SEABEAR vs The Most Secure House In Minecraft!

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guys we finally made it to Camp Sunshine woohoo yeah um Camp Sunshine Daddy uh yeah look how great this Camp is this doesn't look like sunshine this looks like a poopy in the toilet bowls go look how amazing this campsite is look we have a cabin we got some camps uh campfire come on what's better than this it smells like poopy in a toilet bowl too yeah Daddy I don't think I want to go camping anymore can we just go home guys we're not going home stop that we going to do play fortnite all day along and like that sounds boring no daddy that sounds like fun yeah let's play fortnite no we're not playing fortnite we're not forting in the night time okay we're not doing that we're camping in the nighttime well Daddy I don't want to camp at Camp Sunshine it's scary out here just stop okay let's go in the cabin let's see what the cabin looks like the cabin ooh really really old and nice very campy well there's an upstairs with beds daddy look has all of our colors see nice they knew we were coming this is actually kind of cool but it's really cramped we got a nice little outside area maybe we can look out and look for some fishes I want to show I swimming in there yeah look at that nice Cannonball what I would not go in there Gooby there's probably like an alligator you're going to get sick tastes like poo poo water oh gosh Gooby don't drink it oh my goodness well Daddy what are we even supposed to do here there's nothing else to do we're supposed to breathe in the nice fresh outdoor air you know really stretch out and just escape from this crazy world we live in it is not fresh out here yeah Daddy this is the opposite of fresh ah I smell the nice Dew on the grass smells good I want to smell it why are you smelling the smoke you're breathing in Smoke gooy s Smokey over here get away from the fire because there's a campfire wait daddy do you have any S'mores S'mores oh let me see if I have any in the house uh yeah I got I got nothing no o i pack some smores too right here what wait what you have SM give me some yeah you want some I want some too give me some s'mores to my dad making it waymores this is really good it's w SM and we will let's go all right now we're in the camping mood yeah camping is really fun woo let's go well guys what do we do now that we have all these s'mores well one of the rules when you're camping is when you're by the fire you're got to tell scary stories so who's got a good scary story daddy no no no we are not saying any scary stories cuz I don't want to poop my pants plus Daddy it's not even really dark out so it's not going to be that scary h o I have an idea everybody right now like this video so it gets really scary out and it gets dark so I can tell cool scary stories no wait no no no no wait don't do that no everyone like the video in three 2 one oh my gosh it's so dark outside very scary oh my god get close to the fire this is the only light oh no the moon you guys stop freaking out sit down in your seats it's time to tell scary stories daddy why did everyone like the video they want to hear your scary story Johnny you go first you tell us a good story all right Daddy I got the scariest story in the books my daddy's face it's really scary it is really scary I'm scared I'm scared guys stop kill it what do you mean kill it I threw a s'more your face Daddy yeah take take that hey ooh more s'mores okay that wasn't a story does someone else have a better story than that o I have a really scary story O Let's Hear It Gooby let's see if I I cry a little bit okay so once upon a time there was an evil little cat yep yep and he went all over the wall finding people to have them pet him ooh but then one night there was a little gold and she went to pet this little cat and all of a sudden is that squat no way no yes squat right on the hand and every time she wants to use her hand like to play fortnite or eat some food it was horse ooh super scary and then one time she went over to her friend's house and went in her pool and when she went in there her hands really started a horse oh my gosh not the Corine so then they found her little band-aid and put it on her hands and then she found felt B oh my goodness the Band-Aid shaved her so what happened to the cat um and the cat went away a poor kitty boo and scary daddy wasn't that story really scary no it was just about a cat scratching someone on the head that I mean I'll give you credit it was creative Gooby but let's see if Daisy has a better story cuz I know my story is really scary my story is going to be really really really scary oh no I'm scared so once upon a time there was a little girl and she was just hanging out in her room watching Barbie movies and just hanging out in bed but it's really scary Barbie's scary scary can you stop screaming that's not even scary I'm sorry Daisy please continue these guys they're just dumb as she was watching the Barbie movies her arm was just tingling off her bed the arm was dangling Daddy screaming I'm scared this scary part hasn't even happened yet my I'm scared daddy why are you holding me stop it I'm sitting in my CH I'm trying to enjoy this story and you guys are screaming like a bunch of idiots cuz it's a