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okay well in that case amy do you want to do governor palin's part instead i i guess i could give it a try i mean do you want to remember it i kind of remember it yeah okay why are you trying one two three guys i don't understand this new song hot sauce in my bag swag what does that mean maybe this song isn't for us but usually everything is hello what up where's phillip oh my uncle just hired me i'm gonna be doing your house now i'm toby i don't know okay i can oh i just want to say something at this point i think we may actually have a problem here yeah man oh you agree you spraying blood in my look no the problem i see you on the phone with a man from fedex and you're crying you're crying where is my doubt coloring book i need my adult coloring book wait annie do you color color it's like when skarjo's like so i saw charlie in this play and he was this big bear do you feel like you're at home calling out there women can do anything they want and i want to do nothing this is way more than eight pints of black will you please stop stop loving christmas never just turn on the lights i i want to show you something the lights are on oh my gosh look i have to do update stuff no actually i don't think we're doing an update tonight what why because they're back [Applause] no no no you give me your farm i actually i sense a lot of fun travel in your future yeah oh you do okay good um actually me and my boyfriend are planning to fly to paris in may oh that's fun but no i do not see fly to paris i see you are driving to kentucky [Music] and we'll have a wonderful life i can't wait for the time when he'll truly be mine and leave his he's gonna leave her right well of course he's gonna leave very promised they always promise and it usually works out right yeah you don't like your toes around you get your toes come on toast put that toaster up if you can't hold the mic above the frame then let's give it a try under okay sound good you're the director man all right you want nothing i got no problem with that all right great thank you thank you are you okay with that yeah nobody cares okay come on come on let's just go okay hit it boys manson hitler white male rage world war one cause of white male rage little women big performances but greta go away some cause of white male rage fuzz and woody at it again it's white male rage white male rage [Music] i would now like to give each of you a chance to make a closing statement are we not doing the talent portion for those of you doing the experiment along with us at home make sure a parent or guardian is present because what comes first in the science room um the guy the guy yeah my my older sister said the guy like always comes first oh my god no no that's not what that means the guy does not come first here the girl comes first no my sister said the girl never comes out uh wait are you mindy europe well i'll i'm up today but tomorrow i may be going to the bathroom on a rock in central park that is the life of an actress no it isn't no it's not okay wait i i don't remember a bridge scene that might have been when i fell asleep i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry you what i fell asleep for just like a sec tell me you saw them dancing in the sky what i want to hear it tell me you saw them dancing in the sky i don't think so was that like a huge black boy no it's just lovely and that's okay not everything has to be fly of course i respect you you're two damn fine cops from broads wait what back to the women thing we're back to that to that no no we're past that no no what crashed [Music] okay now who was waiting on the bunny rabbit oh uh i was that's me okay say are you anthony danvers uh yes i am okay and you're waiting on your pet bunny rabbit tiffany denver's yes i am well tiffany said cute name good for you thank you i thought it up she had such cute floppy ears she does i almost named her floppy cute as of 10 a.m this morning she has been dead do you want to be the greatest drag queen in the world no then you should turn and walk away okay bye rupal two hours of excruciating tension all building up to a sex scene so graphic you'll think oh right a man directed this oh no look they survived to the gas station how sir i cannot explain it no no no no you just said that a bird set fire to a gas station so you need to explain that so today we're going to put tina into the show coming to the stage she won last year for longest 2 a.m story please welcome peanuts perhaps they were collecting biological data no i felt super off the books i swear to god there was one gray alien by a door just kind of peeking i think he was the lookout look it wasn't my worst wednesday night attention we have a gate change for passengers going to cleveland your old gate was a7 your new gate is g46 it is physically impossible for you to make it to that gate in time and the plane will leave empty thank you [Music] oh my god just take it out just take the card out take the thing out
Channel: nmhmsn
Views: 406,897
Rating: 4.9309316 out of 5
Keywords: snl
Id: scR-CpOqKfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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