Smoked CHUCK ROAST on a Pit Boss Pellet Grill! | The Poor Man's Brisket!

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hey everyone welcome to Mad backyard today we're going to be smoking a chuck roast on our Pit Boss pellet grill we're going to be cooking our chuck roast in the style of a beef brisket and it's a great alternative to a beef brisket when you don't have as much time to spend cooking or as many people to feed as if you were making a full Packer brisket you can think of the chuck roast as a neighbor to the brisket the brisket comes from the chest of the steer while the chuck roast comes from the shoulder so you can think of a chuck roast is actually the beef equivalent of a pork shoulder or pork butt that we make for pulled pork we're going to show you step by step how we smoke the chuck roast on our pipos and use a box to get more wood smoke flavor then we'll show you how we inject our chuck roast with melted beef Tallow to give it even more richness and flavor look for a chuck roast with a nice red color and a decent amount of fat and marbling you don't need to buy Prime grade beef when it comes to chuck roast but at least get choice if you can because you want as much fat as possible so that it doesn't dry out on the smoker know that the thicker the chuck roast is the longer it'll take to cook some are thinner and shaped more like giant steaks these will cook faster than the one shaped more like a roast even if they're the same weight try to see season the night before because this will give the seasoning plenty of time to work its way into the thick cut of meat we're going to be using this Holy Cow Barbecue Rub from meat church it's well known in the barbecue Community for tasting gr on steaks and brisket and we like it as well because it contains no sugar sugary rubs don't pair as well with beef as they do with pork so look for something like holy cow that has more of a salt pepper garlic and onion flavor profile I'll put a link to it down in the description if you want to try it for yourself give the chuck roast a healthy coating of rub there's a lot of meat to season here so you can go pretty heavy with the seasoning on all sides of the roast then wrap it in plastic WRA tightly and place it back in the refrigerator overnight the next day you want to leave the chuck roast in the refrigerator right until you put it on the Pit Boss this is because cold meat is the best at absorbing smoke flavor today we're using these almond Cabernet wine blend pellets from nauy wood they've got a really nice Aroma that works well with beef and if you watch our Channel you know we love nauy wood pellets because of their high density and quality we made a video showing you how you get more smoke flavor from better quality pellets I'll put a link to it down in the description if you want to learn more and as always make sure to keep your leftover pellets in a good airtight storage container like this one from Oklahoma Joe's turn on the pellet grill let it run through the startup cycle and set it to 250° F install the top rack in your Pit Boss and place a large water pan down on the bottom grates this will add moisture to the cooking chamber and help buffer the heat from below to better cook our chuck roast evenly and indirectly for more smoke flavor we're going to be setting up our Cameron's flip Pro Smoke Box with some cherry wood chunks as well make sure to check out our video on how to set up this Firebox to get more smoke flavor on a pelet grill it's really easy to do and makes a big difference in the amount of smoke flavor you get I like to place a Smoke Box on the left side of the grill so that the smoke travels over the food on its way towards the exhaust chimney just don't place it too close to the temperature probe or else the heat from the charcoal can distort The Pit Boss temperature readings once the smoker's up to 250° position the cold chuck roast on the top rack above the water pan place a temperature probe into the center of the meat and let the chuck roast start start smoking right about the 3-hour mark let's take a look at how the chuck roast is doing so you can see we're getting some nice fat rendering now some good juiciness there our uh crust is setting up pretty well too we got the uh probe in here we're running at about 100 36° internally I'm going to check a couple more spots here because sometimes the probe can get lodged in a pocket of fat or something and not give you the exact real temperature but that's pretty close maybe a little higher than what the probe's reading 142 there check over on this side yeah about the same on that side um I did uh flip it one time about an hour and a half in just cuz as the fat renders and juices kind of fall with gravity um you don't want the top to dry out too much so I flipped it um but I didn't rotate it because I want to keep this thicker side over to the left I know a lot of the heat on my Pit Boss comes from the left side and so this side that's kind of tapered down I didn't want that to get too overcooked by facing that to the left so just kind of look at your chuck roast how it's shaped think about how your pelet grill cooks and uh position it on the Pit Boss um accordingly so we're going to flip this over again you can see we're getting a nice bark on the outside there we're going to let that keep going I might add a little more seasoning to this side of some came off while it was cooking um but we're just going to let this keep going like I said it's only at about 140° we want to let it come up to the stall probably closer to 150 160 before we wrap it so just going to let it keep going here a little longer the check roast is getting closer to the stall we're going to put together a quick injection and get it on the smoker to warm up so I've got some uh wagu beef Tallow here we're going to add a little bit of that adding just a little bit of Tallow to uh especially to some select and choice cuts of uh of beef can add that extra richness to your meat um we're also going to use some of this uh beef bone broth I like this better than just regular beef stock it's got uh collagen in it from the bones and just a deeper uh more rich flavor so we're going to go aad and open this up and add some of that and then I want to add a little bit of Worster sauce too the main ingredient Worster sauce is vinegar and that's going to give us a little bit of acidity um we've got a whole lot of fat and salt going on right now we want to kind of cut through those uh flavors a little bit with some acidity all right then we're going to go ahead and get this on the smoker and that toall will melt and then we'll whisk it up and we'll inject it in our chuck roast so I'm just going to put it over on this side here we'll give it a few minutes to kind of get warm our chuck roast is up to about 155° and turn Cur L and it's been sitting there for a little while it's taking us 6 hours to get to this point um but just make sure you're always going by temperature and not by time because this is a pretty thick chuck roast and uh you may have a thinner one or your Pit Boss may be running a little hotter um what's important is looking for how the bark is looking and making sure it's ready to get wrapped okay so what I'm looking for when I'm looking at the bark on a a chuck roast or a brisket or something is that the fat is really rendering if I kind of give it a little push