All about Chuck Roast | Lunch Break | recteq

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what is up facebook how are you guys doing it's tuesday it's a little after 12 o'clock it is time for the most exhilarating electrifying entertaining cookie show on the net right now it is time for lunch break brought to you by rec tech powered by kingsford it is meat madness week what does that mean that means if it crawls if it walks if it swims we're cooking it up for you this week without any further ado i'm going to pass it over to our master chef greg muller ah i mean nothing goes better with meat than an ice cold beer right definitely tap into the rockies why not hey what's up america it's chef john's lingo you know appreciate you guys joining us here for another episode of lunch break uh presented by rec tech powered by kingsford we have an amazing amazing episode today it's all about chuck roast super underutilized well valued well marbled umptious delicious decadent filling where's jordan johnson with more adjectives so telecom the meat right it's all about the meat again super versatile piece of meat here you guys can use everything from poor man's brisket to barbacoa uh the ultimate mississippi pot roast we're gonna show you a couple different ways to use that today but before we do that do us a favor go ahead and smash that share button three two one smash it that way all your friends and family out there can uh you know be a part of the rec tech lifestyle for sure and maybe they don't have a rec tech right now that's fine we don't discriminate around here okay all we want to do is fill your inbox up with delicious delicious recipes videos pictures okay and you can do that by jumping over to forward slash lunch break put your email address in here and get these recipes and content very delicately inserted into your inbox but it is an absolute gem of a day here in evans georgia like it's the kind of day where you can wear like light khakis and like a pullover yes or you could be like chef john and rock out with like your thighs out right that's right he's got some shorty shorts on working on the tan he's hitting that elliptical hard at night lately hard everybody's telling you looking crisp over there but if you guys have any uh questions or comments go ahead and put them in the uh the comment section down below my buddy chef john over here is going to show you the love and he's already got something for us today you were talking about uh purchasing grills don't we have an offer going on right now absolutely you can pick up an rt340 the most portable transportable grille in our lineup it's actually sitting right here we're cooking on two of them today you can get an rt340 with 220 pounds of top of the line american hardwood pellets for 6.99 delivered that's over 120 in savings and if you don't want to go that route maybe you want to add a 590 or a 700 or 2500 or even rta 850 wild side you can add uh 220 pounds of pellets to the that package and save a ton of money there as well i mean just jump over the website check it out make sure you subscribe to the newsletter because we got rec tech fest coming up we have live content academy week okay i was wondering we got that rec tec academy this week we've got um a bunch of our barbecue family coming in from out of town super excited we're gonna have lee and lonnie smith bubba girls coming up we're gonna have carrie chastain with hold your horses now carrie chastain people okay he is in the top 10 in the kcbs standings out there that's what i'm talking about the guy's crushing it okay like mr hashtag i can't cook chicken has one chicken like three out of his last couple contests the guy's on fire we're making him teach chicken this week that's right he ain't getting away from it carrie i'm sorry buddy i love you but you're cooking chicken this weekend mostly because i want to eat it and figure out your super secret process that's so funny but you know there's no super secret processes here at rec tech okay no smoke and mirrors if you guys want to learn what we got going on check out the website we also have the rec tec volume one cookbook yeah chef chris episode two right it's the reprint um added content it's kind of like the uh the director's cut or i like to say it's the chef's cut because we uh put a lot more fun stuff into there but make sure you guys check it out share us the love chef john what do you say we get started on these shows let's do it chef right sherpa get on in here sherp we've got almost six pounds of delicious usda choice uh chuck roasts you can see the insane amount of marbling in this meat okay this is a great alternative if you're uh you know a smaller family and don't want to cook a massive brisket you can smoke these chuck roasts off god they eat so good so good so you smoke them off the exact same way you would do a brisket chef greg absolutely you can cook these off just like you would a brisket um the beauty of this there's no trimming okay there's like no waste to this i like that nothing but delicious flavor and speaking of