SmorgieVision: Centers And Workstations Made Easy

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thank you for coming right away so thank you so much for coming so I'm going to talk for about an hour maybe a little bit longer this time because the center's are my favorite thing so I may get really excited so my start to get like really long-winded is one company shut up after I'm finished my classroom was just down the hallway so anybody wants to come down and see my classroom we'll walk you out right after I'm finished there are snacks and drinks and everything so help yourself so let's get started but you have to take a story I told the story last week and even some teachers here in the district hadn't heard this rule so this is supposed to be about centers well apparently there's this new rule here in our districts in Metro that we're not allowed to call them centers we have to call them the four stations because the older kids think that centers are babyish and play so clearly somebody in our central office had way too much time on their hands mangos just a little rule I think there's more than that person well yes it's so all a person in our entire history everybody was replying all oh right right right I like all they aren't even thinking okay people say please remove me from necklace will stop belong to the email it was priceless I can't have it on my computer I'm like I can't handle the day me anymore so we're in this meeting and they tell us this rule that we can't call them centers we have to call the morticians and I'm the kind of person that I'm not having a rule follower and I don't like like stuff like this I don't like to be micromanage and stuff that's pointless and so just me me me I said really I'm gonna call them hippopotamuses just because just to be spite Noland I point out the ridiculousness of this rule so I went back to my classroom when I told the kids the story so now when you come into our classroom the kids will tell you we're not doing centers we're doing hippopotamuses so I'm going to talk to you for an hour about hippopotamus um so those of you don't know me I am Greg Spencer island my blog is the kindergarten smorgasbord I've been teaching for nine years six years in kindergarten and I did not come willingly to kindergarten when they told me I had to come to kindergarten I did what all grown men do and called my mom and crying but now of course I love their garden and would never do anything else my m1 I'm social media so feel free to tweet me tag me on Instagram all right so why workstations goodbye and practice what we've done what we've been learning makes a differentiation easier is us freedom to be our small groups are guided reading to work one-on-one their very motivating for the kids I know my classroom they are so excited when it's time to go to hippopotamuses and there's some a lot of research behind why we do centers and work stations and it says that children are motivated to read and spend more time reading so we really want what that motivation do we want them excited for reading so what makes these workstations effective they need to be organized and that allows students to work successfully and independently you need areas to store incomplete work materials need to be clearly labeled and for me I use a lot of pocket charts and that's one way to keep the centers organized and keep the kids their work in centers they need to be engaging you don't want your kids getting bored because then you start to see the behavior issues allow for a lot of choice make them fun really fun like come on you can make the fun again you want them to be able to do it independently so that you have to free them to be doing what you need to do and they need to be fun fun by the button you need to have a consistent structure in your work stations and it'll few minutes I'm going to kind of show you what our structure is like and talk to you about why it works so well the structure stays the same the activities and the skills may came with the structure and how it works stays exactly the same one way that I am able to give that change but keep the structure the same it's just by simply when I make something I change up the part of the graphics so it might be it we might be adding again but instead of pumpkins we might have ferns and research tells us that the brain loves novelty so even just changing out a little piece of clipart that's new and exciting for our kids and so that's just a simple way to keep them engaged and then the students are better able to focus on the learning and not necessarily the materials of course they need to be aligned to the curriculum in the standards Common Core here in Metro we have pacing guides that kind of guide our learnings and our teaching for the time weeks we want to make sure that we're following all of the standards and the pacing guides so Center management the big key in our classroom that allows for the success of our Center time is choice we have a lot of choice built into our centers and that keeps the kids engaged and gives them the freedom and makes them feel empowered which cuts down on some of our behavior we're accountable for what we're doing in centers and I'll talk to you a little bit about how I handle that again engaging I don't want them to be bored there's lots of repetition built in and that comes to that consistent structure so once they kind of do one activity during our Center time the rest of the year those activities are the same so they're able to do them without my help and again they need to be fun so this is how I store my centers I get asked this question a lot so I store them in these Rubbermaid containers they're stacked up on my cabinets and I keep mine organized by skill I know a lot of people do month and beans but I do mine by skill so this might be subtraction I can tell that one is CVC words like words I keep them by skill so that if I need a Center for addition I can just go grab the addition tub and pull something out I know for me it didn't work having them by month because I thought I was digging through boxes looking for certain skills oh I just keep them organized by skills and then they're just stacked up all of my classroom so these are the