Smoked and Braised Beef Ox Tails- Episode 65

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to the smoke Shack today we're doing ox tails pretty excited about this never done ox tails before I've heard great things about them I've eaten them before but I've never cooked them myself so we're gonna use hickory wood on this we're gonna cook between 250 and 275 we'll let them cook for two to three hours check them and see how they are and then we're gonna braise them in beef stock and beer and let them go for a couple hours like that let the meat really break down and we're gonna try so stick around today we are doing ox tails now we've got about three and a half pounds of ox tails some of this stuff here these little ones we're gonna go ahead and rub these up now there's some fat on here you can trim that off if you want I'm leaving it on today because we're gonna braise these and I want that fat in there so that when we braise it helps break down there and you can rub these use any spices you want you can do salt pepper that'd be fine I'm using my big belly rub that I love you do all sides here he'sjust beef-flavored up really good here now these oxtails are just as just because just a cow's tail here it has some incredibly marbled meat here so it's gonna taste great it's just gonna take a while to break it all down you'll be using some beef broth and beef stock and a little bit of beer use it in so we're gonna do these low and slow we're gonna do about actually wendy's about 275 so between 250 and 275 we'll be running this trying to get these doll up here it's hot out here today it is hotter than a rooster in a three-story hen house out here today so we will be doing some sweating to the oxtails today so stick around okay so we are gonna put these on here we got the grill going let me get up to about 280 250 and 275 these on here now these little tiny ones that we're gonna put on here that these are gonna be done in no time I have a feeling if we even get any meat off of them at the end but given to the dog with nothing else all right so we're using hickory wood today and we're just gonna let this cook at about - between 250 275 go for about two three hours we're gonna braise it at the end we'll let the meat break down really nice and it's gonna be really good so we're gonna use beef stock and beer to braise with and so let's let these get go in here and we'll be back in a couple hours all right so we're going to open this up check these out oh yeah those are looking beautiful all right we're gonna take these put these in here all right so we got all those in there so we're just gonna add some beef stock and we're just gonna braise these up add a little bit of barbecue sauce to that as well you add a little beer and then we're gonna let this braise and go for about a couple more hours and then we'll see where we are hold on all right we're just gonna go ahead and probe these a little bit here [Music] getting close not quite there yet all right so there it is finish the product want some of these these little ones here just falling right off the bone these big ones are feeling incredibly tender the probe is just going right in like just like butter no resistance whatsoever we're gonna pull these off get some in my belly alright so we've got our ox tails here very tender [Music] spinning here so I could pour some liquid over it incredible flavor on these just amazing and the beef stock the beer the barbecue sauce in there that is all just fantastic you
Channel: Onion's Smoke Shack BBQ
Views: 33,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ox Tails, smoked oxtails, smoked ox tails, braised ox tails, oxtails on the grill, how to smoke ox tails
Id: iaNB6KPhpnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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