no waste we're burning those kingsford classic blend pellets behind me available in 20 pound bags but you can cook those pellets down right and when they burn less than in a mason jar less than that much actually that's like one percent hash on a 20 pound bag it's like a half a cup of ash out of 20 pounds of american hardwood pellets no fillers 100 flavor but speaking of flavor we got that boar's night out white lighting man this stuff just is stupid good we're gonna go ahead and apply copious amounts of that on there but it's beef so you know we get that bent's heifer touch you guys can check these out at and uh get you some ben's ever done chef john you got that beautiful mocha hand in the air what you got that's all right this question's coming from michael johnson he says i live in arizona and the weather will be warming up very quickly soon he said are there any specific concerns when uh using the rt-590 during the summer months when the temperature gets over 100 degrees not at all now if if you know if it's 100 degrees outside and your grill is in direct sunlight now michael johnson i gotta know are you the fastest man in the world okay because i'm pretty sure during the 96 olympics you were taking laps around there yes the same bolt ain't got nothing on your 200 buddy um that'd be really cool if that was the actual michael johnson okay michael johnson if that is you let us know we'll come out we'll cook with you you know we'll take the mom on a road trip me and chef john will come visit for sure might take us about four days of driving to get there but we'll make it out there um now if your grill is in direct sunlight and it's 120 degrees outside okay that inside of that grill is well over 120 degrees are you gonna be able to maintain 180 degrees probably not okay put the grill in the shade and uh and smoke on but you know smoking temps 225 250 275 you're going to be just fine god i love me some chuck roast john mm-hmm what temper we doing this at today chef we're gonna do this at 2 25 today because uh i don't bet you i don't feel like waiting all day long but the people have asked okay you know we've we've been putting a lot of rtb 380 bulls eyes people's homes they've got some questions chef john yeah how can you smoke on the hottest grill on the market okay we're going to teach you people because it's meat mayhem week that's right okay and we want you guys to smoke on all of your grills and the rtv 380 is no different but let's go ahead and get this bad boy set up for indirect cooking and again the hottest pellet grill on the market gets well over 700 degrees still features that pid controller but again direct fire this grille there's only one piece of metal between the meat and the heats we're gonna do is we're gonna remove that cooking grate okay i'm gonna go ahead and put a foil pan right in the bottom just like that but i'm not done there okay i'm gonna put a beer on the bottom oh just like that okay your favorite beer doesn't matter maybe just a squash of water honestly you just want a little bit of liquid that way if you do get any fat dripping down there um it's not gonna you know collect and all right so now good catch sherpa we've got a little bit more room in between the meat and the heat okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna take that chuck roast now this is no different whether you're doing a brisket a butt a rack of ribs but also don't forget if you do a lot of cooking you can see the inside of this grill those vents are pretty crusty i like using a wooden skewer and you can just kind of get in here and uh clean the vents now okay explain the importance of this chef greg it's all about air flow okay so if your vents are plugged what's gonna happen is you're gonna restrict your airflow no different than putting a potato in like your muffler down the road you're not going to drive that truck very long okay it takes two seconds to go ahead and scrape those vents and that way you've got really good air flow in that grill so that is your tuesday bullseye tip i love it chef greg so now 2 25 we'll let this go um for right about three and a half to four hours and it's gonna look delicious and at that point you have a couple options and we're gonna discuss those options now chef soon chef greg do you have to go back in there and add any more liquid to that uh aluminum pan no you're going to be good for the duration you're cooked you're going to get some juice to drip in there some good sugar now you could use that if you're doing maybe like a pot roast or an over-the-top chili you can put your onions and peppers and tomatoes down in there and start to develop some good flavor now if you're going to do a hotter indirect cook i would probably check it or add more liquid if you're going to spritz or baste your meats and stuff like that i'm not a spritzer i'm not a baster i might kind of mist it with some butter every now and then but the way this is set up um going to be good to go but again if you're doing ribs briskets butts best way to go that little foil pan little juice down