you see that fat kind of out there it should feel kind of bouncy but it shouldn't be you know it's not falling apart yet by any means okay there's still a lot of fat to render internally but on the outside we see a lot of fat rendering there and the bark is a nice dark color and when I run my finger across it it doesn't come off or or remove okay at this point the seasoning and everything is kind of set into the meat so we're going to go ahead and get this off and get it wrapped so our tallow's melted we're going to go ahead and whisk this up we've literally got oil and vinegar in here with the worser the bone broth and the melted Tallow now so we want to really whis this up good make a good Emulsion here then we're going to take our meat injector draw some up and in there and then I've got the chuck roast in a pan here so that the injection doesn't go everywhere we want to try to go with the grain of the meat as best we can all right so we're going to go kind of down at varying depths and just add a little bit at each one okay not going to push the whole syringe full in there we're going to push down inject a little bit give it a second or two to kind of settle and then pull the syringe out and just kind of going from one end to the other with the grain of the meat adding a little bit of Tallow and stock as we go now a lot of people wrap with aluminum foil and there's nothing wrong with doing that at all but you're going to get more of a pot roasty type texture I'm going for more of a brisket type texture today so that's why I'm going to wrap in a butcher paper pink butcher paper specifically and you want to make sure you get the kind that has uh no additives no wax so I'll put a link to the kind I'm using down below if you want to try it out what you'll see a lot of people do as well is they'll just keep it in aluminum pan like this and fill it with a broth or Jew or something the reason I injected is because I want that flavor to really be in the meat at the same time trying to protect our uh bark so by getting the the Jew and the flavor and everything that we would normally kind of braze the meat in in an aluminum pan especially if we were doing like a pot roast um by getting it into the meat hopefully we're going to protect the outside of our bark while still getting that flavor and moisture in there so first we're going to spray our butcher paper you can use water I'm using a little bit of apple cider vinegar today but the reason you want to spray the paper first is it'll help keep the uh the meat from sticking to it when you wrap it so now I'm going to take my my chuck roast and we're going to put it at one end of the paper here we're going to take our uh butcher paper and Fold It partially over the chuck roast just like that then we're going to roll it over once pull it towards us I'm going to tuck in these little ends here and we're going to fold this over on one side and fold this over on the other side we're going to roll it again we're going to put it back on the smoker and I can feel my thicker end is still on this side the tapered end is down here so I'm still going to keep that thicker end over here I'm just going to keep my water pan in place um because it's going to act as a heat buffer from from the bottom to block that direct heat and let it keep cooking evenly I'm going to take my probe and put it back in and then we're going to let it run until it's time to take it off and rest it so we let the Chuck Roose continue cooking on the Pit Boss till it got to 203° we used our probe thermometer to tell us when it was ready and then we took it off and we have it uh here in our foil pan so we're going to let it rest but I'm going to rest it actually in my oven on the warm setting at 170 degrees that'll help keep it nice and hot while it's resting um but let those juices kind of distribute and let the meat settle down a little bit and get nice and tender we're going to let it rest for about an hour or so before we unwrap it and slice it up all right this has rested for an hour in the oven we're going to go ahead and unwrap [Applause] it all right we're going to go ahead and slice into this make sure you've got a good uh meat slicing knife like this one we've got here I'll put a link to this down in the description below we're just going to come right through the center here yeah we got a nice Smoke Ring really juicy see going try to go as thin as possible with our slices here so like I said we took our chuck roast up to about 203 de it's kind of really right on the edge when you bring it up to about 203 205 to where you can still slice it it's not completely falling apart if you want to be able to pull and Shred the beef I would recommend taking it up to about 210° at that point it's really just going to completely fall apart now you can see on a chuck roast here um we get more veins of fat running in between uh the meat this is really you know different than a brisket where you're going to get nice clean intact slices it's going to be harder to get a fully intact slice here but it's still going to be delicious um and you can kind of just find the grain of the meat as best you can and slice against it so that when you have your slices here you can see you got the meat you know just kind of barely holding on and pulling apart it's it's tender it's easy to pull apart it's not tough at all but it's also not completely falling apart either so let's go ahead and give one of these pieces a try here I'm going take a little end get some extra seasoning can see that nice Smoke Ring we got on the outside there I'm go and take a little bite of this one oh yeah just melts in your mouth that meat Church seasoning is so good plenty of richness from the Wu that we injected as well as um just flavor all the way from top to bottom here uh from doing that injection you don't get any Bland spots in the meat at all yeah as soon as it hits your tongue you taste the worst to sure the seasoning the beefiness from the chuck roast and really really good you can enjoy your chuck roast just sliced up like this or if you want you can put it on a sandwich this also works great for heated up leftovers I like to make my barbecue beef sandwiches on a good Brio spun with some sliced up peppercinis and just a tiny bit of Blues hog Championship blend barbecue sauce drizzled on top we hope you enjoyed this video please make sure to hit the like And subscribe buttons to get even more content from our Channel and you can check out the full step-by-step recipe that accompanies this video at madb I'll put a link to it as well as links to all the products we use today and other videos I mentioned down in the description below and thanks for [Music] watching a
Channel: Mad Backyard
Views: 61,333
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Keywords: chuck roast, smoked chuck roast, smoked chuck roast recipe, smoked beef chuck roast, how to smoke a chuck roast, pit boss chuck roast, pellet grill chuck roast recipe, poor mans brisket, sliced chuck roast, bbq chuck roast, smoked chuck roast pellet grill, how to make a brisket style chuck roast, smoked chuck, how to smoke chuck roast, pit boss, can you smoke chuck roast, how to smoke chuck roast on pellet grill, chuck roast on pit boss pellet grill, beef tallow brisket
Id: kk68vNt0TDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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