SNIPER ELITE : Superhit English Movie || Action Full Length Hollywood English Movie

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all right you're cool how about your buddy where are you oh that's good I keep coming keep coming nice keep coming what are you doing don't talk sweet [Music] foreign thank you here comes the pimp because in general foreign foreign foreign no my triggers nuclear triggers come on General [Applause] [Music] go go oh [ __ ] foreign nice job welcome back that Focus sounding better and land here let me take a look [ __ ] you killed each other you're coming down the hill man just give me a second give me a second God damn it foreign [Music] thank you [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh they're selling money as soon as I rig up you just grab on yourself let me keep these guys down here I [ __ ] up talking about give me your head yeah Jones you don't [ __ ] around we don't have time you've got the best chance to get in the football field now go get that give me a hand do nothing out there let's go [Music] get down here [Music] nice easy [Music] yeah yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] I ain't paying while we sit here why are you trying to start this canoe no problem just give me a minute all right just get the hamster back on the wheel all right a good one [ __ ] hey Manson family member bring me up a beer it's about time Santa the [ __ ] [Music] give me the Hand archita Banana I promise I won't bruise you later cutie oh come on let's start with the front hey Cowboy keep your hands to yourself you're a skipper [Applause] killed him yeah he's dead all right dead drunk to use that money rather late payment can they repo folks dolly up top get this piece of [ __ ] off my boat yes sir Luther give him a hand yes sir hey Trish go downstairs and check the fuel pump all right [Music] yes hey Tiki Daddy we are back in business it's nice to see you too Western foreign I'm gonna go down and get another beer I suggest you be gone by the time like hey you might want to take a look at this so Tomb come out at once not in touch with the music at all when I'm going to just splits one bottle of water please did he say bottled water oh Soldier Boy nothing like a handsome wool polyester blend to help beat the heat up say grunt do I know you no you're just an ugly reminder of a nightmare we once lived Sergeant Blakely you were Marines hella strange but true oh you're what they call washouts careful Sarge you find out why we washed out firsthand and you wouldn't want that hey check it out tight ass Brass five o'clock hey that's Colonel wolf to you Beach Bum this prisons in huanglai yeah it's a couple of miles from that bridge where you're off went sour intelligence thinks our friend the General's trying to process weapons of great plutonium in that [ __ ] I'm surprised you haven't leveled the place I planned on it and then last week one of our satellites shot those and I realized [ __ ] that's Jones then it's him why are you here wolf do you need a positive idea on Jones or do you need me to go back in and get him look if erupted me I wouldn't even be here but it seems you two got some fans at Langley at the Pentagon oh whoop your [ __ ] do that and the fact that you're Expendable make you the ripest candidate for this [ __ ] mission besides you might get a second shot at those triggers we don't have much Intelligence on the prison but nobody that goes in there comes out alive I want a chopper at a designated point 10 minutes for my radio Sigma and I want to be left alone done deal I'm going to be at the consulate but remember you're not supposed to be in there and neither is Jones so if you [ __ ] this one up you're on your own hey I may live just to piss you off I doubt it hey wolf this warm and fuzzy attitude it's not like you how come you didn't just take out Jones and the whole place with one big bang I couldn't get it approved I thought you said you were taking any more missions not a mission [ __ ] man we saw the brass how long you gonna be gone you can't just go I mean what are we gonna do what am I a goddamn babysitter I don't know what you're gonna do plenty of nothing is my guess foreign should be back in a couple of weeks other than that it's a need to know basis okay here keep her clean and running all right [Music] [Music] I don't know I'm busy foreign [Music] it's good to see you my friend long time no see a long time [Music] wait what foreign excuse me I'm looking for the owner of that boat you found him strange I thought my question on that boat well uh he does we do we own a voting operation of sorts I gave him the week off you know Mike yeah but I didn't catch your name cat well my friends call me cat but you can call me Catherine ah humor ding ding round two I bet she's gonna mess him up you're on cheeky perhaps you and I could go off a little Sunset Cruise look I really need to see Mike Weston how about a drink a cheeky put your Daiquiris on my tab what Sapp she's kidding um what'd you say your name was again Donnie Donnie Donnie Johnny I need to ask you some questions and you need to answer them and if you persist with the same line of yours I'm gonna have to hurt you bad hey I'm here for you my name is Catherine Weston and I'm looking for my brother Mike Weston Mike has a sister if he did that'd be her that is his boat out there I'd like to go on board I think I'll take you a good boy [ __ ] is this all you have all right set a meeting between me and Triads tell them