in there fantastic chef john what you got buddy all right this was coming from top fan andy craft he says uh is there an atlanta barbecue store just online or do they have a retail location they do not um i cannot divulge where they are located if you are in and around their area they might let you go shopping in their uh their basement but you gotta you gotta reach out to them uh brian and ellen jarvis are fantastic people and part of the rec tech family you can check them out online at or um give them a follow or at atlanta bbq store on facebook and reach out maybe if you're in their area they can do that for you but check out this chuck rush right here sherpa this one is looking really good so we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and smoke this bad boy off but i guess i gotta show you what i got in these other grills too so i should probably take these ones out first all right so let's fast forward this way sherpa wrong way fast forward all right 225. these have been on early early look at the color yes on those that's what you're looking for when you're talking about the color for wrapping your meats super super dark mahogany deliciousness nice bark that is what you want when we're talking about wrapping meats whether it's brisket butts that's your color people that's what i'm talking about haley edwards says she's looking from the crosswalk it says it looks delicious what's up haley how you doing today she's right there look sherpa live studio audience see we're all about the people here at rec tech worldwide headquarters and beautiful evans georgia that's right god i love it now chef's great day that just made my day i love it chef craig bill dodie asks is there a difference between chuck roast and chuck pot roast cuts so yes and no so they're all cut from the chuck uh the chuck roasts are typically about three inches thick that's usually what the spec is for them but depending on where that roast is cut like your eye roasts sometimes they're a little bit leaner um it's gonna be a different part of the muscle your eye round but your chuck roasts whether it's the your standard chuck roast or just the roasts um will all suffice for this but let's make chef john yes you love you some mississippi pot roast you know i do chef greg you know what i do what say you i mean since this is poor man's brisket okay okay and i hate that name yes because it's not poor man's brisket though it's smart man's smart man's brisket it's that man that maybe you know you're just feeding one or two people okay you can take this thing to the promised land without any questions so chef john let's turn one of these into mississippi pot roast i like that and we'll turn one of these into some uh how about we turn some of these into some poor mans or smart man's chuck rose bernanke let's do it all right so we've got our chuck roast here smoked off ranch seasoning are people at hvr proud members of the kingsford and clorox family super secret ingredient for mississippi pot roast i also love putting this ranch powder on chicken wings super crispy skin don't sleep on that stuff all right wouldn't be a rae carne's recipe without beef a jew yeah and you're just going straight in the bottom of that thing with it yeah i ain't fooling around okay okay some pepperoncini peppers juice and all yeah everything you heard it right now if you wanted to spice it up and get crazy a little use the uh pickled jalapenos that's not gonna suck either okay now my secret okay onion soup mix okay this is like the the advanced okay this is the level two recipe just like that so we're gonna do is we're gonna take some foil wrap it up super tight and keep cooking this until it's uh tender maybe two hours two and a half hours give or take i like it and like during the last maybe i don't know 20 30 minutes i'll peel that corner back and start to reduce that liquid down and get it like all good good that's what i'm talking about all right chef greg i got a couple questions coming at you this first one's from jon starzevitz he said uh chef greg would you spritz with butter the pastrami i'm currently smoking on his grill right now no i wouldn't i wouldn't john i'd leave it alone get that that coriander crust but now check out the interior cook space in this rt-340 big enough for a half-size foil pan and a massive chuck roast you can easily fit a couple chickens on there large turkey couple racks of ribs couple butts and i love that grill all right joseph carr is asking hey joseph can you do this with a venison pot roast uh venison would be a lot leaner so um i probably wouldn't cook it as long just because it's not going to be as uh as fatty to cook down but still slamming delicious i love venison okay this one's coming from tom taylor tom asked how big of a roast for a meal for five to six people who um i'd probably cook five pounds so shoot for two roasts that way you have a little bit of leftovers so we're gonna make some burnt ends here and we've got this chuck rust now this is not super tender yet we're about an internal of 170 degrees so i'm