Barbie Doll Family Toddler Chelsea Get Well Routine

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how's that book report going Skipper it's okay I still have to work on it for a few more hours okay well I'm so proud of you you've been working really hard on it thanks Mom let's do that drill one more [Music] time great job Chelsea go ahead Sarah you can try it and go all right right come on CHS ha sorry good shot amazing practice girls I have some snacks for you here some applesauce and some granola bars that was a really good practice Sarah it sure was hey guys come on oh that's my sister Barbie come on Stacy I'll see you at school tomorrow bye Stacy and Chelsea are back from soccer hey girls how was practice it was really good I had a really good practice but I'm not feeling so good ever since the car ride home Chelsea had an amazing practice mom she is doing so good all that hard work is paying off but I don't know she started sneezing in the car right home thanks for picking the girls up Barbie you're welcome I think Chelsea might be coming down with a cold Mom I hope not I hate being sick let me see well you are a little warm honey why don't you take a shower change your clothes I'll make you some chicken noodle soup and you'll just take it easy for the rest of the day okay my head is kind of hurting now come on sweetie I'll make some soup for you thanks Bob oh no I can't believe I'm getting sick my eyes are kind of burning too a why don't you lay on the couch Chelsea while your soup is ready okay I think I will here Chelsea here's a little blanket thanks Barbie I brought you some tissues Chelsea thank you Stacy the soup is almost ready here you go sweetie your food is ready this looks really yummy thank you Bobby well thankfully she doesn't have a fever so it's just a little sniffle for now make sure to eat all those carrots Chelsea and the chicken not only the noodles M this spoon has chicken and noodles and this one has a big carrot I hope you feel better soon Chelsea thank you Skipper I and I hope I don't get anyone else s well it's pretty late already sweetie how about an early bedtime usually I would say no but after soccer practice and actually sry to feel sick I I think that's a good idea would you tell me a b type story Bobby absolutely come on come on sweetie good night Chelsea good night good night sweetie good night what book do you want to read Chelsea uh I have the perfect book up here will you read me the cerella story it's one of my favorite books we always read the story mommy but what do you think how do you think their wedding was Cinderella and the prince M I don't know but I'm sure it was pretty magical can you tell me the story about their wedding yeah I think I can tell you how it went it all started when Cinderella was still asleep [Music] I can't believe it today is my wedding day I am so so excited and I'm a bit sleepy still I need to get my robe H Cinderella Cinderella dear very go mother visits her again W I think I my still be dreaming Fairy Godmother is that you oh well dear who else would it be you don't have another Fairy Godmother do you no no no it's just it's been so long since I've seen you well I wouldn't miss your wedding day would I of course not well you don't plan on wearing that to your wedding no no no I just woke up M I'm a bit hungry are you m great cuz I'm starving M oh let's see where do I have some space Oh silly me I forgot the food smells like a feast wow wow are we expecting company no no no darling I'm just really really hungry M what am I going to have first everything looks truly delicious but please darling come come sit you don't want to get married on an empty stomach oh o this dress is a bit too fluffy would you like some tea fairy gun mother oh yes thank you here you go thank you Cinderella everything looks so delicious I don't even know where to start yummy that sounds like a really yummy [Music] breakfast now darling do you think I can dress you for your wedding do I it would be such an honor Oh yay well Harry now finish your breakfast and we can try on a few dresses I've been practicing my magic for wedding dresses since I heard of the new that you were getting married oh I'm so excited I'll finish quickly what do you think I came up with all these beautiful dresses wow they are all so beautiful so many beautiful wedding dresses which one will she choose I don't even know what to say well darling which one is the one I don't know maybe if I try them all on I'll have a better idea how about always start with your hair and makeup and then you can try on the dresses that's a wonderful idea my hair is kind of a mess yes grab a seat please perfect thank you Fairy Godmother you're making this day so much more special you're welcome darling now go ahead go try on your dresses this dress is really lovely it is but you need to try the other ones first okay um this one is really beautiful too this one is also stunning M I don't know it seems like these are not your style I think you had something else in mind didn't you well kind of I envisioned something a little bit different something with flowers on it I don't know something a little more unique I have just the thing for her I absolutely love my dress and my veil and my crown oh thank you thank you Fairy Godmother this is exactly what I dreamed of we need one more thing what else could we possibly need um I think for the next thing we need we best go outside have you got any pumpkins darling I did this once I am sure that I can do it again [Music] mhm hey they turn a pumpkin into a carriage [Music] again Fairy Godmother thank you so much you're welcome my darling now go and enjoy your happily ever after goodbye Fairy Godmother goodbye [Music] [Music] darling thank you for the story I should I'm really tired let me tuck you in Chelsea I think you'll feel much better in the morning Amari is starting to feel a little bit better gr night Chelsea get some rest sweetheart good night [Music] mommy I'll come check up on you in a few hours [Music] okay my head hurts Chelsea you still don't feel good since last night my head feels like it's going to explode Chelsea I was lucky enough to get you an appointment this morning with the doctor but I have a really important meeting and I won't be able to take you Barbie will you do me a great favor of course mom I can take Chelsea to the doctor no problem I don't want to go to the doctor they might do some scary things to me oh sweetheart you don't need to be scared you love the doctor she's so nice and we need to know why you still have a fever since last night we want you to get better I promise Chelsea is going to be really fast and easy our doctor is so so sweet well I guess she is really nice and she'll help me feel better right Barbie absolutely Chelsea that's the right Spirit now let's finish up the breakfast and we'll go to the doctor Perfect Girls when I come back from my meeting I'll make you