Smoked Chicken Leg Quarters | White Sauce Chicken Leg Quarters with Malcom Reed HowToBBQRight

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hey we're gonna do some chicken leg quarters today out on the smoker but I'm gonna do these a little different I've got a recipe for a white barbecue sauce that I'm going to share with you I don't know if you've ever tried the white sauce but it's kind of famous down in Alabama Chris Lilly from Big Bob Gibson's made this Alabama white sauce famous I'm sure it's been around way before him but they're kind of known for it and it's really great on chicken I'll show you that recipe later on when we get to it but the first thing we're going to talk about these leg quarters now the leg quarter is the thigh and the leg all attached the Skin's still on when I'm smoking leg quarters I want to crank that temp up I'm in the 275 to 300 range because I want to get the meat uh done but I also want to get that skin bite through you don't want to end up with chicken skin it's soft and floppy and you bite into it the whole skin comes off and it pops you in the face that's one thing we learned when we're doing competition barbecue that that skin is important and that's why we crank the temperature up the first thing we're going to do with these leg quarters is get them in a soak and today I'm just using zesty Italian dressing it's great on chicken you can use it on any part makes a great marinade these thighs are just going to go on a Ziploc bag leg quarters I'm just going to go in a Ziploc bag I've got four here today you know how many are you're probably gonna need a bottle for every four pieces you do they're inexpensive so they'll feed a crowd and really we just want to get some good coverage on them need about at least four hours in this marinade but if you can go overnight hey it's even better when I I've done them overnight and they turn out real fine Italian dressing really get some flavor in there the oil in it helps the skin look really good when they're cooking just kind of move them around get them in your fridge but set them in a platter or something so they don't leak in case that bag wants to drip you don't want those chicken parts all over you we're going to talk about the seasoning a little bit here what I'm seasoning these with today is a chicken seasoning that I make it's just some salt some cayenne pepper for a little heat a little chili powder for some color pretty good bit of granulated garlic and then some pepper and I also put some accent in it and if you're you know have a diversion to Accent MSG leave that out but it really goes great on this chicken let's get these marinated in the refrigerator and then we'll show you how we're going to season them and get the smoker ready here in a few hours okay the chicken soaked in the marinade for four hours in the refrigerator then I pulled it out and just kind of shaped the excess off in the bag I don't really worry about getting all the little pieces of peppers and onion and garlic off the chicken it's okay it's going to add extra flavors it grills right now we want to get some seasoning on it and this is the chicken seasoning that I made it like I said earlier it's salt garlic chili powder paprika and a little bit of axien in it that's about it it's a really great on chickens any of the skin some really good flavor we've got some flavor from that Italian dressing inside the meat from soaking in that dressing for four hours so now we're just gonna get the outside seasoned up some I'll try to work one hand dirty one hand clean so we got it seasoned now we're gonna let it hang out here on the board until I go get the grill fired up we'll be cooking about 275 today we're looking for an internal temperature of 175 at least in the thickest part of this chicken stick around okay we're out here at my Yoder today I've got it fired up at 275 with some cherry pellets now it doesn't matter what Grill you're cooking on as long as you're maintaining that heat between 275 and 300 so if you're on a shark charcoal grill just want to scoot those coals over to one side kind of create that two Zone heat and if you're on your propane just about a medium temperature is going to get you right in that 275 range so just get these leg quarters on I usually start them off meat side down we'll go skin side down about halfway just want to set it first no Rhyme or Reason here just get them on the grill get the lid down we're gonna let it cook this one light smoke chicken's delicate so it can't you don't want to get too much smoke flavor on it that's why I choose Cherry if you're going Hickory or OK or pecan you might want to tone it back just tonight don't burn quite as much because the chicken will absorb a lot of it you'll end up with better tasting chicken so if you want to keep the smoke light when you're cooking poultry we'll check these leg quarters in about an hour see where we are give them a flip over no need to re-season we're not basting them or anything we're just going to cook them right here on the cooker on the smoker stay right okay it's been one hour on these leg quarters I'm gonna go ahead and get them turned the other side you can see we're starting to get the skin tightened up a little it's got some really good color on it I want to flip them over and go skin down for this last part kind of crisp that up a little bit so we're just gonna flip them over we'll start checking this internal temp on them here in about 30 minutes or so we're looking for 175 I just want to give them give them about a 30 minutes we'll come back and look at them see how that skin side is doing they may not need to stay the skin down the whole time this is really going to crisp it up you can see how we're starting to get some on the edges here a little more heat got on them it's looking