Boss Snowplow -Failure after failure in The Back Drag Pro

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and all of this stuff that we did today it's pretty obvious that this product is it's not what it should be or what I thought it was boss offered me my money back I take it hit your flop yours then flop mine once will you [Music] if I did the mental math right Mike you've had 92 breakdowns this season with this plot if you count all the shear pins they da bus bad suckers I decided plow at 10 miles an hour with with the drag Pro initially and I was braking sure kids costume to the point where I'm buying the 20 at a time probably over a hundred so into I don't [Music] we're talking about the boss back drag Pro right and so Mike actually owns one has ran one this winter and he's gonna share everything that he's learned about this thing good bad and in between between you wanted all right now Wow how we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna get into this so you guys better hang on here we go [Music] alright let's go take a look at your plow this one I've had since the end of December and so two months on it and like I told you on the phone I've got kind of a love-hate relationship with it I love it when it works great but I have had what I think is a excessive amount of problems first it started and it was the same with the first plow the controller wouldn't work and it was really frustrating because as you're pulling into the snowbank with the front plow you need to lift the back plow in order to not build up all the snow behind you and stuck and then as if on cue the first time Mike went to lift his drag Pro this is what happened okay yeah I know it's on what happened remember I said look it's 100 times heavier stalls our ball [Music] you still doesn't come up remember I said sometimes it acts like it's a hundred times heavier does it so it will yeah but it's doing it right now did it on me a few times yesterday so hopefully it'll come out of it so we can do this video okay just keep it running [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] that's that's time wasted right there trying to get going and the fall won't lift well it does come out of it on its own but that's part of that module thing that's screwing up okay and it does this every once in a while so usually once you cycle it a couple of times they'll come out of it and it's fine but it did that on me a few times yesterday when I was plowing well the Timmy tap it works on his wife this way he's got four kids and so what you're talking about it says we're pulling for snow if you don't lift up and kind of shed that and shave it off the tops yeah I don't have a big pile behind you when you go to back up yep and I try and lift it about ten feet away from the front plow hitting the snow bank and nothing nothing nothing and then there you are into the snow but when it lifts low or nothing well with the first plow it was pretty much nothing there were times when it's still doing it when you lift you're hit the button yep you can hear the motor fire and it was the same before you hear the motor fire wouldn't do anything but there's times when it just feels like that plow is a million pounds it's just there's no weight in theirs but oh no it's even even sitting in the shop at home go to leave and and it wouldn't lift no the boss has another wait a minute okay so you just said sitting in the shot overnight inside eat it building in a heated bill because I've noticed ours Tim will lift slow the colder it is the first initial lift will be pretty slow if you notice that on yours now Mike owns and runs a back drag Pro which is made by boss but Tim and I know power back straight blades the one on this black truck right here is made by snow power and is designed it to be able to pull snow or push snow it has 180 degree reversible wings the second whole blade that we own is made by short iron so I want to make sure that the different blades may see in this video and let's get it going but once you get it going though the oils loosens up loosens up and boom your operational that's like literally for us it's like two or three lifts and word ahead of your snow I got to start lifting a little earlier just the weight when you're when you're pulling up you know then to the pile like you describe your notes and of course went to the dealership and at first they didn't really have any good answers because its plows so new they haven't sold very many yep there's only been four of them sold in our town - to me and to the people that I know buddies of mine talk to boss and they said well there's a little module in there it's about the size of your phone and it lays flat are you talking about inside down inside of the housing where the hydraulic unit is okay that's where all the small wires come together mm-hmm and it's gel sealed 100% waterproof right what the problem is where those small wires connect on the module but they're saying is the salt adds conductivity to the electronics and it can crossfire between there and do goofy things and how long first one did that start to happen almost immediately so boss is fixed for that module is to mount it this way instead of flat so the water and salt will run off of it so you know I've had the module issue I've had the hydraulic hose break and then the the most severe problem that I've had the actual grace yeah that's part of the lifting mechanism you can see this is made out of two square tubing