Smudging: Attract the Good and Refuse the Negative

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and that is releasing the negativity [Music] i am navajo grandma got the snow going on out here the reason why i'm out here today i want to wish you a yacht egg meaning it is good it's good out here because there is no buildings we are standing on mother earth father sky is beautiful the sun is shining mother earth today is new year's and i am so excited because tomorrow according to the gregorian calendar it is going to be a new year and we will celebrate and so i wanted to start out this year to show you another step of cleansing call smudging you take negative energy and turn it into positive energy we want everything positive for the coming year when i was little my mother would fill our home with the smell of cedar now there are many tribes all kinds of different native american groups and bands and each has their own way of doing things there are the plains indians who you hear of sweetgrass and white sage to the dna people who i come from there is plenty of juniper everywhere in the southwest cedar and so what we have in our environment is what we use to smudge prayer prayer is it's a universal language it's how we communicate with deity and with our creator and thus remember this is my own opinion that smudging is an extension of prayer because you want to cleanse your surroundings and within your home if you've had an argument or some things have happened in your life that is causing you pain or just the negativity of being in your environment just being around people and you don't know what kind of spirit these people come with or that you might create so it's cleansing all of that and turning into a positive keep it simple i know there are smudging classes all around there are smudging videos but keep it simple because it is simple if you keep life simple your headaches and your worries and all the negativity that you drag into your life you can kick them out and you know push them away and so that you can feel wholeness for the coming year i send you each of you a new lease on life start over and begin make your first steps like my grandfather said you know with his shoes you walk you start your walking walk and walk and create be loving and kind create hojo the peace the beauty the balance and all of that comes together and it is beautiful and those are things that are really important for this coming year so i am going to show you i have a container like this and i usually put dirt in there it's up to you i use matches i laugh we caught the white men's fire stick and i'm just going to like this now this is my teachings this is how i grew up and what you're doing is lighting the juniper so that we can have the smoke to do our smudging they always say before you smug you smudge your hands and clean them first you're taking this and the smoke and you cover your head you cover your head so that you can think good thoughts you cover your eyes get the smoke and you feel it so that you can see good things you can do your mouth and so that you will speak kind words uh you do your ears so you can hear that which is good and and then your heart so it can be kind and strong and healthy you can do this all over your arms and all around you can do it all up and fill yourself with positivity you refuse all of the negative that is the purpose that's why i say it's an extension of prayer my mother she was sick a lot but you know this was her way of praying in our way the navajo you the fan the smoke on you and then you let it release up you say paw paw and that is releasing the negativity everything that binds you and and holds you down it's a beautiful positive and then when you finish you don't blow it out some people take their smudge sticks and they douse it using your white sage but with this i let it burn and your whole house then becomes filled with the beauty and the cleansing and the feelings that you call out for goodness and cleansing the feeling of oneness with yourself with the creator those are positive affirmations that you make to yourself or or you give you can smudge your children your home and i know there are different ways i know when you walk into a hogan you just don't go breaking in you move clockwise you enter you take a left and you go around those things are respectful and a new year is here you have a new life look out around you look at your children and all of the goodness sometimes we might be so bogged down that we need to just appreciate that we're breathing and prayer when you pray you know sludge yourself while you're praying because you want all of that goodness sometimes we've gone through trauma we've gone through hard days or you've had an argument take a moment either you pray or smudge yourself and release it release it all let it go paw paw let it leave let it go cleanse yourself this is what we should do on a daily basis we live in a world that's uh there's so many controversies and so much heartache and there are people who actually don't love one another and their hearts are starting to get cold the respect is almost non-existent sometimes and when those things happen let it go send it back where it came from that's what i always just say and cleanse yourself and you know even if you don't have a smudging stick you can be walking and if something happens you go paw pat let it go use your hands now other tribes use feathers uh turkey feathers eagle feathers that is the way they do it i was taught we have hands and we use our hands to cleanse ourself and that is constant let it let it go let all of this let your spirit that you had before let it go and renew yourself it's so important every day that's another reason why