Snow Men Season 1 Episode 3

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as another snowstorm against the move into the heart of the Midwest most locals take to their homes with blankets and warm fireplaces a dedicated few armed themselves with shovels and snowblowers to clear their properties even fewer make their living out there in the cold out and the stove they are the Snowman okay so for today's storm I'm gonna need a little bit of how called my brother Matt he's not available so that I called my youngest brother Tim and he's actually available so he's going to be coming and helping me out for for today's jobs so this is my first time going out plowing with Ryan I was gonna ice storm so it's I don't really know what it's gonna be like so you know there we go so we got a nice storm last night and got to hit some of the commercial accounts actually a couple of residential ones we're going to hit to the ones that want us to do salting or call in and I was about maybe half an inch ice so on this particular lot that we're on right now we're actually running the plow on it we put down salt but there was still a thick layer ice so we're running the plow on it like just slice up and crack up the ice and then we'll lay another layer of salt so we got the first job done and I'm a bit culpable underdressed unfortunately so that's one thing I'll learn for next time would go out is to dress a little bit warmer because I was quite underprepared I said I don't even like guys I mean I can deal with snow I can deal with rain ice even if you have a four-wheel-drive so so so basically you're saying ice is like the Achilles heel just snowmen just stole my new snowmen stuff yeah I will tell it for you all right so December 21st we are under a winter storm warning overnight supposed to get about three to six inches so I'm gonna get a good night's sleep and be ready to go in the morning tomorrow morning Kaitlyn's gonna be a shovel rat so okay so it's Christmas Day and we got some snow last night so I guess technically it was a white Christmas I think there was about an inch of snow we're not doing all of our jobs doing one of the commercial accounts and then I got a call a residential call in in the retirement community del Webb for I guess the plows came by and pushed up whatever was in the street and then it froze so it's ice and they're out there trying to chop it we just can't do it quite a bit so we're gonna go with the boss power V XT and try and take down the rest of the ice maybe have to spread some salt on it we'll see how it goes it's been quite a busy year up to this point it's now Christmas last year at this time I think there was only one or two so we're not complaining we're making green cabbage I'm gonna go get some cabbage about 6:20 p.m. and New Year's Eve and I came down to do this commercial lot because it needs to be done by 7:00 o'clock p.m. because they're using the why and I got squealing under the hood it just started and losing power so that tells me it's the alternator so I'm gonna need to get a new alternator tonight and put it in so hopefully I can finish hopefully it's got enough left in it to finish this job and then go down and put it in and then it's gonna be selling all night so most of the rest of the jobs you won't be doing until the middle of the night or early morning anyway it should be enough time I think all the parts store booths at about 9:00 p.m. so we'll see what happens just call them to see if you were gonna be able to help me tomorrow like shoveling it all that well I think the storm is supposed to light up around midnight or one o'clock in the morning so it'd probably be early it maybe be like 5:00 a.m. we'd get started for him really why cuz it's 5:00 in the morning what are you doing so you don't want to work and you don't want to help me whatever so partying is more important whatever well I need help and you locked me down when I need help so all right whatever goodbye yo I'm just wondering if tomorrow morning you want to ride along and make some money shoveling okay I didn't remember that sorry to bug you then Matt ditched out on me because he wants to party all night for New Year's and he doesn't want to get up early so yeah that's fine that's fine I'll just keep you on the list and call you next time talk to you so Ryan called me to help him again which I was perfectly okay with doing only problem was we were actually out of town heading up to my wife's parents farm so we worked we actually left early to dodge the snowstorm heap he had forgotten that I was going and he gave me a call because once again Mac hopped out as he usually does so I was a bit disappointed because I actually I was looking forward to shoveling again and it's nice to have to see to make the bean cabbage but you know you'll get you next opportunity when it arises so yeah it's uh it's hard to run a business when you don't have people that you can rely on you know to help you out this isn't the first time that matt has had some excuse why he can't come and help me and begin to think that it's not really something he wants to do you know a thing about plowing and the plowing businesses it's not convenient if you're going to get in this business there can be some good money to be made but you know it'll come on come on holiday it could come at any time and you've got to be ready to go because when it snows you go some people in this world they're nine to fivers you know they want to clock in and clock out and well that's not really what the snow plowing business is so I think Matt's sort of coming to the realization of that and looks like he may not be part of this operation okay so Tory just got here I got the job finished and me and Tory are going down to the auto parts store now it's about 7:30 and we're gonna go get the replacement alternator and head to the shop and put it in all right so everything went well with the alternator install got it in did a bunch of plowing and trucks ready for the next storm Timothy Orlick aka the chin I am the youngest and a family of nine I refer to my other brothers as my idiot brothers I have a really giant chin and it's full of power it's actually what helps part of my shoveling swing I hate the cold especially because bad blood circulation in my hands even if I'm wearing gloves at times the cold can get to my hands or even my feet so I'm not a huge fan of the cold but I don't mind it occasionally just not the really cold winters I'm not a huge fan of winter but I'm starting to come around I would say I'm about 50/50 on winter I hated winter I loved it that's the correct word to use I yeah I just couldn't stand I mean the only thing I liked is snow the look of snow is nice that's about it and and I like shoveling that was the only things that I ever liked about winter but now that I realize I can make money shoveling it's actually made winner more tolerable for me and I can handle it I do like shovel reading most people probably would look at it and say that's a demeaning job but I actually enjoy it I like to shovel especially the fact that I make money doing it or as we call it in the biz screen cabbage it definitely doesn't hurt it's the job that you're technically doing a little bit more of the work so to speak and you you're tough and you're using your body more when you're doing that you know whereas when you're just with the plow you just twiddling your thumbs on the joystick it's like you're playing a game and so my least favorite part about being a shovel it's probably the certain storms that we have where there's a lot more snow or maybe if there was ice mixture in it and it becomes very heavy and hard to shovel those are probably my leisure because I'll sit there while I'm trying to shovel and then I think about how comfortable Big Red Hen is in the truck and he's just you know look at me going you know with his little with his little plow and sometimes I'll get jealous during those storms but that would probably my least favorite but we don't get those every time so I can I can handle it I know it's gonna sound weird but the I love when it comes to shoveling just I love the perfect shoveling spell and maybe not everyone's gonna totally understand that and maybe I will or if you're a fellow shovel rat but I enjoy those snowstorms where the snow is just perfect just comes right off on the end of that shovel and just toss it it leaves the perfect line and streak it sounds weird but maybe I'm the only person that will ever understand it I would like to do this I think on a long-term it's you know I enjoy shoveling and I guess maybe as long as my body can take it I want you to lean forward on your knees I can't comfortably answer questions like that it's lean forward do it no you were doing the same thing that Tory was doing which is this wow you guys are bowls and we like to sit erect what's your name Ryan Horvath how old are you we already did the dirt again gonna change the shop I am 31 years old I am divorced and I live in a van I have the V blade Oh since we've no place to go and I brought some corn for popping that tots are way down let it snow let it snow let it but if you really owe me attack me all the way fire is slowly dying and my dear we're still goodbying but as long as you love me so
Channel: Snow Men
Views: 28,523
Rating: 4.7205238 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy-drama (TV Genre), snow men, snow plow, boss plow, Winter, Snow, Ice, Cold, Storm, Blizzard (Disaster Type), Truck (Automotive Class), plow, snow day, Ford Motor Company (Automobile Company), f250, Ram Pickup (Automobile Model), Dodge (Business Operation), Chevrolet (Business Operation), Pickup Truck (Automotive Class), snow removal, 4x4, vplow
Id: b9Pvg0DUgaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2015
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