SNEAKY CEILING GRANDPA - Gmod Gune: Prop Hunt | Let's Play

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RTX is inspiring spectacular indescribable [Music] hey Jeremy what are we doing hey June Aloha P Magoon your goon this is Rob just jealous of my achievement hunter fanny pack I've got an achievement no need to get jealous off Fiona's side cuz she's packing I'm packing fully pack alright so who's who's in this one who's Lucy oh I am a hunter right now I am a prop and present I am not wearing any new merch I'm wearing old merch everything I'm wearing is spectacular and you can't have it I'm a hunter and I feel similarly someone yelled that they're from Sparta I heard this so are you a hunter or problem I'm a proud okay yeah I played this it's just I forget the controls died Mario I think oh there's Otto Thompson Otto taunting you know we're going to slightly different version of prop up than previously now it's got Otto taunts now it's got locked rotations actually when you're selecting a profit highlights it which is cool how am I not killed you whoever's over here I bet they're a [ __ ] filing cabinet there's someone filing paperwork in here when you look through the wall like if you clip the camera through the wall you can just see guns flying around oh my that's a long one do you take the images in the air do you take the image if if you shoot random stuff yes so the can I hope no wise were bones that was a good idea he was a phone on the desk yeah that you met are you soda can yeah I'm just a regular soda god damn look at that stream team over here I'm just a can yes I'm only a can oh my oh my I wish I could've heard it hold on hold on guys I'll suss him out you sauce it hold on who you saw if I do this and I crouch down he won't see me I'm just a prop walking on the filing cabinet I feel uncomfortable it says spectating boobs right now yeah I can't tell where these talks are coming from I'm a married man I was the one to decide where it's coming from oops Oh anyone around the corner it's just me a box prop you can reveal yourself are you big or small I'm prop sighs I am prom was that really nice way I heard a Billy Mays what do you think you think you had me well I saw a can on a chair something's gonna get grape soda five seconds you're gonna hear me all right we gotta let sue one what that noises distracting damn it jack [Laughter] I feel like it's from over here somewhere oh these are not props there's no chairs sitting there That's not me you're not looking at me no I know I was looking at you before Oh what am I supposed to be doing for a second right I saw some arms is someone T posing no people just have arms spill that tea I have no idea what no no notching the the one minute mark and it's time to get real Oh My heck is that oh that's me the tea's ready hold on let me get on the top if he won't see my feet oh I came out I'm running around I'm on the lion came brinded move my animal say ride moved five sedum he's a box was that a bomb huh where did you go where did I go I obliterated a box oh I ran past two of you you guys both died like a melee yeah that was I moved got shot in this [ __ ] took it and whoever shot her just kept going it was amazing what what she waited not to the bottom oh there is no way to hide as a dude here I was gonna try to do this running is more what you're doing there you see what I'm doing here Matt hunters like oh yeah I'm trying to grab thing how do you become the thing you did it and he picked it up like a freak - oh you can turn into oh no oh dear what is that white what makes the bad Mario noise that's one of the taunts are you [Laughter] no you trying to be a person where's the horse I was driving by the thing all right we gotta get some listen for some taunts don't know that will work either listen our locks your rotation mistakes were made there's just little trash everywhere hmm I mean it's you're better than I was give me that my man refused oh that's a long one I hear it I hear it where the hell was it even know which one I don't like what we're relying on you know no we're not in the good way yeah in fairness Trevor and I kind of [ __ ] you know it's actually insulting you found me first I'm kind of pissed Trevor I'm just dancing why are you ever know where you're gonna be upset when you find him no worries you were in the ceiling yeah someone was really shuffling well that's the first time I rounded that corner saucy legs Trevor I was just standing behind the projector screen this is my best shot an old man I gotta go for it all right you got five seconds all right all right clicking we'll talk by the way oh yeah that's cool that's what I said in the thing Jason see it like look at this can in this chair cheese it how comfy it is it does look nice now why are there two Phi Chi right around this chair mmm it's called Oh between two ferns [Music] you know what happened was I turned into the plant then it got stuck and I couldn't move so I was just trying to get loose and then I ran away it got stuck in the [ __ ] door it's funny so we were you one of the ficuses one of the fight guy in the fight I was trying to leave and couldn't leave and then all of a sudden I could leave and I left and got stuck between the door so this this just in oh god this shelf right here I saw arm it's uh yeah that happens yeah okay like this shows one thing like the boxes on it like only some of them are actually separate objects looking for a box someone just yelled at me to do it that soda is it is a fake soda yeah a fake soda well I mean it's a plan it's actually a real soda I'm trying to get a masonry so uh what's wrong Matt I got stuck behind a filing cabinet it's real easy get stuck on things it's a nightmare for me [ __ ] that I think that came from in here with that over here I think it's