Smoked Fried Wings 4 Ways! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to John's Barbecue my name is Brother Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made these beautiful delicious Smoky crunchy crispy amazing smoked and fried chicken wings coming up these are some chicken wings Pat em dry and what I got here is just some average run-of-the-mill chicken wings nothing too fancy going on here but you will notice that I got the ones that are still connected and that's for a few different reasons one it's super quick and easy to break these apart and two they're often a lot cheaper than the ones that are already cut up like this for you next time you're at the grocery store look at the difference between whole wings versus cut up wings and you'll notice that these are a lot cheaper because someone has to cut these apart and that person needs to get paid so you might as well do it yourself it's also nice because you could leave these whole throw them on the grill that way you could also leave the wing tips on if that's your thing I usually don't but I do like keeping them around though because whenever it comes time to make some stock or some demi gloss or something these are absolutely perfect for it but to break these down it's super simple just get yourself a nice somewhat Heavy Duty knife highly recommend this one been loving this thing but any chef sniper Cleaver or something will work and you just simply aim for the joint just go right through you're just cutting through a little bit of cartilage there should be no bone in there so very easy stuff same on the wingtip and not gonna lie I kind of like doing this it's fun oftentimes I'll buy one of those big like 10 20 pound bags of chicken wings and just rip through them all real quick vac seal them up and there you go beautiful as far as seasoning these up go you can do obviously whatever you want any sort of seasoned salt or any rub you've got but in the past when I've done this I've thrown Chad rub on there and because it's going into some really hot oil at the end of the day the rub can really darken up the wings and some of those spices tend to burn in the oil so I like to keep it super simple I've done it just completely naked before and it works well but because I'm here I'm just gonna hit these with a little bit of some kosher salt but it's also really dependent on what kind of sauce you're going to be using because if you're going to be using a really flavorful spicy or sweet sauce a lot of times that carries enough seasoning for the chicken itself you know whenever I'm making just regular fried chicken wings I never season them ahead of time so today I'm going to do it just for good measure help dry these out a little bit because right now it's time to fire up the pan foreign and on the pit we go I'm keeping them on this wire rack just to make sure everything stays nice and clean if I did a better job taking care of the smoker I probably wouldn't have to do that but either way I'm going to rock this pit around 275 250 somewhere in that region it really depends on how Smoky you want these things to actually be but you got to be careful because chicken is pretty much a blank canvas so they can take a lot of smoke flavor really quick so if you want a super Smoky win go down to 220 if you want a less Smoky Wing you could go upward of 325 or something like that but for me again around 275 250. we're just going to cook these things through we'll check back in in a little bit this video is brought to you by zymionics foreign is a pre-alcohol probiotic those genetically engineered to drink before consuming alcohol to avoid that rough next morning and get back to living your life invented by PhD scientists who know that the real problem is not dehydration but a toxic byproduct of consuming alcohol called acetaldehyde zebiotics is the only product that breaks down this toxic byproduct in a very similar way to what your liver does except zebiotics works in your gut where it's needed the most and with a big game coming up I plan to not only enjoy just some delicious crispy chicken wings but also a few crispy beers but I don't want Monday to roll around and start my week off feeling groggy and tired and all the other negative side effects of drinking the night before and I gotta say this stuff really works every time I drink and I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day it's just a small little bottle you just throw this back have a fun night out and then the next morning I can get right back to shooting videos and editing videos and all the other things I have to do so if you plan on throwing back a few beers this weekend or just enjoying a nice Bourbon and want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day head to and use code chudsbbq to get 15 off your first order again you can stand a QR code on this video or click the link in the description box of this video taking you to where you can use code chudsbbq to get 15 off your first order I highly recommend it um and just like that about an hour later These Wings Are Done and looking absolutely beautiful got some really nice color on there nice and Smoky cooked through these are all reading right around 170 180. definitely got some good smoke color on there which will add some good