SnowRunner: This New Map Has MUD DRAG RACING!! (ON CONSOLE!)

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welcome back to snow runner guys and today we're going to be jumping into a map that you guys some of you may have actually missed in terms of maps that have dropped on consoles and even if you're on pc you may have missed it there as well because this map dropped amongst a bunch of other mods dropping and i myself actually even didn't necessarily miss it in terms of seeing it drop but it dropped at the same time as so many other really good mods that i didn't really get the chance to explore around it and really spend a lot of time getting to know the map and so that's what i've decided to do today now the map is remo's test course and if you enjoy just like testing your trucks to the limit this map is absolutely going to be somewhere that you're going to enjoy now i've brought out a bunch of trucks that could be turned into mud trucks like for example this 2017 l400 but we also have the 63 mega we have the obs l400 and more including the powerhouse so what we're going to do is we're going to do a very quick mud related build on this 2017 l400 then we're gonna get it outside and see how it does in the mud now obviously there's more to this map than just mud but the nice thing about the trucks that we brought is that they apply to almost any situation you might get yourself into out here so let's go for the bulletproof setup we're going to go for the fast transmission and then we're going to go for the short lift and nothing changed um uh something's very broken here well we're back and i think the physics and the animations completely broke i don't ask me why i'm just gonna chalk it up to snow runner things and move on now we're gonna go ahead and throw the bulletproof engine in this thing fast gearbox and short lift and then once we've got the short lift on it we're going to throw the let's see not the well yeah we're gonna throw the biggest tractor tires we can fit for a second i was like eh do i need the biggest ones then i was like of course i need the biggest ones why not and then let's see rock lights i'm not gonna worry about for right now grill that's all good we're gonna do the aftermarket lights though cause i dig those and then let's go ahead and go all the way to the bottom so we can run this thing in this legendary legendary deep blue all right let's go ahead and leave the garage now and as you can see you've got kind of a it's almost like a loading ramp but not really because there's not really anywhere to kind of back a vehicle up to it so you can drive up onto it but you also just kind of drive right back off now you do have a trailer store down over here and the map is itself isn't like incredibly huge but what it does have going for it is it has all of these different test lanes like for example right here you can attempt to tow locomotives up a hill and if you keep going a little bit further down i believe it looks like on the map it looks like there are ships down there but i've never been down this way so i have yet to find out let's see oh god okay yeah no actually they're not even ships they are just it's actually just more weight it's more weight if okay so if you thought that this single locomotive hall was too easy uh i guess you could do this you could hook up a disassembled 770g to the back of your truck and then also winch to the locomotive you know i mean if you're like an absolute madman if you're if you are a complete maniac then uh that's the challenge for you right there now let's make our way down to the end oh god if i could see where i was going that'd be awesome now i also get that it's completely 100 my fault that i can't see where i'm going because i'm the one that put a gigantic trash can stack on this thing but you know what let me have my trash can stack let me have this all right let me make our way around this corner real quick there should be some oh i dig this i was gonna say there should be a combination of mud and rocks back here and it definitely did not disappoint let's see how this thing does through here now i'm sure it's gonna rip through this muddy section and really it doesn't even barely sink come on wow that's that is like hilarious now granted i think we have gone maybe a little bit over the top for this particular set of challenges but the only thing that we really have to worry about with this one 2017 l400 is whether or not it flips over not whether or not it makes it but whether or not it flips over we know it can make it that's not the question oh this is gonna be gnarly though come on whoa yo pulling that front axle off the ground there that's that's pretty impressive that is pretty dang impressive ah what these are some weird climbing obstacles yo that's like that is incredibly steep i don't know what actual like percentage of a grade that is but um it's real freaking steep how about that easy now this is the hard part getting down over the other side now this thing has so much grip that it's not really an issue for it but if you tried to do that in like either a vanilla vehicle or a more vanilla tuned vehicle you'd have your work cut out for you dude like very very much so all right let's make our way up and over not bad dude not bad at all get it set this is weird for something with smaller tires that would be genuinely difficult like genuinely difficult is that a whoa okay so we actually just did it backwards oof me but uh yeah we just did that backwards so i guess we'll have to come back here later and do it the correct direction but let's go ahead and go back to the garage now and build ourselves another mud truck because i want to see what we can do in the mud once these mud trucks are built up and not only built up but like built to pretty much run together so let's see we're going to do the standard suspension slightly bigger mud tires and i'm just gonna swap the color just a little bit so we're gonna go outside in the 63 mega and we're gonna make our way over to the mud lanes now there's three of these things right here and really you can just run them back to back to back until in a normal truck until you would find its limit whereas with these it's more along the lines of you're gonna run them back to back to back until you figure out which one is actually like causing the least resistance to the truck because these things ain't gonna get stuck out here at least not in my opinion maybe they will maybe they won't but i don't think they will all right let's