RouLetsPlay - Quiplash 2

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[Music] hey welcome to another episode of Ru let's play Hello Ru let's play howdy this is the crew of Jer Michael Gavin Jack Lindsay and lanon what Lon who yeah Li Lon how was your last experience playing this game uh probably the cringiest moment of my life nice didn't you and Dan make out why was it the cringiest moment of your life well I mean apparently me and Dan made out no this uh very interesting panel RTX you made out with Dan that is interesting well I think he made out with him and then pissed on him or what were you saying before that's fine yeah Ian that that would have been better you don't know where that happen you can always go watch the twitch V oh these red balls are going to be a problem I already have to kind of you have three he's had three and he's got two more on his deaths good God why because I'm tired all right give me one of them Little J I'm going to drink one are you really to in the middle of this I'm going to save you from it he's trying to keep you safe all right a hello audience all right so don't read it out loud that's I do that a lot bam all right that a little rough skinny penis Char CH a lot that's great oh I forgot oh all right so whoever is editing this really has to read all those and make sure needs to be censored why no leave them all up there don't be a s what's saying up there is that just people typing yeah I think so people in the chat going nuts playing with us audience player like that one conference Square I've seen chair pop up before all right I'm in I'm in jron Gavin why you so quiet sun88 reference who's still going uh that would be Lindsay bumbly bumbly I Ed it you got two question you didn't second seconds three you just whatever it is you should have just taken half points see that was the problem at then just sit no yeah no one knew that might have done that it's it's almost like look at the [ __ ] screen in front of you take a first date to a blank Jeremy taught me how to play a buggery seminar or GI colist what you know what buggery means right everyone no no enlighten us can I not vote what is buggery well according am I saying offensive words yeah gav said buggery is getting ass [ __ ] yeah it's like non sodomy buggery seminar it's a non-consensual buming oh it has to be non-consensual as well I'm glad you said it if it was consensual that'd be cool cuz then you learn how to so it's like uh split split well done my audence likes gynecologists that spelled wrong is what you're insinuating spelled I that is spelled correctly that's is it yepe it's just old C you just sound dumb G I guess I sound dumb yeah I was going to say I feel like that spelled right I should know how that spelled a good sign that you actually go it nice sorry I Googled it it's copy pasted what's a good sign you accidentally married a duck Galahad or your children have feathers Galahad s Galahad nice to the round table yeah yeah what are these an someone answered the audience question as their what yes so you didn't answer this question you answered a different question I thought it'd be uh what the hell how do you mess up this game it's she doesn't read listen it's a Mard Incorporated with the question who didn't answer audence yet to see a game that you haven't bug it up in a new godamn that's amazing so the only time I too intelligent you didn't once look at your screen then you just looked at the TV and then type something she saw aside you may be a terrible babysitter you think the crunching sound is it hatching all of the blood oh my God someone someone got an answer in there the crunchy s Galahad I'm surprised I didn't get all the points come on that that was actually the first time I did good I did good I wonder if the audience was aware must be 80 people picked her answer so apparently 80 Linds is watching they want to watch the thank you Jack took it thank you God damn it's a good one what what was that he just like you're sitting on a baby you know you got scammed when the all right you know you got scammed when the puppy you bought at the pet store turns out to be blank fill to the brim with Aid maget or a cat those are excellent together those are really good together [ __ ] an aid maggot huh the the aid maggot really sets it apart from a regular maggot filled to the brim I wonder who wonder who typed that yeah funny is I almost typed cat so this is me and you but that was a that was a close second Gap cat or come on no's no way thech Hunter audience knows the truth [ __ ] cat that wasy dumb people stick together up okay the worst cocktail that ends in teeny Jeremy's Jeremy is teeny my dick my dick is teeny both went for the same stupid joke Jeremy is teeny Michael there's no way that wasn't you Jeremy is teeny there's no [ __ ] way there's a way it wasn't me if I'm done spin or I'm dumb spins up there God damn it oh my god oh that was 600 people or five sorry Trevor left he refused to [Laughter] oh come on I thought that audience maybe they didn't get it I don't know what my dick is teeny they know that's stupid yeah they got one and not the other how VI will finally end uh death or a pentagram the devil blood and Whoopi what the hell all of the above quite a very Ryan answer yeah how did Ryan get in the game yeah he's