SML Stories - Jeffy's Summer Camp! - SML New Episode 2024

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[Music] what oh Jeffy stop playing with the megaphone Jeffy okay okay stop it put it down can I play with your drum no Jeffy that belongs to my grandfather uhhuh well if I play the drum every day all summer by the end of summer I'll be a drum Pro I'll be really good at playing the drum [Music] no I said no Jeffy come on Marvin just let him try yeah Daddy I even wrote a song it's called the camo who had a toe you want to hear it I want to hear it Jeffy I don't want to hear this dumb song Oh Marvin it'll be fine there was a camel had a toe camel was his name o d a e to C A EO C A and gamto his name stop playing the drum you suck at the drum Marvin well he's bad at playing it I mean I do but I'm just trying to learn Marvin he's just trying to learn he sucks at playing it's my grandfather's and he's breaking it stop stop stop stop [Music] Jeffy stop it Jeffy we have to find something for him to do all summer because he's annoying me who's that oh you stay right [Music] here hello hello there's no one here what the summer camp ooh children of all ages no what alls allowed baby I got something for Jeffy to do Jeffy stop baby I found the thing that's going to make us free summer camp children all ages no adults allowed Marvin that sounds suspicious huh it was suspicious there's nothing suspicious about this look there's ice cream there's there's kids playing tug of war it sounds like fun well who dropped it off I don't know it was just there at the door oh no baby it's fine Jeffy do you want to do all these things you see on this paper yeah yeah look look it says the picture up at 10:00 a.m. that's like in an hour so so go get all your friends and invite them to summer camp can I take the drum no you can't take that but I'll be here waiting for you when you get back from summer camp so grab the flyer and go go go okay I'm going to go show all my friends yeah go hurry pH oh baby we're free for the entire summer Marvin I don't know it did it even say when summer camp ended baby it's called Summer Camp it obviously ends at the end of summer that means I have two months of sitting here in the quiet I can do whatever I want hell I can even learn the drums you know I I'm not going to but because I don't want to be annoyed but now I can do whatever I want guys guys guys it's summer vacation what are we going to do oh I know we should go fly a kite no that's too boring hey do you guys want to go to summer camp summer camp dude is there ice cream are there going to be so many boys there I want to go camping yeah let's go to summer camp Jeffy how do we go the camp counselor will pick us up and take us away right now let's go let's go okay yeah guys guys guys guys I can't believe we're going to summer camp I know dude it's going to be so exciting kids attention I'm camp councel for your summer camp we don't have all day okay this will be very interesting what nothing just gather up and move Hey guys does that camp counselor look kind of familiar to you yeah I don't recognize him I guess I'm just being weird wait where are we going now we're going to my house which is kind of like a summer camp cuz I have all kinds of fun games we can play but they're all in my basement uh his house I know think he's supposed to be your camp counselor guys we're going on an adventure shut up do you want to have a boring summer now we're going to have fun time kids let's go hurry up before the cops show up and realize I'm not really a camp counselor damn it all right I spotted him I got him I got him I got him hey kids are you ready to get going summer camp gotcha you're under arrest for trying to kidnap these kids oh dang it I almost got got away with it to if it weren't for those meddling policemen hey why is your cam counselor getting arrested I don't know no please I can't go back to prison well you're going to be in there for the rest of your life Mr changlong yeah Mr changlong I knew I I recognized him man those sunglasses really disguised him hey sorry kids uh Mr changlong escaped from prison and he passed out a whole bunch of summer camp Flyers to kidnap as many kids as he could good so no summer camp for you kids I'm sorry you're going to have to go back home oh man oh man baby isn't this relaxing just laying down with no noise hey there well hey there what are you doing in my house leave I just wanted to tell you your son almost got abducted what what did you get him back yeah darn it Marvin what happened H well this this guy named Mr changlong was going around the neighborhood passing out these fake summer camp Flyers so he could get kids to take him back to his house Marvin I knew summer camp was a bad idea but but baby look at the flyer it's so convincing look at the ice cream yeah it does look pretty good although orange ice cream with chocolate that just screams bad news and this no adults allowed thing should have been a red flag well I just thought obviously no adults would want to go to a kids camp that's weird I guess well where are the kids now now they're out in the front yard crying because they didn't get to go to summer camp poor Jeffy he must be traumatized Marvin go take him home no I want him to go to summer camp Marvin I think he should be home for the summer absolutely not I don't want to hear him play this drum all summer listen officer is there any other summer camps going around here not that I know of oh my God okay listen can you make a summer camp you know just take Jeffy for the whole summer make a summer camp yeah I don't want to see Jeffy all summer I I mean uh I'm kind of busy I mean my shift goes till 8 so I guess I could only make a summer camp that only goes to eight like a day camp just like a day camp like a quick one oh okay just do that I just I just want a day of peace and quiet and the day for me to throw this drum away so Jeffy can annoy me okay yeah