fortune cookies this weekend he's pretty funny actually Monday it was yesterday's for today yeah Marx was nobody guessed yours right one person's gonna be right yeah that's jarett yeah I'm gonna he did yeah it was pretty funny you had to go on Facebook to say it said something about one of us being successful in their entertainment and the other one said they were radiant about attract attractive people with their my radiant personality that's me right there thank you took mine who opened their cookie first I did all right I did the dark up in here and then I'm just using what's left on my brush here a little bit lighter and tapping in I'm I'm kind of trying to be careful normally I would have gone in and just kind of done the whole thing dark but because of yellow yellow is tricky color it's you it's really it's not super opaque a lot of times I mean I'm using cadmium which are opaque but even still they really have a very they just they still don't cover over other colors very well so I'm gonna be really careful and only put this dark in where I absolutely have to and then we'll we'll build up some dark in our trees with our Browns and things in our yellow colors so it'll just it'll be more natural-looking so a little bit of it in here it's darker there and it's dark down in here dark kind of in between some of these trees that are let's see I probably already did too much right there but we'll see alright yeah I think that's pretty good so real quick what is that green mixture there I I interr interrupted you when you were talking about they'll agree yellow shade burnt umber and connect er done I'm Docs is incapable okay and pretty much equal parts of each and what maybe a little bit more green than anything else but these two are pretty equal parts purple just gives it a little bit more warmth a little bit of a cooler undertone ins good for pine so these are pine trees back this is something I just thought of when you're mixing like more than two colors mm-hmm do you mix like two together first and then a third just to see how the tones go yeah pretty much that's what I'm yeah that's what I did mm-hmm okay so I want to do let me see what happens when I start out let's get the burnt burnt orange and cadmium orange here well that's pretty color in it that's a really pretty color all right so let's use that we may have to go a little bit darker but we'll see out oh I don't know you need the dark for the contrast so you know I can't be afraid of going do dark but I still want to leave it light enough or our yellow to be able to penetrate and be able to be in here so we'll see mmm not sure this is quite the right under color it's pretty orange and a little bit of brown to it I'm really just trying to trying to see these individual trees here Spencer needs to be quiet yeah pink get some of that burnt sienna here see really there's kind of it's really light colors B I never got tree trunks that are gonna be going in over the top so I'll go ahead and kind of do this separation right in here I just color what do you know somebody says looks like your paintings on fire [Laughter] so we changed the theme tonight before slaughter so but if that's what you're going for stop right here maybe volcanoes erupting no maybe it's like like that that show and watch I don't know why I don't like shows that end on a like when you don't know what happened there was one this summer that was like that some volcanoes or ever updating all over California they were just driving away from it trying to get away from it and then it ended and you're like really really yeah okay sorry pet peeve don't pet the beef saw that thank you hmm all righty so I think I'm gonna let's just go with the ink I've got darker yellow here go with the cadmium eel a deep need a little bit of yellow oxide there I hope YouTube doesn't use this as the thumbnail yeah we're in the hot mess stage right now this is our normal normal this is Angela's hotness they'd this is my finished it fall foliage painting you can see where I'm touching over that green though and how it's not covering it at all you know it's it's going okay on top of this white canvas but man it is not gonna it's not gonna cover that green very much so we would need several coats to do it so we're just gonna get mostly right now I'm just trying to get an undertone to the whole canvas so I'm just kind of trying to lay down some color and get it as close to where we want it as possible without you know having to paint it all in carefully a bit I'll have to take a screen grab of Jett here see okay well it's there I mean it's not like oh that's true so so one of our regulars posted the comments said that my extra hooks have arrived for my pig board I sorted out all my paints and then another regular said I just read your first line and thought you your hook right I can't understand your life no this is that your hook had arrived for your artificial limb they said hooks for your pegboard I don't know why that struck me funny okay sorry Oh talk so much all righty do some dark here some dark down in here this green up blend it in some of the green into that just a little bit of it and then there's some really dark back here just gonna have to do a few cuts up here okay I'm gonna say that you are an amazing painter if you can pull this one off you don't have any faith in me right now do you mmm it's not that I don't have faith I'm just saying you know when you look at this you're like okay mm-hmm yeah well I guess this is what helps people you know or maybe I shouldn't say helps people frustrates people because they see they're painting like this right and don't realize that they're only doing the undertones and the colors that are very important to making an awesome painting yes and they get frustrated well and I think that people skip this part I think when you're first painting you don't realize that this this is even part of it you you tend to see the top colors and not see the undertones and so and so you end up with a little bit more of a shallow you know I like this color this is purple and I don't know what yellow and quinacridone magenta and I think I might've grabs on that - I'm not sure you have to rewind was it see what it did there I don't remember exactly but I like this killer I hope I