in the chat right now I like that we're getting like intricate ones and then simple ones like like the answers are always go very well one or the other I wonder if his flight to Tokyo has Wi-Fi he could be in the chat that's true or in the audience he could be in the audience but I don't think he could submit an answer yeah he could right not on our screen it had to be one of us in the room hey wow Jack you really went for thanks for the pity no problem death explains how you typed I mean it was good death was good his was better I had I had five seconds no cuz when you play it when you play it on the website it'll actually pop up with a question so he he can play along you have to time it right all right I'm saying he can't be in the room room that is true he couldn't be in the room oh holy [ __ ] good for Little J holy [ __ ] hey I'm sorry I'm happy [ __ ] you don't take this from me I'm not taking it from you I'm just making fun of you that's how it goes enjoy myself Jeremy this Red Bull is awful well you're drinking drinking it all right so you read the questions got it looking at this screen I'm struggling it's really bad safety quip right oh it's not great it's not great if you pick safety quip yeah can we do one let's play where we all just pick the same equip I'm okay with one and I'm really happy with another one would that even count as us playing at that point the queen a ginger we're just basically pulling the audience on man Trevor and a shamrock shake slam Rock Shake please pubert yeah shamrock shake the who's that little down there probably Linds oh my God you one second okay were worse than Lindsay I choked it I was number one for a bit and then I failed you terrible drill sergeant would be constantly yelling blank tickle me or [ __ ] me [ __ ] me hard very different very different both well both similar yeah but what makes him terrible [ __ ] me [ __ ] me hard you call it a [ __ ] [Laughter] maggot oh God all the two things come on this is like 700 people's lives right now Y how tall are you boy this is my rifle this is myun oh God nice what the [ __ ] maggot I will make it come back now that I know what I'm doing very deserved good I'm choking it away so I already don't remember what my things were well say I spent so long in the first one that the second one I had like for a dating site for people over 80 is it loose lips syn ships ever- benaym [Laughter] what benay it also it's like like the cream yeah yes how what do that doing being gay hey do it people I don't know I want I wanted to work b i me like the doesn't make sense I just wanted to work Ben Gay in somehow cool ever Ben Gay we're old I don't think that was your moment for benay I wanted yes oh laser beam the audience look how close it was thank you it was exactly 50 hey I got plus 200 you got plus I got little Jack I deserve that Lon was the uh a terrible thing you say to the bouncer checking your fake ID you got to be surpris budack or I have bad God damn it not the that's the one I was going to safety quit why would you say Ballack I walk up say can I just not vote I would not vote I'm not vo it sucks I'm not voting at a [ __ ] protest you have already uh that my strategy as well I want to see who's responsible for the last opted out so I went with Imad thinking of It's Always Sunny I you need to let me in God damn it hey the AUD linday one of us why would you vote because it's my right as an American God thought it was better good point than a safety quip bull what me most people don't know about ostriches it is sex what that's a great backwards they're super racist I mean that's true mean it's true so [ __ ] idiot I can't handle this game so stupid I'm just dying I put my into the ball sack and she dead he did he did what does that mean I'm a guest I can get away with this [ __ ] oh my God I don't care if this video [ __ ] I'll go back to my own channel you're safe hey oh my God man the chat I got you again Little J thanks pal God damn L's on a tear here yeah all right here we go a brand of plants for pants EXC me a brand of pants for fish or [Laughter] fish wow God well uh wow remember when I said there was a question b t remember when I said the second question I only had like three 3 seconds yeah that's it yeah I mean they're they're very equal answers in my opinion yeah Jesus kind go either way on that one I mean both would be acceptable pants for mermaid nice yes oh you can split oh wow fish fish was a great one that's actually clever that was it was clever it was very good yeah I went for it oh man well done oo that might cement me in last place cement the title of an erotic movie for Elephants oh God please Dumbo blows home clung Tusk the sensual side of Africa clung Tusk right clung Tusk God damn is that the best way to work a vagina into an elephant clung Tusk this is one of two people who wrote clung Tusk in my head and it's got to be Michael right that's Michael you don't know that Dumbo blows I'm going to die no way that doesn't say I'm dumb second [Applause] yes I'm surprised come on the [ __ ] you God damn it over rule the chat is the audience goes the opposite way to us so far like every single time so me picking by myself is good right like picking a certain s yeah that's good it affects the pointage basically when you are like the only one voting