Juniper a Tree with Countless Uses

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you can light that it's like an incense these are the ghost beads that did say yacht eight to now my son and schleich good afternoon hello we're on another road trip to show you how the danae people the dinner use these different trees or medicine of all sorts and today we have what we call gut this is juniper and we know it's a female tree why because it has little seedlings on here these are called did say i have my notes this is juniper cedar berries these are juniper cedar berries that you can see here it's called didjay it has some medicinal reasons for use for the navajos you've heard of ghost beads it comes from the fact that we are told that it protects and wards off evil and i think the white people have kind of just said okay sounds like a ghost thing and you know it's ghost beads in fact i have on my wrist my bracelet i will come up and show you and this is the ghost bead they call them ghost bead bracelets people make necklaces and bracelets and things like that i need to tell you this as a child my grandmother on my bed my little cradle she had one of these hanging to protect me as well as she had a little bracelet for me to ward off the evil spirits i love that part anyways we'll continue number two here when the men went to war they were given a ceremonial called the enemy way ceremony and this is where they take the nettles of this juniper and they would boil them and have them drink it and it's to ward off their enemies as well as it was used back then remember when people came back and had ptsd navajos danae people they would use this very interesting i'm not a doctor i don't know how much just know that the medicine man would prepare this and have the person in the military to drink this to help them now there are other reasons we use the juniper the culinary reasons here i'm going to show this to you in a bit where there's a navajo juniper ash it's called god but ish it's ash you can ingest this eat it when you make the blue corn mush and even one cup of the blue corn mush with the ash you have 802 milligrams of calcium pretty cool and remember we didn't have cows the dna didn't have cows some did but we didn't drink it readily like white people do and so beautiful source of calcium from the ash they also make a mush they call it anash and the hispanics call it atole we call it adole okay a dolla and that's the pudding the mush the blue corn is called not not and that's the blue corn you mix with the ash number three the blue corn pancakes it's called a bait nez masa it's pancakes but it's with blue corn it's wonderful the other is the nutritional benefits you have calcium vitamin d and niacin number five you can boil this these nettles and i boil them i burn them in the house and guess what it cleanses the air of virus and bacteria how cool is this this is the coolest juniper on earth to help us in this time when i get home i will burn this and show you how the navajo the dna make the ash i will show you i did apologize to mother earth for taking a twig off the juniper anytime you take this juniper you don't cut it here on the stem you just cut the twigs off which i did here is you thank your mother you know they say sin assa and so you thank her and and bless her for sharing and that you didn't ruin her but she has given this to you for your health and your strength and for your enjoyment here is a twig now if you notice these are the ghost beads ghosts these are the dejay and i will prepare this in a bit to take off the shells and then lo and behold you will have your seeds which is the beads the ghost beads that's basically the did say and so i wanted to show this to you it's really awesome there's so much you can do with this and and what i'm showing is what i know there's so much more that you can do with this juniper uh tree it's nettles and there's more medicinal culinary things that can be done and i wanted to share that with you today thank you and i will see you in just a bit we are going to be doing the juniper ash so in navajo it's called god now this can be dangerous you need to get the juniper just the twigs and use a long extension because this can be hot now i hope i can stand the heat i'm just probably going to do one and i'll show you this will catch fire and see and you have to be very careful only adults do this i hope you can see what's going on here now what you do is you catch the ash you let this burn you have to be very safe [Music] because the wind does change direction if you can tell and look at you can see where the ash is starting and i'm going to let some of this finish burning there's little pieces of green parts there and this is also what you burn to cleanse the air the properties are the virus and the bacteria in the air it cleanses your home you can boil this these twigs and take the needles off and put them in a pan and boil it i'm just going to show you really quick the ash okay can you can you see oh the wind's blowing all the ash away but here is the ash this is what you put with the cornmeal and i was saying it has fantastic calcium when you mix it with blue corn so that that's for the god but ish i also wanted to show you out in the reservation we have these little containers you can purchase these you take the nettles and you take them off and you can burn these in here i mean it takes a bit but here is the container with some of the needles and you can light that and sit this in the kitchen or anywheres in your house like an incense and and cleanse your house so that's just a sample of what i wanted you to see another part of the juniper properties just beautiful and there's so much more you can do with this not just cleansing the air and partaking of it and always thank sin assa dear mother earth always remember that so we've learned about the juniper and it's called god we've learned about the juniper berries called the day and we also burnt the juniper which is called gadbatesh and next time we are going to learn about how to prepare the the day the juniper berries so that you can get to know how to process the berries and make your own jewelry so from navajo grandmother thank you so much and please subscribe thank you for all the wonderful comments and i look forward to seeing you again i will see you next time how going
Channel: Navajo Grandma
Views: 11,474
Rating: 4.9806609 out of 5
Id: TAVRef0rync
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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