gonna go ahead and cube this up okay look at that look at that beautiful flavor look at that smoke ring god already smells delicious it looks absolutely delicious i mean john it doesn't suck buddy i'm gonna go ahead and cube that up john i can't even talk right now because like my mouth is literally like niagara falls right now because i know what this is going to taste like and uh and i'm ready people yeah so for all the people out there who want to try this recipe chef greg what do they need to do man jump over to rec tech dot com lunch break put your email address in there sign up sign up sign up sign up sign up to receive our recipe uh emails all right as if that wasn't ridiculous enough again boar's night out more of it white lightning available at atlanta a little more bent's heifer dust okay squeeze butter yeah parquet it makes those noises it's time for a new one okay a little squeeze a dab of do you and then grab a couple of your favorite barbecue sauce okay it's our buddy a blues hog oh yeah just use it all that's fine swine knife barbecue checking out at land bbq store proud sponsors of uh rec tech academy hooking up slip with some great flavors here oh yeah yeah sure this one comes from uh from dan timlin he asked does slicing across the grain matter when cubing it up all right so you really can't slice it across the grain because i will show you in a second so your chuck roast is like this right they cut it so the grain is actually running the short ways okay so if you're going to slice it across the grain you'd have to slice it that way really hard to do um so we're going to wrap this up just like that and like maybe an hour until these little nuggets of delicious are like are perfect now we called an audible here yeah so me and chef john i apologize we're gonna eat these yeah because you know that's just how we roll perfect for my diet right that's okay that's better we're going to swap it out it's okay those are perfect just spend more time on the elliptical all right we're just going to swap this off right here because i've you know i've already got one done all right but don't be that guy that puts hot dirty stuff yeah on a cutting board and burn and mess up your nice cutting board yeah don't do that all right so this was coming from tom taylor's chef uh taylor he says can you use ghee instead of squeezed butter um ghee is gonna be that clarified fat it'll work uh the milk fat in there is going to help it kind of be a little bit on the creamy side so i would probably use either like a a really rich whole butter um like a european style butter if you wanted to go that route but the margarine really is the way to go i hate to say that it pains me but it's the way to go uh this was coming uh from joseph he asked which blues hog was that so this was their champions blend which is actually a combination of a couple of their sauces and they've got them available in these squeeze bottles super swanky but all right enough of giving other people love yeah okay let's give you guys some love but before i can open this up and show you we got in there you gotta smash that share button all right so do it with me now if you haven't already done so go ahead and share this post to all your friends and family and check it out three two one smash it all right let's uh check this out now normally you want to let this rest for like you know a half an hour but look at that oh my now the salty sweetness of those uh those peppers are gonna get in that meat being like extra uber delicious okay and then it literally just like look at this it just like falls like shreds oh my god like that's what you want right there okay yes what i like to do because i'm a savage animal savage you got to get the cotton gloves all right okay because i don't do the whole barbecue claw thing no like no no you got to use the claws god gave you i mean claw's law i actually did get some hate from somebody today making fun of me for drinking white cloth did they they did that's terrible white claw it's delicious it's amazing it's delicious okay all right chef they paid me to say that but they could you go over time and tip one more time on the phone all right perfect 225 we have seasoned these chuck roasts off with some boars not out white lighting some benz heifer dust amazing 225 for about three and a half hours until they look like that just rewind it about four minutes it'll show you because it was on that grill we're using those kinks for classic blend pellets that'll show you the perfect color just screenshot that okay and that way you can look at what you're cooking and what i'm cooking and make sure it's perfect if it looks like that you're good to go so right about three and a half hours then we put it in the pan we wrapped it up and let it go for like another two to three hours okay there's not a perfect time it's just until it does that that's what you want if it does that you're done okay charlie's gonna come in here for a photo op i'm not burning my hands because i have these gloves on okay but this is what you want when the meat