for someone else you stop them from getting a quii black I was so proud of Cl [ __ ] oh I'm in third oh J sweet here we go round three how many rounds are there again no this is this is it four so we all get the same question on this one and then just you vote in order you pick three and the first one you pick is your favorite then your next favorite Acro lash what you said Acro lash know what that means stands for is an acronym oh stand for let the end of Tron come up with a full name for This Acronym okay what does that stand for I can I have my headphones on so I can hear you guys but I can also still hear GTA I'm just dying repeatedly why I got I got super creative just go to the dashboard I can just hear myself getting who's left Michael he's in the lead right now I'm not going to be after this I I was see I'm losing anyway I'm phing it in all right here we go [ __ ] it going back full name for This Acronym all right here's all the answers we got Wicked wor some wakers women want wangs white women wenus Gad worldwide web wizard wizardly wobbling Wing none were good all right none were good no one came up with anything solid got it come up with better questions I'm sorry what the [ __ ] is www a web address that's why I said worldwide web I answered the question you answered worldwide web worldwide web I told you phoning it in oh my Lord I mean only only one of these is true yeah Galahad that was that was my favorite only assume that was G [ __ ] Gad is going to [ __ ] win absolutely it's going to win godamn but the audience is not going to vote for that understand there's no way oh because they don't get the joke yeah they don't get the joke a [ __ ] yeah was that yours hopefully hopefully they go for accuracy all accuracy I I was women want wangs I like the weest one oh that's for me oh that's that's better for me oh that's great for me oh yeah Little J you did well what do women want they want wngs oh Gad take 50 I like the use of weenus I thought that was the best thanks nice very well done Jeremy I don't think it's going to be enough but what's the bet atast La bom in last I'll hold third at best From First to Last ultimate choob no you'll take it Jeremy what the [ __ ] you I didn't even see Jack boo come from behind CL tus your way to First well done Jack that was fun A you remember that tie raate I went on about choking it like as soon as I was in number one yeah yeah [ __ ] happened in it all right so we uh now everyone knows how to play yeah we have a Redemption that was practice that was practice round practice round all right everyone welcome to Ru let's play's play part two I hate this [ __ ] hey everyone oh [ __ ] don't say [ __ ] C so why that's why my name is little jron oh look I've got a little crown on and let's start the game all right here we go this is round one took me were you really sounding it out you're all right here we go some of these it's just like I've got nothing just write something stupid the dumbest thing I've written in quite a while I'm I'm betting on one of my answers someone's going to write the exact same thing I think Michael and I might have the same prompt like as I saw it I went I'm typing that I think five people in this room would type this I'm going back to the whole phone in the end thing I tripped and fell into my wife I'm crossing my fingers Michael that I saw I'm like well there's only one correct answer to this thing uh how you doing there gab oh someone killed them that's unfortunate don't do that choose life oh Jack I saw your great your great comment by the way packs that was saying that live was amazing so funny that was a great the worst person who could sing the James Bond theme sing the J A de guy or Madonna I think Madonna has done it hasn't I think that's probably a joke why it like the theme there's no I came so close to crossing a line I really shouldn't have right oh well wow lyrics in the Bond theme isn't it Bond theme like yeah I guess each movie has like it's not the Bond theme like Adele she did that one she's going to be big here be huge that was the first James Bond movie I've ever seen she's married now D another day was the first one you've ever seen no the first one she ever saw was Sky talk going be a death guy absolutely a death guy J it an even TI the chat tied it up exactly [ __ ] you chat fuing massive fuing suck wow why is life so hard because Diamond exists because of the Immigrant Jesus I know that sounds like it would be my answer but it's not especially with the name that you chose no no I chose that name because I love Tron the movie it's a good movie this isn't my answer the one I voted for but it's going to be the answer for my country the one I voted for [ __ ] a planet I'd like to represent my country here stop the boats andr hey and course of course you absolutely deserve that one because Diamond exists Diamond hard really hot is it hardest it's really hard that makes life hard now I don't feel I also also like to point out I just didn't vote for the immigrants the wor song be playing for your lap dance uh Barney theme song YMCA I think the YMCA would be rocking yeah but I really like especially if you can get your dick to do the the letters young man or she can while she I say young man no no how the hell is your dick going to do an M uh if you try