can get back to it some somehow I think it was just that pink and the purple together with that yellow makes it good but just for the side of the roads there it's kind of a purpley toned and this is way darker than I have it so I'm gonna Gabe keep adding darker is way darker in here all this area here I'm just gonna go until in beside the roadway that whole area right there make sure I have it on both sides brownout it in there now you can see what's happening there this is another thing that happens to beginners a lot is they get going and they you know they they're working over here and then they come back over here to an area where it's starting to dry and start to put more paint down you can see the more I mess with it the more that colors are gonna lift right off and it will not stick so you're just gonna have to let it set and come back to it and just that's pretty normal and just gonna have to let critics do their thing while they're drying they don't like to be disturbed kind of like me when I'm reading I'm reading Jets you said something about reading which I completely blocked out I know I mean I'll read like short little chats huh I'll read like short little things like chats but not like novels all right and I'm just filling the rest of this I got some cadmium yellow deep and yellow oxide fill that all in there there right now it doesn't have any kind of stippling so that's why it looks kind of weird once we get which we could do the whole painting this dial so you know you could do it in these small brush strokes like I did here and it'd be a really interesting style in fact I did one last fall that was kind of in that blockier brushstroke style and I really liked it so I'm gonna use the yellow that brighter yellow right in here to fill in some of this right in here cuz it's going on that white canvas it'll stay nice and bright I'm getting over this cold I'm still like get these Cobb attacks out of nowhere it's just like they sneak up on me hmm I think I've been keeping poor mark awake at night cuz waking up coffin you may have happened last night huh it may have happened last night may have yeah I finally got up and left around so would you call this impressionistic at this point it is but it won't be when we get done I mean well not as much it I feel like we're more I tend to call my painting painterly not necessarily impressionistic because I don't have that full impressionistic style like if we kept it with these brush strokes and a real fine like this and and loose then yeah but I I tend to go a little bit more towards the realism side which kind of throws me off that impressionistic spectrum sometimes we go a little bit more you know that way but I tend to call it kind of painterly realism you get it close to real but still make it look like a painting it's kind of a fine line I loved impressionist in that why I mean I loved it I just have a hard time stopping myself from continuing on to more realistic looking stuff so I know is tend to go a little bit more real alright so for the roadway I'm gonna use burnt umber and quinacridone magenta or no I'm sorry ultramarine blue pretty much equal parts maybe a little bit more skewed on the blue side so I'm gonna make up a lot of it cuz I'm gonna use it a lot I'm gonna use it and some of the trees as well so want a good amount of it and then I can see what it looks like what kind of undertone I have that is smack dab in the middle there is no it's good good great okay that'll work I'm gonna grab a little bit of the darker I will just fill in our roadway here and we go the little bit darker tone first and then will he needs to get off whatever he's doing in there and I just lost my oh darn it I lost my little I want that wherever that was somewhere in there I don't want to have to draw that in again someone to char them feeling around to the sides of that I'm gonna have to go in there and talk to him yeah I don't think he's supposed to be playing trying to show anyways huh I get a little bit more the lighter color here and I'm just gonna kind of highlight parts of it just you can see where these people haven't cut in this current corner to cook too close to the middle I don't like it when people do that you can see the where lines are like right on that double line okay here we go you know I had hoped to take a picture like this when I visited my parents a couple phone I said I hope to have taken a picture like this when I visit my parents son Paul but my mom was driving too fast giving you time to take pictures on you were driving through this kind of stuff um yeah there were some sections that were kind of like this for sure but you know when you're going with when she's driving her age and she's like 78 yes that's not so much a little scary that was was it your you damn sure or Maine New Hampshire this is the number eight great so I'm trying to preserve my middle area there and I'm when I'm go putting my brushstrokes on you can see where I'm I'm like following that curve so I won't have to do as much work later those they're already gonna be kind of that impression in my paint where these lines are and then I'm just gonna kind of go over the top this is this brush is a little bit big to do what I'm doing here but it's working so I'm gonna there we go okay yeah I mean it it's it's close I mean it's really you're gonna be surprised at how fast it comes together after this I think cuz it's really um I think it's got good bones doesn't the fire looks a little more contained mm-hmm so we're doing good doing alright alright I'm going to get some of my middle yellow color here and just water it down a little bit he's glazing medium if you want to but I've got these little popcorn like little white pieces I know if you can see those in there and I can see these little white spots where the pink didn't penetrate down in so what you need to do for those is just get some thinned out paint and whatever color is kind of your main color and just dab over those areas that wet paint odette go down into the cracks feeling all those little white spots and then you don't have to paint the whole area that way just kind of DAB in there and it'll kind of fill in before yeah so do that I'm just pushing it down in there really good but that what the thin pant thinned