Snowboarding my Favourite run in Alpe d'Huez - The Cheeky Marmotte

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hey guys it's Malcolm Moorhead thank you for joining me some virtuous snowboarding today so let me know where you're watching this we're in the world you are you're Santa sofa may be a sound below but this is one of my favorite runs and afterwards and I'm going to cool it the cheeki marble it starts from mama - it's a cheeky run it's a long run that takes you all the way down to who is one of the lowest points of the resorts so we start right up at two thousand eight hundred meters and it's not actually one run it's the loads of different runs I'm going down but we're starting off reasonably steep this is a black rug at the top there it's quite sure you can see the bottom of it just there and it's early in the morning and this part of the mountain is kind of hidden in the shade it doesn't get much Sun and as you can see below the snow is quite firm it's quiet I see a couple more turns as you can see I'm just about to let the board fly really pick up some speed here because looking ahead you can see there's actually a big bit that I need to get up and over so now a few of you sort of struggled riding on the flats particularly high speeds it's very easy to catch an edge from a flat but basically I'm just rocking from one edge Toad's at ye'll at a minute just to keep a bit more control slow right down here but a bit of a safety check off the people are set on the other side of that roller double to go crash it isn't then you've got a spotter there is really good fun to take a bit of speed and really jump over that part but I'm just a mine so safety first runs mellowed out a little bit now I'm on to a red run as you can see I woke up my turns up a little bit more I'm still not fully trusting the snow underneath me so I'm not fully carving I'm still allowing a little bit of skip sometimes when it's a bit icy if we try to trust it edges too much it'll just kind of skits out underneath you and you lose control if you just relax your ankles a little bit so it's almost calf turns but just giving the blood and a little bit of skin it's a bit easier little bit safer to control so again just rocket one ish the other now through this thin bit I'm about to come across one a stair so you can see just have a quick look check that no one's coming across make sure I've got clear path and then just cut straight across now coming onto blue this blue one here on the piste map is cool cool ah it's one of my favourite runs and Resort it's a really wide open blue it makes really fun side hits when you get into spring and the snow slush is up and these big wolves on my left and my right but it's not such an icy day when they soften up they can be really fun little jumps and things that are naturally formed in the side there as it's a blue again I've open my run turns up sorry even more so I'm pretty much carving now baby open turns and just really using my turn shape to control my speed so that's adjustments I make it you know that's what sort of good snowboarding is really not just controlling yourself by hitting the brakes and putting a skid in but just consider changing your turn shapes adjusting it to the terrain in front of you so they're quite big turns here there's not really much scared so we haven't really scared front it's going quick but you can see will the spray can of his ski set all his control was just coming one at the end of the turn but I pushing his skis out into a skid so today I'm on a snowboard that it's the same theory you know second theory applies here I'm trying to just manage the pressure through our board evenly throughout the term control my speed by the turn shape as I say rather than just kicking that back leg out and doing a skip now I say there are times where like just there and just here you do need to turn the board into a skid but I have the space to make a turn now there's loads of scares there that better runs a little bit hectic so I just hit the brakes oh yeah twisting the board putting it into a heel exercise slip essentially into a skid just slow myself down I don't want to keep a bit of speed again it's it's a bit flat here I'm just coming across as one of the main comes in afterwards actually there's quite a few lifts come out here I'm just getting to the top of one of the mains green slopes it results in resource sorry so when I'm teaching people once we've kind of done the magic carpet you know they've got their basic side slipping here and torch down on the red stop doing turns and come onto one of these green pieces over here it's really good it's super wide you see in a minute as I just cross over the brow of the hill here it's basically this massive green piece that stretches all the way across I'm wanting to do this I'm going out to the far right hand side it tends to be a little bit quieter over here as I mentioned you can see as a future ski scoops going on there's a go on the right there teaching some people and I'm going to cut even more across to the right because it's super quiet here and it is actually reasonably steep for a green run this one there are some slightly lower ones it's quite nice as well when you're learning to snowboard it's actually good to have a little bit of gradient sometimes if the slope is really flat and he will try to balance your weight on one edge it's really easy for the front of your board so if you're new here edge it's really easy for the toes just to dip down slightly too much cash into the snow and vice versa if you're on your toe edge it's really easy for your heels it's a catch in the snow behind you but if you've got something a teeny bit steeper just as you balance off on your edge because it slopes a little bit steeper the front of your board would just be lifted up a little bit more and it's gonna make catching that edge slightly difficult but anyway a really very drum that's probably the steepest part of the green understood and you can see it's really mellowing out again here so just adjusted my turns you know make sure I give everyone plenty of space you know though I'm in control everyone's learning and it's not good subscribe below go go too close to them so just rockin edge to edge