hard enough obviously you're not very you need four men to make a good M uh how many dudes we got in this round enough to make an M right now five well we we need five don't we I love you you love oh nicely done got nothing that's the end song the rapping up the show she Cho me so equit lash is when you win everything yeah extra pointage pointage the name of Starbucks Bristo would write on the cup for mandes Gandhi gundu Galahad there it is knew what's coming well I have to his name was Mahatma mahand I don't know [ __ ] oh whatever [ __ ] galad I know gad's great [ __ ] that would have been perfect but I bloody didn't think of it also has it the spelling gone back and forth on Galahad how many L's or hes I think uh Gund do is realistic though cuz you think they always get it close but never quite Michael I thought that was yours I went with Galahad on that one I went full Gund do that wasn't me I thought that was the one Michael you think gahad and also I Googled Galahad that's how it spelled one I don't remember what my [ __ ] other stupid question I SP the best way to make a wi angry is to keep asking oh nice why you got to be so snoody for the [ __ ] D what what keep asking for the [ __ ] D to make a snoody restaurant wait what like a waiter angry keep so you w give me the please give me the [ __ ] D now I know you don't are you out of I need the [ __ ] D you don't have any fresh fish I'll take the d hey waiter how about some of that [ __ ] D I got you little J oh come on Jeremy knows how to get the audience you got to give it to him he does he does he's a professional it's like yeah makes you got to pick it man it makes no sense oh my God if you want to survive prison walk up to the scariest prisoner and oh what was that word you taught me Landon buy him or or suck what was I doing oh buggy buy would done that that was Gavin's word so I almost wrote suck their dick I almost wrote exactly that hey do you think Jack maybe that was the one I was like oh someone's definitely going to type the same thing as me here damn it I think I actually wrote suck and then rubbed it out sucking to rubbing okay got it I mean yeah I just rub I read the sentence and I was like why is there even a blank there you don't need to oh I went by him I got you gav I got you G oh the audience liked it I'll take it I it was funny to just go someone and bu still round one this is round one oh it's okay L that looks like this was the end of round one I'm going to I might have a up I might have a heft here all right here we go come on first place y suck at this game that's what I strive for too suck so much in this game round two I thought was pretty fun the audience is a whole like another monster cuz I can guess who votes for what in this room I don't know about the 800 people watching Jeremy that'd be a great snow con flavor Jeremy's wheezing over there just I'm I'm happy I'm happy with the things that I write you almost literally the way I the way I play this game is I just stare blankly at the question whatever word pops into my head first I make an answer based on it yeah I'm going to do that d yeah it's kind of a [ __ ] one but I took your advice we'll see pubic hair pink jizz oh yeah yellow snow yellow snow Mom oh Mom flavor snow cone life arsenic what's a snow cone here we go I'm whoops what will you bequeath to your enemy upon your death it will be a giant pile of donkey [ __ ] or a kebab spit made of dehydrated [ __ ] wow that is [ __ ] graphic they're getting two two things there I'm going to guess Gavin gra e you uh you went to another dimension I'm trying to I'm trying to win the audience trying to Jer it and you know what I think that'll do it so what's special about dehydrated [ __ ] like it's just an EXT only way you could get it is it crusty it's like [ __ ] jerk crusty and you got to shave the Kebab with G you're a the away from how that's how to do it that's how to do it does anyone here know the Reddit story The cumbox no yes yes disgusting that's what I imagine dehydrated all name for a street drug you haven't heard the Wall Street j h fan should Google that okay what moister oysters sorry is that the first thing that came to your mind I'm just I'm I'm picking the right one at of protest I'm just saying it I'm not going to be be a party to that I'm going to be that guy you're always that guy you were born to be that guy the [ __ ] who did that was that you Lindsay what no it wasn't meet I did not make vagina Street oh I forgot to vagina Street that's what it looks like vagina quality street that was moyo it's a terrible name I got you can I have some open oyers sing like me and Lon so stupid this is why we lose true cin [ __ ] off you can't use that Techni I'm probably I'm just copying you a baseball ire to lean down and say to a catcher uh I want to lick your butthole I want to lick your oh no oh God God damn this room and everyone who works in it I Pi well so that's Jack and Michael butle man is that you are you are you a butth hole or Tain man Michael I'm one of them I may be the I can already tell butthole is Jack and T is Michael God Chad clearly a Tain fan you guys are [ __ ] ridiculous that was awesome Jack I'm so happy it almost happened on one question that was amazing it would be awesome if you could grow blank in your in a garden I find