out paint will kind of go down and that's pretty quick pretty easily no we don't have any more weight areas kids just burnt orange I'm gonna [Music] I think with the moving that up help to improve the perspective quite a lot I know where I needed to be okay no I don't even know what I used that for maybe around here I'm not sure so I'm gonna keep these brushes wet and they're not fully cleaned I'm gonna kind of try to get as much out there I'm gonna have to have you get me fresh water there and once I can do these tree trunks if you don't mind that way I can have a really clean white water for my yellow trees but I'm just leaving the brushes off to the side and keeping them damp so I can wash them later instead of leaving them in my water that keeps the that keeps this part from cracking the paint from cracking off because the water will seep down in here and then the core is wood on these and the wood swells and the paint doesn't so it cracks it ain't like it's done on this one you can see the cracks all in it fortunately hasn't started to flake off yet but I usually tape it when it does all right let's see let's grab that one this is my angle brush and there's a big ol honkin tree trunk he's bit of the burnt orange burnt umber and purple for this tree trunk up here and it's pretty much straight I'm kind of angling it just a little bit just to give it a little bit more I don't know whatever and then give it some arms off the side I don't really see a lot of other arms so if you use this sponge it's a little bit damp get that color and I'm just gonna kind of go in here and add some of that around there okay and I'm gonna use some of this color down low here I did not get this darken up at all needs to be really dark there and then there's some little bits in here actually let's just go ahead and use this see if I can get you want this wet but not sopping dripping to it just getting a little bit up that dark color down there a little bit of black there do something really dark areas in there it's already dark but it's really dark in a few those areas there okay let's get some of this color right here this is that purple brown mixture boom brown and orange orange yeah so let's use this brush will use that brown and before I do it though before I put those trees and I think I'm gonna go ahead and give some of these trees like some structure so we'll go ahead and put in scrap some burnt umber burnt or burnt sienna I want to put it everywhere but just few spots where I want my kind of my shadow leaves to go Mark's already like I'm not getting any dinner I'm glad I ate before yeah I ate that's a smart one no I didn't go yeah they're up there if they're not there they're over and that those are all newer they're in that thing over there [Music] yeah so I said asked Oh what they look like yeah surgical it's masking tape I got pretty pretty mystery exam yeah had it be pretty already let's that I'm finding that that sponge is way too big for this to get any kind of definition so I'm gonna move move to the smaller brushes here already let's see so I'm just working back to front so we'll just kind of continue working these back areas here I'm gonna getting some yellow in here there's some kind of yellow trees kind of hiding back in here and then there's some sort of highlights on some of these branches I've got the five-eighths inch brush and I'm not really gonna worry too much about this back area here cuz I don't really not our focal point so I'm not gonna put too much time to it get some green I feel a little bit of the unbleached titanium burnt umber green so you're just painting we'll talk about patreon okay so he's how Angela drawing at the beginning of the video and if you don't trust your drawing skills you can pick up some trace of bowls over at slash Angela fine art yes right now that's at the dollar level you know there's other levels $5 that will give you access to the bonus videos which we did flour on rocks let's get yeah poor kid yeah whatever it's a flower mm-hmm some greenery game here now and then also there was a 1000 likes the same thing but it also get access to a Facebook group where you do more tutorials usually over like a four week period we have their own private tutorials once a week usually once a week unless I'm sick or something yeah on vacation happens and thank you so much for all the supporters that I made you know there's over 2,000 people that's just amazing it's unbelievable thank you alright I'm going I mixed up more that dark green here green brown purple a little bit of the orange here but yes sorry didn't mean to interrupt there but no we were about to talk about what I'm doing here so I'm now I'm gonna correct this line here you know cuz we've got come of this messy line so I'm gonna go through here and bring some of the dark down over that yellow and gonna clean up that edge right there and this brush giving me very good lines may have to such two smaller brush but it's doing okay well we'll get a more a smaller brush when we do the yellow back over the top there but for now I'm just gonna trying to smooth this transition between those two areas there yeah that looks pretty good down low so just making sure I have all these really good dark areas if you do not have the dark your lights will just be flat so you don't be afraid of going really dark with these don't be afraid it's only paint all right there we go I think we're good I'm getting closer okay so it is looking better thanks you're welcome we'll miss set that aside and that'll be my green my green one what are you saying said I won't laugh if they use one of the earlier part of the video for the thumbnail I can't do you get what you're saying you do you get to choose the thumbnails for the videos yeah okay yeah before the video it's the reference photo and then after all usually the same day I as soon as I take a picture of the finished product I post it over okay so that was burnt I went into that burnt sienna with the gray a little the unbleached actinium they're just doing a highlight on the side of the road a little bit brighter I'm just gonna keep my brush sort of horizontal there it's doing some night highlights it there and then there's some grasses here I'm tempted to do them but I don't I need to do this stuff