SML Theory: Goodman Is a Criminal?

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have you ever wondered how Mr Goodman made so much money well my theory is that he's money laundering and part of this theory was covered in a previous video titled Brooklyn guy is Goodman's clone where Goodman makes money by Brooklyn guy working jobs and Goodman siphons his income but the thing is there are so many Brooklyn guy clones which allows Goodman to make trillions of dollars but first we need to look at how many Brooklyn guy clones there are by looking at Brooklyn guy back story he was born on August 21st 1977 in Brooklyn New York he's one of the many sons of Barbara guy and his unnamed father who owned Brooklyn's Deli which he then named after Brooklyn guy and he also had two identical triplet brothers named does bad things guy and Doctor me whether or not Jonathan guy is a brooken guy clone is a bit debatable but the rest absolutely 100% direct carbon copy clones he also has another brother called plane crash guy and he died on September 11th 2001 put two and two together and I I think you'll understand what that is in his childhood he was a nose picker and he was made fun of by all the other kids in his Elementary School which caused him to have an imaginary friend named booger and as a kid Brooklyn guy was also never allowed to swim in the lake by his father who was paranoid that a monster would kill him hey py can I go swimming in the lake no boy there's a monster in that Lake he's going to cut you up a Shucks what the he then attended Wedgewood Middle School and he dreamed to be an astronaut and his sixth grade science teacher said he's not going to be anything in life because he was playing with his pencil during class pretending it was a spaceship and when he was 16 he and his dad robbed a bank to pay off Brooklyn guy previous 45 speeding tickets and during this time he attended Billy bowling Ham's Memorial High School during his high school days he was part of the huskys football team but he never actually made the team because he broke his shin on his first tryy out making Brooklyn guy cry and the coach felt so bad for him he just let him keep the Jersey he was also bullied a lot in high school with some of his bullies being Trevor Travis Trent Billy bowling hands and Candy Randy in his senior year brooken guy was playing a game of kickball and after someone pitched the ball at him he thought it was an obstacle ran to the pitcher and kicked him straight in the balls and then he grew an addiction to kicking people in the balls and did it to everyone in PE even his own teacher earning the name ball buster Brooklyn he then went to the principal's office and kicked his principal in the balls and after hearing that he had been suspended the cops then arrived and Brooklyn got kicked them in the balls he was then sent to jail and kicked the photographer in the balls and after being sent to a cell he kicked his cellmate in the balls he was then sent to the electric chair and then he kicked judge poy the executor in the balls and after that Brooklyn guy's parents had been called and his father then grounded him for kicking everyone in the balls and you guessed it Brooklyn guy then kicked his dad in the balls and he was sent to a therapist to find out why he was kicking people in the balls and Brooklyn guy then kicked his therapist in the balls he even got sent to a mentalist to tion with tied up arms but he ended up kicking people in the balls either way his legs were then tied up and everyone that Brooklyn guy had kicked including Bill Clinton had decided to amputate Brooklyn guy's legs and sometime before graduating high school his father was caught having an affair with a 19-year-old girl which would lead to Barbara his mom divorcing his father and this would be the last time Brooklyn guy would see his dad in years and after graduating high school he took 6 months of Community College and earned a master's degree after after that he served in the military and got a Purple Heart until he was discharged because of his allergy for fresh cut grass and he would later move to Florida and become work buddies with Simmons and now we can speculate on this insane Theory and my theory is that Goodman is money laundering and forcing Brooklyn guy to work for him just like in SML movie Marvin the intern when Goodman shows up at the door and asks Marvin if he has his house payment and Marvin as usual says no and Goodman says that Marvin will work for him and he will not get paid because it's the only way for Marvin to pay off his house payment and good men probably has tons of clones working for him because of the Brooklyn guy twins makes bad decisions guy Miami guy Manhattan guy San Francisco guy does bad things guy Frank and Jonathan guy and all of these clones could possibly be working for Goodman Incorporated for money laundering and even Jonathan's company big shirts computer repair services could be owned by Goodman and be another moneya laundering business and if you're confused as to what money laundering is as I was to let me explain money laundering is when you have a ton of money made illegally and then you make a business and pretend to make sales if you make a fake receipt saying that you charge someone $50 you just take $50 of your illegal money and put it through the business to get tax and this is illegal in many places all over the world and governments especially have been cracking down on it but now back into the theory that Goodman launders his money since Goodman is literally a trillionaire he owns businesses like Walmart and