snl moments that crack me up part 2

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[Music] or Thomas peeper's insurance and we know that you're okay because we're watching you if you need us we'll be there for you even in the middle of the night especially in the middle of the night how does an insurance you're such a fraidy cat Fenster yeah you lame ass [ __ ] Bart Doman I haven't done nothing yet but I'm gonna hi hi hello gentlemen how are you okay do people still use the word when my brother got it thank you if a black person arrives just kidding a black person won't arrive that's an example of party humor I am going to battle you huh Kanye West you need it I mean Kanye West you need a mint for your Kanye breath and but and and when I'm done with you there's gonna be no Kanye's left just 39 cents that's less than a small cup of coffee but it can make all the difference in the world to the people of this Village sorry ask for more money you start so low I hope I get to play Conrad Birdie you know you will you're the most talented male in the department you really think so um yes I could never do what you're doing right now I'm sorry must we call it the Royal at home well the only other acceptable terms that I know of is the governess uh the king maker her Downton Abbey these people made a six-part documentary about me six that's almost 10. Kendrick Douglass I hit my wife and I'm his wife I hit his ass back this place sounds fancy it is there's even a password the last words of murdered blues Legend sweet Willy Walker Oh what were his last words my wallet yeah yeah then you may go to the woods to relieve yourself if it ends up being diarrhea you must leave society and live in the woods as an animal never return someone coming ew who would have sex in this filthy old castle what and that dildo Swinton what's a bad habit you just can't quit feasting on the blood of Innocence kidding cookies 39 cents may not sound like a lot but it can mean so much to these families it's not even a round number like if you said a dollar I could see how he got there yeah but you know they always trying to take away a Pity to make it sound like less I get that I'm just saying why not start at 99. 39 cents you sold millions of records and made millions of dollars more than Millions thousands and their songs are sexy like this next track hmm girl you better lock the door yeah girl do it on the sink and flow I like that girl we're gonna get it on George hi what do you think you could bring to the Regis and Kelly franchise well you know having a Latinos your co-host would really change the landscape of daytime television and I should know about Landscaping I'm Latino how did you make all that money that's a rude question I didn't ask it sorry you can start a rumor about any celebrity just like that all you got to do is push a button on your phone and say R Kelly did this to me and then attached a video of me doing that thing and people will believe you it's scary that was the biggest mistake of my life I just destroyed Kanye in a rap battle and now he's probably really sad if I don't like something I say I'm allergic to it so it's it's urgent and claritin's got my back sorry bro [Applause] what you waiting for get in there will you all right
Channel: xlil_ fangirlx
Views: 1,758,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Djbxc7FuJIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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