in behind first so but I can use this color this is pretty close to the color I want for these tree trunks so they get this dark enough the AB that's good I can put in my little tree trunks way down here in this dark area just using the tip of my brush and inclines in here okay and then let's go ahead and this right about in here it's right about where just above where this kind of curves right there there's a big old tree trunk right here another couple that kind of go little taller this is a little bit light so well darken this up but I'm just gonna go ahead and use it while I've got on my brush a little bit of that burnt umber purple connect a dumb Orange yeah it's good I'm gonna do that let's darken them up a little bit if they're not spreading very well you can get a little bit of water you get more water every now and then on your brush because as you paint the canvas sucks out the moisture out of your brush and so you'll need to hydrate it a lot of times people will forget to do that and then they end up using a lot of paint any time somebody's like I use like way more paint than you do um most of the time it'll be because you're not keeping your brush wet enough where your paints wet enough or both you're gonna have that water too keep pedaling all right so this comes right up usually off the canvas that tree there and there's just a few brush that branches that we're seeing some just gonna kind of put a few in there and then on the other side is the same color little bitty back here and then if they get closer to us they're getting bigger pretty normal pretty much how it works anything with painting I'm gonna get a little bit more of the darker burnt umber here and that tree right there [Music] that kind of crosses over got the little ones there and then there's a bunch of I'm just gonna put a bunch of random ones back in here just a little hint of him so I'm using a little bit of that lighter color over the top of that dark area there to kind of probably did more than I needed to do there but that's alright yeah that was probably not quite right well there's like there's one way back here that we're seeing we're not really seeing where it starts so I'm going to take that part off that doesn't go quite up there do few that tree-trunks kind of starting back in here and we don't really see where they're the bottom of them because they're buried way back in here but then there's these ones here that are curved so [Music] okay and if you prefer you can use a you can use a longer brush for this or whatever I mean really it's up to you what ever brush works best for you I like using the angle brushes for lines because they you can use them for multiple branches before you have to reload you know to reload as often that's mainly the reason laziness alright so I need to I need to get down here though I don't have enough of the greenery or tree stuff down here so I'm gonna get some of this orange and so this is my Center real quick there you are using the 3/8 inch ankle brush mmm yes okay okay so this is Indian yellow cone hacker dome or cadmium orange and cadmium red light in there I got a little bit smaller one this is the three-eighths inch do what stickler there we go shut up nicely against that dark color that we put in there now so you can now you can see why we put that dark color in there y'all pretty that looks against it put it in front of some of these tree trunks here these ones down here pretty much Orange they've got shadows they're not catching enough light to turn them yellow they're probably yellow but they're not looking yellow cuz we're down here in the shadow and that's the same thing over here there's some of them over here no this color is covering really nicely I like this color so right about the curve of the road right here and we're gonna do some bushes here and hopefully you've got enough this dark area here to make it work if you don't we can always go back in can always go back in here with my brown and a little bit of the dark color around these areas I need it I wasn't know all right getting a little bit of the yellow oxide with the brown looks like it picked up a little bit of green which I don't mind and touching the tip of the brush down creating some grasses down low No greenery how low can you go better now I was never that good at that I wasn't either limbo no you know nope not very limber I never came close to winning no I didn't either how's odds out like the third round yes maybe maybe second okay okay this is I don't know what it's okay good it's working I still have that orange e and my brush and I just used some of that yellow and I think I I don't even know I think I grabbed a little bit that quinacridone orange there with it yeah I think that's what I did I'm calling it connect Adam bar oranges connect on burnt orange but hopefully caught that at the beginning [Music] all right so this is pretty much okay I'm happy with it I'm going to add just a little bit of my tree trunks over the top just a few of these not doesn't have to do all of them but just a few I'll set them back get that burnt orange and burnt umber and let's see let's get over yeah okay the big one right here actually that might be that it probably is the bottom of that one maybe I don't know okay sorry I'm alright I'm waiting so you're not using any type of a medium tonight right mm-hmm no we don't really need it we're not really thin in our paint much we're keeping it pretty thick for this you need it thick to cover over you know do these techniques oh all right so let's do these before we get any more of this on here we got to get this background stuff settled so let's do let's do the Indian yellow and send me a little oxide yellow oxide I'll just make the Indian yellow more opaque because it's kind of transparent ish and grabbing a little bit of that orange that we were using over here yeah it's still not covering very well let's grab a little bit away white always helps make yellows more opaque you don't want to use too much of it but because it kind of washes him out too but I care it'll be all right so here we go and trying to leave a little bit of that dark showing - so get a little bit of my cadmium red light here I got in there too these are those trees they're way in the background so