Barbie movie all right daddy I'm going to lock my lips arm fell off her arm was gangling off her arm is attached to her body it's just dingling off the bed you know when you're just like sleeping and your arms just like hanging off the bed oh oh okay no it's not it's attached to her body God okay Daisy please continue and then suddenly she feels ack something licked her arm well that sounds scary probably a dog it's probably a dog and she thought there was a a monster under her bed a monster so she screams and she screams and she screams mom mom mom please help me so her mom comes into the room and she's like mommy there's a scary monster under my bed so her mom gets down and looks and boo it was just her doggy was doggy Gooby get back here where are you running to too scary just scar over a dog it was kind of scary daddy a cat story yeah but this was a dog story that's even scarier than cat stories I don't know about that there was no Bloodshed in this one in your story there was Bloodshed she was bleeding in her hand oh yeah but this dog lick her hands okay okay sit down let me tell you my story now all right fine Let Me Clear My Throat a little bit once upon a time there was four dummies Once Upon a Time ah okay that actually wasn't scary someone I'm going to I'm going to tie you to the chair no you just got to be a little scary than that okay I'm going to say it again right from the top Once Upon a Time Gooby don't you dare scream there is full four friends sitting in a campfire just like this three of them were kids one of them was a handsome sexy dad what the heck yeah yep they were all eating s'mores by the campfire really enjoying a good night out in the Stars guys we're doing that exactly just like that Gooby and in the middle of the night as they're about to sleep what are you doing Daddy they heard that weird noise in the middle of the night and then there was another noise going what the heck is wrong with you they heard crazy noises in the middle of the night and all of a sudden there was a knock on the door Dy what was that ah it sounds like a knock on the door I heard it there's a knock on the door but it smelled fishy but it sounded like a bear they look out the window and boom they see a Sea Bear a Sea Bear what what is a seab bear Daddy it's a mix between a big bear and a fish so they call it a seab bear that's so crazy and the seab bear being basically a bear fish ripped the door down and started scratching everybody and eating everybody no no no I don't like that did as he was about to leave he pooped them out and that was the last you ever saw are pooped out of those four kids no they got to to the poops Daddy I don't like that story I don't like seab Bears either they're attracted by s'mores oh God I'm burning my s'mores burn them bur story it's a story you know what more s'mores bur s'mores more s'mores for me I'll eat them all give me all your s'mores yes I have all the s'mores thr at MDI here you go yep give me the s'mores yep yep my pl's working great yep give me all the s'mores want some extra s'mores just in case yep yep I really like them I I could do this camping thing anymore I want to go home the seab bear is going to get me guys no the seab bear is a madeup character that I made up okay he's my imaginary monster no it's not Daddy a trio yeah he's definitely will he's going to eat us and poop us out Marty how do you survive a Sea Bear supposedly with a seab bear all you need to do is put a circle around you he doesn't like circles what about a square daddy does a square work nope doesn't work they're just only afraid of round things oh no what about trapezoid trapezoid is not it there's too many angles on it there's too many corners oh no you guys we can't even use swap got to use a circle all right Daddy I'm should I get a circle right now no you don't have to get in a circle it's not real all right Dad I'm going to get in a circle we got to make a circle guys stop what are you doing this is kind of a circle right it's a square Johnny that's a square oh no no no I'm going to fix it hold on I'm not done oh no oh no no we got to make circles guys how do you make a circle yes I do daddy I'm not getting attacked tonight we not getting attacked by steep what's wrong with you guys stop how do you make a circle I just did it I just did it I'm in a circle let's go I'm in the circle I'm in the circle there's your dumb Circle okay yeah this is very circular okay yep it looks like you guys made your circles you guys feel safe now yeah I feel safe yeah Daddy SE bears are going to get me thank goodness there's no such thing as seab Bears I'm just going to eat my s'mores by the fire M Daddy I see a seab bear see what I see a seab bear ding behind you there's no such thing as a stupid Sea Bear you guys need to relax and just eat the s'mores come back over here bear it's a bear that came from the Sea Bear from the sea Johnny it was a fish mixed with a bear okay get your facts right get your combinations in the correct order uh guys what was that sound was that your belly Gooby no daddy look around you it's a t bear it's a bear it's a bear oh my God oh my God it's getting you it's getting you no it's not notop getting me notop getting me Daddy you're going to die in there I'm not going to die oh