good that's how you want these leg quarters so we got them flipped over get the lid back closed and we're just going to let them go another 30 minutes and start checking our internal temps when we get to 175 we're going to take them off show you how we're going to do that white barbecue sauce on them okay it's been about 30 minutes skin down and you can see I stuck my thermopop in here we're at 167. we want to see 175 but that's going to be plenty of time skin down the Skins will be nice and crisp I'm going to flip these over foreign take another 20 minutes to get them done the smaller ones are probably pretty close right now but they'll be okay the thing about these leg quarters is that they get a little bit over 175 we're okay with them do we want at least 175 that's where this dark meat chicken's done so let's get the lid closed come back out and check them about 15-20 minutes they should be ready to come off um at that point we typically put on a you know a regular barbecue sauce and glaze them and that's fine if you want to do that but today we're gonna I'm gonna show you this white barbecue sauce and it doesn't get glazed on it's going to be a dunk here at the end so when we get them off we're going to go in I'll talk about the white sauce we're going to finish these up with okay after 20 more minutes total cook time's been about an hour and 50 so far on these leg quarters looking good I just want to check on make sure that I'm getting that reading that feels really good when I go in let's see if we hit that 175 more 73 77 yeah we're done check a few more 75 I just feel I can tell these little ones are feeling good juices running clear I'm going to call these done at this point we're going to get them off take them inside let them rest just a few minutes while we get this uh white sauce ready to dip these leg quarters that's not a good looking plate of chicken already now with that seat the chicken season we put on them these are great like this you could have glazed them we'll check out what this white sauce does to them okay we're inside the chicken has rested now for just about five ten minutes it doesn't take it long I just don't want to take it right off the grill and go to the sauce but today instead of using that traditional barbecue sauce we're using a white sauce so check this out a white sauce um you can buy some in the bottles I know Big Bob Gibson is one of the brands I've seen in stores but it's really easy to make and it's a mayonnaise-based sauce instead of you know traditional ketchup or tomato base we use mayonnaise and the recipe will be up on the video it's Mayo little apple cider vinegar some salt and pepper of course just a touch of lemon juice just for a little extra punch I throw in a little bit of prepared horseradish at the end but the recipe is real simple and try it for yourself it's really great on chicken now to finish these leg quarters all you do is give them a good dump and I know it looks a little crazy but trust me it is good stuff I'm gonna plate them up here you know that's tender I'm gonna use my hands here it'd be a little messy but hey what's a little mess when you're doing barbecue and there you go we've got smoked chicken leg quarters with a white sauce and I know it looks a little strange but trust me that white sauce is great let's give these a little taste here see what we're working with cut off this back one here I'll cut it ring C what the meat looks like inside wow it's good stuff with this white sauce it's Tangy just similar to a vinegar sauce because that apple cider vinegar in it but the Mayo gives it some creaminess and then you get a little bit of that lemon flavor from the lemon juice and then just a punch of heat uh give this a shot man it's really good stuff on chicken especially when you put them on the smoker and crank it up a little bit so to recap what we've done today we used regular store-bought Italian dressing for a marinade on these leg quarters soaked them about four hours in the refrigerator put them on a pit that's 275 to 300 degrees it doesn't matter if it's a smoker or grill or a propane grill even just maintain that temperature and get these cooking meat side down for the first hour flip them over get the skin crisped up a little bit go back over for the last 20 minutes or so the internal temperature is what's critical you know you're going to give yourself two hours of cook time but you're really shooting for 175 and the thickest part of that thigh portion of the leg quarter at the very end we made this white sauce dunked a minute and it's easy as that you've got something that's totally different for barbecue and got to give it to the guys in Alabama Credit they created a good sauce with this Alabama white sauce so hey if you like what we're doing here how to barbecue right subscribe to our YouTube channel and check us out on the internet how to I got a ton of great videos and recipes on there we're going to keep putting these out every couple weeks or so if you've got any questions or comments send them to us on Facebook and Twitter as always thanks for checking it out
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 479,323
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Keywords: smoked chicken leg quarters, smoking leg quarters, smoked chicken recipes, recipe for chicken leg quarters, grilled chicken leg quarters, how to grill chicken leg quarters, grilled bbq chicken recipes, bbq chicken leg quarters, how to smoke chicken leg quarters, barbecue chicken leg quarters, chicken with white sauce, white sauce recipe for chicken, white sauce recipe chicken, white sauce for grilled chicken, malcom reed, howtobbqright, how to bbq right
Id: 3C41Ow6T4cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 11 2014
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