SML Movie: The Lamp!

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alright guys it's time to eat your cereal you all-bran wheat Pleiku this grows chef peepee we're not 80 years old yeah chef peepee this cereals gross I know it is but you need to start eating healthy why can't we eat Cookie Crisp it's cookies favorite fish yeah that's the point it's just cookies for breakfast all it is is sugar you've better Maggie that damn cookie krisp oh I'm gonna tell your dad oh okay chef peepee we won't eat it yeah cool you got the stuff no I got the stuff yeah we're meatball oh wait hold on let me get this all bread out of the way all brand more like not the brand of cereal I'll spend my money on at a store for ya yeah not my brand Cody get the pour it oh man I love cookie crisps call me - dude okay if something any year one more cereal no man yeah look it's a treasure map what treasure map dude what do you think the map leads to treasure Junior it's a treasure map well what kind of treasure I don't know uh what's it say is there anything on the back let me look oh yeah there's a lot of stuff back here what there's like a lot of words and paragraphs and sentences well it's just covered in well what's it say well it says that this map leads to a magic lamp that'll grant three wishes whoever finds it wishes oh yeah it says all kinds of stuff it's just it's just covered in words I mean but Wow all the words just disappeared whenever you put it down on the table it disappeared really yeah oh my god they came back what well that's so weird whenever you put it down on the table all the words just disappear but whenever I'm holding it like this I can see all the words wow this is a whole bunch of stuff back here well let's go get that stupid lamp then come on dude okay but how do we read this man yeah where do we start oh no let's just use Google Maps yeah that sounds good yeah yeah no it's like five minutes away oh hi do the map the map the map um the man you're singing that song you're not a map he has the easiest lyrics though I'm the map I'm the map are we almost there yeah it says we have to go in there whoa okay I mean that seems kind of cool yeah I guess let's go inside hmm oh it's really dark he's pretty dude like this we need that lamps we can get wishes right yeah all right Cody you lead the way okay okay guys Google Maps says the lamps in there inside that dark scary hallway yeah dude I don't want to go in there I don't want to die well Joseph you're poor what do you have to live for anyways well you're right dude so get in there get the lamp I'm not going in there by my show Cody go Joseph I'm not going in there you're a scaredy-cat scaredy-cat you go in there then well it's really dark and scary it's really echoey Junior what the hell is that that was a baby eagle you don't even want to hear an adult ego sounds like no I don't what is that like dude that was Midori go okay cool how about you just go in there and get the lamp harder come on let's go oh wait wait wait wait one more thing before you go in what you can't pick up anything other than the lamp what why not well there's gonna be a bunch of shiny jewels and stuff and if you pick up anything but the lamp you're gonna die so only pick up the lamp okay fine we'll only get the lamp come on Joseph weird about your skinny dork Oh Joseph it's really dark and scary in here I know dude wait what's that jewel isn't a Joseph wait what the coulee says we touch it we die all but it's worth the millions of dollars all about to get wishes and we can wish for all the money we want you're right dude so don't touch it oh there's the lamp Oh grab dude here you begin okay well what is it dude you heard Cody you're right it's not worth dying over but oh my god I love it you take the stupid lamp okay and I'll grab the Poli kodiak's what then why did they try to kill you pollito DX what Junior you risked your life for a Pokemon card it's super rare that's super cool I love Paul is you could have just wished for it with the lamp well now we have the lamp and the Pokemon card so let's go home there's no reason to complain we're all alive oh man I can't believe we got the lamp pollito DX I can't believe you risked your life for a pokemon card it was so worth it alright so how do we get all wishes well you just rub the lamp and then the genie comes out and grants your wishes all right so what part of the land dry rub I read the shaft alright yeah faster let's get this over with whoa whoa Jaime do it so cool oh do we got a witness yeah you get three wishes I get three wishes yeah you're the one who rubbed the lamp well I get three wishes we dude I'm the one that carried it out I should get three wishes wait I found the treasure map in the cereal box well I'm the one who said we should go get the lamp whoa I went in there too I went in the cave with you yeah oh he didn't go so it me and Joseph to get the wish look hey I found that cave in the first place yeah but I said we should go that doesn't matter Junior we would have just done without you well I so help I that's all okay okay okay everybody shut up you're giving me a headache how about this you each get one wish oh I mean that is kind of fair we all get one oh can we wish for more wishes no no no wishing for more wishes what can I wish that I can wish for more wishes no no you can't do that either well can I wish that a genie would let me wish for more wishes no no look if you keep this [ __ ] up you're not getting any wishes I'm going back in the lamp and I'm leaving okay well what if I wish for more lamps no no listen listen you say one more thing about wishing for more lamps or more genies or long wishes and I'm out of here okay hurry this up I got things to do okay okay well what if I wished that I could be my own genie and all the wishes I want No No stop it stop doing that no more wishes just wish for what you want to wish for okay does anybody know what they want to wish for oh I think I do dude what wait should I ask for my mom to come back or should I ask to be rich well I wouldn't ask for your mom to come back cuz you just run away again no you're right dude I would wish to be rich oh yeah okay TV I think I know what I want my wish to be I wish I was rich stupid rich huh yeah oh yeah Joseph he's stupid well why they made him stupid and rich stupid rich you get it so Joseph stupid for the rest of his life well he will be unless you want to waste the wish putting him back to normal look at waste my wish fixing Joseph that was his stupid