a really delicious chicken noodle soup yummy my favorite you know why but I don't really have too much of an appetite right now I'll just have a little bit more of my oatmeal then I'll finish that's fine Chelsea good luck at the doctors I love you okay Mommy I love you a little bit more of my oatmeal I don't want to waste anything that's so yummy let me get some with the banana too M so good okay Chelsea let me just clean up the dishes and and then we can go to the doctor okay Barbie I'm going to bring my backpack so I cannot be all bored when I have to [Music] wait okay Chelsea we're here here we just have to check in with the front desk hi welcome to Dr Maria's office do you have an appointment um yes we have an appointment for my little sister Chelsea Roberts hello that's me okay let me check the computer okay I see your appointment any changes in the insurance nope everything is the same my belly hurts I think it's because you're really nervous Chelsea I guess you're right please take a seat until the doctor calls you okay thank you let's take a seat Chelsea okay I hope they're not going to take too long just sitting here makes me nervous it's okay Chelsea I'm sure they'll call us really soon I hope so Barbie can I use watch something on your phone while we wait sure chelse okay that's your water bottle that's my water bottle here my phone I want to watch Titi toys and Dolls here you go Chelsea Chelsea you're Roberts yes that's me come on Chelsea it's your turn come with me please come on Chelsea that's us I'm scared that's okay hold my hand okay Hi Chelsea I'm nurse Cathy and I'm going to be your nurse for now um so first we're going to have to see how tall are you and then we're going to weigh you so first we're going to do your height come along it's okay don't be scared can you please take off your shoes so I can put them on the counter well will I get them back of course silly okay we're going to need you to have your head straight oh don't go on your tippy toes okay I'm going to move it down and see okay you can get off now okay Chelsea please step on the scale okay just a little right angle and there we go all good okay let me get everything ready put the padding I got all my tools okay okay Chelsea you can come up right here do you need a little help getting up yeah okay okay there we go now let's sit you down you're doing okay Chelsea I'm hanging in there you know me okay now we're going to check your heartbeat take a deep breath okay take another huge breath another one one more another big one okay short one let me take your temperature beep beep beep okay you have a fever I'll let the doctor know you have a fever and and she will be coming in shortly okay my head feels kind of hot the doctor will come in shortly and give you a medicine for your fever and your headache thank you okay now we're going to take your blood pressure okay it's going to feel like a really tight hug on your arms okay perfect we're all done Chelsea the doct he will be coming in shortly I hope you feel better thank you Nurse Kathy I'll see you soon Chelsea bye Barbie bye thank you a Chelsea's such a sweet girl let's get the doctor's office all ready for Chelsea's appointment we'll need a sink for the doctor to wash her hands an exam table this one is so cute it's a little ladybug we've got some drawers where we can put some extra tools for the doctor we have a scale a small scale for the babies another Works Space for the doctor in here we're going to put some of the medicine and extra tools the doctors may need the doctor will need this tool to check the blood pressure a thermometer and we've got some extra Band-Aids in case our patients need their shots and our exam room is all ready for Chelsea this is a really cute room Chelsea it is a Chelsea look how adorable it's a little ladybug I'm still a little nervous Barbie even though we did a lot you're doing so good so far Chelsea do you want a little water while the doctor comes thanks Barbie may I come in yes of course hello Hi Chelsea hi doctor Nurse Kathy told me that you have a fever and you've had a fever since yesterday and also that your head is hurting you it's been hurting a lot I'm going to check you to see why you're not feeling good okay and I promise it will be easy and fast first I'm going to wash my hands since ner Cathy already took your blood pressure and your temperature I'm just going to go ahead and check your ears and your throat okay okay let me just get something from the drawers here I'll need one of these to check your throat okay Chelsea I'm going to need you to open wide and say ah stick your tongue out sorry sorry about that well your throat looks a little bit red but I'm not too concerned about it let's go ahead and take a look at your ears okay let's see which of my tools I need I need this one to look in your ears okay Chelsea I'm going to take a look at your ears okay okay let's see the other one let's take a look at this ear okay Chelsea it looks like what's giving you a high fever is that you have an ear infection on both ears what a tragedy oh Chelsea it's okay you've had an ear infection in the past but don't don't worry it's an easy fix I'm going to give you some antibiotics you'll take it for the next 7 days ew is that the YY white medicine that tastes like vomit uh it's not the best tasting medicine but it will make you feel better Chelsea for now I want you to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids okay Dr Maria but what's fluids she means liquids like water and Gatorade Barbie I do want Chelsea to come back if the fever doesn't go away in the next 48 hours and we can do a recheck for her but I think the medicine will make her feel much better bye tomorrow that's great news actually I have antibiotics right over here that you guys can take you'll have to take it two times a day here you go Barbie thank you Doctor you can have your first dose as soon as you get home a snort all right guys I'll see you later take care Chelsea feel better bye Dr Maria bye doctor thank you come on Chelsea let me help you down Chelsea I am so proud of you you did amazing thanks so much Barbie I feel like I did really good too thanks for being there for me and holding my hand when I needed it absolutely that's what sisters are for now let's go home have some shicken noodle soup and get some rest okay I love you I love you too [Music] Chelsea
Channel: Titi Toys and Dolls
Views: 1,279,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, titi toys, Barbie, Baby Room, Barbie Baby Fun, Barbie and Ken, Barbie Sister, Barbie’s Sister, Barbie and Chelsea, Barbie’s Baby, Barbie House, Barbie Dream House, Barbie Story, Video for Kids, Kids Video, barbie baby, stroller, baby doll play, healthy snacks, toddlers, heartwarming, get well soon, stay home routine, play, tummy ache
Id: NaS0Qvj-Wz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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