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it's another day in the world of fortnight today slogan men and I are playing some more snitch hide-and-seek and we've got 13 people to find did you know that YouTube updated their app again and if you click the light by now the color of the light button is green make sure you check it out yourself it's actually super cool green is my favorite color if you didn't know thanks is this person for using my supporter cry code as well then let's start with this video these beautiful people Josh we can still see them now you're not beautiful Josh that's very rude I was about to say we can still see them now because they haven't started to hide yet all right you guys don't know how to see good yeah come on guys you get two minutes go goodbye sure we never find you time's up time's up I can see that yep that's right mmm boy do we start Josh this is a I don't know it's kind of beautiful I guess we need to do a double check Rooney we're not being BAM I know right the starting area is behind us they could have just you know once a day here jelly what we're trying to build a snitch team we right we're gonna build a six team Josh yeah that does not sound like a good idea yeah but jelly the way we do this is we are going to scout these people to find the best fish whatever that is it good idea Josh so we'll basically have people helping us to find others and then we can kill them all that's so smart we're gonna get into snitch on someone to join the team obviously so that we can see the skills now I don't know how well you're doing Josh but I'm doing offline I found a person you know I can they lied underwater I don't think they can't I don't think so I don't think so I think it's just like a shallow issue though all right we like Josh what are we starting a building pick a building all right well this is a massive building everything or it's open jelly you know what that means that means somebody's been here we need to check it out what is this like a boathouse jelly well there's some more water but I don't think the gang in here over 30 blocks with a secret but no one's in there that oh that is actually really sneaky I didn't even see all right Josh make sure to look underneath these bolts behind it I'm tight I don't think this any he water spot at all died look at this bridge Jenny I think we should walk around over here and then we can follow up to the bridge I like that idea John I think about it a lot of people will be like I'll check that like loss yeah right Josh I wasn't talking about this bridge I was talking about that one yeah but this is how you get up to it we have to follow it around make sure you check around it okay yeah we need to like restore the area Josh there is a lot of rocks here like I'm kind of I'm kind of scared we've been fighting in module build off team jelly we really need to build this yeah we do we do Josh in the tents can they hide in the tents hot white oh I'm scared of jump that's a good spot I mean Josh nobody's here nobody no Josh if you get out the way I'll use my grandpa look and I'll give this one to you no no Josh here you go here we go get out Jenny okay I'm actually kind of afraid we haven't found a single everyone oh wait what really wait we started blending with the bushes I uh this ain't one you should have gotten a bush man we're like this is the scary not what it be careful though these ones are the smart ones they try and get caught so that they can snitch they want to be do you want to be on our team yeah she does do it all right well in that case are you ready to take the challenge to join the team all right okay I don't find as a single person we will have to kill you wait a minute Oh down here does she know something that we don't hit in spa whoa just leave her there leave her there to rot oh she's got five this is the worst oh my goodness well farewell I don't want people like that in our team you to see her spark that was awful it was terrible okay that's good though she cannot find a good spot for herself she's not gonna be able to find good spot from others charge thank you okay there's a lot going on in this building Kelly oh there is Josh there is I don't like it at all this is a lot going on in this crazy tropical map you're trying to tell me no one is up here I don't believe it either to be honest with you Josh it could be like jumping off on top of trees I honestly think that I'm a little bit disappointed this is such a nice house with a rooftop pool wants to live here this man there's a few things I mean the fridge is next Jilly so yeah I I'm uh I'm actually looking around I have a great view spot here all right Josh let's go over the branch this is what we were waiting in order to mini bridge down there we're careful about wait I just realized there's no one in the trees right I just spotted something wait I was just then not I haven't seen a person but it's a waterfall Josh Porter pulls a suspicious but okay you go down there cuz you go grandpa hook you can go alright I'm going down I'm gonna have a look Josh which one first left or right left okay left one right one no one no one's here to wait oh she's here Josh the right one the right one lady but that was actually pretty good that was pretty bad I think we should record this person Bob oh it takes a little bit to find it yeah it's just standing in here it's just standing in there yeah nice okay all right Jenni would you want to take up through the challenge then to join I mean I think so Josh she can join our team if she finds somebody do you know where somebody is by any chance oh she does okay alright just like the other person you get 30 seconds all right are you ready for this three two one go oh all right all righty righty this person I trust her yeah Brody mutters right where she go okay wait you were great come on down a snowman oh that's such a bad so actually snowman you're lucky because why not just kidding wait why are you crying don't cry well