SML Parody: The 3:00AM Challenge!

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so guys what do you want to do today well Junior we could watch TV dude we should watch TV oh great idea Joseph what the hell are you guys talking about what what wh what well I said we should watch TV first before Joseph did what what's bro actually yapping about right now I don't know dude bro's yapping he's a yolic let's just watch some TV Joseph all right dude I kind of like this channel don't turn it off all right fine fine fine yo guys I heard if you stay up till 3 a.m. curs skiy toilet will come to your house and kill you but seriously ski toilet isn't even real this this is just [ __ ] stupid what hold on so uh uh so guys uh I'm getting a call from skibby toilet right now uh I still don't think this is real well I'm just going to pick up the phone and see who's prank calling me yeah yeah yeah hello hello hello oh this supposed to be a Prank Caller oh oh no he's coming he's com's [Music] com oh my God guys I can't believe skimy toilet killed him in real life at 3:00 a.m. oh this is so scary dude skimy toilet doesn't even exist yeah Junior skimy toilet isn't even real it's not no Junior what the hell are you talking about well but I thought I thought this was like the History Channel no no Junior this isn't the freaking History Channel I'm losing brain cells literally just by being here I'm going to go too why you going uh I don't know probably go eat food out of the dumpster or something well no Joseph don't leave you well come on Joseph Cody buddies Junior what are you still doing awake it's 3:00 a.m. you know the skies are going to come after youit you believe in skiy toilet Chef peipi yeah who doesn't my friends cuz they left cuz they thought it was stupid what skiy toilet is not stupid he's obviously real yeah skiy toilets are real anyway what are you watching that peipe I need you to take out the trash the trash that's not even my job Chef come on that's jeffy's job come on Chef my boy well then call is fine us and tell him to come take the trash out cuz somebody's got to do it all right fine I'll call him all right Chef peip I got my phone well uh wait why is Cody's mom the wallpaper uh anyways I'm going to go call Jeffy okay come on Jeffy come on Jeffy please pick up please pick up Jeffy oh damn it ship you didn't pick up a damn Dam well looks like you're taking out the trash Oh but I don't want to do the trash shfp yeah well my hands are too clean oh wait no they're actually pretty dirty why is that oh probably something I did in high school what the hell what happened chipi uh looks like the power went out well how did the power go out oh cuz your dad does not pay the electric bills he he he doesn't pay the electric bills well I guess that makes sense cuz he kind of just like watches Charlie all day Chef Pee what is that I don't know evil Jeffy I'm going to answer it yeah yeah do that I'm scared chefi do it come on you got to do it okay uh hello hello hi [Music] Junior what what's he saying he hung up sh pee PE what did he say he was going like classic Jeffy that's so weird but what that noise Chef peeee oh I think it's coming from upstairs oh it sounds like it uh we should probably go check that out wait I think it's coming from my room oh no what if he's in there we got to go check Chef peipi all right uh all right Chef peipi we're in my room but I I don't see Jeffy anywhere what's going on oh I don't know I don't see him either but I do see a fat puss over there what are you doing here get out of here you goober oh hey oh he's fat chilling I know hey I maybe we should stay in here and collect your thoughts and find out what the heck is happening why is this happening Chef peipe I don't know man it's probably because it's 3 a.m. you're scaring me Chef peei it's so dark and scary outside keep me safe I can't I don't know no okay oh no Chef peipi evil jeffy's call again oh no what do I do Chef peipi what do I do what do I do oh he's no help I think I'm going to answer chpe all right I'm Char his [ __ ] I'm so scared oh oh no oh he picked up hello H Junior please don't kill me no I'm not going to kill you Junior I'm going to give you a 3:00 a.m. challenge what 3:00 a.m. challenge well that sounds really fun and scary but like what is this why are you evil Jeffy what is all this well if you want to find me you have to do my scary 3:00 a.m. challenge what what's the challenge you have to find me I'm hiding in your room you're in my room oh no no no shipi he hung up he hung up what did he say he said something about a 3:00 a.m. Challenge and and bently's hiding in our room I think he's trying to kill