does this fred flintstone said it best yabba-dabba-doo okay we haven't had a fred flintstone referencing that's what i'm talking about chef greg kevin fuller asked kevin fuller what's up buddy can i get that jacket somewhere um sure you can come down here and pry it off of me um it's one of one okay now if you've got a big chunk of fat in the middle here just pull that out no one wants to eat that um no one of one man i got a green one too but we have all kinds of amazing sweats you can check out our zip up jackets um a little too warm for that for today especially when my hands are in volcanic lava right now you can check out our long sleeve black tees we've got hooded uh sweatshirts unhooded sweatshirts i guess should be a regular sweatshirt um we've got some t-shirts and then you know if you follow us on all social media you might know we give away themed shirts almost every show sure enough too i think they should probably one today we should definitely give one away today so we'll come up with something if you guys want to get a uh a shirt you can't buy on the website okay a lunch break shirt me and chef john will even sign it for you yeah please okay we'll figure out what we're going to do but you got to tune in because i'm not going to tell you right now because you're going to do it then you're going to turn it off so you can go to the grocery store and you can buy you a chuck roast that's right and make this all right tom quinn asked does the color depend on the wood pellets you use so uh tom quinn um your sushi looked really good the other day um no you're you're the color yeah will be a little bit of depicting of the pellets a lot of it has to do with the seasoning you're using so if your rub has more sugar in it that'll develop color a little bit faster um you know if you're doing sugar-free rub salt pepper garlic um it's not going to color up as red you know hickory pellets would give you more red color than say you know oak but you know for me i just let it ride with those kingford pellets and what i got in the grill is what i go with but look at this now you can see that gravy has literally dressed this chuck roast to the like utmost delicious perfection like known to man guys i wish y'all could just smell the smells coming off of this pan right now they can elon musk was here yesterday he was just after uh backyard and beyond him and chef john sat down we did actually talk and um they set up that 420 cam and that's going to involve uh smell-o-vision that's right you guys need to get that 420 cam so y'all could get y'all smell-o-vision yeah so again you could make tacos with this oh you could put this in your favorite uh spaghetti sauce or make like i know you made your uh that delicious smoked beef ragu yesterday yes you could have used this meat to make that would have been so good john it would not have sucked it would not have sucked at all now again this is hotter than lava so this is a great make ahead meal this is a great meal prep so you can cool this down and then you know maybe you've got a busy day with the kids just re-warm it up in the grill put it in a pan with some foil over the top and call it dunzo but that right there john it's been 25 minutes yeah you mean to tell me we talked about how to smoke on the bullseye yes we talked about all of the fantastic promotions and specials going on right now at yes sir we showed them where they can find these amazing amazing recipes yup we told them to give away a shirt mm-hmm we cooked on the hottest pellet grill on the market with the best fuel those kings for pellets all in 25 minutes i'm gonna need a nap after i'm telling you you're working hard today they're packed full of information today chef greg all right and we showed him how to make chuck roast burning we sure enough did god hey make sure you follow us on all social media okay at chef greg muller at chef john pannell we will show you what they look like when they're done in like an hour and a half for sure that that's a promise that's a fact jack jack all right john you want me to go ahead and make you a slider yes this is my favorite way to eat these okay and i did burn the roof my mouth on some pasta earlier today so john i um i'm gonna have to uh defer to you on what these actually taste like okay because after the little caesars last night right and uh this morning's pasta frenulum gone yeah you put it to the test little caesars and then pasta this morning dude that three meat and that pretzel crust have you okay i'm not gonna ask this question because i know you have it oh you guys are that's so funny that cheddar cheese pretzel crust pizza dude it's stupid but what's funny is this is you are a master chef master chef you gotta grub out every now and then okay when you're busy with the kids you're doing stuff you got soccer you got all this stuff going on it just goes to show you yeah just goes to show you guys don't hate that i am very affluent on on the uh the finer things in life like junk food that's what i'm talking about okay um but like yesterday we threw down some