my grandfather woke up before the sun came up and it was cold and grandma and i would walk out there with him and he would pray for us he blessed all the directions he blessed everything of the day that it would be good and positive he blessed my grandmother he blessed me we took the pollen put it on our heads and ingested it it was a beautiful way to start so i would like you to start your new year i send you goodness say pah pah get it out all that junk let it go ring in the new year like we're told be happy and smile and be grateful that you are alive and that you are breathings be thankful for your help this can also be done like prayer with your help first we recognize what our situation is then we say no more let it go and then we resolve we resolve that we will make things better ourselves don't always expect someone to fix you or something to fix you it comes from here it comes from you within your spirit to be sober accept the things that are good reject the things you have that right let the old year go let it all go forgive forgive yourselves that's how you start with yourself then you forgive others and it's not always easy no one said it was but there is such a beauty in that where you find peace or you bless your enemies you bless them you can even do your smoke and smudge and send them a blessing what is wrong with that pah pah let it go let it go this is what life is about we don't always have positive experiences but we can make them positive so all that positive energy is always coming always say paw paw let it go let it go smile have a new lease on life grandma just blessed you with it this is not all the traditional things the way that people do it i don't have a medicine bag i was never taught that my grandfather did because he was a medicine man and i am not but i know there's a lot of positive effects and cause and effects from the smudging and putting it into the air it's not because we are doctors but there are proven scientific studies that say it turns the positive ions which is kind of a backwards okay the positive ions in our house are not good but the negative ones are it turns the positives into negatives which is a little awkward but then those negative ions are full they fill the air and that is when you use this like the white sage at the same with the juniper and cedar there's not a right way but it's all good and i send my blessings to you this coming year that it will be a happy year that your health will be wonderful that you can see good i taught you about is your family hold them close to you it's sad that when a person passes away all of a sudden we think oh gosh they were this and they were that and how wonderful why wait till after they're in the grave talk to them tell them why they mean so much to you the clanship our love for one another relatives aunties uncles nieces nephews grandmas grandpas then you add on to that hojo and the peace the beauty the balance and all of this is full of harmony [Music] smudging bring it to yourself it's all positive let's have a wonderful new year and i hope you enjoyed this video and i send you my hugs my kisses and that you will raise yourself above that which is not good feel yourself let it go let it go smudge yourself pray we do have divinity there are divine beings and i was taught about christ my grandfather said jesus christ is your creator there are many stories the funny part is where i hear some native americans say oh that's colonialism no it isn't he walked among us among the tribes how do we know how to do all these herbs he taught us how to heal ourselves you can take so many tribes and they'll tell you he walked among us he loved us he healed us he blessed us that's who i love there's so much power in prayer and it all of this is faith the power of faith the miracles you can create healing yourself with the positives fill yourself with positivity everywhere and be happy be the positive in the lives of others there are many people who are homeless who are in poverty who are suffering more than you you'd be surprised when my children used to say oh we don't have anything which they were right we we were i was a single mother raising seven children we hardly had anything to eat and there was a lot of problems but i know there was a lot of positives that came from that i once asked my daughter i said and i cried i said i'm so sorry you suffered when you were little all you children they wore each other's socks the oldest wore their socks the next one wore the next one and the next one and the next one and my youngest ended up with it you know it was just and i darned the socks i did everything it was just the way you had to do it and you made everything the best you could and my oldest daughter said i i cried to her and i said honey i'm so sorry she says mom we are so happy we suffered because we appreciate everything now listen to the positives listen how we can lift each other listen to how we can bring goodness let it go let the old out and the new in and get it out and start a new year i love you thank you for your wonderful comments and i hope you take my wisdom and you have a wonderful day and a happy new year thank you i give you my love and all the goodness that i can muster that i can send to you papa let's sending you goodness and love and peace balance and beauty and harmony there you go you got it now just catch it and breathe it in and smile this is navajo grandma ha gourmet i love you in this new year let's have a fantastic new year i'm all there just come with me love you bye
Channel: Navajo Grandma
Views: 9,760
Rating: 4.9660153 out of 5
Id: 669fVeUZUdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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