five centers that we have in our classroom it's kind of a daily vibe but it's been modified to meet our needs so we have listening computer and technology we have a classroom library which is read to self right the room and we have our toes now explaining the toes in more detail in just a second so how do we do our work census well first of all we have a ticket to centers so we have something that we usually have to do before we can go to centers and in our classroom that's our word study it's also its developmental spelling analysis and work study so they have to do their word study before they can go to centers so once they're done with that work sweating off they go they don't need me they're very independent is the way our structure is set up they finish their work study and they know exactly where to go and what you do and I'll show you a little bit of that so we have our ticket centers you do your ticket to Center and off you go so the way that our centers work because I've made it student friendly I've made a teacher friendly which we all know is really important less work for me less work for us is key lots of choice built in and again that independence you keep hearing me talk about the choice and the independence that's cute in our classroom and that's a major part of why stickers are so effective in our classrooms so here's the trick to making centers work in my classroom we use a wheel vegetable it's color-coded so all of the centers in our room are color-coded so the way that this works is if you're in the sync group you would come back to the wheel once you've done your ticket centers so it's time to head off to your Center well integrate what Center Drago - well I'm not the center Wilson please don't ask me because I don't know Mike I know my kid is a regular you start saying I'm getting fat so I'm like I know but I'm not a wheel so if you're in the paint group you would automatically know that you go through technology or for your toes so they didn't need me I didn't have to give them any direction on what to do the purple group knows that they will be reading in the library or writing the room the green group knows that they would be in listening or in their tubs and then this group the blue group will know they go to their toes and a lot of the kids go to their tubs at the same time and you'll see why just a second and then I don't move the wheel we do meet okay so this was the wheel this morning tomorrow I'll just move it and the purple group will be here we don't stop and clean up for transition during centers we have easily about 45 minutes to an hour for center time in our classroom and they staying there same two centers so they might be in technology if they get bored with technology that they finish they can go to their tubs so they can go back and forth the whole time within these two centers there are a whole lot of choices so they're back and forth but they can stay in one it does actually but we don't think up in transition so we're not losing any instructional time kind of clean up and move to new centers I'll come in in the morning and I'll move the wheel if I forget to move the wheel they kindly tell me kindly and then I can just say one of my kids take a little bit purple group down and they can do I think I get a lot of questions about this any questions so far my crews to assess its they're all color-coded so the painters working comes I'll show you yes yes so here's what it looks like in the classroom like I said it's color-coded it's easy to manage so they have their names written so the paint group is on pink paper so they know that in pink they don't need me these are the these are always for centers these are not my guided reading groups so I have a different set of groups for guided reading and these are all skill based so I know that these got it done here might still be working on letters and sounds so they're in that group again it's very visual they know the colors they can read their name they don't need me I don't have to give any direction they're able to do it completely on their own so it's very student friendly so four groups feel based they're very fluid groups so they change a lot if we start to work on some new skills and I see that somebody's getting something and somebody else is struggling off switch their roots so that when they're in centers they're getting practice with those skills and there are exceptions it's tough question I mean I would love to have a lovely kids in my room but is that like I mean do you add a color to have too many or I think yeah I think if you had more I think you can just add another color or two right yeah so the years requirement is gigantic and I have 13 or tweet at one point talking to Carrie earlier and there's no pause for having a small class but it's great coming like two kids are out three kids are out your life like what am i doing do I go on right in their days like I've had three or four out the other day and my all day long I was like where is everybody like did I lose somebody but it's great having a very small class but yes this this system works even for large I think more colors so that your groups are Jackie and then there are always exceptions so this year in my class I have a little guy who was out of school for like four months so he is really far behind table with some of the other centers so he's not you know it's not excluded and he knows that it's Center time he can he can go to either the iPads or he can go to his basketball and so he still has some choice built in but he's he's an exception so he needs his his own his own work and so that's just another way so unfinished works we have baskets so we have a mass basket and a little vest and you can clearly see the sweat in fall direction and those are back but one of them should be literacy and reading and one is fast and so before they finish their ticket to centers and they have to check this first before they can even look at the wheel so they have to do the unfinished work before they can move on so take it to centers check the basket and then they go off to the center wheel and this is part of that accountability it keeps them accountable and I can go over and kind of go through that quickly