no you got to make a soemi I'm not making a circle make a circle make a circle make a circle quick it was a joke I made it up when you guys like help me or something daddy you got to make a circle oh okay he's break it in I'm not making a circle oh gosh daddy you're going to die I'm not going to die you guys are going to die go after them go after them yeah go kill them they got s'mores on them oh no it's coming after me no no no I'm in a circle ah Oh Daddy it can't come in cuz it's a circle what you no no no what that's supposed to that's impossible a I didn't want you he whoa whoo he bit me oh God oh God oh no oh no you're not going to get me I need I need a circle I need a circle build one Dy here we go I'm hopping in your circle no get out of my circle stop why okay Johnny let me get in your circle I don't think so this is my circle no Gooby please get him seab bear get him Gooby you're my last option no no there's not enough wom in here yes there is there's a lot of room I can live in there nope nope uh I don't know where to go I don't know where to go see bear how about this let's make a deal you go back home and I'll never eat s'mores around here ever again drop the s'mores drop the s'mores he just wants to eat those okay fine it's a good idea it's a good idea take the s'mores yeah like this you big fat bear oh yeah yeah it's working guys look it's working no oh daddy he's going back into the forest oh my gosh maybe the key was just giving him the s'mores good good idea good job daddy you did a good job yeah you stupid bear you got you got to break the size of a walnut oh God's coming back I'm get to my circle I'm get to my circle Marty get out of here stop guys guys please please please please let me in the circle no I didn't mean it your your brain's the size of a bowling ball daddy that's even worse no it's not it's bigger than a walnut ho get out of here you're going to break my soul I'm not breaking your circle hey I got more s'mores yeah how about this I'll give you the rest of the s'mores you can leave me alone yeah there you go there you go hey hey whoo whoa whoa buddy no guys he's after me Daddy you better run I'm running I'm running I think he's going away I I need to make one of your uh circles oh now you believe in the circles daddy here we go just like this daddy that's a square that's a square that's not a circle what do you mean this this this is a circle that's a square oh no it's coming back it's coming back no no no F what the heck why are you running this way yeah see I have a I have a border around me and it's a [Music] circle going you I told you illegal this illegal no no no oh no Moy the only thing that se BS don't like M and smes and squals no I didn't know that Gooby that you run it's coming for you got to get rid of your Square get rid of it hold on I'm making something else aha yes I made a triangle Dad hey we said Circle you can't break that either just get it right I'm trying here Daisy I think I made him even more more M daddy join my circle daddy join my circle come here this one time you're going in a circle all right yes thank you thank you bye Mr seab bear see you later bye see Daddy all you had to do is make a simple Circle I I try I did this like three times no you didn't daddy yes I did and you know what actually I'm not going to say anything bad about him cuz I don't think he likes me very much yeah Daddy just shut your mouth maybe we should go and see where he's coming from oh guys I'm getting kind of tired I think I'm just going to go to sleep right here wait what oh that's a good idea I'm going to place a bed in my circle too and go to bed wait I need a bed Daddy make your own Circle fine fine I'll make my own stupid Circle where am I going to make it I got to make it over here make sure it's an actual Circle though okay I'm working on it yeah not a square okay I think this is a circle I don't know it's fine it'll work all right guys I'm going to bed see you tomorrow good night good night everybody oh gosh it's morning time already guys wasn't last night a roller coaster we saw a seab bear yeah that was insane fake daddy fake is not real daddy you made a square again you're not even making circles look let me fix this all it's clearly a circle it's like you want to die from a SE bear daddy they're not real what do you mean they're not real one just Chas you all night long wait that was all real I I thought I was I thought I was dreaming Dy know it was not a dream you told us about the seab bear and then it came to attack us and all you had to do is make a circle and you didn't make one well guys I said the story because I actually heard that story a long time ago and I thought it was a myth but obviously it's real well I wonder where The seab Bear Went now he's probably sleeping cuz it's daytime that means we should go see where he is then he go that way he's got a family of seab bears I think you went that way right guys daddy you're right okay let's go this way and try to find them okay everyone be quiet we don't want to wake them up I don't need another sea bear attack wait hold on guys I have an idea everyone take one of these what is this it's a portable Circle ooh this will protect us it's a circular traffic sign daddy seab bearss don't like circles so as long