How to Fillet Salmon, Monster Kings, Coho and Pinks! (By Captain Cody )

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captain Josh killed it today with some monster king's all this, this this whole strip right here is oil. This is where they store it all. This thing when you cook this it turns white there's so much oil. What do you do different with a pink salmon. You want to scoop all that out. Captain Josh he was a lead fileter at a lodge up here in Sitka Alaska for three years and he's gonna show you what he just did made quick work out of all these fish. Hears the four different types of salmon we got a king or a Chinook coho or a silver a chum or a dog salmon and a pink or a humpy Alright guys we are out here with troop 10 from Michigan and we caught a bunch we got some fox really nice king salmon to clean here five of them two of them are over 30 captain Josh is gonna show you how it's done start with a little one warmed up this one you're gonna do the two cut method ain't yeah they're all gonna be two cutting method just to go a little deeper on the big ones yeah I don't go all the way to the pin bone so right here I popped all the pin bones so I opens it up there's a bit of awaking there we go king salmon and delicacy I don't think it's quite a white but it's a light one yeah I think these lighter ones have a higher oil content in them yeah mm-hmm that's what makes them bad in oily way for the big boys make way man those are awesome looking food yeah might be the one we got first lady was huge I got a picture of me holding the two Oh am I so this is how to clean a big king salmon beautiful that's like pumpkin orange looks like a pumpkin swordfish almost so it's harder to go all the way up to the pin bones on that because there's a lot more so you just going up to him on the first cut I just go just inside of the body so that I don't disturb anything on the way through just cuz there's so much more meat to go through mmm so then when I come back here I can use my knife to make just one smooth cut here all the pop and bones mm-hmm and opens up nice yep Hey working spark hot 92 pounds there 92 or 94 I think it was caught in the Kenai River I think don't quote me though but commercial guys up here used to get like hundred some pounders there was a run of fish they would go way up into Canada so they had to get crazy big so they can make the journey they needed to be last or enough but then in like the 1950s and 60s they introduced dams on like the Columbia River and some certain other ones had dried up there there are tributaries that they would make it into so there wasn't there was any reason for them to go there so they couldn't grow as big or they didn't need to there to switch up there whatever genetic plan so be it you're gonna trim that later I'll just that one look bone come this way same thing along the backbone great through now I know I'm good now you're gonna come back now I'm access I have access to the spine right now we're those pin bones sir mm-hmm I can just draw one line pop them all that's opened up nice it avoids that now that your pin bones are pop it's just a nice yeah it means way from me matter and these bones in the ribs you popped those later these you have to leave in because if you take take these out you're just gonna screw up all your meat so you just cook the fish with the bone in okay but just this part right down here there's no bones left here these are all gone okay they're all they all start like right at the top of this line mm-hmm and they go up they would go up the ribs are come to hang over and they touch down this is like the fat layer but this belly is all good D is all goody no bone in here cool nice lying on the backbone so some people pull the pin bones with tweezers maybe they pull each one most time you get them whenever you're eatin ya latest flake open so nice that you just pick around them anyways and if you're missing me this film in your throat pretty much beautiful oh so $40 a pound that's over $1,000 worth the fish easy might have close to 100 pounds of meat there and I might be like four grand worth of salmon yeah when we added your king there barely get my knife through we chat see that guys these Kings from Sitka are some of the best eating salmon in the world these big ones you got a caller and belly em because that's just too big of a slab of meat so call her up take belly are you keeping that color yeah that's good beat right there oh yeah all this this whole strip right here is oil this is really startled up in here this thing when you cook this it's it turns white because there's so much oil in there cuz they store so much in there this is like the best eating part callers and bellies are mutton what I'm alright you know it's a good day when you got a belly most of your chance here because they're just too big be hit in the back yeah this is the to cut method on a coho that's it you got to worry about pinbones they're in there but you can't remove so that pops all the penny bones opens it up straight that's the to cut method nice right there shall the meet somewhere orange meets more orange on a chill yeah sometimes you get a red one but the red ones would be the call this will be the Chung Scouts a little one orange okay still a good eating fish alright guys we just showed you how to clean king salmon and coho salmon right here we have