flavor and at this point you could do pretty much whatever you want to do you know you could easily just pop these right into the fryer crisp them up finish them off that way or you can chill them and then flash fry them to reheat them whenever you want to serve some wings and that's kind of the whole reason this recipe exists is it's not really aim for the backyard cook it's more for meal Preppers or restaurants because at this point they are fully cooked we have no concerns about serving undercooked chicken to anybody but at the same time these took an hour to cook which means you really can't cook these to order and even if you're just frying them the traditional way they're going to take at least 20 minutes which makes it really difficult for a restaurant so having these pre-cooked then you can chill them and throw them in just to heat through and crisp up takes probably about five minutes really makes life super convenient and especially with that big game coming up if you're going to fill up your smoker with a whole bunch of wings and then just have them ready to go and drop them into the hot oil that's that's when it makes a lot of sense speaking of restaurants if you want to come hang out with me and the whole gang from Leroy and Lewis new school barbecue the barbecue class taught by Leroy and Lewis at Leroy and Lewis is back in session and if you're watching this in real time there are still seats available it's a three-day class starting on Friday night with meet and greet all day Saturday and then Sunday where we go over everything from trimming beef cheeks ribs going through the entire brisket cook sausage making and everything else Lauren Illinois does fantastically but then on Sunday we're going to go to the chud shop and I'm going to walk through all my welding setup and all the smokers I'm building and we've got some very special guest pit Masters to come tell their stories as well so two classes coming up one at the end of February the 17th through the 19th and then one again at the beginning of March the third through the 5th so if you want to come hang out and cook some great food together contact Leroy and Lewis on Instagram or through their email or through their website and get signed up as far as frying off these Wings we're going to try four different techniques today one good old trusty Wonder flower my favorite chicken wing flower two some good old-fashioned potatoes starch and number three we're gonna make a very thin batter kind of like what they do for Korean Fried Chicken starting with one cup of some all-purpose flour about three tablespoons of some corn starch and one can of some sparkling water oh yeah so to start out I've got these three that we're going to just set aside that we're gonna fry just completely as is totally nude I've got this batch coming right off the pit while they're still hot going right into the Wonder of flower this batch is going into potato starch and the ones for the batter are being chilled in the fridge so I'm just going to get these nice and coated all right folks we got our deep fryer fired up to about 350 365 and it's time to go in with all of our Wings starting with the naked wings and the Wonder flower wings oh wow and after just about five minutes these guys are all looking nice and golden nice and crispy so out they come and after a dip in our tempura batter and we go with those oh yeah nice and thin batter should crisp up nice beautiful and while we're at it we'll throw in the potato starch oh God potato starch batch as well and yet again about five minutes in these are looking nice and golden nice and crispy and oh I'm getting hungry I'll tell you what all right folks and here they are in all of their Glory four different styles of smoked and fried wings starting on this side we've got the naked Wings looking pretty good then we got the Wonder flower the potato starch thank you Joshua Johnston for buying some stickers anywho over here we've got the beautiful batter fried chicken wings and I must say they all look pretty good got that nice golden brown not too dark nothing too weird to look at naked ones really not much to complain about there they are a little bit I don't know harder than some of the other ones because they don't have any flake or crust to them as opposed to the Wonder flower Wings which look very similar but they've just got that little bit of laciness on the edges beautiful golden brown on there though potato starch ones are probably the ugliest because that potato starch doesn't Brown because there's no gluten but you know we'll have to see in the taste test how they came out also the problem with a lot of these batters is that it doesn't stick very well there's no potato starch on that side because it all kind of fell off because the wings were already cooked so it's hard to stick to a dry surface and then of course on the end you've got these bad layers which I think are pretty promising definitely got that nice thin shattery crust on there just ooh sounding real nice but again the only problem is on some of them if you're too rough in the fry later the Whole Crust can fall off as it did on this one that's just pure skin but uh I don't know maybe with a little tweaking we can make it stick a little bit better but without further Ado