as we're holding something Circle it shouldn't come after all okay whatever you say I don't know why this guy is so obsessed with circles all right guys come on follow me I see something over here what is this looks like a bridge oh watch your step there's a lot of holes what do you mean there's a lot of holes kind of weird oh ah Gooby I just said watch your step there's a lot of holes oh whatever Gooby it's poopy wo they like this type of environment guys what is this I found something oh my goodness uh I think these are all the people who didn't draw a circle oh my gosh there's dead people there's a bunch of seabar eggs here Gooby you're right I think there's a big seab bear Nest oh no we better smash them all yep you know what we got to do got jump no no Gooby no no no no okay fine guys oh my gosh I don't think we should be doing this the sear is going to bring its family and come attack us if we do this no it's not it won't have a family after we're done with him yeah we just got to squish all these eggs and he won't even have any people with him guys I think we're going to get the see bear really angry well no it's us could be like a a raccoon um daddy we're the only people camping in Camp Sunshine right now uh I mean you're right but there there's definitely other animals out of here guys I don't know I think we better get out of here I'm kind of scared why are you are you chicken Daddy stop making that sound daddy we got to get out of here I hear the seab bear go go go go go it wasn't me it wasn't the bald guy it was not him he's not here yes it was the bald guy it was my daddy eat us no hold your circles hold your circles I need to make a base I need to make a base oh my goodness guys I knew we shouldn't have destroyed those eggs now this seab bear is so angry at us and it's going to kill us I can't hold this circle all night and I don't want to sleep outside again yeah you're right Daisy I don't want to sleep outside too I don't want bugs crawling up my butt o so what if we just make a secure Circle base wait Daisy's kind of smart guys we should definitely do that oh yeah the SE only comes at night so we have to prepare you're right go guys I'm not building with any of you wait what why because I think I could survive this seab Bear all by myself all I'm going to do is tell them that you guys broke the eggs and then I'm good oh yeah Daddy well me Daisy and Gooby are going to build one big base okay fine you guys can have fun with that I'm going to make a base that's not circular and just super secure daddy that's a mistake no it's not I don't think the circle thing actually makes a difference all right daddy whatever you say well Marty you're going to die guys I'm not going to die everyone relax my Bas is going to come out so much better than yours right but when sea eats your butts you can't come Qui us well you guys can't come crying to me when the seab bear destroys your base cuz he doesn't care about circles guys stop talking to my daddy we need to focus on our base he's a goner yeah stop talking to me yep he's goner I'm not a go guys I'm not a goner we'll set up your funeral Marty it's going to be very sad well I'm going to I'm going to set up your funerals yeah all right guys so obviously we want our base to be surrounded by a huge circle right I figured we could just make our base A whole circle how do we even do that though just follow my lead all right Daisy I guess we're following you just going to break all this dirt a there we go wao this is looking like a giant Circle Daisy yeah now we can just build it up ooh I want to help there we go just going to build a big circle do we want to have more than one Circle yes we need as many circles as we possibly can in the world okay so let's just build it out like this okay and then here here one here ooh and just repeat it wait I have a good idea what about for the ceiling we make it like a glass Dome ooh we could do that isn't that kind of circly I think domes are Circle all right there we go I'm going to build up the Dome there we go oh yeah this is looking sick we're going to have the best Fortress ever yeah the seab bear is not going to want to mess with us at all all right there we go I'm just going to put a top to this circle and boom wo that came out so good wo this looks so good and then we'll just put a doorway right here what should we put for the floor um hm that's a good question I really like this block so I want to use this one yeah I want this really good it's like a mble wa guys our base is coming out awesome wait Daisy how tall are you making this Tower um I want it to be really tall are you sure yeah I think it'll look really nice all right I'm going to put an iron door in the front because it needs to be super secure there we go iron door let's go that looks awesome all right guys I I have a crazy idea okay I'm putting a giant circle around our already Circle base that's a really good idea then you can't even get close yep yep exactly wait a minute I have a better idea I'm going to make the circle out of lava that is going to be super secure ooh like a lava Mo yep exactly Gooby making a circular lookout tower a circular lookout tower yep it's going to be so tall and it's going to be so big wow that seems pretty insane yep so just