Target and even Nintendo and he'll get his clones to work at these places and Goodman will take all the money that they make from tips as well as their wages and not pay them at all just to make more money and it's unknown how many clones there are just because that they can come in so many different forms and he could possibly have hundreds if not thousands of clones just like Brooklyn guy running around the place but here's the thing Goodman also has a bunch of identical twin brothers as stated in Black Yoshi's trouble when the shows Black Yoshi what hell is like and he brings him back to Earth he promises that he'll be a good person and starts asking Mario to help him change his life around first Mario brings in toad so black Yoshi can learn how to be nice and share his Call of Duty with him we're going to let toad play your Call of Duty okay nope nope he no no Mario then brings Black Yoshi and Tow to the kitchen so that black Yoshi could share his KFC with him oh man I am starving you better not touch chicken oh man I've been wanting some chicken you better not Toad go ahead and eat some chicken you better and after that Mario then explains to Black Yoshi that he needs to get a job so he can pay his child support and he even did get a job and then when it cuts to the court screw ball gets sentenced to 30 days in prison and the reason why his sentence was so short was because apparently he showed remorse for his crime which we all know is kidnapping kids is that's all he does then it cuts to Black Yoshi and he convinces judge Goodman that a guy like him is able to turn his life around and he was set free to go and in this courtroom is one one of Goodman's 12 identical brothers so if you think about it Goodman has more clones than you would think and he's probably making millions of dollars if not billions per day but I have one more Theory what if Mr Goodman is a clone of his father and this is all one big hierarchy and Mr Goodman's father is the leader with generations of clones going around but it gets even crazier because in SML movie Mr Goodman's father when Marvin finishes jeffy's Lego Ferris wheel and Jeffy plays with it but destroys it the way man said there's a 100% chance of a meteor strike a meteor the doorbell gets rung and Mr Goodman's at the door and when he comes inside he tells Marvin that his richer dad is coming over and Goodman wants Marvin to kill him because he's coming to sign his will that gives all of his money to miss puffy pants and not Goodman his son well my dad's coming to town if you think I'm rich he's richer I'm only worth $500 billion and he's worth over $2 trillion so I'm poor compared to him well what do you need my help with I need you to kill my dad but kill your dad why because he's coming here to sign his will that gives all his money to his cat Mrs puffy pants and I'm cut out of the will completely so I get nothing so I need you to kill him before he signs that will to his cat so I at least get his money but then Frank Goodman comes over and shows his son the will and he comes inside with his cat misses puffy pants and as he's about to sign the will Marvin asks if he's hungry and it turns out that he is and he asks for a fman ywn but Marvin doesn't have that but he has a ham and he puts it on a plate which good then puts a rat poison on and they bring the food in and Frank tells him that instead of a flaming yawn he was given a piece of hand that was poisoned Frank then pretends to die by faking a heart attack but then suddenly he does pass out and die you're not getting nothing I already signed the papers no my money hey hey Jimmy you want to know what the best partt is I'm having a heart attack I'm just kidding with you Steve stalberger then comes in to check if there are any loopholes in Frank's will and after looking over it Goodman puts on cat ears and pretends to be Mrs puffy pants Steve then goes to the bank to give Goodman the money but before he gets anything Brooklyn guy comes over to spay Mrs puffy pants and after checking down Goodman's pants he realizes that that's not Mrs puffy pants and so Rose puts on the cat ears and pretends to be the cat but then the cat ears fall off of her too and Steve officially gives the money to the actual cat and so to steal the money Goodman marries Mrs puffy pants but divorces her and then Goodman gets all the money and Marvin just gets a measly $50 all right well I Pronounce You cat and Cat you may kiss the cat great uh now I want to divorce and this is all mine what you you can't just divorce like cat I did what were they really married yeah and they're really divorced now yeah but what if the real reason that Goodman wanted his father dead is to take over the money laundering business from his dad to make even more money it makes sense if you think about it because Mr Goodman is obsessed with his money and his father was going to die anyway so this was his dark opportunity to make trillions of dollars and this would give him the opportunity to hold the Reigns of the business and make even more clones and possibly take over the world as the real life most richest person is at about $200 billion net worth and we know that Goodman is now at $3 trillion let me know what you think down in the comments thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video here
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 100,957
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Id: C_LFJ7289-U
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Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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