really started the wall of me killed by Harvey James can I beat you it damnit that's a long time I honestly didn't know you're behind me Jeremy I was watching Matt gets stuck behind a [ __ ] fire okay rotation don't lock it Fiona keep looking okay alright [Music] Oh Trevor I lied it's clique that's why I was throwing it I was having trouble don't stop all right I saw something I did something [Applause] way too long to get up there number four that's that jump onto the file cabinet Trevor I did make it though I saw it you made it multiple times and you should have given up once you failed no you killed me but I made it stop oh that's your head oh my god someone just talked right next to me oh those well I did it next - yeah that was me jack listen Jeremy Jack's done something now the question is how how obvious is when he's done taking shots I was shooting the filing cabinet a lot of chairs I will talk to you a second I'm stuck that means he's probably on me sorry blow me free I'm in the room with you blow you free that's a real thing so oh I just sort of a villager mine crowd yes this where'd she go run Fionna look at me alright time to find Jack where's jack ash uh-huh uh-huh hmm you didn't get away that easy he was around here well you can't was ease yeah Jenna yes I throw away my favorite mug your mug was it tilted cuz on my sched myself and this is something I can do here let's see let's see come on piece together Jeremy fuse it together Jeremy read the clues Fiona this is yours I got a feeling you're gonna find all of them oh hell yeah you gonna murder the [ __ ] out of everybody yes yes know what I want to do I gotta be ballsy about it though my head now Dean do you nee Nene Nene oh god don't what the hell is that Oh Dean do you know Turner that was so much a noise that was a lot of noise I heard it here what are you I don't even know if that was me singing or not that was the boss to me boys what you gonna do god I had such a long one nothing I was trying to get I was trying to get under there Dean Dean Dean right there's only one left I'm Fiona the CEO I really I really travel to there we got away for the time no reason to wait for a talk over there he's in this desk area oh I know exactly who he is Fiona come here what Oh God which one is he the big purple thing this big purple around why would I make myself stick out that much that would be absurd it's not that he's over here somewhere [Music] is it I don't know wait depends on where you are it depends on where you are do you know where he is here somewhere I literally have 25 health left shoot 5k or shoot a lot of stuff you live open the freakin got a thought coming I think he just snuck around me Jeremy was such a short time oh nice what do you see there was a mug behind the plant yeah yeah bugs Oh Lisbon plants behind the plan right there yeah yeah you know what get the plant to for good measure there you go you know what I think he was good time not only did you not hear that one didn't know what button do an episode right click on that desk that you if you're looking at put a box on top of you too easy bro what did I just see what did I see do you see what I see what is all this just see the zero real but I swear I saw like a mug for like half a second on top of this shelf but in my ear man that's weird it'd be really weird if there's a red mug Ryan I'll be honest I I think we should do a rule that's just guns only cuz there's been so many times where I'm on the run and then I agree cuz it's kind of frustrating to get bombs so I'm doing a hell of a job running yeah blowed up took a rugged you're going to arica we're right in a trash can not a problem [Music] how are you doing are you alive well [ __ ] so lucky you panicked and started to run and they left where you were if you hadn't said that at one point she panicked we all heard jack stop by the way I think I got yeah mine was that long like music one switch it up so bad yeah you go quick alright no bomb rule no bomb what's no bomb rule is don't use the grenade alright I didn't even know I had a grenade you've won the machine gun if you're right [ __ ] [ __ ] up along here I heard it yeah he really made somewhere I don't think he was in here make sure to pick up your tank top some are fine only a true sitcom slash door it's gone out you know and it's getting hot out pretty cheap my goon in the month of goon oh boy oh boy huh oh boy well dancing around there as a prop you know there's no longer brought to you by fun boy gotta try and be still oh boy Jeremy the fact you haven't been already a blue-ray on top of the other Oh Oh Matt someone else was in here there were two people in the area Matt how did you blend in so nicely I know man wait somewhere over here I think Matt was also covered in me evidence of his departure but it was kind of a giveaway where's the evidence that sneaky brag where'd you work we've been getting shitty taunts here but let's see if we get a good one here yes one of us was screaming about John Cena Matt is it here is that on the other side in the center room still okay [Music] oh my god oh man there's a lot of places for no man okay guys me me Jeremy and Trevor almost exclusively old man hiding here there's nothing there's a lot of fruits and then the inside of that building has a lot of furniture and bottles and [ __ ] I can't the sucks this [ __ ] it sucks okay a lot of it's gonna be like finding a prop as fast as you can and then trying to get somewhere else with it or if you're me shoving your old man ass and where I could find all right he's got his old man ass out mom good hunter I'm a hunter his ass is still out though I heard spray that was me all right where's spray oaky there it is I was trying to get a fire my gun [Music] there's not a lot to be in this eye you walked by a lot of