We Drove the BIGGEST TRUCKS on a TERRIBLE Road in Snowrunner Mods!

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so today me and Neil are back here in Stow Runner and folks we're gonna be taking way too big of trucks on an extreme climb and descent and one of us might fall off a cliff and we're gonna go to the Outback with the rally cars and folks some amazing things happen so stay tuned Until the End hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in oh my goodness Neil what in the heck is that look at you down there you're like an ant this is a RV Bud dude I thought I was gonna sit there and have the bigger truck with the Hellraiser here but you have the world's tallest RV I'm actually kind of jealous of that see I can go over to rain like what's in front of us and also go poop at the same time wait you have a a toilet in the uh cockpit wait what yeah bud and king-sized bed that okay you know what forget your luxury we've got a descent to make um I saw the first of this and instantly thought we need really tall trucks I don't know how this is gonna go so that is a lake that is yeah I'm like this is the first thing you see outside of the driveway so I'm like oh this is gonna be perfect make sure you got a little Driveline you got a snorkel I do but I'm not sure it's gonna be oh okay it is just tall enough don't go off to the sides oh my goodness I think we should not have taken these trucks out here but this is gonna be completely fine beautiful all right yep oh I'm gonna start moving I need to adjust my camera there's so many like oh oh okay I've got a massive I just got speared by a massive log oh I may have hit you a couple times okay so you better be happy we brought like At first we're gonna bring rally cars weren't we yeah the no way they would have made it yeah cause look we're doing it again I got solar panels and starlink on mine uh okay I'm kind of jealous like I thought I was gonna have the better truck when we exited the garage but also this is the most inefficient Road I've ever seen it's like hey go in the water all right come back at hey go back in the same water hey come back out kind of stretching the meaning of the word Road okay I might need a winch for this one oh my goodness how are you doing back there like does it feel like you're getting bogged down at all no not at all I feel like there's a chance you should be bleeding today okay I almost went off the trail that's fine though okay here we go up the logs okay maybe we actually start The Descent uh oh my goodness dude this ain't descending this is ascending yeah you know the map's called this oh my okay there is a what no we can't go to that okay so real quick we got a fork in the road so if you go left uh there's a basically a straight vertical road that goes up to a watchtower if we go right which I think that's where we want to go I think The Descent Part starts yeah no shot I'm making it up that yeah you maybe I don't even think I can make it up I was struggling in some of the water and oh here we go again okay back into the drink don't flip it wait did we just make a U-turn or is this new this looks new oh yeah it does okay there's a road on the other side yeah I still don't understand stay in The Descent Part I'm assuming later on it's gonna just get us off the side of a mountain is there a current here it feels like I feel like I'm getting pulled to the left there a bit oh geez oh just get some air yeah I hit a log oh okay I gotta go low high here um okay I might I might need some assistance oh oh my goodness we got it oh man I'm just killing nature it's fine I just want to let you know this thing is not struggling at all yeah but like when you can make a pass which we're uh uh we're coming up to a oh here uh another drop oh here we go I'm gonna send it oh and I want to watch go ahead send it you've got to be top heavy right oh nice feels like it but nothing's happening thus far okay this might be one of the coolest Maps we've been on hey you want to make a pass yeah just go to my right side I might need to use you uh to help me through a couple situations I feel like I can almost see all the plates and stuff getting flung around in the back of this thing I just likes boxing I like the whole fact I got something it's got a very intimidating name called Hellraiser yeah I'm getting like stomped by an RV oh you're close to that that's a that's a bit of a drop if you do fall yeah like I feel like on this map you want something extremely tall but then we have oversized Vehicles like you can't do anything short the rally car would not have worked here oh no no that's a view and a half right there oh yes it is yeah and I do want to mention excuse me go ahead we might have a map that the rally cars might be good on oh yeah no no we're doing that so just just stay tuned I was really wanting to do the rally cars but then I also wanted to play with massive trucks I didn't know we were gonna get this extreme of a map though my goodness all right photo op oh dude that is beautiful I'm gonna pull up on your side here uh there's a good chance I'm gonna pause here and go into photo mode and get myself a screenshot all right photo uh off is over um how do you want to try to pass me [Music] hey you