Smoking Salmon | Alaskan Gold

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[Music] what's going on guys thanks for watching today we I'm gonna smoke some silver salmon or coho I got about 100 pounds on a brine right now we usually let it go for four hours and just the brian consists of it's pretty simple four part brown sugar to every one part salt and then I've dumped some garlic powder in there and also used a bottle of marinade a bottle allegro so this batch is a hundred pounds of fish I think we ended up using 20 pounds of brown sugar and about five pounds of salt so you know for for a hundred pounds of fish that's 25 pounds total of salt and brown sugar and it seems to be doing just fine so that's that's been plenty we also added about a gallon of water that way we could really saturate everything it's just easier to work I turn it about every two hours putting a little bit of charcoal down that way I can slowly heat up my salmon I'm not gonna be smoking at first you know you want your fish to be tacky and set up but since it's nasty outside it's cold rainy that's just gonna provide me with a little bit of heat you know maybe 80 degrees and there something like that get that fish ready to be smoked not actually smoking it yet I'm just getting it ready so I'll show you what it looks like when it's ready to you know kick up the fire a little bit start adding wood start adding smoke this is just to create a little heat in the room so my fish sets up my fish has been Brian for about four and a half hours now we're going to do a little cold water rinse real quick just get the excess sugar and salt off of there and we're going to Pat it dry and then take it up to the smoker laid out and get going [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah yep kind of already keep the temps just right we're running about 120 right now green Alderwood gonna take about ten hours or so I like low and slow jam likes a whole lot of smoke so perfect weather for that it's about sixty degrees outside real humid kind of rainy nasty so good smoking day she's gonna look she's just pumping smoke it's been doing this the whole time every now and then I got to kick the temps up to get my cold bed back not for very long maybe five minutes I'll crack that door open let it get hot let those coals build and choke it back down with Greenwood and let the smoke roll good [Music] show the fire there's not a whole lot to the fire you know I cut little stuff just constantly feeding you know basically little pieces of kindling I want to slowly burn and smolder I want to keep my cold bed and I'll just add to it if these guys catch on fire that's fine they're small enough it's not gonna eat my box up too much yeah I just I just flip this it's green I just keep adding a little bit of greens I just keep feeding that fire keep feeding that fire switching my racks you know I'll go low to high high low and I'll switch them to I'll spin them especially today the wind's blowing this way so I noticed that back into my box was getting done before my front end of the box oh not only am i going up and down with him I'm also spending them 180 trying to get a nice even smoke all that smoke running a buck ten I'll be able to smoke the salmon for 810 hours like that oh good I mean it smoke [Music] all right so I'm heading over to check the fish teeth there's been over there since 5:45 this morning helping guests and then he just pulled most of the fish out of smoker and I'm about to go help pull the last tray out of the smoker [Music] alright let's see how this is love the belly meat so this is the part I really about the belly meat really has a lot of fat it's really good I love it I want to smoke everything definitely something I want to try in my lifetime smoke some cheese smoked everything smoked some jerky smoked some deer it's just so good let's see what TJ thinks of it but dude if you need to chain it those are self a smoker like this are you and some friends to get together build a smoker or get a little cheap and I smoked some fish because it's really good what do you think I like it flavor is good it's really smoky flavor is really good it's been cold all night and chilly in the morning it's kind of dried up right now but you let it sit in the bag for a day or something at room temp it's good it's gonna boost it up quite a bit it looks good too it's good you interested well I've been eating it all morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my name is 90,000 test related today it's only about 55 all [Music] about 50 pounds there's so much flavor each bag like when you made that paucity of night like shredded it oh yeah yeah let me go tear it up and use it for flavor [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Tj & Jan Alaska
Views: 116,512
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: Alaskan Gold, Smoked Salmon, Coho Salmon, How to smoke Salmon, Salmon in Alaska, Ketchikan Alaska, Chinook Shores Lodge, Fishing Alaska, How to smoke fish, Build a Smoker, Alaska, Fishing, Southeast Alaska, Salmon run, Silver Salmon, Catch n Cook, Smoking Salmon, Catch n Cook Alaska, Fisherman's Life, Tj & Jan
Id: I345AY8lfOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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