bottles and trash you could have no you can't be the most of that are they illegal now I don't think bottles are excused there are some bottles that you can be but wow I just ripped that somewhere music playing somewhere that you taunting yeah I couldn't tell exactly where that was coming from so wait who is it Matt hey what's up just a dresser in the window if you're also a prop you can come out now he's making some sense no one fell for it oh my god trevor is this you stay there and watch this Ali just in case someone jumps down he's like right here unless that was one of you taunting no i taunt it and and it was a robot wait oh that was I was here charge jack and he was up there forever eyes at you Trevor he's below you in this room I think so what it sound like it was coming oh my god where was it it's near it's it's it's above us jack Snoopy's oh my god he's a biker trevor was I think he's in that door they can't hear him chef are you up there now are you are you audio blind - huh no jack check out the arty life I got Betty here and in the world the world Oh Jack mad at you at all moiré it sounds like it's coming I own ously have it heard him time hi there's a hot dog song again oh that's so far away really not the face yeah that's fine I've been tonsor messing me up I guess time I doing the door you're all running through the one Trevor ran through like 12 times I could hear it right there that's right he sure was like it's so far so you were a hundred percent right I kept firing normally I think it's in there and shot over his head trying to cut it out I just spent the end trying to go out there because I was like I don't believe Trevor where a gun entered my frame of you and that was it making some noise to distract from the town Taemin tires huh boy can I climb up the wood why are you here you gotta go but tom is now I've gotta go you can't see me Jerry's losing his mind general rage of Caliban why would you leave me you're supposed to be my special care Trevor [Laughter] you're supposed to take care of old man [Laughter] old man standing right there oh just got stuck in the [ __ ] menu I was looking at Todd so I couldn't get out of it I'm gonna restart my Windows 95 hey you're the one thing in here that doesn't have a friend yeah also got a shitload of custom taunts like the hunters don't really I started that was an old man running running running I was like I'll hide up here I'm sorry Trevor dude Trevor I should have became another shoe we could have walked down the hall there's like no way I can okay I think I'm gonna stay here I think I'm gonna die okay I know I'm gonna die I'm not versed enough and what I'm trying to do all right Trevor shut down literally hey we heard the window shut down and that was the last we heard each other I'm googling man Jeremy I wanted to see if he could be trusted Kenneth can i betray Jack I think you're near someone you think so well Matt's giggling away oh shut up what the [ __ ] walking to the ether there's a lot of blood on that wall good [ __ ] job alright that's a way for some tongs here close to me [Music] do you hear a talk jack I just taunted that was me I jumped off the thing chasing it hey hey hey who's shooting there's an impossible corner that you can't shoot back in so that I had to stop testifying music at me if I popped her that would have been a total accident there's a corner you can't shoot back in here so I checked the other side and she was sitting right next to that nice weed last last last one it's good to be bad news for me they're already released aren't they I'm just gonna take their outright I [Music] couldn't hear it no damn it I'm straighter but said like I didn't see you and then get a better shot should you escape him no not yet you respect me Jerry when he got [ __ ] murdered do I hide there oh I didn't know you were gonna hide there but I did just see you when I came around the corner I know here's the thing I know to look up for old men in the eaves like I saw Ryan see me and Paul to crowbar shall we he turned to go the stairs the faster you punk yeah the barrel let you go and the only one am i okay jack you play with being Trevor it's yeah that's true yeah it's like it's an advantage it's not Jeremy you're pretty good at hunting no I will give you that much I like time you also know like the position that every would like every single spot the people it's kind of a map he likes to look at the maps and just memorize what dirt is you never know I was very garbage that I can't even shut it off oh wait it can't be the problem what you do I like a jacket need that talk yeah it's kind of tricky you might have to keep moving after taunt so to keep yeah yeah I'm a little nervous about that how much time I got oh good [ __ ] two minutes yeah you got a while the old man got found how long do you have before a time oh let's say about right now that was not a bad one yeah I heard it and then he talked yeah you said you heard it here I did I hid it somewhere as I was coming down Ryan disappeared in front like perfectly cam that as I watched as I was gonna go peek to see where people were and you literally just rounded the corner give fanny packs they're all the rage every sitcom not even sponsored I just decided to wear all of it don't shoot me I'm a bike and I'm stuck [Music] you
Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 708,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, Ryan Haywood, Jack Pattillo, Jeremy Dooley, Trevor Collins, Matt Bragg, Fiona Nova, gmod, prop hunt, hide and seek, office, gune, june, garry's mod, disguise, deathrun, funny moments, italy, bottle, john cena, sandstorm, sand storm, darude, call on me, Eric Prydz
Id: ygEFE_QzfCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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