I'm going to Sauce these up and we're going to dive on in all right John can't wait any longer I think it's time to see how these came out starting with this guy little naked smoking fried let's do a bite before we dip into the blue cheese shall we mm-hmm Smokey buffaloey not really all that crispy but it still has that bite through skin pretty good I'm pretty good solid wing it's kind of weird like this Smoky flavor almost reminds me of ham or bacon or something as opposed to barbecue but still tastes good now we'll go for one of these Wonder flower fried wings shall we similar very similar flavor profile I wonder why the difference is very subtle it's mostly on those little craggly ends that you get a little bit more texture but comparing the two like I wouldn't run out and buy some Wonder flower just to make the small difference that there is it's definitely more reminiscent of a fried Wing like a traditionally fried Wing solid stuff next up let's try out the old potato starch looking quite nice honestly the whiteness from that potato starch brings out the orange of the buffalo sauce mm-hmm definitely good again the nuances are very subtle pretty tasty and lastly we'll go for the old Korean fried batter fried chicken wings shall we oh that's much different um very tasty stuff when it comes to the batter fried it's incredibly light and crispy although even when you're tossing it you're going to lose even more of that batter because it just wants to flake off because it's not really adhered all that well but it's like there's a crispy thin layer of donuts surrounding your chicken wing but it's not soggy and it's not heavy I think it's a very pleasant bite would it be my everyday chicken wing probably not but for a special occasion or a here and there I think that's very good it also soaks up that sauce a lot better mmm that's phenomenal definitely the juiciest of all of these I think it's probably because it held on to a little more oil held onto a little more sauce but uh yeah tasty stuff highly recommend it gotta love buffalo wings well I was just gonna say we could figure out which one is my favorite but which one I go back to first but I just inadvertently ate two of this pile probably because it's the most different than a traditional grilled or fried Wing you know having that extra layer of crispiness on the outside these are all very comparable I think the main difference like this is a potato starch one you can see it clings onto the sauce a little bit better but really these three no major yes or no between them all well since I'm holding this guy I might as well take a bite am I right whip whip dip dip so will I be making any of these again is the question I'm pondering at the moment and I would do want to experiment with this batter I think with some mild tweaking to make it adhere a little bit better this could be a very solid option and honestly it's pretty surprising the lack of difference between these three but again the flower the potato starch definitely hold on to more sauce so if that's something you're into these are definitely worth giving a try but really at the end of the day when it comes to chicken wings there's no better way to cook a chicken wing than in the deep fryer I've got two different videos on how I like to fry wings two different methods that work incredibly well if you don't have a deep fryer I would say smoked Wings would be my second I've got a video about that as well just hot and fast crispy skin Smoky Wings very tasty stuff if you don't have a smoker I'd say just straight up grilled wings throw them on the Weber kettle really great option and then finally at the bottom I would say smoke and then fry your wings if you are a home cook but again this recipe is not really designed for us it's more designed for restaurants and on splitting hairs here because all these are still absolutely fantastic I just love chicken wings so many ways to do it but all that being said I think it is time for the official taste test get those bones out of there gotta love a good boneless flat all right make some absolutely fantastic Smoky fried chicken wings again I think there is a time and a place for this recipe with a big game coming up this weekend I highly recommend giving this technique a try because it really is a great way to feed a crowd but if you do plan on cooking up a whole bunch of chicken wings and you decide to give some of these techniques a try please let me know in the comments down below I'd love to hear what you all think and which technique or which recipe is your favorite but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what you all by cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team Chun allow me to keep making all these videos until the next time I see you please go cook something outside please
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 64,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wings, superbowl, party wings, best buffalo wings, smoked wings, how to feed a party, SuperBowl predictions, brisket, texas, smashburger, chiefs, tempura wings, korean fried chicken, fried chicken, barbecue, bbq, chud, guga, meat church, babish
Id: NM7hLleaAug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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