so Tim will you hold this camera actually broke so you got it talking about on the frame you're actually referring to this part of the plow itself right right here on this mounting hole it before it were through the square tubing it literally tore through now I was plowing and I lifted it up and I'm looking in the mirror my plow is sitting at an angle like this yeah what in the world is going on so I got out and looked and here it was just hanging still mounted on that side completely tore through on this side Mike's toward the frame one time but he's ripped through the shear pins and gone through 88 of them this season alone and we're gonna show you exactly what we're talking about right here one of the big problems Mike is facing is this plow just won't hold snow it just hits to the point where the wings grab too much right here it's enough failsafe to prevent failure on the on the wing so this bolt here is great too half inch by four and a half inch grade two bolt that will break if you get excessive load on the wing one of my frustrations with this thing when you're trying to hold the wings forward add a say a 45 degree angle carry the most amount of snow and if you're up against even just the slightest bit of a snowbank that wing will catch and drift and if you don't catch it right away and stop it will break that sure pin so you either have to you have to go really slow first of all you're with the back plow your forward speed is going to be much slower than with just the front plow and I'm talking five miles an hour or less if you're running a drag Pro well I say that because I was plowing 10 to 15 miles an hour the other night with my with my snow power I was flying I mean I was sliding that rear-end around lifting it up throwing the snow like literally we will fly through all the snow hammer it down that's when I first started I'm used to with the just the front plow my typical plowing speed is about 10 miles an hour I feel that's a comfortable safe speed yeah if you happen to bump a curb or something you're not gonna put yourself through the windshield I tried to plow at 10 miles an hour with with the drag Pro initially and I was breaking sure pins constantly to the point where I'm buying them 20 at a time and I've I just went in I told you I replace my supply yesterday I literally have bought out my hardware store I'm half by four and a half inch grade two shear pins uh that's gonna be probably over a hundred so into I don't recommend any any higher grade that you wouldn't want to interesting okay when I was on the phone with boss tech service over the course of a couple different problems that I had he asked me did you attempt it to put in a grade five volt I said I haven't I thought about it but I haven't done it he said well that's good because we had somebody do that they literally tore the wing right off the plow because the grade two is made to break where the grade five is strong enough that something else is going to break they'd be the first thing I think like I'm sick to create their train changing these pins out I'm gonna go to a grade five and yep you know it'll still it'll still break but it will last longer for the consequences of having these sure pin failures is see how this sits out yeah when it's brand new it comes right in tight on both sides got a little worried about this driving down here in the freeway I've got both of these wings are somewhat angle though yeah that's all the slop from here and here look at how much wiggle there is there it's just wearing tears well it's a little more what's happening we can pull the shear pin on I can show you but you can see how loose this is so a quarter of an inch on these points here causes it to be out two or three inches out here madness and so you know what's happening is the hole inside the cylinder on both ends is starting to wallow out [Music] come around over on this side all right when you swing this back see it catches there all right here and up so I do that first so it's dug it oh you gotta just found hell under no I want you to look right here see how hollowed out that hole is right there okay that's part of the slop that I was explaining to you on that swing all right okay so you just line it up and pop a new Canyon not would you be able to drag that snowbank maker catch that and pull it not a problem so we run what's called a snow power blade it's the same concept but different company and the wings on our Paul blades are actually designed to go all the way backwards they don't even have shear pins in fact everything on ours are run with grade-a bolts and what you're gonna see in this video is Tim is gonna hit this Bank so hard with the wings extended that he's actually going to kick the entire back end of my pickup truck all the way out and it's gonna have zero effect on the snowplow so right now he's hitting that Bank so hard that the entire back end of the truck is kicking over and finally we get that wing on the snow power to pop but you lift it up you fold it in and you're still in business there's nothing broke no pins to replace I mean you were able to snap that on command yeah he actually coming you said he's gonna be by the sign I said you want me to break it right by him so I just pulled over a little bit and you saw that some that wing drift right oh yeah as soon as it got to 180 or you know full extension it's done yep this goes pop and now knowing what I know now after using it I don't like to break your PIN so