to see who finished who didn't finish see what's going on I also do not check their Center works I don't select it I don't grade it I don't check it we have kind of an honor system it's kind of an expectation that I they know that they better be doing what they're supposed to I'm not going to be happy and also they're really good about wanting me to see what they're doing so it's usually like a drive-by checking so like they'll finish they're working like there's a great look and I'm like a great job and I can usually tell it a quick glance like you probably need to go back and redo that and then you know you have the ones who you know you probably need to be on the top on topics so I don't check their work it's not they don't turn it in not graded I'm going to show you a couple of videos so this is what it looks like when they go off to centers we have some marketers that you can go find any back to work now I'm going to show you what it looks like from the students perspective I recently bought a GoPro camera so I've been scrapping on the kids I learned a lot I think every classroom should have a GoPro and we should all have to watch what goes on like so this is what it looks like when they didn't have anything in the basket so she's going to look good we hope she didn't have to walk over there before she knew where to go so the widow coterminous you need to go center town that's the way excuse in the dream root so so on my youtube channel i posted this whole video that you wanted it shows her working at the center for about 25 minutes and it was really interesting the wiesen will listen to her actually talk to herself and talk through it with the card so that you report you going like I said why didn't like it almost got me to grind some like they're really doing what they're supposed to be doing and to hear her sit there and talk through a lot of that those are the things we don't get to hear a lot and it was it was really powerful for me to sit here and watch her will they ever work on herself at a year they can usually they're just kind of one-on-one but if they want to work with a friend they can like I don't make a big deal about it if you can you can't it's up to you so these are our tubs so I get asked about this piece of furniture oh look yeah this was in my classroom when I moved here two years ago I know in our district they used to have them in the warehouse but all of a sudden they got really popular and now they're all gone and so like these are little plastic for totes and tubs so I just coated them with duct tape so this is the pink group and every one of these tubs is a different activity and they can do any of them that they want there's no rhyme or reason to which one they have to do when they can take any of them and if they wanted to pick the same one every day that's fine we do I changed about once a month I would just forget everything and start over but usually every couple of weeks what I'll do is I'll take some of the pink activities which is my highest group and I'll ship those down and that's just kind of a slow steady progression and then like I said every month I'll start it all over then of course if it's a holiday or a theme I'll pull those out as needed but shipping them down make sure everybody gets to do it but their spirit has built in and then if they don't know how to do it or if they need help or something they don't have to ask me they can go to somebody in the hangar and say hey how do I do the center can you show me this so there's that again that's not requiring me to do a lot of work the Dre would help each other before I move here I just had some of these bigger Rubbermaid containers and had them labeled with pink post events or purple post-it notes and then there were a bunch of different centers in the tones so it is the same system but a has different different story toppers sorry when they grab a tub is there do they know where to go they go anywhere I think going yeah yeah we don't have tables or desks and I pass her so they can sit anywhere they want and if I ever leave you do that I didn't see or hear this is reading he's gesturing yeah and I'll show you what the masculine looks like math math centers are the same system yeah the tops of the little different times so there's one activity per toe so the paint group will have nine choices so there's a there's that choice a piece again so they can finish this one and go to this one leg advantage this want to go back to this it's whatever they want there's that choice if all of my Center activities come with a recording sheet so again there's some accountability and the activities in those groups are differentiated to meet the needs of that group so like right now this group is doing a lot of sentence work these guys down here are still doing sounds and some CVC words and then we've got the middle and there none of the activities are the same and it makes a place v a sub this is easy I can just leave on my sub plans that they can go to their tubs and it's manageable enough to where a sub can handle it so when I'm out they finish their work they can go pull something from their tubs so within the tub that's what we have our word word letter word work letters and sounds the sight word sentences we have some writing pieces in their CVC words the vowels that's where they're getting a lot of that that's skill practice are those tones which is why you saw so many of the groups going to their toes we look at the wheel so I'm going to quickly kind of go through some ideas and show you some of the things that are in the tubs you know I tried to put in as much stuff that you can do on your own that you can make or you know grab for free so we do a lot of puzzles so letters and sounds puzzle clothes pins we do a lot of spinning and coloring these are letter discovery bottles so they're just colored rice and I threw some letter beads in there and then they they find a letter they have to color the letter on their paper right beginning of the year Center activity is another beginning of the year letter recognition cookie sheet at the dollar create a dollar wrote on it with a sharpie and then came back to the letters more just matching letters and put it off a letter