look out there and maybe just shoot the bear if he comes um I don't think we should shoot any bear if it comes it's just going to make it super angry this lava MO is coming out awesome oh yeah it's going to be the biggest circle you've ever seen in your life just make sure it's a circle not an oval wait why what happens if it's an oval I heard seab Bears hate ovals they hate ovals well I think mine is starting to look like a circle it's better uh kind of looks like a jelly bean what a Jelly Bean really yeah well you know what if it's not a perfect circle at least if the seab bear gets close to it it's going to get really burnt there we go connect these boom check it out that looks like a circle okay maybe it doesn't look like a circle dang it it's going to be really hard to make it a circle nope I got it I got it give the best Circle you've ever seen your life it better be or well all going to die okay my Lookout towel is finished nice Gooby Daisy how is yours coming along I think mine looks awesome ooh is he going to be better than go though I mean look at it yeah look at it it's definitely wor not I don't know I think Daisy has you beat Gooby sorry what she just better than you I looks like a super cool towel exactly that's why it's better no mine looks like that oh yeah I don't know okay I got does look pretty cool thanks Gooby okay guys now my circle is completed and it actually looks like a circle let's go this thing is going to be so protected that's going to be very secure see bear is not going to want to come here now all right Daisy I'm going to help you build this tower now cuz this one needs to look better well what do we put on it um I don't know we need to do the same thing you did over here oh okay it's really easy um I don't really know how you did that though well just outline it in stairs all right I can do that my I'm going to put some security around your house what do you mean security just to make sure if the barar comes over here uh it's it just dies oh that's a nice thing that's really nice of you gooby okay yep yep I'm just going to help you all right you like my Treehouse M yeah yeah it looks actually pretty good thank you see I Bears they can't climb so this makes sense uh yeah Bears can't climb uh that's right yep old trick in the book well just be careful where you set myy okay okay yeah for sure I don't know what you're adding but it better be good oh it will be something pretty explosive ooh nice maybe we can kill that thing what the heck did you just go add to my daddy's base why are you helping him uh so wait I just put some mines down so that if the SE belar gets all over way over there it blows up what you put mines oh my gosh scoby that's going to be so funny yeah my dad's going to blow up let's go M's just going to run away from the seab right into a mine all right Gooby well let's continue working on our base we still need to make it a little bit better especially the inside I think we need a fence out here cuz he can just jump over this lava with you all right sure you could add a fence yes there was all right guys I think inside we need to add rooms for rush we don't have much space yes we do we have a ton of space where like this is going to be all me I'm going to just build this like this here we go or what we can do is add all of our beds in the big main room this could be like the main area maybe this is like the kitchen and living room and all that stuff okay I like that I like that I have an idea wait what are you doing Daisy oh my goodness that's actually so smart we just make a bunker I like it let's do it yes all right all right guys while you work on that I'm going to work on decorating this main entrance and I got a lot of cool ideas all right I'm going to start by adding all these armor stands and then I'm going to put a bear hat on all of them because we collect the seab bear heads heck yeah all right now I'm just going to add some doors here some doors here and we just got to get some pressure plates oh yeah that looks really good I start of a really good idea what is it Gooby I'm going to make a circular roller coas all around our base oh wait that's actually kind of smart yep cuz seales hate circles and so we can just ride around it and then just protect our from there that's going to be the safest roller coaster ever you should definitely make that Gooby yes okay I'm going to make it attach to Lookout all right good idea I'm making the Armory room so I'm adding a bunch of armor and weapons that's going to be really good to protect us oh yeah this is looking amazing this is going to be the gun wall oh yeah just going to add a bunch of these guns there we go all right we we need more guns I need that one this one and the shotgun nice the gun walls looking beautiful ooh guys I just found a bunch of bear traps should I place them down the front yes ooh this is going to be so good since it's a seab bear then the bear is going to get trapped in the bear trap that's like the perfect defense yep it's going to work amazing I'm just going to add them going all the way around the lava Circle Oh Daddy what are you doing over there I'm making an ouse what what the heck are you actually making this is where I'm going to go poopy wait so what is this right here that's my