it in here we or a [ __ ] ha nerd say I I think Little J did this one F what on Earth would make you think that I wrote one of these if you could grow a [ __ ] pair nerd in a garden one of them is my answer and I wouldn't pick my answer grow a [ __ ] pair [ __ ] Paar nerd in a garden straight from the brain of little Jay oh my God what's up Glon what a lazy answer that's what I said Glon I stopped the quip last yeah you did I didn't need him getting more points oh oh my God that's why I said I wouldn't vote for my answer trust me I didn't want to weed's not legal in Australia right all right the worst G for any truck driver be delivering they'd be delivering truck drivers or babies or the remains of you know one or the other why the extra specific well cuz they could be delivering babies and they might not make it oh yeah there you go make the trip these were fresh on the way very fragile things delivering you one of two things the first you're babies or Le pieces of them you can put them back together holy [ __ ] Humpty Dumpty that's awesome oh God lick my butthole well on that's going be that's that's aiper oh it's not though it was not AIP no it is AIP oh is it didn't happen yet yeah an extra five hundy [ __ ] truck was good but it was not worst part about dating a magician uh pulling a rabbit out of their Twi rabbits keep coming out of my vagina guys are [ __ ] you guys are the worst everyone's the worst you guys are roing for creative genius oh my God we're original right my vagina we work together too [ __ ] long is what we're sitting here God damn oh we got to stop making videos was this was this Michael and Lindsay no I think it's Gavin and Michael maybe them was me no it's Michael lindsy husband and wife right there yes down the middle hey Michael I got you they made a baby both of the people who wrote those made a baby it's in this room right now godamn it's part of this video it is a part of this video son of a [ __ ] wow [ __ ] rhymes with hat it does yeah it does I Gavin I wrote me I wanted I wanted to be Lindsay but not last yeah it's sorry sorry holy [ __ ] all right the last last that's one better not suck oh my God my stomach hurts all right word lash I don't know word lash is it going to be like what's the definition of this word or I don't know okay come up with a clever insult using this word squid was that mean I I blacked out I blacked out mine sucks we've got let's see those I had this whole long thing I had to delete it grow a [ __ ] squid nerd nerd kid rocket power kid can't skate for okay that's squid C squid squid I think it's supposed to be C squid uh you Inky squid bble you slimy [ __ ] squid bur in hell you look like a Squid's mut we suck they all suck every one of them suck I appreciate the almost rocket power one yeah I like the inky squid bble God you look like a Squid's mut a Squid's mut I didn't like any of the other ones I did my best that's all you can ask yourself I'm proud of you what a stupid final prompt yeah they all suck really call someone a squid [ __ ] you it's like the game have squid the Fest ending to a video you [ __ ] slug let's see who got those medals come on audience I hope they know what the word means I believe yeah I'm doing better than last time oh w i Jack did pretty well Jack and Jeremy Jack and Jeremy are I think Jack's going to take first I I don't think he's going to get first with that [ __ ] maybe IEM got it I think Jeremy was like 5,000 he was that far ahead but he's got it Jon fin SC now go say something racist yep you took it bar though kid I didn't I didn't add the Thousand from the final so no you [ __ ] crush me bar winning it congratulations barely winning by over [ __ ] nerd top answer of the game all right and an answer that made no sense in that a [ __ ] PA nerd in a garden it was honestly just so much better than my answer all I needed was all right time to spin that crazy Tumbl let's spin the Tumbl do that what about didy do nice all right Gavin do you want to spin it and pull it uh where is it right there where is it the giant P my dick and spin it spin the [Music] bom than that's a good spin spin it some more don't for that you're going to cut me oh you cut yourself oh I want too much power jack not one man should have all this power you just cut yourself oh did you Jeff cut himself too okay ready all what's it going to be I don't know what said what's it say price is right it's not price it's not zooming in is that what it is the price is the price you hit the camera Lon won't be in it probably though who'll be G good hold on to your cup I don't know what the hell just happened I know she's like very yeah I was like what's going on who's going to fight me Jesus [Music]
Channel: Achievement Hunter
Views: 1,444,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Guide, Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, Jeremy Dooley, Michael Jones, Lindsay Jones, Gavin Free, Jack Pattillo, Lannan Eacott, LazarBeam, Quiplash, Quiplash 2, Jackbox, Party Pack 3, Butthole, Taint, Australian, Gallahad, Price is Right, Imporv, Jokes, head-to-head, Jackbox Games, a fucking pair, nerd, roulette, roulet's play, rouletsplay, spin the wheel, chance
Id: Bi-TElFpwoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2017
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