Prop Hunt Meets TTT - Gmod: Exploding Barrels (Gmod Month)

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all right well welcome to gmod week Gy week is happening right now yeah a month and this is hey Jesus I see it this is a game mode called suicide barrels and so we're on a map full of barrels but every round one person sponsor this barrel and it's like an infection came type in more barrels kill the barrel oh you saw me similar to murder you like shoot and then you have to reload this is someone commented yeah they recommended it so uh I saw that comment whoever you are I'm stuck in someone again god what just happens there's a body already so the problem is if you're a barrel and you look around you will rotate and yet we'll be seeing ya oh god get away from me well there's three people here getting stuck on people all right but if you can't be seen where he damage I could look at you like a human come to you and you will hear them when they start wow I'd moved just in time it sounds like a grenade who's the barrel right across the way from you so I just you know put the spawning we got another barrel boys Wow I don't know I'm being silly flatline when you running dude no oh I saw one sub barrel you can't stop the song where is he Jeremy it's just Jeremy where's yet be able to get him but boy turn I saw the barrel oh oh where is he okay he's over here so he's barreling towards he was shooting them all Michael he's behind you blow up with a vengeance many of them I see you down there [Music] oh there's a brief oh my god and despond life is so much simpler now that I am barrel I had to reload stop I need to keep you alive now I can see you but it's awesome when you find a barrel you roll out together long it's all barrel buddies damn the damage stays yeah you don't heal back so no I mean like on the map but the windows are all broken out and oh I saw something move I see you over there two minutes I sees you barrel I'm gonna try this out don't you use your Heights no no not everybody hurt me bad I've got to hurt alright just like Harry Potter kind of like will you down yeah yeah roll you bear with me now [Music] I'm not a person oh good thing there's only one general know you're in there I know you were in there coming up behind you I can't I don't look so your turn I spawned there Oh got it oh yeah No was in Mike OS barrel Mike what sucks is if you spawn you usually whoops Lysol one this is awesome I'm so excited I'm doing gmod month because it lets us find other game types like this oh you missed it oh oh you Linda I live I'm barely alive Jeremy I see you oh my god yeah I thought I saw a barrel turn in front I just died here they lose buddy alright I'm back I see what it's coming for you he's coming you across the way [Applause] you'll have the barrel brigade the PO no are you jumping I was over on the where I kept getting assaulted where you jumped across and tried to blow me up as me yeah where you jumped across too many potential people to lose so if there are too bad so if you find two barrels that are too close together to walk through odds are I saw one on the catwalk and went to chase down Fredo blew me up yeah every time someone spawns in me I'm furiously clicking as heck I'm a person again am i I was like oh I'm okay and I shot you I swear I tread just running behind me to run so there's a there's a on the field that can be easily shot I did a flying backward the barrel appeared in front of me it exploded Trevor how'd you do in the training exam good job come on did you say the turning test yeah just missed you just missed you I was not looking back your friends are dead I saw a person for God I was a barrel yeah I saw Trevor I forgot I was a barrel in third person while looking at my howdy-do that must be fell over there it's like when the double agent forgets what country is working for oh yeah he's under red stairs red stairs yeah yes wait I've got the spawn on top of him no I had it someone spawns on top of it that's maybe something yeah yeah oh oh we gotta find him [Music] [Laughter] oh no wait watch the catwalk yeah he was on the catwalk if it bleeds we can kill I still got some 1:06 help did you spine I smile is he was hidden in the corner the chaos corner I was also a barrel right there I was charged another map yeah you're a man I don't know Matt thanks Matt MA Michael what don't whatever I started singing Michael then said man that's good I see you yeah I saw how much does this hurt whoa Wow not at all I don't think there's friendly fire no I was sure Paul David he's way over there at the riddle house riddle house nice he's behind that tanker down there going up the stairs darn serious underneath countdown ring all right listen if we could talk about this no you can't talk are you okay do a scream stuff go get 100 hit I'm hating him attack me a little bit it's at me a little bit - headed back for me back come on game so many spawns down yep Lindsay got him 30 seconds 30 seconds Ryan he's in - just back down right I'll get him No [Applause] yo Fred you got got ya dude i every time i spawn you're like there he was [ __ ] all right Jackson trade him for me because I'm yep that was bad two for one barrel day there's a man by a tree kill that man know as a treeman damn yep oh [Applause] all right look at the man initial double kill was real good we're not gonna move we were lucky oh yeah what he has to kind of jump free yeah don't shoot say yo you loose no no wonder you crouch the other one jump I'm crouching there is it's always you're almost free I'll push you I'll stand underneath you I'm moving right here boom I did not see it coming I had a good camp and then you rolled up near me Oh note that down there by that power plant at c1 they're like all in the ramp there's a bunch of humans on ramp by the downplayed by the car so you turn no I'm a barrel - oh no both at the bottom of the ramp behind a boulder up mid ramp it works great it's so simple all right all humans shot push spray - and eye off of each other yes bonded me I spawn in Ryan's well Wilfredo pokes fun Ryan you barrel Fredo Fredo is that you well it's me Michael over here do you see me yeah I'm close to dead why Oh Michael double O you oh it does shooting there Michael how do you think I ended up in a bear oh my god what come into here whispering to me stop talking to me I go behind you coming he's up he's really up there their numbers mean nothing in the caves [Laughter] all right he's in the wrong I don't think that's interesting I think this is you guys are all out there we all spawned as one where are you someone's coming let me know any closer okay I don't want to kill you I just want to observe all right oh sorry that's Klein I could popped you if I really wanted I just where is he I kept the rear I got the rear I could stand up on all right do it don't maneuver [Music] yes another 100 mountain high your arms in my way I was trying to help not like this I'm on the fridge I just saw so what's fun shoes off of the Randalls on the ramp he's run and got up he's buying the tube the tube the tube dude oh there it is right side by the tree get out of here you spotting fool [Applause] I really want one where I love it I'll be nice yeah you can modify Maps not right time from yeah we got time for one final round this is the and one watch the ramp he's down he's down he's on the bottom I can't believe I didn't hit him though how did you not join the he'll come on it's me that's crazy he's behind you what second get this guy oh oh oh okay I heard him he was too soon I'm hurt it's a nation happens to the best of us no to the water I was too late I tried to warn you oh my god I see them oh oh my gosh don't ever get me from down there I need to join the crew I was a barrel barrel I know Oh God if you're a barrel I'm a barrel he's down Lloyd's body weakened human I'm so weak yeah I have one health there's one out there's three hell Thursday Melba just throw everything I got Adam barrel here he comes my crosshairs I'm alive oh this is just viateur I'm alive I'm alive okay oh man you're probably gonna do it I can't oh god ramp left side I like it on the ramp cuz I can see my crosshair yeah yeah no got it's hard to get you up there now you're dead trigger God one health my home alright so that was serious that barrels oh yeah don't forget if you like any of the game types that we play that aren't TTT or our normal game types let us know in the comments or hit the like button just makes it easy for us to see which ones you guys like thank you we'll see you next week woo thanks everybody [Music]
Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 554,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, Gmod, Garry's Mod, Barrels, Exploding, funny moments, dance, hide and seek, mod, modification, gmod gameplay, gmod let's play, gmod achievement hunter, space builds, sb, hexagon, town, catwalk, rainbox six, r6
Id: x3D3iig9Xak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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