a pink salmon and these are actually typically the worst tasting salmon but if you got a fresh one it's not bad so what do you do different with a pink salmon really don't get these with even pull so you have to do you end up leaving the bones in but it's just the method we do just cut down to the backbone open up the knife right this is how they commercially filet on you see what that fillet it looks like and what happens if you they're good fresh but what happens if they go there's an enzyme in on their releases so I'm just gonna open up this side so I get my knife started so first long-term storage and enzyme releases and it just turns the meat to mush is on not very desirable okay interesting yeah normally we get and gilliam right away bleed them out mostly though they don't that's how they do it is hack them off like that okay I leave everything that's cool it that's how quality I think does it and sometimes people will take pinks to smoke but we got a cooler full of them and this is gonna be our halibut bait we got alright guys so this is the salmon we're gonna be cleaning this is a pink salmon you can tell it's a pink salmon because it's got these ovals on both sides of the tail I'm gonna show you guys how to gut and Gill a salmon the first thing you do whenever you catch a salmon is you actually want to pull out your fish club this also has a gaff on it but this is the fish club that we use it's actually a commercial fish club and you want to hit him on the top of the head go wham and you hit him really hard on top of the head at first I thought it was actually inhumane to do that to a fish but it's actually the nicest thing you can do it knocks him out and then he doesn't know what's going on after that so right after that happens the first thing you do is you actually cut them so that he bleeds out to cut a fish or to bleed a fish what you do you sort of just grab them and you just slice in there all the way until you hit a gill and sometimes you can actually cut a gill grab your knife cut back on them just like that and now he'll start to bleed out that's a good cut so you hit him on the head now he's bleeding out after you after you bleed him out you want to give them at least two minutes so that he bleeds out and then you're gonna gut and Gill your salmon to gutting Gill your salmon this is the type of fillet knife that we use it's got a scoop on one end to clean out the bloodline so I'll show you the gut and gilding process now so the first thing you do is you take the gills out to take the gills out and come behind here kind of cut an oval just follow on the body now that you're all the way up you got that top Gill off so that's his gills Emily just throw those away and normally you can find the heart sitting right here here's the salmon heart if it's a fresh salmon it'll still be beating in this case it's not still beating but the next thing you want to do is you want to you want to gut them usually I'll have them down here in this fish tray but I'm just showing you said it got them it's pretty straightforward cut all the way up there we go you can see this guy's been eating some herring this is what was in his stomach some herring that was the stomach that we cut and then knew though it'll have eggs or in this case it actually has sperm sex so a funny thing is I always ask people what these are and they always say oh there was Asura's lungs but these are actually sperm sacs if it doesn't have sperm sacs they'll have eggs but this is a male so this is what's gonna fertilize the eggs if they're really close to breed they'll have big sperm sacs like this if they got a long ways to go before they're gonna breed you hardly be able to see them but if it doesn't have eggs and it's a male but you see this this is the bloodline this is what you want to cut cut this out just like so certain fish have a certain fish don't have a big thick bloodline like this but Sam and do you want to scoop all that out all the way out and the next thing you can see it's got some parasites on it so you always want to scrape these parasites off just like so to rinse it off we just grab it this is saltwater we're rinsing them with and there we go now he's ready to throw in the cooler and throw on some ice this one up tops the king you can tell it's got flat gums dots on the tail there's other ones to sell her this one's a chime you give us a tug who's got the big guy and this one here is a pink or humpy if you guys enjoyed that video please give it a thumbs up also subscribe to my channel if you click the notification bill it'll give you updates for whatever I upload new videos thanks for watching guys and good luck fishing all right guys we're done halibut fish in and we're gonna feed some birds here comes an albatross you you
Channel: Captain Cody
Views: 51,795
Rating: 4.800312 out of 5
Keywords: how to fillet a salmon, how to clean a salmon, filleting salmon, salmon, filleting fish, best eating salmon, buy salmon, wild caught salmon, two cut method, king salmon, chinook salmon, red salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, silver salmon, chum salmon, dog salmon, pink salmon, humpy salmon, gut and gill, bleed a samon, wash a salmon, clean salmon, fishing, salmon fishing, boy scouts
Id: eo9rzvQFV00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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