my tree base oh tree base okay can't poop in a tree well Daddy don't you think the seab bear is going to climb up here they can't climb they're fish and did you ever think that it wasn't a circle circles don't matter yes they do daddy oh my goodness you're going to die I'm I'm not going to die you guys are crazy you're dead daddy I'm not dead you're dead let me just place my bear traps in peace our rooms are done to be decorated ooh I want to decorate my room wo oh Gooby this roller coaster is coming out crazy as well yep it's going to be a super awesome roller coaster uhoh uhoh I just St in the baar swap ouch ouch ouch it's fine just reset it just reset it and get away from it I think you're going to live Gooby that was close that was very close and almost got stuck being a bale for level nope that's not what that does oh my goodness all right Daisy I'm coming down to help down here wa this looks insane thanks you just have to pick a room um I think I want this first room yeah this looks awesome Gooby when you're done making the road coaster you have to make your bed okay I'm almost done all right well hurry up all right let's see where can I add my bed right here ooh I'm going to add a bunch of wood as well looks really good there we go we're going to do something like this and like this and now we just need some trap doors wow look how awesome my bed came out I'm going to be so nice and comfy in here all right since I don't have too much room I'm not going to add too much detail but I'm going to add a little Shelf over here ooh I got to get some plushies wo oh I got to get bear plushies obviously there we go stick those up there yeah take that C Bear and then over here maybe I'll put a little desk ooh this is looking pretty nice then I'll get a little gaming setup like that I'll get a nice chair this chair will look nice ooh then I'll put down a little pot with the plant in it wow that looks so good ooh I could also get a doggy my roller coaster is almost finished oh yeah well I have a doggy right now oh and I just made him yellow I want a doggy no you're not allowed to have a doggy I'm the only one why you look so cute because my doggy doesn't like anyone besides me I can get my own doggy then well thing is my doggy doesn't really like other doggies so fine then I'll get a kitty ooh the thing is my dog doesn't really like kitties either you know what whatever my room is coming out amazing ooh I should add like a chandelier that would be sick like a big light hanging from the ceiling yeah that's what I'm going to do ooh or I can make this look like a fan wait how I do this um ooh check this out yep that looks like a fan that looks so sick all right guys my room is done Daisy you want to come see my room yeah I'll come look at it wa your room is pretty awesome you have a guitar oh my goodness this is actually sick thanks well check out my room it's came out pretty cool wo doggy yep it's pretty cool I told you is really awesome hi doggy wait I'm going to add a door like you had there we go just going to do something like this and now I'm just going to break these and voila I got an amazing door it looks really good in here yeah it looks really awesome Gooby have you started your room yet nope but I finished my roller coas so who wants to take a wi I do I do I do pick me okay well hold on I just need to change this one thing right here how do I get onto the roller coaster got come to Lookout okay I'm in your Lookout Okay just grab a little cart from that right there okay and get on there and get ready to go okay here I go give me a push oh my gosh this is crazy oh gosh I'm going really fast Gooby this a crazy roller coaster waa you going so high up oh my goodness Gooby I'm going all the way to the tippity top here I go and we that was fun oh yeah and now you want Lookout wow Gooby that was actually really good look I even see your daddy over there hi M your base sticks all right well that was kind of mean your base isn't even inside what do you mean it's not inside it's not even Circle it's on a tree you guys like my hat what the heck why are you wearing your hat like that emoi cuz I'm wearing it in a goofy fashion I don't think the the Sea Bear is going to like it oh well Daddy I heard that seab bears really don't like when people wear sombreros like that well I was told the opposite I I was told that they don't like it so that means they won't come near me no Daddy I think they going to want to eat you and take it off your head no that's so stupid look I'll even sing him a song no Daddy you shouldn't sing Daddy all here we go seab bear oh seab bear you smell really bad you look like a hippopotamus if he was going mad oh no guys you think I should sing another one I think that one was really good Daddy stop singing Daddy stop behind you Daddy behind you you want to sing about it behind Okay I can sing about it behind uh no daddy seab bear behind so ugly it smells like a SE oh my goodness oh god oh gosh bye Marty oh my God guys what was that that was a SE I told you yeah Daddy the seab bear just killed you you cannot sing songs and you can't wear a goofy hats what who's making these rules up it wasn't part of the story well now it is Daddy yep that's exactly where the swack the seil well I got rid of of it haha