little stopped I would have backed up a little winged it in and then you leave a a snowbank that looks like this you know part of what you're doing what you want it to look good when you're done - so yeah Mike has mastered braking shear pins but he also knows how to use this boss drag Pro and not brake shear pins and we're gonna show you that right now when he's taking a bite off this Bank as soon as he sees that wing starting to fold out from the weight he has to stop slow down and then angle out so that he doesn't take too much of a load then he takes another bite moves over and when he's slow and careful he can continue to move on down the line without braking shear pins so there is a way to do it without snapping shear pin after shear pin so if you guys already have a drag Pro maybe this will help you guys not have to go through so many of them in a season [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah but you know what let's see if I was a break No okay you want to run yours by it yep I'll get out of your way make another good way to shed snow really fast it's to actually pull one wing in and put the other wing the opposite way and what you're doing is you're catching the snow and you're throwing it across the parking lot to the opposite side that helps you to use it kind of like you would a v-plow or an angle blade where you just come in grab as much snow and you can move it across the lot sideways instead of always containing it and dragging it we regularly plow 10 maybe even 15 miles per hour now you also said you had one of these just randomly winged out on you while you're driving that was part of the control issue that would sit around in town and I just happen to look in my mirror and my right wing is all the way I'll call and then about two blocks later I got to a stop sign and I hadn't touched the control and claw dropped to the ground are you telling me in one single season you've had like 88 wing failures on this plow sure pin breaker shear pin breakage how many we had Tim done they don't pass your pins on no we've had no failures no breakages and too hard season I hit mine so hard on a ice bharat well actually a bike rack cemented in I smashed it I was probably going you know it's late and I'm flying along that's going about 10 15 easy you know running over there they know on the snow collar saying I hit it doesn't have a shirt no it just it's got a really I was so I couldn't believe that the plow actually lifted back up I was like oh you know it's early on in the snowstorm I'm like I'm gonna be screwed without this thing and it worked I was like don't worry little screwed up after that but the short iron doesn't have is the same similar setup as this one so here hold this for me can it notice that Wow how's the solders motors inside and the inside so they mount them on the inside so that you can back right up to a garage door you can snug it up drop it down and that short iron is the first pole plow we've ever had and we've not had one single shear pin break ever and we are not nice to that thing either in any way shape or form and the only issue we had was we had a little minor leak in one of the cylinders like one of the top cylinders and that dude Jason he just sent me a new one he did I didn't ask him before I mean and cut but here's the thing the customer service for short-iron is amazing the customer service for snow power is amazing but we haven't had to tax them the same that you've been taxing your boss people I will say they've been good they've been responsive the dealer's been awesome every time I go in there they drop what they're doing they say fix it for me but four times in two months I mean that I thought that was excessive it okay so it's been in the shop four times in two months but you've been repaired at yourself out in the field eighty eight times well in the share pin is a fail item so that would be I break your PIN I grab my hammer my wrench my sockets and a new shear pin and tap tap tap on the rubber guide there swing it around pop deal sure pin on put the new one in tighten it up and you're back the reason why and thank you first off I want to give a big thanks to Mike for coming all the way down obviously this video is not sponsored by anyone in fact I think I'm a little worried I'm burning a bridge with boss I actually love the boss front plow I want to go on the wreck I do too I'll buy another front plow definitely I've had great luck with it yes I've had I ran boss for decades awesome customer service awesome front clouds I seen this design and red flake started popping up all over and when you when I started to go on Instagram I seen guy after guy that was running these things breaking their plows and they're like that's good as a box plow and I'm like I'm screaming and going it's not supposed to be a box plow it's supposed to be a 16 foot pole plow it's supposed to increase your productivity and then you randomly sent me an email out of the blue and I'm like I called you back and you agreed to drive what 300 miles down here so 200 miles okay but 400 mile round-trip so thank you for that and we're actually going to show this thing in action put a couple of we're talking about the controllers versus the between the snow power and the boss and he liked the boss like it's all very simple let's go look at it yeah I've got it our controllers are a remote control and after you get used to it jumped right in I've got a taste to my joystick okay which one is