chart put it on a pan and put some Mod Podge over the top of it and they're just matching the list of magnetic letters so sound so they can say the picture color the sound matching the pictures to the sounds so you can see that they're using the popping chart this one was a favorite of Smashing Pumpkins and so they had to match the hammer with the sound the pumpkin with the picture and then they would be all smack so that one is populated state aleck Hall of October in November and then in December they're like work the pumpkins go they loved that one so letter puzzles again the close fans whooping the sounds we have these stamps but I think they came from leg store they're beginning middle and ending sounds so they stand when they have to write their missing sound and that's another favorite that's a very popular and this one's easy to differentiate because the same sort of colors so like if I need somebody to work on beginning style I can say only do the blue if it's any sound like say all of your degree and now I'm they're all mixed up so they're just working on whatever the missing down is I'm pretty sure they came from places here's some ideas for CVC words again the water puzzles we also get a lot of work building so they have to say the picture and then use their sound we built the word then of course they have their recording sheet we have the right to work so they're reading it they're using their sounds and they're right thank you thank you yeah whether she has we're doing recording sheets would have managed to take them up the building's CVC words and Scrabble tiles that's another favorite and this one even works for kids who are really struggling with the CBC words in the blending because it has the picture so they're able to put the letters together and know that it says pops so I use this one a lot in small fruit salsa so buildings EDC words so they're putting the fixture together writing those CVC words spin in color again right the broom so again a lot of the same skills just presented in your building so we have to get the all the ladybugs and put it in a porter make the system and they write same concept but its presence so again they know how to do the skill they gotta do that syndrome but it's just a different picture and they're amazed this is the favorite or paint stick sentences so I went to Walmart and borrows paint sticks the trick is that you go to Walmart and you walk up to the register with an armful of them you're like how much in their life then one other thing I want to figure out how much those are so all I did was write site work basic sentences on the paint sticks and then I have these random little picture cards and so they take a stick and they pick a picture so I like to eat the rest I will go to the box I see the Sun so they usually end up being really funny sentences so they're giggling and laughing but they're having fun they're engaged and they're building your sentence skills inside words it was free go borrow the maintenance bar over the vowels again a lot of sorting again just say my 50 a little bit of change in the clipart and it's new and fascinating in there mate made Easter eggs with our long vowel words putting long vowel flowers in the flower pot and you know we really dress through through kids who could buy bell flower pots if you really trust in this the ideas forward words writing words we've been doing a lot of mountain birds and even though we didn't have two Olympics this year I still pulled out these centers back in February and they love them compound words again sang the words matching the pictures sight words again with the Easter eggs so these are in our sensory bin right now so they just have to match the top and the bottom with the side work and to differentiate it recording scene is different so this little guy is matching their words and then his reporting sheet he's coloring the egg with that side work to make it a little more challenging for somebody else they have a reporting see with Amber right to work so just by changing the recording team I've made it a little more challenging for meet the needs of all of the learners rainbow sideward so I just have some side work cards that I've had for years throwing some smelly markers and instant success anything with a smelly marker they're going to go for good all day if I would let them so they just read the word and then they're writing with their spelling markers this is another good one so it's some carrots and I put the letter tiles for the side words what I did was I looked at some of our data and found the words that we miss the most and so they're getting practice with those words so they have to build the site word and then they write the site work and so this is definitely for some of my higher kids since it's a little more challenging and this is one that I'll see them kind of congregate so I'll have two or three kids working on it at the same time this is another one of my newest obsessions are test tubes I saw this on Pinterest and sometimes I'm taught me I've tried this so I ordered some test tubes and some little squares letter beads from Amazon so put a little water in the tube and a little glitter and include the lid on if you know what's going to happen dog pound would be like oh look and there goes our Center and then so the tiles are at the bottom and what I did was I do the checkouts move positions so they don't get out of order but they do spin around so there's a little bit of a challenge there and so they just have to they read the word and then write the word and this has been used in our classroom they love the test tubes like I've had to make this recording see I think I'm probably making 50 or 60 copies of it they're just going here before they love it that's what you want you want them to be excited you want them to be engaged and have fun so right the room it's great it's for themes and units it's very thematic it's a great way to pull in some vocabulary so they're learning the words and they're working on their handwriting a lot more clearly this was the beginning of the year so we have them for all the holidays all of our themes and units will constantly came to me about and Kari asked me today she said if