you happy Sea Bear it's gone oh my gosh this is so stupid yeah you might want to add a couple of cirles to your B I'm not ining a stupid Circle Gooby no circles are allowed in my house well you know what Gooby you know what I'm going to do right now this is what I'm going to do right now I'm going to go out here like an idiot I'm going to act like a seab bear oh this is me oh look at me I'm jumping and stomping on the like a big old SE bear no Sea Bear still like that I want to do that behind you daddy oh no not you again run daddy run let's play R learn oh gosh what was that watch out for the mines watch out for the mines Gooby you added mines to my house yes to protect you oh go oh no oh no my tree is going to go up by fire uhoh daddy that's not good oh God where's the seab bear where is he daddy's coming oh gosh not again another M how many mes did you place um I put down a lot so you can be nice and safe I'm not safe and secure this is not working Gooby God he's smelling me he's smelling I'm going to go in the bathroom oh my gosh than got I'm in the bathroom at least I have my uh my safety cheese when I when I'm nervous I get to eat it wait daddy you said you have cheese yeah why what's up with cheese oh God see Bears atte cheese daddy oh gosh oh gosh take the cheese take the cheese take the cheese I want it Daddy you also have another issue your house is kind of on fire no no it's not it's not on fire oh my God it's burning down oh no this is not good put it out daddy I'm going to go up there I got to go up there oh no oh no it's breaking it's breaking well Daddy at least our base is nice and safe seab Bears don't even want to come over here yeah cuz we didn't make it out of wood and there's a lot of circles I made it to the top I think I'm safe Daddy the fire slowly coming up uh the seab Bear's up here too at me oh God you're going to die I got to jump for it I got to jump for it uh in the bathroom nope nope I made it I made it he can't get me Daddy he literally following you what if I say like a love song I don't think he'll like that Daddy the only way to make the seab bear stop killing you is to get inside a circle well there's no circles here oh God I'm mean bathtub find one daddy bathtub is like an oval sit on the toilet oh yeah yeah yeah oh that's a good idea Daisy that's really good I'm on the toilet look I'm in a circle yeah yeah oh yeah big stupid bear what are you what are you breaking what are you breaking for I'm on Circle leave me alone he doesn't like the square well okay well he doesn't have to like the square I mean I'm not doing anything wrong Daddy I think he's he's backing away daddy you did it yes yes leave me alone you weird seab bear nice daddy all you got to do is just sit on that toilet for the rest of your life and then you'll be survived guys I I think the Bear's gone can I come in your base wow daddy now you want to come inside our base huh look at mine mine's on fire and there was there was mines that blew it up yeah well you didn't put any circles so do you believe in the circles yes I believe in the circles please let me in okay you have to say one nice thing about each of us ooh I like that that's worse than the seab bear oh well I guess you want to get eaten yep daddy can't come inside our house then uh may I could just jump over in there no Daddy I will kill you I think I can do it I think I can do it why it's very dangerous uh ooh ooh I found the way in I found the way in Daddy come on really I got this I'm going to jump right over those bear traps don't worry all right Daddy good luck how am I going to do this I'm in looks like going back that way Daddy no stop stop going back that way daddy ow ow I'm dying I'm dying yep daddy you should die okay F I'll say one nice thing about you guys I'll say something I'll say something nice um Gooby you're not as stupid as I think you are uh thank you Daisy you smell like SpongeBob how about that what and Johnny your hat doesn't look weird yay I like that one that a good one what does SpongeBob even smell like uh I'm not going to tell you I don't think that's nice enough what you want something nicer than SpongeBob I love SpongeBob he smells like crabby patties yeah he does he does like C patties okay fine I like your pink hair thank you all right daddy you can come inside now oh no ah what the heck Daddy really Daddy come inside check out our Sea Bear prooof base wao what is this you got Bear hats yep and I think everyone should take one because if the bear comes back will be super protected and then also in this chest I have golden apples and netherite swords for us nice I want some of those wao and there's some guns here too o I want a gun uh what kind of gun do I want I want this gun I'm going to take the pistol I'll take one of these and one of these make sure you guys have ammo though you need a bunch of ammo yep that works o I need some good weapons too I need a bazooka I need the grenade laer ooh Daddy come downstairs I want to show you my room ooh let's see check this out Daddy M underground bunker oo all right see daddy look check it out isn't it really cool boring I want see everyone else's room well D look at goobie's room this Gooby room yeah do you think this is boring very boring all right let's see Daisy's room oh yeah