there's not a lot of detail with them these ones back in here the shadow yeah yeah no you just liked it by brushing out it I do some of that under foliage hide those tree trunks a little bit okay guess I'm gonna cadmium orange and oh there's Gary right in here that's a little bit brighter and I can use a little bit of the green with that it makes a really interesting color the good fresh shadows on these orange trees just adding a little bit of green kind of an olive color I might go a little bit brighter let me get a little bit of that yellow and green cop in here so but what level difficulty do we think we're at tonight the drawing I would say isn't too bad as long as you kind of don't follow along with you know the measurements I was kind of trying to sort of give you there's a lot of layering but it's not particularly difficult techniques so it's just kind of whether you can get the right let me get a smaller pair share what let's say six maybe five probably five five it's not I'd like I said it's not particularly difficult composition I don't think I'm putting somebody this green back in here the dark area is I'm down below the tree trunks there scare them a little bit make sure I kind of cover over that road a little bit and then I even add a shadow there a little bit I don't want to wait though because my shadow is gonna be up at the top of the finished roads I don't wanna do too much now but I'm pretty happy with us right there there's a little tiny bit of really bright yellow that's peeking through something see if I can get that cover get some cadmium yellow medium and white here and I'm gonna like pop a little bit of really bright that's just like there's a parting there in the trees and then this one here this this one is all lit up right along that edge where that sunlight is kind of getting through right in there so I've got the quarter-inch willows blender here I'm gonna use some of the Indian yellow here and it goes - it goes - shut up pretty quick he's fresh he's it's kind of angled they kind of angle in that way right down in here what does that told you is that the Willows blender well as wondered what did I say I don't know somebody asked well as blender yep in that burnt orange yeah I'm gonna go in here and add some shadow get even more there we go okay and I'm just gonna keep on working towards the light so I'm gonna keep on kind of there's another one down here he's gonna work from back to front the smaller brush is helping with these little areas here getting into these tighter spots here let me get some the brighter yellow now and like right in here mmm quite enough of the dark up in here so I'm gonna have to add a little bit of that I never done burnt orange there okay and then get a little bit more that Indian or cadmium yellow light and touching it off right in there really bright so is there a way to make burnt orange yeah we can get it close it's um you know I'll mix it here in a minute it's burnt umber and or not burnt it's burnt sienna and quinacridone magenta a little bit of cadmium red light it was kind of the basic formula seems to work pretty well so the reason why I'm using so many of these there fits tipplers tonight I'm just kind of you know moving them the what ones the side is kids woman once they get wet they get kind of floppy so I'm using them dry I'm not not starting out with any water and my brush is same thing with these willows blenders although they stay stiffer than well as blender do when they get or the difference tipplers get really soggy kind of when they when they're wet they're a lot floppier then they they are when they're dry so these ones stay pretty firm all the way okay so what was I asking Oh burnt okay so there's a quinacridone burnt orange here's our undertone so it's kind of show with white what we're aiming for that kind of reddish orange color there that's with it white added so when you use a little bit of burnt sienna to start a little bit of quinacridone magenta and then a little bit of the cadmium orange cadmium red light i mean and you can see it's not quite as dark as that in its natural state so a little bit more the quinacridone but it's not gonna be quite as dark I guess we could add a little bit of burnt umber if we wanted to get it a little darker but let's see let's add a little white to it and see what it looks like so we're a little bit pink so we can add a little bit of the there we go so almost identical they're pretty close so I would say two parts quinacridone one part cadmium red or cadmium red light and one to two parts burn see and I'm not sure probably two parts because I had I added almost equal parts burnt sienna and quinacridone magenta and then just like a one part of that and maybe one part of the burnt umber just to darken it up if we need a darker but alright so let me see what we're doing here are we have time in 720 I'm right over here I need to get moving on this okay getting the cadmium yellow deep get a little cadmium yellow medium Indian yellow get just trying to get kind of a golden yellow here but a little bit on the writer side I'm gonna tap that along there start adding a little bit of that middle tone value yeah and let's go ahead didn't just couldn't use some of that knock her down a little bit to it underbrush yeah this painting I should have I knew this was gonna take long I don't know why I did this on a Tuesday night is gonna know I thought I could get simplify I've been I'm not simplifying it doing it just it's hard as it could be okay have you ever watched any of your videos I know I know I did I just edited a bunch of them this afternoon the ones that I did for Princeton brush videos those were short videos though so I did I can do short videos it's possible I mean you used to have to do one an hour and a half with cleanup with kids with my kids classes so I know it's just like I've gotten really lazy with the live shows I can take my time okay so yeah like in that all right let's get some of this lemon lemony yellow it's gonna be really bright add a little bit of that wait to it just to really bring it up and use it right along that edge there I'm pretty thick on there I love it thicken up with paint then I don't have and then I tap very very lightly and get pretty good chunks of paint coming off