us sh he try to kill me oh I couldn't find anything but I did find this black banana it looks good doesn't it why do you burn everything you cook oh I didn't burn this baby this is all natural oh do you hear that I think it's coming from the closet I'm not checking the chef peeee I'm staying right here with this cat that's staying here for some reason and not leaving same but well no you you got to you got to do it because you're uh you're I'm what you're uh man you you got a big poopy mustache and you smell like butt that was the best you could do really yeah fine I'll go check it oh please go check it Chef oh he's going to die oh I hope nothing's in the closet I don't know if anything scary is in here oh hey kid what's up what the hell are you doing in Junior's closet H I don't even know you want to see something cool I can do with my eye yeah I guess very cool bro thanks now uh can you get out of here before I have to call the cops no do you know who evil Jeffy is no all right you can go I'm going to go back in here damn girl oh you could really lose a couple pounds couldn't you I got back from the closet what' you find chipi was evil Jeffy don't even worry about it no evil Jeffy was not in there what it's not important but I did find this this Among Us potion Among Us potion Chef peipi that's so sus I can become the Imposter at 3:00 a.m. no no no no no I don't even know I told you about this we don't need this can I can I please have it no I'm saving it for later saving it for later you're lame chef chef EP I'm hearing another noise H I think it's coming from below us oh SHP I'm scared scared I'm not checking it no oh no no no you are checking it this time why because I checked last time I checked the closet this is your turn all right CHP wish me luck no I'm not wishing you good luck you sent me to the CL last time to die why the hell would I wish you good luck I hope you die down there I hope something eats you down there I don't really care just go just go go go damn Junior's super phone is getting a call let me pick it up hello oh oh okay okay I'm going to go to the Bahamas oh man oh I'm so scared to open this come on Junior grow some balls grow some balls I'm going to open it what's in here J hey dude what are you doing in here oh you know I live here you live in a drawer in my bed yeah dude it's comfy it's nice I found this place on Zillow what you're in my house Joseph I thought you were home homeless though oh I was until I found this spot and now I live here see it's nice and comfy but the how dides he not know about this oh he does I F him all the time I don't think he likes me though how long have you been living here Joseph I don't remember dude I live in a lot of places what is that trash oh yeah it's my trash collection dude is that why Chef P always says my room smells like [ __ ] yeah I'm kind of sorry about that dude oh well can you leave what dude you got to kicked me out of my house yeah I thought we were friends no just a white man kicking out a black man's house oh fine dude you think is trash oh whatever ah Chef peee evil Jeffy wasn't down there it was just Joseph chef peee chef peee chef peipi where you at Chef peipi you didn't eat Chef peipi did you M I know you did spit Him Out Boy spit them out spit him out damn okay I should mess there oh no oh no no no no it's not what I think it is evil jeffy's going again I got to answer it I got to answer it it's so scary uh hey Mr evil Jeffy sir what's up buddy hi Junior what's up Jeffy I just killed Chef Pee suck what you killed Chef peipe Jun what' you kill shipi what can I have it back no Junior I'm going to kill you now Junior oh no he h up what the heck hi Junior what doing I'm going to kill you now come on J I just want to play oh no I hope he doesn't find me in here oh no I hope I'm H it hey Junior I'm coming for you now where are you junior junior where are you what the hell I can't believe he didn't find me in here what an idiot hey Junior what doing in there Jeffy please don't kill me please don't kill me we're friends right well I can't kill you Junior it's 4 a.m. what wait wait I'm so confused why is your voice different oh I'mma be right back what nah this just me [ __ ] got your ass got your ass got your ass got your ass damn how you keep falling for p PE how do you keep fall up a [Music] PP
Channel: Jeffy's Universe
Views: 82,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, sml junior, sml marvin, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, sml rose, sml joseph, sml cody, sml braxton
Id: LATjaSU7Q7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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