find out what you can do in three two one drop it and go yeah that rips oh my good or until or until cc flips it and literally completely roadblocks the entire mud obstacle there is that there is that as an option that i hadn't considered but you know what i'm sure that some of you guys out there will have predicted that occurrence so let's go ahead and what the heck i did not mean to hit that button i did not mean to pause the game in any way shape or form all right so this guy is gonna chill out down here now and we're gonna grab the 63 mega and take it down the same lane i am i'm expecting the 63 mega to be probably a bit oh god oh i say it was gonna be a bit more controllable i was wrong i guess it makes sense though because the wheelbase is so much shorter but still this thing rips though there we go yeah as long as you don't let it start kind of doing this weird crab walking thing it's good to go same with the 2017 l400 i mean they're both amazing mud trucks you just have to kind of make sure you avoid that weird like crap walking motion that they get into because the second they get into that you need to either let off or ah or get eaten this one seems a little bit deeper and it's actually struggling for grip a little bit more in this lane so i gotta be dang it that i just bumped my tire into the side but like because of the fact that i bumped my tire into the side and that side dirt is so hard packed in comparison to the mud the oh my god you got to be careful of the wheelies in this thing i mean this thing when it pulls the front end off the ground it's off the ground i mean there's no ifs ands or buts about it all right shutting you down going back into the 63 mega truck let's see if we can keep this thing under control going down that center mud lane get ready i want to do a boosted launch i say i want to keep it under control but i also say i want to do a boosted launch yeah and drop it go it's funny this thing doesn't get going crazy fast until it gets into the mud which is so weird compared to like most other vehicles in snow runner you would think once they hit the mud they would slow down not this thing and now i know that this truck has been around for a while now but my god is it good it's slow it's so freaking good all right last mud lane now last mud lane with these two and then we're gonna bring out one more mud truck that you guys i'm sure are going to enjoy this one looks properly deep all right i'm gonna give this thing a boost to launch three two one drop it come on dude the front axle was off the ground for like the entire launch come on i am trying my best to not have this ended disaster trying my absolute best and you know what that was probably my best run of our entire time out here seriously that was probably my best run of our entire time that we've been out here now the cool thing about this map is that it's not actually that huge both in actual map size and in file size so if you want a good place to go with your friends in multiplayer especially on console to do maybe some mud pit races or uh just kind of meet up with your mud trucks this is an absolutely amazing map for that so let's go ahead and inch forward just a little bit get it spooled up and three two one go oh my god that was a full-on wheelie off the line trying to keep it under control there we go this thing rips oh god oh no nope nope i meant to put it back into automatic mode i don't know why but like it went into reverse i oh oh wait we're good we're good we're good we're good i thought we were gonna like completely mess it up that time come on i'm flat out now i'm just i'm just sending it i'm staying in it until the oh that final really was crazy dude that final wheelie was freaking crazy all right now to finish off this video we are going to uh go back into that mud pit in a vehicle that we don't normally use in mud truck form now i am of course talking about the rr-13 now we always use the rr-13 in its monster truck form however today we're gonna put it on its mud suspension and go for a set of mud tires now i'm sure that this is going to be one of those vehicles where i mean well obviously the thing about the rr13 is that it can really adapt to almost any situation you put it in which i love i think that's great but like one of the biggest things about it is that i think everybody well not everybody but a lot of people when they saw this thing uh originally come out they were like oh that's a monster truck and that's just kind of what it is and you know some people may not have looked at the mud truck option in terms of suspension and tires and don't get me wrong this thing is an incredible mud truck so let's go ahead and put it into neutral get get ready to drop it into the mud lane ready and three two one go what i love about the ro13 is that in situations like this it is super controllable like when you whoa i say it's super controllable and then i flop it yeah okay i know that there's there's a lot of people that are gonna be like that is a tomcat ism right there but and i know that it's not exactly the most uh the most stirring review when i say that it's like a very controllable vehicle and i immediately flopped the thing like you know a second and a half later but my god if you keep this thing going in somewhat of a straight line you will be golden you'll absolutely have it and i cannot say enough good things about the rr13 especially in both monster truck form and mud truck form but if you all want to take some rigs out here and have some fun in these mud lanes with your friends or on any of the other obstacles make sure you check out remo's test course and if you're new to the to the channel make sure to let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below hit that like button if you enjoyed subscribe if you are of course new turn those notifications on and i will see you all next time
Channel: TC9700Gaming
Views: 106,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tc9700gaming, snowrunner, snowrunner gameplay, snowrunner trailer, snowrunner mod, snowrunner mods, snowrunner console mod, snowrunner console mods, snowrunner tc9700gaming, snowrunner let's play, snowrunner xbox, snowrunner xbox one, snowrunner ps4, snowrunner xbox gameplay, snowrunner xbox one gameplay, snowrunner ps4 gameplay, snowrunner pc gameplay, snowrunner walkthrough, snowrunner update, snowrunner dlc, snowrunner mudding, snowrunner mud
Id: 7NXkY3yUQHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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