this brush okay somebody wants to know if they don't have a stiff brush what could they use um if you've got like a these kind of brushes wouldn't work like a chip brush a lot of people use those Oh she's channeling Bob burrows right now yeah I mean he is these all the time just use the corner of it and they're like a dollar you know they're pretty cheap used old scruffy brushes too so you know sometimes like an old brush will have a good shape to it and just stipple with it okay so I'm trying to leave some of these dark areas here so we can sense these are all the same color that's the thing about this one that makes a little bit trickier because it there it's basically the same color so if you want to make it easier then make these tree layers different colors so just use like red in the background over here or something like that let me see what it looks like with a little bit of red popped in here I didn't really add very much okay I'm here that's pretty good for that side I think pretty close to where I want it to be probably need to work on that a little bit but get a little bit that quinacridone burnt orange mixed in and you had some shadows in here okay then right in here in the foreground here it's a really bright little little dot I'm gonna really smush that out so I get good round dots out of this have to do is use my angle brush music cadmium YUM deep and then just tapping tap kept the tip of the brush pointing it straight down just fill in that area there okay and what we can do is we can glaze so we don't have to have it you know exactly perfect I'm going to add a little bit of these bright absent like kind of into it over the top of some of these dark areas I had some individual leaves mostly just on these trees that are sort of in the foreground here a little bit more realistic and yeah here we go okay so we can put these as bright as we want to and then we can glaze back over them to tone them down a little bit I'm gonna go ahead and do this edge with some of these like dabs just kind of soften up there just stipple don't edge there keep them really small back in here burnt-orange with the darker cat orange he's a little bit in this in here too okay and a little bit down here keep it very small nobody dots don't spray yellows over here can you like have yella medium here grab a little bit my become it connected on Warren hair with these orgy colors lower parts of our trees here shadowed areas so maybe he's holed up at this orange with the cadmium red light in here and do kind of highlights on her shadow [Music] okay and I don't know hopefully you can see those tree trunks back in there but you might need to add some back in because they're kind of getting disappeared all the way back there yeah so let's put some of these back in here maybe got just beautiful all right almost there one one for a Tuesday night sorry mark Mark's been up since 4:00 a.m. it's almost bedtime you can always tell you're a little bit less chatty on Tuesday nights it's a little bit more worn down okay so creating these all foreground trees here with the yellow brighter yellows leaving some of that dark still showing through on some of them though it's really easy to kind of go overboard with these and then end up with just a boom she get low like a sea of yellow so I just have to kind of work slowly through here and that's good a little bit of white I'm not really liking how this is doing my little stibbles there need a smaller brush to see if it does better for me more control that's better a little bit smaller mmm a little bit darker down here my neck down orange hair so where did you find your QB oh where did I find it yeah did you order it online no yeah I get it online from like art supplies okay mm-hmm come back in here just adding some more of that darker color like in and I have no branches left so I'm gonna get a smaller pressure small round here put in my branch back in here qpo and burnt umber here and I'm a little bit of bleach titanium - a letter okay and then where they start and stop I'm gonna tap off those it isn't maybe had some branches kind of overlapping here and there just kind of soften them up just a little bit bring in some of that highlight color in towards the middle give that middle of the tree some body not just around the edges I tend to do that these ones in the middle are the ones that are kind of coming towards us and they're catching light to think I have some those highlights - okay all right there's a lot of fun nothing going on right here so I'm gonna just try to come up tap out some definition those trees they're the middle value ones some of that kind of medium it's a little under darker color let me get a little bit of that green bad-bad in yes they like right in here this is all quite a little bit greener then we've got it so get it covered up all that green area and it's pretty light so we're adding a little bit of the darker value back into probably need to spend a couple more hours on this to get it right but I'll show you where the off button is okay as you go off to bed okay it's that's getting there but quite there yet okay I'll say it's better than it was at the beginning thanks you're welcome it's not saying a whole lot because it wasn't that great so it's kind of a faint praise right there it's like a reverse it's better than it was when it was worse reverse force fighter it's better than that one it was really bad so that's these bird branches will help thrown in some of these tree trunks here break up all the sameness when some branches coming out this way when I posted a picture just prior to the show on Facebook you know remind everybody mm-hmm they were starting I showed on my setup getting ready in the background I had the thumbnail for the video mm-hmm and somebody thought it was fried chicken [Laughter] it's not they know you well yep they're like it could have been snacks they could have been could have been snacks they could have been 50/50 it was either snacks or or painting help okay I edited and part um shad and water when we named him that that was that a whole part when I was using the filbert grainy er that I needed to use for the principal brushes editing today yeah it's just funny yeah we had a good time there was some good names in there that was a