I need a detailed map of the prison at huanglai get me something I can use Fred sure but they are dangerous I'll get some men to go with you no no hey just you and me listen you just set the meeting then you and I don't talk anymore I want to help break Jonesy out who said anything about Jonesy stop bullshitting me Mike the two of you went into conglai and only one of you came out now you want to break somebody out of come like prison yeah what's this to get me some money taking a vacation Fred a nice long vacation in Tahiti you leave tomorrow morning I've arranged it so you get through you leave me in Vietnam Mike goddamn my friend listen to me you're getting on that plane first thing tomorrow morning you understand promise me you're going to be on that plane okay okay what you sound like you don't want to come back my cousin called home or written in over here my mom's been having a fit do you guys have a kid in this room no that's Mike's room out of my way so you really shouldn't be doing this I'm his kid's sister what's he gonna do actually we're not concerned for you yeah it's our Collective asses he's gonna kid foreign you were in the military why is everybody keep saying that well maybe he can help us find Mike he's dead foreign so uh how come you guys aren't in uniform now it was time to leave yeah I'm getting kicked out we had this [ __ ] Sergeant who didn't like us very much no one night he and his buddies decided to beat the [ __ ] out of us which they didn't but he did have us arrested for beating his ass that's true why aren't you guys in jail now would be if it wasn't for your brother only one that believed this over to Sarge to freedom and lazy thank you take me so what do you guys do now we work for your brother we're crew and honest but we're just hanging out in dating for a while and soon we shall sail around the world when I don't know whenever the time is right I guess well looks like you guys got yourself some company 99. thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] sit down okay okay okay easy take it easy so we found nothing check the bathroom [Music] sir we found this you gotta be careful makeups look wake up slugs virgin phone call for you at the bar where we were slow down who is this Fred Fred with the p okay oh oh [ __ ] what what is it is it Mike 's been arrested [Music] thank you all right good morning agent Weston or Mike would you happen to know what is the mandatory sentence for smuggling drugs into my country more than a slap on the wrist I'm sure life but just like the chief of police the honorable Judge here he's a good friend of mine he's going to hunt down at that sentence you might want to run that by the U.S consulate first a CIA agent is snitching back into my country with false identification but I mean no hurry to have you killed as a matter of fact I am prepared to have you flown back to Tahiti well huh give me back the nuclear triggers that you stole from me intelligence has it that you secured these triggers in a case with a self-destruct mechanism and that case never left Vietnam nuclear triggers I have no idea what you're talking about Western why do you think you are here to save Jones where is he gave you back the triggers and the two of you can fly out together together is Jones sitting next to me or is he in a body bag in cargo my guess is that we're both in body bags right Mike listen to me the war between our countries America and Vietnam it's over now believe me when I tell you we are not arming against the United States General you have been given some false intelligence the triggers did make it back to my superiors I've got nothing to give you neither does Jones but you probably already know that right well I see how regrettable you failed to take advantage of this small conversation between you and me because I fear it will be a lot Messier if you have to talk later this man here he is Doctor you Mike is not really adaptable [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign yeah yeah let's go U.S consulate now Fred I advise you not to question her yeah do what she wants you to do anyway L.A no one gets hurt yeah son of a [ __ ] you're going home you know you home okay guys I'll wait right here for you okay so who do we talk to here look who's here the hell are you Misfits doing here uh we need to talk to your Colonel now so why don't you pick up your little phone there and get him his Pleasant demeanor out here Soldier Boy see the colonel sergeant Blakely man you see Sergeant my brother a highly decorated Marine is in some sort of trouble here in Vietnam and I really need to talk with your colonel keep that Bunch crowd I'll see what I can do the US government is doing everything they can to get him out of this mess aradashay is running back and forth look look my brother is no Dope Dealer your being here is not a help Miss Weston if anything you're going to attract the Foreign Press good no not good ex-marine drug addict caught with heroin in Vietnam drug addict a headline like that's not going to get him any sympathy now the best thing that you can all do for him right now is to leave I've already arranged for your travel you what Sergeant Blakely here will escort you you are so full of we know that you bought Mike here Sergeant Blakely escort our friends here to the conference room so they can wait for their ride yes sir foreign [Music] they're not going to help him you know that you're attempt to cheer me up soothe me Luther give me a cigarette what give