you come to my room you'll see that our walls are covered too bright the rooms you can change all of these yep I have two little girls who have been very well trained and so when it's time to switch out right the room or map the room they hold them all down go all the take off and I'll give them the next set and maybe we take one and put a Beca so I don't have to do it so we even have our sight words for right the room so at the beginning of the year we even have letters to write the room to and I left these up for quite a while for my kids needed a little extra practice with their letters and of course if you want to write the room you need lots of fun glasses so these are Mardi Gras glasses and we know they have margarita glasses margarita shake sunglasses and I didn't think those would be okay and I'll buy the bottom pair for myself but I didn't ring we also have like for Christmas Butthead Santa hat they wore for right the room right now that we have bunny ears for Easter just again giving them a little bit of fun and then you know when they put those on and they look at me yeah every time they put them on they want to come show me I'm like icing you wear there you're beautiful now go right through the man technology classroom we have here we have iPad we have boogie boards which I can show you if you come to my room but it's looking bored is not what you use in the ocean it's fun exhaust hazor uppity bores and people are like I guess what you surf on it's a they're about this big it looks like an iPad but they're an LCD screen you can ride on them with your finger you push a button and it goes away so we use those for right bherumal I have iPod and we have our comedian board so when they go to the technology centers these are their choices so we use our iPods for QR codes so that's gain the code and total picture a lot of apps on the iPad here are some of my favorites Montessori words I think it's $2.99 but it's great for sounds and blending those CVC words what I like about this one is when they after they build a word it gives them like 10 seconds 15 seconds where they get to draw and then after they draw for a couple of seconds it moves on to the next board so they have a little bit of an incentive letter school is great for handwriting again I think it's like maybe a dollar ninety-nine but it is tiered so in the first one it shows them how to draw the letter on the second one it gives them lines and they price the line on the third one they have to do it by themselves but if they struggle like a little arrows will strike a pop-up so they're able to be successful and it has numbers it works for math here's another this is a good one this is a free one it's called hello crayons they also have hello our pencils hello markers and hello water colors I think but it's taken they just take a crayon and they can write so we started using this for write the room and so they'll go to the word wall and rainbow write with the iPad and I've used it in small groups for writing editions writing CVC words grasshopper apps have some really good free apps I use their site word app and I use their letter recognition app and having a good number recognition app that I use site where to touch another good one it'll say the word and they have to touch the site word ABC photo touch is another one it'll say the sound and they have to find the picture with that beginning sound these are what the local boards look like so after they write the word they can push this little button right here and the spring goes blank and make it start over how much to - usually they run anywhere I've seen them from ten to twenty five dollars depends on where you get them a couple of months ago somebody basically and they found them on clearance at jo-ann for like seven dollars you can get them on Amazon Costco has of a lot of times Michaels will have them randomly and they don't have a battery so they last forever I've had mine for three years the spring time and worn out they're not busted and they still work great but he just has some side work hardly riding the sideburns so we have a Promethean Board so we use that to write your CVC words and then we are big fans of QR codes so you scan this code with the phone and iPod and iPad and that code is actually linked to a document so it will pull up the document select on this one it's the letter Z and so he's looking for a picture that starts with C what I love about QR codes is that they're very easily differentiated so when I create your comes from my class I'll create three different recording to use so on this one with the letter Z we have a reporting C for sound have a recording to eat where they just have to find the letters D and then I have a reporting see where they have to write the letter Z so widen Center but I'm able to meet the names of three different learners and three different levels my kids are obsessed with your notes those are separate the tubs are just the tubs like the iPad 2 sitting on a table and they know if they're in technology they can describe an iPad the QR codes are a little basket sitting out and they know where those are but yeah so technology is just a Center in itself it's just not there not included in the code so this is what our QR code centers look like so you scan that card and this word would come and so they're going to read the word and she's looking for that picture on her paper and I also have a recording sheet where she has just it would be a picture of the zipper and they have to write it so the same scale just differentiated meeting the needs of all the learners we do have a lightbox in the classroom this is what it looks like I made it myself just a Rubbermaid container some rope white and a little bit of spray paint so we've got we've certain letters I showed you the CVC words where they melt it in with the coast we also use it for math these are beginning sounds so they've got a picture on one cup and then a letter on another cup and they're putting them together to make sure the pictures in a sound there's a CDC where this is adding like a like cup so then they solved the equation they have to find the cup of the answer then brain and recently I had had an extra set of Christmas lights so