then like water pick up a bit of speed I know I've got a bit of a flat section coming so basically if you have to look on a piece map I'm now coming to what it's good DMC this is one of the main lifts about there's four three stations the lowest part is running top of that list town and it can take you all the way up to the highest before example is big block at 3300 meters and that's what I'm approaching now you can see it's got real flat underneath me I'm starting to run out of speed I'm gonna end over in a minute and just put my back foot out just so I can skate through this area I'm not gonna do the footage because this bits a little bit slow just to speed it up to three times speed so I haven't suddenly taken a bunch of steroids or some drugs and on superfast that's just the camera sped up to three times this is me skating now you can see the board underneath me that's some cool shots to it there I'm on the ride wall pick which is a really fun board I pretty much ride it for all conditions and it's one of these volume shifted boards you write it slightly shorter than normal one so I'm quite big about six foot one where that 90 kilograms I would normally ride like a 160 something like that but on the right wall pick a downsize to a 154 the idea of being the answer same surface area as a larger board that is crammed into a shorter length by adding waist with this means it's really fun it's super maneuverable in tight spots so if you ride lots of trees things like that or just wanna be able to they're really tight turns it's got a nice short length so it mix it around really quickly but added waist width means it's really fun to carve because you can see there look at my feet I've absolutely no toe or heel drag over the edges I've got the size you can ever the feet so you know often on a normal board my toes on my heels are hanging over a bit and then it's really easy to meet the Buddha out especially where yeah your toe he'll dig into the slide when you put the porn on my pair Janko so I just nipped up that section to get strapped in still quite flat here but there's enough speed take me along this section of the run it's really awesome here so yeah just have a look out that's the view right across the valley afterwards is really cooled I'm sure you know you never probably found yourself trust your phobic in a ski resort but what a few ski resorts you are kind of Hammonds more into the bottom of a valley the part about the ways is really cool because you're on a plateau and you can really see miles around else yeah all the other mountains all around you it's not just the beach immediately right next year anyway so jusa skated over that flat section if you have been skating it's really not too bad and this is going to take us down to the blue run which goes down to us and basically I love this wrong because nobody does it because of that little skate you have to do just now on since we've always come down there as I should have really nice really fun run and you see the snow already as I start to change the top of the run we're up at 2,800 meters now dropped out to 1800 meters here and this run as well particularly after I come here this corner it's clearly South spacings it's been really feeling the heat of that Sun and starting to soften up where I have really cold winds from conditions at the beginning of the run actually get me some really nice soft spring conditions now should need to do this run at the end of the day you know in April it would be just way through slush it's at the Sun all day it slowed down it would have really kind of heated up done I think this is a kind of mid-february I'm doing this and even you know that's Sun February mode out here it starts to soften it up give me some conditions and he say I'm charging a bit more there there's no one around me some who do this big open carved turns and you can see as well I'm actually going down below the resort so outdoors it's a ski resort and who is this a town a few hundred meters below it Oh tell that Doug make sure it stays there and you can see just in front of me that's this is a road the road up to out the rez even you're a cyclist you know anything about cycling you definitely have heard of the 21 days of the afterwards it was it's probably the most famous cycle stage of the Tour de France this is 21 perfect patties which bring you up vertical to the bottom of the mountain move away to Alvarez and the Tour de France didn't come through here every year it's definitely one of the favourite stages of the Tour de France this is really competitive super steep climb all the way to the top anyway that's me at the bomb down city res a peak up and I can see the lift is just going to the station that's why I'm just gonna run ahead of these guys make sure I get into one of these bubbles because is a reasonably slow lift from here the bubbles come around some once every five to 10 minutes or so so if you see them there you want to try and get in them as soon as possible but yeah so that's the run cool it the cheeky mama super fun run really varied you go from black red to blue to green back to a blue run and as I say I've got all conditions they're wintery steep conditions and nice mellow slushy conditions as well if you get in this lift take your board inside I do not trust the racks outside and there have been a couple of occasions where boards have fallen out yeah that's me done a little bit out of breath there I am all right Chazz guys thanks for watching as always please hit that like and subscribe button if you enjoyed this video and there'll be more like this coming all throughout of the year we'll throughout next winter alright see ya
Channel: Malcolm Moore
Views: 195,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowboarding alpe d'huez, snowboarding, gopro, 4k, malcolm moore, malcolm moore snowboarding, alpe d'huez, alpe dhuez, alpe huez, alp d'huez, pov snowboarding, cheeky marmotte, black run alpe d'huez, best pistes alpe d'huez, ride warpig, snowboarding tips, snowboard, snowboarding technique, snowboarding fast, snowboard carving, ASMR, relaxing ASMR, snow ASMR, talking ASMR
Id: I0haaylvtNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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