sure but how much you going to pay me uh $20 $20 come on I'm a cop you know how much I make not enough give me that 20 all right I'll do it let me just change into something more appropriate okay I have a DAT to get rid of this drum but Marvin that's your grandfather's now that summer cam was canceled what are we going to do all summer I guess we could play cops and robbers no we've already been playing it all week that was such a boring summer vacation Good News Kids I got paid 20 bucks to take you all to Summer summer camp wait we still going to go to summer camp yeah I mean it's in the backyard but come on yeah summer camp woohoo all right Kids the first game is three-legged race whoever can cross the finish line with your partner first wins Jeffy if you want to win let's become my partner of course Cody you and me I'm very strong we will definitely win against Junior and Jeffy there's no way we're going to win yeah someone on our team based on the way they look is really good at running what dude well black really good at running I've never heard of that stereotype okay 3 2 1 Go kids come on dude you're so slow I'm sorry I'm not as fast as you guys what dude are you people that fast at running I'm not not a fast runner come on hooray oh dude Cody and Joseph won I thought I picked the right partner but I guess not I'm tired of you yay I won I won I won wow you dragged me the whole [Music] way well I'm willing to win well I guess we have a winner come on next game all right kids next up is T of War so just break up into two teams get on either side of the rope and whoever can pull the other team over the line there wins oh Joseph this time I want you on my team no why should I join your team why don't you join mine oh guys actually it's the same thing each team will have two people oh yeah well we're going to win because someone on our team is a black what I mean black belt and karate I'm super strong so I can pull you guys over that line and I'm black so that counts for something dude well and I have something wrong with me so I'm super strong so you're going down all right kids get in position all right Joseph we're totally going to win this game yeah we're going to pull the ropes so hard they're going to crap their pants heck yeah dude all right guys you ready to lose yeah don't worry Jeffy we got this yes but you don't even have your hands on the Rope that's because the Rope is clenched between my butt cheeks it's where I'm the strongest all right kids whoever gets pulled across the line loses all right 1 2 3 [Music] go Cody pull harder oh no Jeffy my butt cheeks can't can't handle it oh oh my diaper pants they fell down Jeffy what are you doing pull hard I know but my [Music] diaper guys we almost got it pull with all your mind give it a strong pull 1 2 three how are you okay oh no Jeffy we have a winner but okay guys damn you can stop dragging it Junior how long do we run with the Rope for until they say we won Cody we beat you guys and it's because of the black belt that I am why you keep saying it like that dude you're never gloated about being a black belt ever but I'm a black belt I Want to Break about that's what we want what's the next game we're going to play huh oh follow me all right kids next up is plane hide and seek the last person found will be the winner awesome I'm the best at this game okay I'll count to T and you guys find a place to hide okay okay going to hide really well so no one can find it all right wooo 5 4 3 2 1 I'm starting to search now hide well don't let me catch you Cody I see your [Music] hair Cody you lost [Music] he h Junior do you think you can outsmart me you're lost okay H interesting oh no Joseph you're really bad at hiding looks like it's just you left Jeffy you hide really [Music] well did you guys hear that sound I'm scared yeah dude it sounds like a tiger's Roar what about Jeffy maybe he's been attacked by a tiger all right who wants ice cream [Music] me all right kids now I said ice cream but all I have is popsicles so enjoy that I like fruit ice cream me too it's so delicious all right kids you ready to make s'mores yeah I want to make s'mores wooho all right kids now we're going to make some morees just put your stick in the fire and we can cook your marshmallow hey okay well that was wrong you said throw my stick in the fire no I didn't say throw it I said push your stick in the fire all right kids let's get to cooking these marshmallows well those are some good looking s'mores kids I still need to make mine Joseph why is your marshmallow black I want to look like that dude do you have a problem with that no no I don't I'll just I'll just shut up all right kids you ready to tell some scary stories I want to hear scary stories I want to hear them oh I got a story dude once upon a time there was a continent of happy people then white people came on both and kidnapped them ah there's no way that happened oh yeah it happened dude boy that's so scary that's no a oh do you hear that ah the Green Forest Monster Run kids run for your [Applause] life what's wrong how's your summer camp going oh it's going pretty good you know we played tug of war we had a three-legged race and had some popsicles we played hide-and seek your son got eaten by a tiger what what uh hold on rude I'm not done then there was a forest monster wait a minute there's no Forest monster that's Jeffy huh dad I played hide and seek but after 2 hours no one found me then then I heard the tiger Roar and I ran away that's why I look so bad oh so you had a memorable summer with many experiences
Channel: SML Stories
Views: 12,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supermariologan, sml movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, junior, joseph, cody, junior the crazy boyfriend, girlfriend, SML Stories, SML Stories 2024
Id: lxBe2s18v3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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