I did those in the light box and now custom color we also have a sensory bin and these are some of the things that I've used in my sensory bin flower is a lot of fun but it's really messy the oats were a lot of fun in the fall it was really messy rainbow rocks it's what I'm going to be doing next and it's just rock salt the color with liquid water colors the caramel scented rice was my favorite because for three weeks the whole classroom spell like caramel and chocolate and that was a hard one I was like I know something we're gunning for us we did metallic bean straw cut up into little pieces floral moss we did that with dinosaurs the one thing that I have used it did not work well with shredded paper you know you combine that crinkly spreaded paper to go and like get back to the basket did not like it because when they pull something out of the center van with alcohol the paper and that was the one thing so far that it hasn't worked so beans and footballs here's the shredded paper and Halloween like I said I didn't like it and again our sensor grid is differentiated there are two different scales in here and the recording sheet are color-coded so here in groov your grabbing paint reporting there's that caramel scented rice metallic beans I just got some metallic watercolors and color the beans dinosaurs that's the floral box that worked really well the kids love that there's the Epsom salt for snow and I threw in some fluid kind of clear like gems and rocks to make a kind of a snowy thing then we have ready to sell this is our classroom library about a little plastic swimming pool at Walmart last year for my dollars so they sit in the pool and read and this down here this is our brain trust this is my friend dog pad like I said each reading on a fourth-grade level and then this is Joseph and a beer mod and they're not very far too hot so these are little geniuses so they're either reading or plotting to take over if I had to guess it's probably the second option so that was literacy a map is set up the same way we have our math basket we have math the room with the right the room before Matt we have some technology and then we have another Center that's just an arraignment bracket so again we have our math trail name IDF is diplomat or groups differentiated color-coded so consistent across the day these are our math baskets so I didn't have toads I did have a you know I really tried to find another set of those wonderful toes so me and my dad just built this out of PVC pipe and then bottom basket with the Dollar Tree so it's the same idea as the tubs it's just these little vessels so within those they're differentiated we'll have current skills so that we were working on right now for math because I have fewer of them I'll pick a few activities in each basket so they pull that basket they have to do both activities and then I keep a lot of review stuff in these two so there is kind of a spiral review all year long here's some of the things that are manifest it's a lot of working with numbers number since face value I spy games puzzles here's a fun simple center paper place for Scott so Halloween's we did pumpkins so they had to put the scale on the pumpkin and I even did this one for st. Patrick's Day so it's green plates and it was a shamrock counting by tens and again you can see that there are reporting sheets so they have they have to dig this Center and they have to be writing and reporting their work there's that accountability this is one of my favorites so I took some paper plates wrote the number and drew the dots and then I cut them all differently so they always fit together with the right answer so it goes all the way to 20 and I've had this same set of wait for about 5 years now and basically they tell us very well the super super cheap or free and what some of the kids love it and it's a great one of those great gates centers so they're working together in groups and could easily differentiate and that one would work easily letters and sounds or just letters or even matching the numbers that one has a lot of possibilities I had a lot of these shape notepads that I worked on using I just stuck them on wrote the number and the number word is speckle monkeys paper and laminated them that's a man's account the right number of objects again it was super free super cheap and for me it was free and all that stuff home noodles are a great way to help the kids stay organized with their work so I cut some cold noodles and put its lid in the top and so they're able to stick the cards and instead of spreading them out all over the classroom in the pocket charts and then I I love it she brought the guys in the numbers in order a lot of dice means a lot of guys games in our class we do a lot of rollin rollin color and we use those all year long puzzles number puzzles this is another one where they do well when they work together there are so many pieces and they're kind of find all the pieces that's a great one for partners and groups again with my Easter egg obsession so what I did was I put the equation on the egg and then on the little egg crate of the answers so we have to solve the equation and put it in the egg cream and I made those for adding and subtracting more eggs hope you have a little bit obsessed so this one is making team numbers so they have to find a one and then another number to make the team number and then the color and again there's the second reporting sheet they have to write the number so I'm able to easily differentiate it and more test tube's it's on the this was math I just put two numbers in the test tube and what they have to do is they have to write the addition and subtraction equations so that one is a little bit more challenging so that's for my higher group today they're loving that one rainbow writing so it's throughout some subtraction cards chain we're recording sheet and some stone markers and I think it's the best dinner ever and then they come up to you and you're like have you been sniffing markers no first time there's another fun one we did this one as a whole group and then I put it in centers so we called it a bag and subtraction they picked the subtraction card and to solve it and then they hadn't put it