have a star link on top of yours too oh no mine's it mine's a huge net we're getting satellite internet here oh yeah there you go that's all we can get we can't afford the starlink oh my God okay yep I need to go to the left side go ahead and pass I'm like too near falling off this uh Cliff here I do feel really top heavy though I'm not gonna lie yeah I'm waiting for you tip over and you're gonna need my I mean I'm top heavy too but you are a new level up top heavy I'm like 20 feet tall also a tree just like erected beside me and I don't know if you hit it up I may have that was kind of weird all right okay more water okay well there is a little bit of a descent there I think we have like you said climbed more than we've gone down but we're slowly making it down I'm hoping at the end of this Valley there's like just a massive Hill and it's just like go right because I mean down that way kind of afterburners oh okay I'm Gonna Go My hiking running oh oh there is a truck down here is there yeah is it stuck oh very stuck that's concerning that that stuff caterpillar 745c is it a freaking bulldozer what is oh no it is a truck oh my goodness how does that get stuck I have no idea okay and after burners oh my goodness is that your high gear I am jealous my hiker doesn't do that I have my transmission set to like an off-road is that off the side of the cliff did you just fall off the cliff uh oh I see your uh your body will you know the good news Neil what are you stuck or can you move I cannot move at all I was about to say the road The Crossing is just up River I can see it um hold on can I hook onto you no I think you were okay I might have to go into rescue mode here let me go I'm gonna go to the other side of this I hope the river isn't too deep um might be a little bit of a challenge can you see me I'm coming around right now I got loose a little bit I'm just at the bottom at the riverbank I mean if you can the current maybe even would oh man that's deep I would say the current can maybe wash you up this way if you could stay on the shoreline oh you see where I am no I can't see you anymore I'm too far down no no look look ahead of you I'm ahead of you now there's a crossing right here oh okay this is where the crossing is so if you can make I think you could do this yeah let me see here like you're freaking tall I think I got it you could say you survived falling off a uh Cliff that would be a first for this series yeah normally it's not like that happens we give up and go to the next map oh oh oh I might have said here too long I am dug in hold on here we go oh I gotta back up here I'm gonna have you lead here oh come on let me get out of your way I'll have you lead here that way you can uh I might need you as an anchor anchor all right grab on all right here we go I'm gonna I'm not gonna grab one until I actually need you uh let's just keep going I think I was sitting there too long and I was sinking uh well I'm thinking a bit oh are you not be running in my tracks oh I'm gonna go off the left a little bit oh dude this is janky the current is pushing me all right I'm gonna try to I think you might be able to use those trees oh it got below the cabin I'm under water oh I might be pulling onto the back of you to help me through here yeah you got it you got it dude we got this the current is pretty aggressive on this map yeah it was pushing me quite a bit there there we go nice all right note to self don't go into high gear yeah your high gear is awfully aggressive uh we're doing it though I don't know how big this map is but I feel like we've already covered a lot of ground here this feels like pretty big country honestly Big Sky country just waiting for the big drop though yeah we're going down back to the river oh my goodness dude that tree almost sent me off the side of the cliff yeah that one that was weird it like speared me wrong downhill let's go another truck stuck uh oh really trailer all right here we come oh buddy we got a long stretch of water here bud oh my God I was trying to keep the momentum up I'm sorry oh that's a tree hold on I'm fine okay here we go yeah this is a pretty big stretch here yeah like where is this River going like we never actually went up a gigantic Hill but it's just been up and down up and down like I thought we were going to start a like a really high point and go straight down maybe there'll be a pot of gold or something uh that's what I'm hoping I mean we've done a lot of damage to our equipment here it doesn't look like we can go down anymore yeah you would think this is the base unless there's like one final like big climb like I feel like maybe we're towards the end of this so I'm assuming we're gonna set up camp you don't even need to set up camp your Camp is inside of your truck yep you know if we don't find anything we can literally just sell I just found another sunken uh trailer we're supposed to be pulling those out probably there's some fuel left in that one oh there's the other one oh my goodness it's slowly being eroded by the river you know honestly I I think we've basically found what we're gonna find like there's nothing else here looks like it kind of ends up here at the oh my goodness I'm stuck again this is where we