How to cold smoke - cold smoking salmon and cheese

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you hey folks Marcus here from country wood smoke and I'm going to show you how to do some cold smoked salmon okay so I have a nice bullet side of salmon here I think it's Norwegian farm salmon that adds a nice quality I can see there's not too much fat in it and it's lovely lovely Phillips salmon so I'm just going to get some coarse sea salt and I'm going to put more on the thick end there we go and a little bit less on the thinner and a lots more on the thick and here we go I'm going to find slap with a little bit of brown sugar so this is just Demerara sugar here so roughly looking for 50/50 salt sugar little bit less on the tail end again there we go and a little bit underneath there we go so that's going to go in the fridge overnight and it's going to draw all the moisture out of the salmon and it's going to start to cure it and then I'll clean that off and then smoke it in cold smoker so we're looking forward to a nice bit of cold smoked salmon for Christmas okay Cheers okay so we cured the salmon Filat which I have here so I used the 50/50 salt and sugar and that's been curing for a day and then I rinse the salt and sugar off and patted it dry with a kitchen towel and then left it in the fridge just overnight again to form a pellicle and a pellicle is like a sticky surface on here sticky sort of salty surface that the smoke will adhere to so that's got a nice I can feel there just tapping it's a lovely little pellicle so I'm going to pop this and to cold smoke in the smoker so and add I'm also going to cold smoke a few other things today so I have a block of cheddar it's just very cheap I prefer medium or mild cheddar I find the taste of like vintage Cheddar's and extra strong to be too strong and I don't like I want to taste the smoke not the super strong cheese I've also got some mozzarella here I'm going to pop in the smoker as well so a couple of balls of mozzarella so I'm going to pop it in this smoker here just on the top there so these are going to be cold smoke so we don't need any heat at all otherwise it will cook all of this and melt so how do we cold smoke it's something I get asked quite a lot and basically you're looking for a heat source that's very small just a nutter to get the wood dust started and just to smolder away if it gets to part then all of that lovely food in there will cook and melt and be ruined so we're looking for a nice little ember basically just to smoke away for a long time for 10 or 12 hours and just to give a lovely smoky flavor without actually cooking the food okay so there's a few different ways of doing this my trusted and go-to bit of kit is a pro-q cold smoke generator it's a fantastic better kits about 30 quid usually and you start the fire this end and it goes all the way around sort of ten hours it will take so you just pop here with dust in here so I have some lovely silver birch here and it's a nice nice dust and it's from smoke wood Shack and it's a wonderful new silver birch cold smoke dust I'm really looking forward to trying you can get lots of different flavors of wood and they have a surprising effect a lot of people don't seem to realize that they have a big effect but you know something like oak quite a strike quite a strong smoke so I always like a nice gentle slow for a long time and the silver birch should be fantastic so yeah you just pop it in there like that in the tray and then you light a tea light and you pop the tea light under the corner like that and it gets going and that will smolder away and then I'll pop that just underneath that there's a few other ways of doing it thus if my friend Marcus hender he put me on to this it's a great cheap way of coming up with one of these is it's maybe not as not as reliable and yeah it's a pretty good way of doing it though Marcus swears by it it's a good friend of mine so you simply get a cheap service couple of quid at the most push up the middle so you got like a doughnut and then you can as you can see it's a little bit Messier you can put your wood chips around the edge like edge like that and then like fire to one end and it will smoke around Iraq and that's probably good six six to eight hours worth of smoke it's not as compressed as that so yeah it will probably burn a bit quicker and a bit more smoking a bit more heat so I'm lucky because this is quite a small unit I'm going to smoke in here very gently as you can see that started to smoke there and yeah this will be ready in a couple of minutes I can smell already that silver birch smoke is fantastic so what else can you use I've seen these I've been sent them recently so they're called smoke genies instant light smoke genies for smoked food and the little card would compressed blocks like this I'll put a photo on so you can see them a bit clearer then you just stand them like that on end end-on-end like this so these ones are oak I think they come in different wood flavors as well there's a beach one there as well so just end to end and then you light one end of this I don't know how successful it's in the league's it's quite windy today you just like one end no it's going to windy so you like one end and then these burn away the last 30 minutes each and then 30 minutes so there you've got like an hour and a half of smoke so yeah you know if you're looking for an eight to ten hour smoke you're probably going to use most of this this pack here so yeah it's a good way for somebody who's not used to smoking to start