fun video that was a black horse video yeah wondering we named him do you want to see why we can you have to watch it's it's what I'm doing the bangs being here between Justin Bieber and Chad noir we've had some good we have after they entered some good names just to be fair was one of my favorites camera I came up with I think I did did I come home with no no somebody else did I don't remember probably wasn't me I'm not very good at naming things all right so I'm kind of getting closer and closer okay let's add some of the fan and use the fan brush to add some grass by the roadside there and then we'll finish our road and we'll be done it's only 12 more steps and there's a little bit of this bleep up in here but it's not as it's not as bright as Martin shadows deciders noticeably darker so I see Saturday you're continuing your pathway theme yeah I know it's kind of weird how that works out you already got forties month is very dark the dark paintings a lot of black in my paintings next month let's miss being a mood well it is Halloween so a lot of the Halloween themed stuff as dark to begin with it's probably all right so let's let's get this going here let's finish our Road grab that large brush again and this one here I've got my grace dill thankfully it's still wet yes I put out way more white than I needed I don't know what I was thinking there but I'm gonna actually I think you use this cuz it's gonna give it a little more texture yeah that's good the darker color Oh in the in your Facebook group to thankful our group right now we're looking for suggestions for Christmas paintings yes you know we we know what Christmas means to us here in the United States our images and in traditions and things like that and we're looking for what are the images and traditions from your part of the world in your country or there may be different than ours yeah so you got some picture try to can I do if you like the Christmas around the world sort of exact let's do a few that are kind of different doesn't this year I've done most of the standards in America interesting to try some different stuff so financial is post there in Facebook with the blue truck with the Christmas dream presence in the back and posting pictures of yeah people were asking about that one that one is actually one that we did last year our patreon so I was a patreon video can be [Music] a little bit more white hair here we go and I'm gonna level that off with the shadow so don't worry about it this is gonna be straight but right now it's looking a little curved right there roadside line there there and this one is better oh just came off quick pretty thick right here mmm dens out pretty quickly disappears around that corner paints dry now all right that's good let's go I sound like a smoker sorry sorry two smokers you know working in the coal mine I happen ok you know so I write in here's bright all the way across it's not that's why pretty quickly though we're gonna yeah I didn't need the cadmium red really or the quinacridone magenta don't really see how are those that curve there in that darker color so I need to make sure that that is gonna squirt off right there here we go not even funny this one you just not even really seen the lines it's this side that's almost gonna same color not really sure why it's probably just a trick of the light but I'm just gonna set this down a car drag it this darker back in this direction with that darker it out right there wait okay let's use the Indian yellow and your walk side up to that orange for our center line somewhere there may have come out a little bit further yeah ah it's just bad I'm not really being very careful about him they get a lot longer right here yeah I got turned yellow right here I think that's what is kind of cool about this one just cuz that this kind of mimics the colors up there the roadway can imagine the trees getting that a little bit more that gray a bit darker just right in here so I found another job I'm glad I don't have yeah so driving home on the highway tonight mmm three lanes mm-hmm using purple here with the maybe a little bit of black goodbye what and there's a highway department truck pulled off on the breakdown lane with her lights on mmm there's two guys standing by the truck and suddenly both of them run out onto the highway Oh No so I'm in the right lane because I'm in a Prius I'm smoking you know right fast right right right they go completely crossed my lane across the center lane Illinois you throw some blacktop into a hole between the second and third lane and run back to that truck yeah I'm like well yeah next time you complain Wow at least I'm not trying to dodge traffic going 7080 miles an hour that way yeah that's bad that's a bad job Wow yep so take your time I like my job okay getting closer I feel like there's something not right right in here but I think it's this this curve and this this curves too low right here that's what it is I need to mimic right there so this curve came down too low damn it yeah we're gonna have to paint over it paint emergency minor catastrophe averted there we go okay let's draw that again so got a question they were asking how are they hanging a canvas panel on their wall mm if you take it to a frame shop they have open-back frames that's what you're gonna want to get if you don't want to frame it you can use a small piece of ribbon or something on the back just hot glue it to the back it's pretty easy I would not recommend just super including it to the wall probably not unless you don't want to ever have it come off right and that might be okay all right probably not well just suggestions you know all right suggestion so what not to do exactly like you always want to paint on the white side of the canvas poured it both white the back side is white also there's no words or anything on the back Oh mine aren't yeah I see what you're saying no canvas panels duct tape my work you know somebody suggested yeah tips bomb what Angela sometimes as is I shall put them leaning against the wall on a shelf or something mm-hmm I do I have I have get that little I have a bunch of these of course they don't hang but but I have a bunch a little easels like this that I used to pop up the canvas panels on one today they actually work really