wish all right Cody what are you gonna wish for and I don't know Junior these wishes are kind of scary yeah I don't know I gotta be careful what I wish for oh hey Jeannie uh can I wish for toenail flavored pop-tarts uh yeah I guess is that an official wish no I just want to see if I could wish for that Oh who could I wish for Saturn to not have rings yeah you can wish for anything well can i wish for the world that he made of cheese kid you can wish for anything yeah well except for more wishes yes except for more wishes we're not doing that I don't know what to wish for there's so many things I want but I don't want to waste a wish on it yeah I guess I think it wish to be the hunkiest man in the world but [ __ ] I Eddie am oh I know Junior you want to make out no that's gay Genie I wish everyone in the world with this gay of me what no okay let's do this let's get it up boom Oh Cody I love making out with you this is the best day of my life alright not gonna ask you to before I have to join in alright you sexy little turtle what's your wish gonna be oh well it would be to make out with Cody some more yeah oh I'd wish for Cody to take his clothes off oh you don't have to wish for that I'll just do it Oh shucky be fine ass is coming Junior what is your sexy butt doing on this couch just sitting here why isn't it all my face cuz I'm giving it a sexy Cody yeah yeah like that well guess what I saw in the kitchen a reflection of your tight butt yes but I also saw three bowls of cookie crisps and I told you you can't eat that it's unhealthy so guess what i'ma tell your daddy now bend over no I'm already bidding over Cody yeah oh there's no sherry it's all for me where you know is that you're so mad about Cookie Crisp I know what I want my wish to be hey Jeannie I wish all the food in the world was Cookie Crisp wait wait you know if you weren't so sexy I wouldn't do that cuz it's such a stupid wish but you are pretty sexy so let's do this boom Wow Junior all food is now cookie Chris why would you make a stupid wish like that you sexy bastard wait that means we used all our wishes yep that means I can finally get the hell out of here and move out of my way all right I'm getting in this lamp and I'm gonna disappear forever I'm never gonna see any of your stupid sexy butt Severn here I go so he's gone forever yeah Junior we used all the wishes you know what I'm going to go tell your sexy dad what just happened and probably do some other things with them wait so all food is Cookie Crisp mouth yeah Junior cuz that's what you wished for well let's go in the kitchen to make sure let's check the refrigerator oh no the blueberries have their cookie crisps look at the boy that's Cookie Crisp do look at the milk its Cookie Crisp Junior shut the eggs Junior it's cookie Chris well Chuck like the gobots there was chicken tenders Junior I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Cookie Crisp yep it's cookie Chris oh no but here coming sexy chef peepee what chef baby what's your sexy but one I couldn't get your fine booty up on my line so I bought you a happy meal I can't we need a cheeseburger can you it's just gonna be cool Chris Chris yeah jr. it's called it's all Cookie Crisp now so no more cheeseburgers no more cheeseburgers it's just cookie Chris no more chicken nuggets no jr. cookie Christmas the only food no it's all cookie Chris the stupidest wish yeah I know jr. it's like it was a bad idea oh you know Cody I just want go on the couch and make out with you okay yeah so my sexy cookie Chris wasn't good enough for your gorgeous body no no I go make out with sexy Cody yeah hey Cody before we make out I'm gonna turn on the news why because I heard the anchor is really sexy okay time for diabetes because they eating nothing but cookie crisps now if you excuse me I'm gonna some cookie crisps well everybody's dying yeah jr. everyone's getting diabetes they're eating nothing but sugar cookie krisp doesn't have any nutrients or protein so people are all starving to death so I ruined the world yeah you did I can't believe it made that stupid wish what is that I ordered a pizza earlier why because I want pizza I don't want Cookie Crisp well it's gonna be Cookie Crisp anyway well maybe Peter still exists it doesn't uh hello oh dear God please tell me you don't have money to pay as you can pay in other ways well I do have money but we can still do other things oh yeah I'll come back over after my shift now you take this pizza I'll take you later bye see you later Cody get your sexy butt in here what do you want Junior I got my delicious pepperoni pizza Junior it's just gonna be cookie Chris are you sure are you sure about to be a pepperoni you know I'd rather even eat all bring you all grand you know what pour me a bowl that all bread oh my god Junior what those are all the Dragon Balls Dragon Balls yeah will you put them all together you can summon a dragon that grants wishes really yeah okay well look them all together and we can wait for everything to go back to normal well at least we can wish me the food to go back to home oh yeah okay let's put all together the dragon from Dragon Ball Z whoa that is so cool and you grant wishes only one wish only one wish well can I wish yeah yeah you better not wish for my wishes do you well dragon from Dragon Ball Z we only have one wish and that wish is for everything to go back to normal look wait well well not everything we're not everything I don't want to be gay anymore I want joséphine normal and we're all the food to go back you know that's what we want well your wish is granted oh man I'm glad everything's back to normal I'm not this sucks everyone was gay the world was a better place it was awesome I actually like Cookie Crisp man maybe I shouldn't wish to be stupid rich yeah you could just ask to be rich or you could just give me a billion dollars you're not to say stupid rich that was really stupid Joseph no you have any way the world's good like this you know we didn't need that stupid lamp anyway and I think the best thing out of this is I still got the pollito [Music]
Channel: SLL
Views: 24,087,279
Rating: 4.7668524 out of 5
Keywords: fun, supermariologan, sml, movie, the lamp, superluigilogan, bowser jr, bowser junior, friends, cody, joseph, lamp, genie, wishes, wish, money, cash, cookies, chef, puppet, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, laugh, plush, nintendo, logan, junior
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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