you get to join the team now go cry okay so what welcome do you even want to join the team yes okay let's go back up to the bridge cuz I think we should continue from there all right I'm not taking that rift later Tosh alright this before we go I'm Jenny just double checking you check all of the rooms inside right I think I did I think so I mean there might a sneaky ones that I don't know about okay you know what we should do what our first assignment for the new member okay I want you to go and check the rest of the house okay that's a good idea there we'll meet back here yeah that's right good luck out there okay okay cool bye bye Josh we should we should cross this bridge and see what's on the other side wait is that someone up there wait where no that's nothing [Laughter] why not flying lady are you standing here like this how do you think they go up onto the roof in the first place just like us okay magic is real jelly would you like to join our team oh okay she really does then I shoot people that get too excited okay oh do you know what someone is oh she does sweet in that case 30 seconds off you go all right I wonder what we would have done if she said no oh a little John wick John wick that was just that's just sad Josh can I have this person's life yeah I just I feel like you're that good of a find but you know what we've got to get people in the team members I'm just saying like now someone to ourself more fun all right angel how you gonna get out of here now have you thought about that that's your second challenge get back okay well okay she can do it maybe we should tell her to check out the spawn area because I have a feeling people could still be there and we missed somebody the spawn area yeah we checked it out we didn't see anybody but okay okay you know what we'll give her the assignment of all of the water and the spawn area I like that Josh I like that you can swim with those wings right we'll make you in the spawn area when we want to reconvene okay all right now Josh we should probably consider you know looking at the rest of this building all right there might be spots behind Oh oh my did you but jelly no you did it what is that okay crazy default good you know what for a default that was not a default spot I'm just saying how was it a tool okay well you know you want to join the team wait okay that's fair enough just don't want to join you know how people just want to die rest in peace to the default right don't quite the arts are expected but no me neither you gotta respect it maybe she was out of time where was hungry in one of the lunch yeah something like baby baby Josh I found a nice campervan yeah but looks is such a cool spot what alright wait a minute what's that is crazy I didn't even see this skinny I think we should reconvene with one of our team members on the bridge oh wait someone standing there already she cleared the house I don't know let's get a report wait a minute she's coming bad hello hey you found someone wait oh no she didn't the worst team member ever what Kelly no there might be no one in there okay you can't say that now are you sure that nobody's in there did you check everything listen Josh if we find somebody in there later she has to die yep but chilly if there wasn't anyone in there she did a great job so just calm down oh that we don't know that Josh you can never trust them to a full hundred percent okay well I still be on the other side okay yeah sure sure sure all right well Josh we go thing I think let's just go down then I guess we go down and under make sure to look around team member to stick with us oh my god I didn't even see this person at first scene more interesting sports but okay I feel like this person good Josh who do we do with this person whoa the thing we found was pretty clear I think we got to put them through the challenge I guess I mean it makes sense right now she's got Winx - so where someone is she can fly Oh calm down [Music] tell us you don't know where anyone is she doesn't know all right well we'll give you a choice okay you can either hmm have 30 seconds to find someone okay challenge our current team to the death to join us hey hey Crouch to the challenge well stand to try and find someone oh they're low E but Crouch she's taking the challenges hit okay okay well they're battling it out all right let the bow begin in three oh my goodness you do the Pantages you do a bet oh boy so come on Hill each other fight to the death okay there were scientists or sick matters oh oh my goodness oh my goodness I hate I know who the first hit was all oh oh oh don't get in there Josh this person would lose to be honest yeah well that's not how it went Vampira No okay well stations you get to join not really sure I feel about that no I mean later our all the team members arrived hey did you find someone did you find something no this is disappointing we are recruiting team members here and they are absolutely useless well Kelly we'll send them on another assignment soon okay so everyone I'm angry now don't worry chilly okay can you search the rest of this rock face and then meet us in this house okay what about this person Josh they search the house okay okay there must be more people I don't know how many people are hiding still think maybe like seven six I don't know quite a few quite a few right oh really already Josh where are you even one out where she huh where were you high man right here oh that's just bad it was a mess Bob I mean see any person could have could have just hid as a statue but Jenni we're not interested in the spots really we're interested in the stitching ability you know I mean does this person even know where somebody else is hiding that's a very light not okay nice okay if you 30 seconds to find 30 seconds again all right 30 seconds go go go go go is he going a certain direction does he actually know or is he lost oh-ho-oh there find it he has to find it with oh come on man you gotta get up there then yeah yeah you