it Mike one on the right just back Paul this is it yeah it's a nice controller it's very simple very easy to use oh that is nice controller holy crap I'm looking at the x-ray and looking at so it's similar to how some of that x-frame dump truck bodies I see that I'm not I don't I'm not all right you know what I think I want you guys tell me what you guys think of that I think I want you to look at here close you can see the how the paint is chipped off here yep you see this this square tube is part of the mounting bracket that's a sharp edge here yeah when it's up all the way it actually puts like a knife cut into the square to and what the boss told me when that extreme tore apart first of all he said yeah we broke one just like that in testing and he said I know of another one that broke like that it wasn't like this was something new there's also been a documented case where one of these back drag plows was ripped entirely off from the back of the vehicle part of the problem is this pull plow even though it's under a lot of load and a lot of weight is only held on with four half inch bolts so that X frame is not only cracking but it's also literally ripping itself apart under a load like you see right here and he said I think that there's so much excess pressure on that lift when it gets to stop that it's actually pulling on the mounting hole down here yeah and that's what initiates that tear the hole starts to wallow ah and then you know going down the road using it in here it's tearing its nose well it's it's putting pressure here when it's up which puts pressure on this opening down here okay that's what starts in the chair and then spur to I only use that for uncommon push up with nowadays all right on the big big snowfalls and I got to clarify one thing real quick with Mike if I did the mental math right Mike you've had 92 breakdowns this season with this plow if you count all the shear pins yeah I'm counting every time you've gotten out of your truck to do something that's not snow plowing you've had 92 breakdowns in this first season yep this plot was made to push backwards that's obvious yeah what boss told me was they noticed they broke theirs when they were pushing backwards I have used it to push back what did they break going backwards the Xtreme oh the ex favorite they've broken okay he's and it was interesting the first time I talked to this guy on the phone he said yeah we broke one here and testing and I know of another one that room the second time I talked to him I was wondering where's this park because I was a week down and all they were supposed to drop ship it and he he said yeah we've broke a few of them in testing and so I don't know exactly how many of it broken okay all right they're aware of an issue with that x-ray okay so guys this was not meant to be it's no power killing the boss back Drake pro video if that's the what you came to there this is not what it's supposed to be I just want to show the differences when you guys are out buying a back Drake Pro I mean any penny snow any play depot plow period you know what to look for because I think it's kind of a important thing you know all of this stuff that we did today it's pretty obvious that this product is it's not what it should be or what I thought it was if boss offered me my money back I'd take it there's a few simple things right off the bat you know stronger hydraulic cylinders for one better reinforcement on the where these pins are so you don't have this slop I think that's unacceptable the reinforcement on that extra frame you don't have to be a engineer to figure that out it just needs heavier gusseting this there should be a stop with rubber pads that prevent that kind of problem from happening all right so hit your flop yours then flop mine once will you Mike [Music] and hopefully this video will help you guys out that was the intent it wasn't to beat the drag Pro up it's just that I don't want you guys to go out and buy something and expect one thing but get something entirely different there's a giant price difference from a drag crawl to a snow power but you're gonna get what you pay for you guys it's just it is what it is of all and this is not a snow power commercial but experience real life real-world experience of all the pulp laws that I know of the snow power is my number one choice the short iron is my number two choice and there is no number three your mic thank you yep for coming down I think you know and do it the right way thank you for coming all the way down here thank you for sharing your experience with these guys any last words of wisdom from you Mike well stay safe out there and like you always say god bless and go get them and check out these videos right here wherever I'm gonna put them up on later you guys see ya
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 574,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowplow, boss snowplow, snow plow, snow plowing, snow removal, boss snow plow youtube, best snow plow youtube, best snow plow, snow plowing videos, snow plowing equipment, snow plowing equipment youtube, boss back drag plow, pull plow, best pull plow, pull plow youtube, back plow, back plow youtube, snow plow youtube, plowing snow, best way to plow snow, best way to plow snow youtube, best snow removal equipment, best snow removal equipment for long driveway, boss plow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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