in the back and so that's it that's our centers and they love that one bunny bowling it was great way to practice making pins so they have to knock down the bunnies and then they have to write how to my tangent by the number of bunnies that fell down at the 22 states panning out so there's our lightbox my friend Jenny back here made some awesome paint chip clip art and so I just took that clipart and put some addition and subtraction equations and now they're using that at the lightbox with these little plastic cabins of the my favorite dive in and subtract so we take our little swimming pool and I found us back to those little plastic balls that go in the ball pit I found those at a yard 722 bucks in sorry rope subtraction on there we dumped them in the pool and they dive in and grab one rescue moisture we have animal crackers subtraction in addition we'll use our annual pressures then we have another wonderful courses during math is in Franklin graphing so I have these little differentiation cubes you get it on Amazon for like 20 bucks for a set of three you don't have something I highly recommend that you get some we love them I just make little cards and stick in there so I'm able to change out the cards and the graphing activities pretty easily then we have our C count graph so they're counting the pictures and graphing and analyzing the data we have them for all the beam units and holidays our tenth frame so I have 10 friend cards we use those all year long to really make sure that we're practicing that one-to-one counting to 20 dry erase markers these are counters those are - those girls for the Heather's day here's another way to do 10 frames I found these eyeball erasers at Target and then the dollars we have these ice trays so they pick a number and they have two built in Frank and then there's a recording sheet where they have to write the number and range another could you see I just painted off with some hate give them some number card and what I did was I took some of those like little clear gems on these are red I glued a little magnet on the back and so then they can build their kinsmen so then we have math the room is another one of our options within back the room that will either be mat the room so they're walking around doing addition and subtraction or ten frames or numbers and counting I also have some other looks like I put a lot of the dice games in that Center so rollin color will be in there finding the number I found these dice at a conference a while back and so these looking good for my case were struggling with padding consider the Dodgers four fingers so I guess at the room they're adding or subtracting so now we have a the mushrooms and the gnomes for spring we had the glitter Peaks for Easter so they just take their paper and walk around and write the equation and then again we use our boogie boards rendering so counting the room and the counting the room is differentiated so some of our kids might be counting to 15 some are going to 20 and then I make it to 25 to challenge those kids the technology this is a great app it's called math kid it's free it will do adding and subtracting what I love is that it gives them the equation then it gives them a couple of seconds and if they can't solve it it will show them two fingers so they can do it independently but if they need a little help it gives them a little cup we do have medium board since you're just grabbing some flashcards and solving on the Fenian board this is another fantastic free app it's called counting board and so the way it works is that you touch one of the squares and it will show you the number and you can even have it say the number if you want and so what I did with mine is I just have a bunch of hundreds chart and when they touch a number they have to color it on their chart and that's free so it's been a huge Cinderella classroom and on Amazon you know the little bingo Stanford they love using those and I kind of glittery ones and so thank you good with Dollar Tree a lot of times I don't know if it's seasonal or not but they do use da oh oh yeah we start in September October kinda depends on the kids like last I got started a little bit earlier this year I waited a little bit rough go read the latest you need to have this before Easter mixture is also a Giovanni you know why I have two giant boxes full Walmart the Monday morning after easier and but oh he's going to be on Craigslist to make sure he'll be still a normal tables full Fridays yes I mean initiate all of it and like when I first started I'm a lot of it was stuff that a helping little game to lakeshore and but look now absolutely starting at all yeah yeah so take your table I already tab and then slowly laser printer how do you make your worksheet I do everything on power okay now that I have a math as good on keynote put the same thing so I do a nice everything I 28 and all done in PowerPoint and push them on my youtube channel I have a little video of those probably you're interested but you're introducing images that you change about every time I GU just sitting down or they get hungry a couple of ways I do a small group a lot of times some of that like you saw that bag and subtraction it's a whole Rebecca P so some whole group activities go into center small groups but that great most of my own Center they're created but what does the Fox say like I have a what does the Fox say for the whole year so in the beginning of the year I teach them how to do those activities and I don't have to teach it again because in my instead of letters and sound might be CVC words but they're still doing the same thing so I'm what I'm creating that's hot I'm always thinking about that like making it steps I know how to already do but if it's something like the testers those were names so dismal and there's that fastball group and go off and teach the rest of it so anybody wants to come down and see my classroom you're welcome down there
Channel: Greg Smedley-Warren
Views: 28,905
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: Nnr9n9ZyLJQ
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Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2015
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