ran out of time but just in case I do want to check the top of that Josh don't kill him just yet don't kill him just yet okay oh oh my goodness but but he's actually in here hey just look at this person why do they all have wings Hey everyone's got wings right now so technically you got snitched on but the other person was too late so I don't think we should kill you okay you come with us okay you are so lucky lady alright so obviously this person sort of found someone jelly I mean they just pointed us into a direction and someone happened to be there and then this person I mean technically we kind of found them so yeah I think this is another jewel jelly it's another jewel Josh yeah I think so why good you know what I'm gonna make it interesting I'm gonna do a countdown okay wait a minute Reed wrap your gun to one good oh my goodness okay this is just ah oh my goodness beautiful well kind of hope she would win because I was late you know you're a board of our team now Billy we should probably off do you know where anyone is that's a good question oh she does okay she does oh okay the person Oh in this room Jenna you feeling is she go in a certain direction or she what is this okay oh sorry is Heidi here this is dead you know how to spell that right DEA d yo to say yes just sorry just flex on everyone yeah this other person do I think this person's telling us that they found someone as well I lost him what did he go oh the chicken Jenny okay chicken fooled I'll find you chicken and hey jelly Oh chicken oh that's so sad he got snitched on jelly I think you need to make a decision here alright well that's a I mean it was your decision okay yeah well you know decision made all right good job with the find I guess Ohi finally found this person again yes this person came back down did you actually find anyone on your travels he's disappointed in him over whatever it was yeah no listen if you come back to us you don't have anybody you're off all right you're off the grid we need good team members here okay then all right so I think this house is done okay let's let's move I mean Josh always look behind these things Josh you just looked in and thought it was finished but look look at these crazy spots I mean oh yeah but I am pretty sure I already went in here are you sure about that just close the door because I'm sure like that Jenny move okay okay have we cleared everything I feel like we haven't but we're just gotta know that's good I think we haven't rember we have people looking through here the whole time have we checked the backyard properly and everything yeah I think so I mean I think so too it's not a lot to check so I think my mutually other house okay I think we should Josh I think we should okay oh so this is a house that jelly FL can you help me up oh come on take this take it Josh I call you a good boy okay now sit no we've got another house here Jenny yes I say that we all go in search in here if these two don't find someone then we kill them all right I like that idea Tasha let's go all right so work we're trying to find people too so if we get if we're maybe you find them then they don't get them that's that's true then they have to die press the old timepieces are you going upstairs or downstairs just I'm on the floor that we were on there might be like sneaky spots everywhere they're just kind of hard to find it could be that no one's here and I'll tune team members are about to die yeah well that's unlucky that's unlucky they should've that they should have already checked it in you know told us that nobody's here for example yeah exactly that would be a good teammate does how do I get to the next floor Blanche I'm struggling a little bit as well to be honest I don't even know where all these people are we'll give them a little bit longer to look but I'm gonna check the rest of oh did you find something oh I found one seriously yeah well I won't come out come out I really good spot like a really good spot all right Josh what did you find this person right there oh Jenny we were here by the way Mike we were to be here one time and we didn't see this is ridiculous this is a good spot all right what do we do this person she does have a cute little doggy where what we do first Jenny come on out all right first things first jelly new person please can you kill the other two team members yeah they deserve to die come on their lives what's one such a brutal game Oh Josh I wonder how many team members work necklace oh not many not very good leaders no I mean it's fine cuz it's not really anyone here so you get to join the team by default but I think there's only one person left so I want to ask her a question do you even want to join the team she does jelly I have do all the things we've done we still have this interesting Jenny okay okay there is one person hiding okay I think we make it simple we let her go and if she finds the last person before us she wins oh my goodness then she could kill us no I mean she wins that far huh okay okay okay good idea Josh all right let's go good luck everyone wait jelly jelly gosh what happened the yellow hat ladies walk up to me she's swinging a pickaxe oh you're here I think she knows where someone is no no way no toys where we go if she if she's not lying right now no I've been amazed when I literally been this way are you kidding me anything I don't deserve to live right now there we go bang you oh good okay just kill both of us you can't just do it obviously better seeker than us just do it ah ah if you enjoyed this video make sure you use my supporting creator code jelly in the fortnight item store
Channel: Jelly
Views: 5,804,113
Rating: 4.8909268 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, fortnite, hide and seek, snitch, new, game, games, gaming, funny, wins, fortnite hide and seek, prop hunt, SNITCH The HIDER IN THE PAINTING To WIN
Id: N0iClxUj_AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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