me a cigarette oh come on I can't go out for a smoke foreign in front of them [Music] oh my God Jonesy out here [Applause] [Applause] you know let's get against the bars you want to keep your food out you know for their [ __ ] entertainment they enjoy the show you know what the hell are you doing here I'm here to rescue you well you're doing a great job so far yeah you should have told me you're having a party right I said God you weren't here I know I'm Not Dead why is it keeping me alive Mikey president guy keep asking me about his new triggers I blew it Jones I dropped the ball triggers never made it back [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] bottles look out look out for the bottle Slow Down slow down Soulja Boy [Music] look at you now listen you got to tell me what the hell's going on Fred why did Mike come back to Langston come on Freddie and I help them now you're hurting him you're gonna kill him man I came here to break someone out of Kong life prison the place is being held now who who was he gonna break out his name is Jones Jonesy's alive how close is the guy to weapons grade plutonium I don't know Mike he's got a bunch of guys moving around a lot of toxic [ __ ] is he gonna be able to reverse engineer the triggers if he gets hold of him I'm like don't I don't want to think about this stuff I mean I don't want to hear this stuff I can't hold this type information jealousy I'm not giving you any information no no Mike you're a lot tougher than I am I mean there are stuff going on around you there's stuff going on around here okay okay okay relax take a breath foreign I just need to hear what you know to get us out I know that it's okay I forget we'll talk about it later one step at a time okay listen you holding out okay I'm fired it's good to see you life together again right Chelsea just like old times huh yeah that's the jealousy I know light it comes through those windows this time of day it's so beautiful you can always float away on it sometimes sometimes I just float away on it Mike don't think about me just hang in there what's going on here [Music] wow this place is creepy your body wants to come here that's why it's safe come on guys we're all set tomorrow morning we buy the plan of the prison Mike left me some cash thank you Fred one thing these men selling the plan are dangerous Triad gangsters great [Applause] would you happen to know how much plutonium will it take to blow up say New York City you set that off in Central Park they probably won't be trading on Wall Street the next morning [Laughter] really Mike I like you but I still have to have my triggers you are wasting your time Let's Get It On you're gonna work me over personally or do you just like to watch nobody is going to working over but yeah foreign but we're lucky there is a little breeze tonight hey Mike New Jersey I'm right here apparently you did not tell your friends what I need to know now I'm appealing to you directly where are the triggers and what is the code [ __ ] Mike don't tell bastards the thing Mike go to hell you sicko they can hurt me right Mike because I've been here too many times right Mike come on tell me Mike come on see it that's right they can't hurt you Jonesy I'm not feeling a thing right right right they can't hurt you no way you're the man that's right I'm the man that's right Chelsea Josie can you hear me oh God damn it I'm beginning to lose my patience with you you don't even amuse me anymore I'm gonna rip your [ __ ] heart out I had no heart doctor you proceed [Music] [Music] all right all right I'll give you the triggers I'll give you the [ __ ] triggers you will tell me where they are and you will give me the code no no I'll take you to a both of us I give you the triggers you let us go I'm not gonna leave him here with that animal no way deal thank you set it up there's four of them foreign get for the money map the prison the guard schedule is the same plan they use to break out his cousin totally guaranteed how much upon you how much you got [Music] excellent you stick with them I'm gonna call Captain Fawn and have every single one of them deported right yes it's Mike Weston's sister look I think we can avoid an ugly situation if uh your local police would escort them oh no wolf we'll take them immediately to the airport thank you kind of uh thank you cool now that we got the plans can you get us some weapons you have no weapons oh [ __ ] please empty your pockets of all valuables jewelry oh and watches too foreign people foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] what the [ __ ] was this all about these are General and the guy's men I said yes we go now how the hell did they find us good guy coming out good guy coming out holy [ __ ] Sarge I saw you take care of some [ __ ] out there and we thank you for it but we got guns now and we're not going with you let's go on Reaver I've got a boat there hang up I'm not trying to hold you I swear did you hear me killed a wolf situation here is a lot worse than I thought you're an idiot he doesn't give a [ __ ] I'm on the plane the police didn't show soldiers did look Sergeant I'm gonna let you in a little something Mike Weston is expendable sir they're escaping bringing in the reinforcements huh you got one I'm coming with you no way sweetheart [ __ ] it man take him it's fine oh one thing oh I owed you that I'm gonna rip your face God like there wasn't enough testosterone in this place already foreign [Music] hey hey are you a dog how about