amazing i mean ray carnes i mean that guy can straight cook yeah he dropped off some stuff for us he said hey man cook it up for the group what'd we make some grilled lobster and muscle pad thai talk about not not stupid good it was it was absolutely delicious and that was literally made out of leftovers yeah and if you guys follow us followed us on our personal social media you would have seen pictures of all that deliciousness all right john i'm gonna load you up here load me up chef greg but now they want to know if you could make a gravy out of that liquid it already is look see how thick that is sharp like put that over some taters that's nice and thick so you would need to do anything to that no now if you wanted to you could cook it down so put it back on the grill and kind of just forget about it for a little while yeah but uh topper harley now i know i'm a savage it's okay like don't don't knock it till you try it i'm telling you right now okay don't tell chef john we just did now would cheese be appropriate would cheese be appropriate you could do cheese you could do cheese now this is not like approved i'm just doing this because i want it okay okay now when i eat hawaiian rolls yeah it is proven okay that when you do this they taste better okay okay well when in rome you know chef john here's your towel thank you so much so when you smoosh it it's it's like water right right so when you when you reduce water down it tastes more like water right okay yeah that was a joke right so it's concentration of flavor so if i get rid of all that air it's going to taste more like a hawaiian roll yeah it's going to soak up into the bun a little bit cheers to cheers buddy cheers america this can be so good oh mm-hmm absolutely delicious got a little bit of that peppery vinegary taste to it pot roast is seasoned to perfection oh my god fall apart juicy tender really doesn't even need any cheese no i'm a fan of cheese but you don't even eat it you could like french dip it in there oh man it's so good oh oh um and that blues hog on top good audible you killed it killed it my friend whoo so good america thank god for meat i mean we wouldn't be here without meat madness this weekend because i know you guys wouldn't tune in for vegetable week i know we've tried it no one watched yeah we did we had like 50 viewers well you're killing it right now though chef greg you got 300 people out here all tuned in all right so if you guys all 300 of you want to win something go ahead and smash that share button comment down below this does not suck there you go next week we'll announce a winner jody will cause i'll be doing youtube he'll be doing facebook we'll announce the winner of that lunch break shirt that you can't get okay not available in stores you have to be right here to win it so appreciate you guys joining us but again busy week here at the rec tech worldwide headquarters in beautiful evans well beautiful slightly pollinated evans georgia later on today join us on twitter chef john and jordan are going to make an an oldie but a goodie yeah okay chef john is going to put his foot in this one i guarantee it's not going to suck okay he's going to make sure jordan doesn't screw this one up on twitter tweets so join them at four o'clock on twitter and then tomorrow the girls at rec tec barbecue we're going live they're going to show you guys who do another delicious recipe then we got after hours which jody flanagan is chopping at the bit to make this recipe tomorrow night one of his favorites i would say signature things to make i can't wait you know he's on that carnivore diet right now so he's going to go ham tomorrow night thursday we've got lunch break that's going to be on youtube so make sure you guys uh hit that red rectangle over there and subscribe to the channel and get that amazing content we've also got academy this week so make sure you follow us on all social medias you can check out some stories some of the latest and greatest this friday we got movie night that's right okay they're showing uh brave okay so there's actually one of the characters from the movie here oh they're gonna come dressed up again flying flying well not dressed up it's it's the girl oh she's coming in flying all the way from scotland there we go okay there might be bagpipers i don't know those food trucks will be here it's ten dollars a car byoc bring your own cooler uh family friendly the playground gets sanitized every friday morning that's right movie starts at 7 30. gates open at 6. there you go come on down but from all of us here at the worldwide headquarters of rec tech god bless you god bless united states and we'll see you at the rec [Music] live your life the way you like it's a rectangular lifestyle do do do
Channel: recteq
Views: 46,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chuck Roast Recipes, The best way to cook a chuck roast, The best way to grill a chuck roast, chuck roast, pot roast, recteq
Id: XKY9a6rbXmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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