this is the best room yet really daddy my room's better no I think this room's the best yeah my room's awesome oh yeah well check out what Gooby made on top it's a roller coaster Daddy I saw I saw him uh going around like a big dummy hey I I walk really hard on that well yeah Dad that's pretty much base right now do you like it okay yeah it's pretty good but it's not really circular yes it is daddy look every single one of these rooms are big circles and outside there's a big lava Circle technically it's an oval no it's a circle it looks very ovally whatever daddy better than your poopy base I'm very angry that is an oval guys I think the sea Bear's talking to us he thinks your lava is an oval I told you it's not an oval it's clearly a c Circle I mean that that's what I was going for oh guys we have a lot of seab bears outside uhoh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm going up to the Watchtower kill them guys kill them I'm trying it's an army of seab bears I think they got the whole family Yep they're really mad about the eggs shoot them shoot them oh I'm destroying them I'm destroying them I got to come up to the lookout cow too yeah this is the best spot to shoot the seab bears oh God no I ran out of ammo Come on load load load load loadad take that stupid she bear I'm going crazy oh my god daddy you're going crazy too I'm sick and tired of these damn Bears misfire another misfire what sorry Daddy you not sorry Daddy I keep hitting you Daddy I'm sorry where the heck are you where are you where are you I'm above you how are you above me um because I'm above you cuz we have a lookout towel yeah I'm in the lookout tower but he's above me on top of my lookout tower hey Daddy oh man I miss firing ow ow guys I think we killed them all let's go no more seab bears going to attack us yeah stupid Bears uh-oh uh wait a minute what is that it's a me and Sea Bear uhoh uhoh oh my God oh my God oh my God kill it why are they so tanky Oh no just a bunch of them I don't know oh my gosh has three heads and there's blood on it guys use your guns kill it I use my rocket launcher my goodness uhoh uhoh good job Gooby I might break Camp Sunshine I think I see a bear on my daddy's base on top of my daddy's base kill it yeah nice what do you mean there's there's one up there yep daddy we had to shoot it and kill it oh who yeah we got to protect it hey no there's actually one up there now they're living in my house guys they're getting close to me yes there is Daddy the seab Bears are taking it over we got to destroy it okay someone just hit me Oh Daddy what what do you want from me hey there's a seab bear behind you it's me no it's you go get him daddy go in with a sword you want me to go in with her fine I'll go in with a sword I don't care uh-oh there SE bears come here stupid Sea Bear no Gooby it broke your roller coaster oh these stupid sea Bears broken you SE Bears goofy you built with infested Stone what's that here what buil with oh my gosh silverfish you're making this harder for us Gooby oh oops ow what am I dying to Gooby oh well you died from Gooby right there daddy yeah I wasn't a stupid seab bear I'm throwing grenades everyone take cover oh no the bills there's the bill cover ouch ouch ouch wait what where where where oh my gosh oh my gosh this is actually getting bad if you see a bear shoot it obviously who's throwing grenades who's ning who's ning you're throwing them at me no I'm not no I'm not it was only like one of them oh you guys see be behind you hey Daddy that was you yeah I know it was me that was you daddy take that ow ow ow ow I will light you up okay Daddy truce let me get a couple more nades in there take that stupid CH bear wait guys did we kill them all I think they're all gone I don't see anymore all right throw a couple nades up there there we go make sure they're not in my daddy's house at all they're not up there just got to make sure daddy oh you guys we should go to the nest we should blow up the nest ooh Daddy good idea let's go let's go go go go you still got that bazooka Gooby o yes all right get ready to light them up I see them there's a lot of them just throw the nukes in there I'm going daddy do it again again he went out oh yeah you like that oh God I dropped a grenade I I blew myself up Daddy I blew myself up it was it was a misfire a bunch of idiots this is why you don't play with grenades well guys it looks like we blew up the whole nest and there's no more seab bears yes we did it woohoo well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now guys behind us run run
Channel: Johnny Minecraft
Views: 592,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SEABEAR vs The Most Secure House In Minecraft!, cash, family friendly, no bad words, minecraft, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, kid friendly, aphmau, skit, cash vs nico, Minecraft, minecraft family, minecraft build to survive, omz, minecraft funny, elemental minecraft, minecraft elemental, zombie shark minecraft, secure house, maizen, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, ssundee, seabear, sea bear circle, sea bear attack, sea bear spongebob, sea bear minecraft
Id: IWOo9Bf3KUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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