you scumbag you're a major scumbag you don't understand the word I'm saying to you do you oh hey Jonesy you hear me what Mike this is it we're on you're talking I'm getting the hell out of here yeah you don't have to do anything just follow my lead no you make your move I don't slow you down six miles to pick up six miles I'll carry if I have to foreign how far away is the prison six miles maybe seven pull these things over we go the rest of the way on foot style we're too close to the prison to be on this River who puts you in charge if you want to get out of this thing alive we've got to start functioning as a military youth I knew this was gonna happen big men had to take control should have shot him back at the warehouse all right we'll vote vote we don't need to vote all right let's go go foreign down the hole you're gonna have to take these off it's gonna be I fell down a hole with cuffs on can you now Jonesy [Music] go wow my hands [ __ ] up it's late again foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Hold Your Fire They're All Dead correct him glad to bail hey you were coming you know that [ __ ] to say about your life flash before your eyes I saw it all man such a loser where's cat [Music] enough doing it [Music] take a deep breath follow me [Music] foreign Mike I'm trying to save us give me the Box shoot him shoot him [Music] [Music] that's them but no cat I'd say we wait we wait maybe she dies maybe we wait and we find out where she is down there maybe they find us we dig in for the night disappear and figure it now I vote we wait yeah me too I [ __ ] believe what I'm hearing what if we go in and we can't find her it's not like we're gonna get a second chance hey man he was fully right about the boats come on man just because your massage doesn't make him wrong I don't know about church being the voice of reason man yeah it's not attractive on them at all he's right let's dig in it he would have let us go you know let us go do you think he was gonna let us just walk out [ __ ] as soon as he gets the code we're dead maybe nice cheap shot Mike why why'd you give him the triggers who gives a [ __ ] who has the triggers hey our Colonel wolf gives a [ __ ] about you or me no this has nothing to do with wolf this has to do with doing the right thing I think of all the people he's gonna kill with those triggers personally I don't give a [ __ ] if he blows up this whole country because I'm not gonna be here he's not even close to having weapons grade plutonium and without that the triggers are useless listen to yourself man listen to yourself say it over and over maybe you'll start believing it or maybe I'm not thinking too clearly right now but I'll tell you one thing Parker you're a [ __ ] George you gave me my name I never would have given you up never mind yeah I gave you a monkey once had a good friend named Mike West and you dropped the football because you they got me alive you know I went through here to hell you [ __ ] up Mikey it should have been you in here for the last year not me don't you think I know that don't you think I thought about that every night for the last year you're right it should have been me it should have been me one day I've had my shower where's breakfast please gentleman such a lovely day outside I'm inviting you for a stroll hello Josh he gave me the code oh yeah well all right [Music] hey guys you got a plan with your search we better make it fast American Girl it's my kid's sister [Music] Mike my patrol they found your friends from Tahiti now the choice is yours this or this 11 15 60. foreign fifteen sixty that's your code your birthday you will open it for me foreign wait wait oh one oh eight 35. Elvis's birthday oh come on it's nothing to be ashamed of you your friends your sister all of you will not have died in vain come on [Music] all right everybody face this is generally weak laboratory under attack sending the enforcements now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah you ever get that bullet oh yeah nice [Music] [Music] time for reinforcements you read my mind [Music] foreign [Applause] all right now I got the good [ __ ] come here are you [Music] leaving [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] ready [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign operation no man operation no man I am Trigger Happy Pete I am Trigger Happy I gotta fly tickets bring it down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you guys all right come on get in get in hurry up huh hurry come on hurry hurry get it again hell no I'm not taking nuclear triggers back Jones was here that's the triggers go go foreign right here come on come on [Music] [Music] don't know [Music] [Music] hey guys okay get on board we've done some thinking yeah it's too unproductive to hang with you guys about time we did some of our Lives man so we decided not to go to Hawaii with you wow sure I can't change your mind no sir no they're right Mike they should seek their own destiny good luck guys [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] guys [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] now my window [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ON Cinema
Views: 8,247,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war full movie in english, hollywood english movie
Id: QDikHduAQB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 4sec (5164 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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