and it's something that these guys gem smokers recommend for using in their their smoker so yeah I I'm going for this pro-q cold smoke generator here it's a great bit of kit and that started lovely there so you can see victory just a nice little trickle of smoke so you want a little trickle of smoke for a long time I normally give it a little extra star and I'm pop it in here and you pop the lid on you're going out on two types you want some of the slope to escape that will be fine and I will give that probably overnight about 10 12 hours maybe and then I will see how it looks tomorrow okay and then once you smoked it you're looking to rest it for a little bit just to allow that smoke to mellow and penetrate looking for a nice mellow gentle smoke rather than something to part so yeah that will smoke away now for overnight well it's a bit colder to in your ideally looking for lower temperatures and then 20 20 degree C ideally under 10 if you can get it but yeah overnight certainly this time of year that's not going to be a problem so we'll see how it looks in the morning okay Cheers hey guys next morning here so let's have a look and see how we got on with this smoked salmon and smoked cheese's I've been cold smoking so in this gem smoker I used a pro-q cold smoke generator and hopefully oh there we go sir it's gone out but we've had a probably a good six seven hours of cold smoked that so I could get this going again and give it a bit more but actually I'm quite happy with that so I don't want to go too strong with the silver birch at first because it's a cold smoking wood that I haven't tried before so I'm quite happy with that but yeah it's had a good good burn so eventually gone out so maybe I should have dried the the wood chips a little bit more or and giving them a bit more in microwave just to dry the night but yeah we'll see how this looks and give it a go so I have in here some beautiful smoked foods so we had the smoke side of salmon that I cured and we had a block of like a mild cheddar that I cured and we have some mozzarella balls smoked I'm going to take those off first they've got a nice color we've got a slightly yellow and they smell wonderful so the best way of that improving the flavor of these is for them to to be back packed up and to sit in the fridge for a few days just for the smoked flavor to mellow a little bit that Cheddar's got a nice color and this salmon smells and looks beautiful so I'm pretty happy with that so I'm going to looks nicely cured it's nice it's not too solid it's got a little bit of movement but it's at it's nice and firm as well so I'm going to what I'll do is let this sit again and for the curative sorry for the smoke to develop and I'll backpack it up and this will be our Christmas smoked salmon and probably a bit left for new year if we haven't eaten it all but I'm just going to have a little taste now and see how it has come out and see how that left our silver birch smoke has performed so I'm just going to slice a little bit this is um the ihn slicer that I've been working on 14 inches it's the Miho slicer and unlike a lot of blade this length it's relatively stiff so it's not super flexible so I'm looking forward to cutting this um salmon with this and seeing how it goes it was designed for brisket but I think it's going to be a wonderful salmon slice it's it's razor-sharp so let's just have a few slices off here see how that cuts beautifully there we go I have a little taster of their see how it is mm that's really good you can get the sweetness and it's like nuttiness from the Silver Birch really good smoke it's going to develop once this is in the fridge and matured for a little bit but that tastes like fantastic smoked salmon really happy with that mmm yeah that's going to grow go great for our Christmas morning scrambled eggs and smoked salmon so I'm gonna have a little taste of these cheese's just to see how they've come out so the cheddar first a smoky end to it there we go you can see the color difference there that's nicely smoked up cheddar try a little bit that's good I like using a nice mild chat-up because you can taste the smoked band and not so much of the cheese and that works really well that's fantastic II and try a little slice of the mozzarella mmm that's really good that's going to taste fantastic on a pizza I think drives you out for a little bit when you smoked mozzarella so I actually makes it much better for cooking on a pizza so I'm looking forward to to cooking up some nice pizzas with with this mozzarella so now we have it it's all good and yeah I'm going to get backpacking this lot and we'll be enjoying that for Christmas so hope all's good with you and catch you later if you like this video and want to subscribe there's a subscribe button just in the bottom corner there so be grateful if you could subscribe and tell people about us thank you Cheers [Applause] you
Channel: CountryWoodSmoke
Views: 138,629
Rating: 4.6114964 out of 5
Keywords: Cold Smoke, Cold Smoking, Cold smoked salmon, Cold smoked cheese, cold smoker, cold smoke generator, countrywoodsmoke, cold smoking fish, how to cold smoke, how to cold smoke salmon, how to cold smoke fish, how to cold smoke cheese, dry curing salmon, how to dry cure salmon, smoked salmon, how to smoke salmon, smoked cheese, how to make smoked salmon, cold smoking cheese, smoking cheese, smoking fish, best smoked salmon, cold smoking salmon, cold smoked
Id: kg-s79j83Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2016
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