well with the canvas panels so they don't work as good with regular canvases because they tend to go through you know unless they're the right width but all right I am get just painting done let me get a little bit more white I'm here I just put my brush down with what paint in it not good they're really really bright up here need to brighten that up a little bit before put those shadows in okay then I'm gonna use this brush and some Brown black purple water it down a little bit put in my shadows cross the roadway here it's gonna be really dark this is where we want to make sure we're kind of get it leveled off right there these are all gonna go horizontally they almost come to the middle line there we're darker than others I mean they're almost black so pretty going pretty dark but I did notice that on this side here that you could still see a little bit of that white line through so I just trying to make sure that could still see a little bit of the white line through it there's all these shadows all through here on our road and then cross right there this one's really important because it's gonna connect Emma flage the line of that road there see these ones are gonna come in just a little bit on this side up be right here where we can cast it once of this dark if it's not dark enough right there some shadows right in here I'm really just glazing right now nicholae things foreshadow I was right there what Thanks shadows that a lot do it mm-hmm they do okay it's gonna close I'm right in there darken up that area right there and then if you want to you can glaze a little bit in your trees - I don't have any glazing medium it out but you should probably use it in yours you can kind of glaze in here and kind of add either brighten up or darken certain areas with a little bit of glaze like we can go in here and tint of green I'm serious goodbye you change it back in there all right I'm gonna stop I could to keep on going but it's it's pretty complicated all right let me sign it hmm let mark go to bed me actually I'm just [Music] [Music] super chat yes we had a super chat donation this evening from Judith and no special comment but thank you so much Judith for the support that's awesome yeah thank you little a side Kim disco action there celebrating with that bill thank you so much do you just week always very shocked when people donate to with awesome yeah yeah somebody who sent you money through venmo I feel very blessed the other day too very very very very blessed day yeah enjoyed getting to share this something you guys alright I think I think we're just gonna stop cuz I could keep on going but alright I think I'm looking at the reference there's a lot more orange e ness so I think I could I could just go back in with just a little bit of the burnt orange a little bit of orange I just kind of wash and a little bit more gold to the whole thing you know but that burnt orange color burnt orange and orange yeah I think it's helping a little bit cadmium orange cadmium is not the best to use for glazing because it's opaque but I'm using enough other and enough water it's okay I think I don't want to do ever all of my super bright highlights I'm trying to kind of keep away from that right along those edges but yeah this is helping all right you only thought you were done honey not me yeah that's helping a bit orange just overall officially back in here I think I'm gonna tone all this down and it doesn't hurt to put it in that green area too sorry that's a pleasant sound and then it was Orange you can go back in with my tip my angle brush used to kid me I'm like yellow light just bed back into this a little bit of that brightest yellows if I need to we go I really loaded this paint up pretty thick on my brush here to get it to come off it pretty thick chunky it's the only way that I'll cover so you can have to do you brush up pretty thick that's still using a pretty light touch with it okay I'm sorry I just needed just a little bit more I couldn't leave it there's a little bit more help yeah I'll take it over the edge right there I'm super happy now just felt like it was kind of missing something mmm-hmm needed that okay yellows a tricky color I don't know I I struggle with it do you know getting the trees just right there's not a lot of value changes the problem you know when you have that it's the same thing with white you know when you're working with white there's not a lot of the value changes when you're working on a object thing that's these lighter value colors so you have to kind of build them up gradually and carefully so this is like a stickman family reunion here oh there was family well let's dig in the other yep that one's a pumpkin pie this this painting makes me feel like fall you know it's like just screams fall it's great great colors I could see it on a big old canvas be really neat hopefully if you guys share or paint it paint this be sure you share it with me on social media I love to see what you're doing for my tutorials it's awesome and we usually try to pick at least one to share on my weekly newsletter too so if you want to get those to see what other people are doing and see what we've got coming up on our channel and things like that go to my website they father calm and and check that out there we go there it is okay don't shoot that was a long one thanks for hanging in with me yeah yeah well you will well we used all but three brushes so there you go we needed him go and take that up there and so they can take me out there we go alright guys thanks for watching tonight hope you enjoyed it and we'll be back on Saturday with another painting we're gonna be doing at ocean pier so hopefully that'll be fun one all right we'll see you next time thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 41,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, beginner painting lesson, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques, autumn landscape painting, easy autumn painting, autumn road painting, colorful trees painting, fall foliage acrylic painting tutorial, roadway, road painting, autumn leaves
Id: nvyblZrCvuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 20sec (8240 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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