set up camp right here yep I'm just grabbing onto you real quick no I don't I can't set up camp in the river nope flow gear oh you're stuck stuck uh I'm going through it it's fine I got this oh just Steve using the stuff like all the rocks and trees here for grip there's a nice little island over here I think this is a good base camp are we gonna set like what happens if it starts to rain or something we sink this River like Rises a little bit yeah dude I think this might be like the end because I don't see any roads out of here yeah it's got to be there might be one around the corner here but I think for the most part we've uh we've done The Descent here I survived falling off the cliff and we're still here yeah I kind of thought that was gonna be it there but I think we've uh We've made it to a good point here uh you wanna go play with some rally cars I need something a little more high speed all right let's go to the Outback all right Neil I promised you a nice Outback uh session what happened I didn't know it was raining I'm stuck already okay going on I'll drive here we go all right okay I'm gonna just grab on the back of you where are we going yeah I didn't know this is gonna be muddy you know it says there's a road like you're almost on said Road and I I don't see it do you oh uh is that it to our right is this this is I think this might be the main road oh my goodness what happened here I mean I have apocalyptic flood I didn't know it rained in Australia oh me either I think we're gonna see some kangaroos I hope so you know what screw this road I'm gonna go off to the side oh no oh no nobody saw that coming guess I'm taking the road you know surprisingly with how we have these rally cars set up this is not actually challenging here yeah I'm cutting through it that is oh but just as I open my mouth hold on don't go to the left uh keep it to the right there we go dude if I could just find like a nice open area we can see uh what kind of speed actually I'm gonna go high gear oh my goodness this is actually fast oh I'm okay okay you're okay I'm not hot here we go nice there's a road to the left where does that go again stretching the meaning of the word Road I mean this one looks a little less that maybe we can actually is there one inch Carmack in this entire map oh God yeah high gear is just not a thing that you want to use oh hello we're doing a rally Derby hey this road doesn't suck as bad as the other oh never mind take that back this is manageable yeah until we run into the Mud Hole up here all right I'm gonna go high gear through it yep yeah you just you gotta blast through it oh Jesus so unnecessary okay yep nope automatic it is yeah you're gonna need it for the next part uh you know why even take the road at this point like there's nice uh semi-dry areas over here look at this this is nicer driving over here than it is the actual Road just straight up a mud hole I don't even know where we're going looks like we're going up to oh oh yeah I don't think there's gonna be any kangaroos around here I think they all drown wait what airport yeah it's like a cargo well I don't think anything's Landing here anytime soon but I think it's where they drop off cargo and you can pick some stuff up but I don't think we're picking up anything oh I am sinking oh oh so it must be drag race time drag race down this Runway yeah get over here okay this is gonna make broccoli I'm just gonna go into high gear and we're totally gonna die it's fine don't worry about it you know that Wing is going to give you extra drag so you're not gonna be as fast right why am I sinking hey slowly see you might want it let's back up to the drive part and start off there maybe or three two one go hi gear oh my goodness Sprint you boost oh oh oh there we go on off the other end I flipped it nope I just flipped two hold on oh where's this lead I don't even know I'm so lost like this is not how I picture the Outback looking uh well I apologize for this uh Outback vacation not quite looking the way I you probably pictured it you don't hit the Outback Steakhouse do they have them here oh yeah no that's the staple of Australia they have Outback Steakhouses every uh two blocks I want the blooming onion you get a blooming onion hey there's a house over there get a fried kangaroo that's what they all win yeah let's just park it at the house this is the Outback in feet of air that's fine just hit the same thing yeah there you go welcome to the Outback Steakhouse yeah it's pretty nice it's the wood building to the left that you just drove through the fence
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 350,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowrunner console mods, snowrunner mods, beamng drive, squatted truck crash, beamng drive squatted trucks, biggest car, beamng, beamng drive crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, camodo gaming, snowrunner xbox one, snowrunner pc gameplay, snowrunner squatted trucks, snowrunner, snowrunner trucks, snowrunner truck mods, snowrunner multiplayer, beamng mods, video game, snow runner chevy, snowrunner weird trucks, snowrunner monster truck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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