SML Movie: Final Destination!

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all right all our bags are packed oh Marvin I'm so excited to go to St Louis Missouri if we're going to Missouri why you dress like you're going to the beach because we are going to the beach Marvin there's no beach in St Louis Marvin prepare to be wrong check this out what's that right next to the arch that's right it's a beach can you imagine floating in a pool floaty and looking up at the arch I think that's Heaven Marvin well that looks like a river yeah the Mississippi I can't wait to go snorkling and eat Mexican food oh Marvin they have the best Mexican food I I swear it's like they hop the border and come straight to St Louis so you've been to St Louis before yeah we go every summer Bo says it's the cheapest Beach you can go to yeah it's amazing Marvin see in the picture there's nobody else there it's like having your own private beach just for you and also that barge okay well why don't we go somewhere more tropical like Oklahoma Marvin everybody's going to be swimming in the beaches of Oklahoma this time of year you know where they're not going to be St Louis Missouri okay well let's not miss our flight grab your bags yeah we got to hurry up we have a South West flight and it's like riding a bus there's no assigned seating it's just first come first serve so we might not actually even be sitting together I swear if I get seated next to a crying baby I'm going to punch it in the face well if you punch it's going to cry more not if I punch it hard enough Marvin just kidding but maybe I'm not come on let's go how lucky of us that we all get to sit together in one row I know isn't it great Morphin Danny what would happen if the plane crash into a building Jeffy don't say St like that what happened three times almost four Jeffy that was a long time ago yeah Jeffy it's not going to happen so shut up all right one more question how do we know that the pilot did didn't catch his wife cheating on him and he's about to crash the plane on purpose to get back at life well I'm starting to freak out Jeffy calm down come down that's not going to happen they screen the pilots every every day I think I hate sitting in the middle seat and I'm sitting next to a baby fungus sit down what the [ __ ] you named your baby fungus well would you like to sit next to fungus no she likes the window seat okay well do you want to switch seats with me so I can sit on the end and you can sit with fungus no I like the aisle seat that makes [ __ ] sense Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama I I think it wants your attention mama that's okay she's self soothing she'll calm down in 30 minutes to an hour oh that is [ __ ] perfect hey you think you could cry louder I don't think my eard drums have ruptured yet where how do you like it where can I get y'all anything before take off yeah I'd like a bomb so I can blow this plane up Sir you can't say bomb on an airplane oh sorry well can I at least get some earplugs then oh shoot I just gave away my last pair oh well those people also sitting next to a screaming baby I don't think so yeah I'm sure they needed it way more than I do oh one more thing um hypothetically if I were to punch this baby would I still be able to go to St Louis no okay I really want to see that art okay that's it shut up shut up baby shut up give you something to cry about you stupid that baby sounds like it's getting murdered hey what go back to your seat um I just punched a baby over there and now the flight attendant is saying I have to switch seats would any of y'all mind switching seats with him uh Rose you want to switch seats with him sure I'll sit by baby wait really I get a window seat I got to start punching babies more often oh Marvin this is the perfect way to start a vacation in St Louis Missouri I'm on a Southwest flight right next to my best buddy hey Morphin what do you think the odds are that the flight attendant will suck me off in the bathroom what no no I'm just kidding that's crazy that's crazy that wouldn't happen it's crazy but maybe right no no I wouldn't let it get that far I wouldn't do that this is your captain speaking I just want everyone to know that last night I caught my wife cheating on me with three black guys so you're going to have to bear with me prepare the cabin for take off Marvin it sounds like the Captain's having a rough day but don't worry he'll cheer right up as soon as we land in St Louis Missouri happiest place on Earth bpy take off well it's really really bump really bumpy takeoff I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm getting crush it what it's going to be F wait minute what happened wait I thought I punched you can I get y'all anything before take off you already asked us that no I didn't yes you did this is your captain speaking I just want everyone to to know that last night I caught my wife cheating on me with three black guys so you're going to have to bear with me prepare the cabin for take off wait wait wait a minute that that means that means this plane's going to crash I need to get off this plane wait wait wait come on Marvin Marvin Ro chy Marvin Marvin Jeffy Rose I just had a vision that this plane is going to crash it's going to crash yeah I had a that so raven moment we need to get off this plane okay what about your wife oh yeah Karen we're leaving come on let's go oh hey look at that I left my bag see isn't it good that we got off that plane why' you make us get off the plane we missed our flight yeah what the hell is going on Bo yeah what the hell is going on Bo well I had a vision that the plane was going to crash you Daydream the plane crashing until you made us all miss our vacation no it wasn't a Daydream it was really realistic like I punched this baby in the face and then I came in set with Marvin and then the pilot said he was sad and then he crashed the plane it sounds like you fell asleep in your seat and had a bad dream no trust me I could not have fallen asleep with that baby screaming at me Bo you ruined us some a vacation yeah okay well you guys are going to thank me when that plane crashes I think that plane's going to crash planes don't crash anymore planes are very safe look the news breaking news k a plane during takeoff drove off the Runway and crashed into a building killing all 180 passengers on board oh my God how horrible those poor people yes yes I was right yes face face face face oh yeah you guys didn't believe me but then I whipped out the dick of Truth and I was like all over you guys oh yeah I was like the plane's going to crash and you were like nuh and then you know what happened it blew up it crashed and yes I know I'm being a little insensitive because 180 people died but I know five [ __ ] who didn't right Marvin right we are alive yes because of me because of how right I was I'm totally going to use this at parties I'm going to be like hey you know that plane that crashed I was on it until I got off because I had a bad feeling I like making stuff about me you know like whenever I see a car accident on the news and I'm like I drive on that street all the time that totally could have been me but it wasn't but I'm still going to make a Facebook post about how it could have been yummy the likes oh God I love being right so much okay Karen come on let's go home and you make me dinner to celebrate how right I am I cannot believe we just escaped death all right B get taquitos will be ready in about 20 minutes yummy taquitos I like those I know you do Bo oh Bo who's dollar and one penny is this on the counter it's mine Karen don't touch it okay well I'm just going to move it out of my way oh oh oh no bo bo I dropped your penny down the garbage disposal well you better get it God damn it that's a 1997 Penny I like that year okay Pon oh oh oh oh it's so deep oh it's so deep oh deep oh my God that's so hot oh that's so hot oh no oh no I'm so sorry damn Karen what's all that screaming about if you burnt the Taquito we can always just get Uber Eats Karen oh oh God you definitely burn the taito it smells like a burning body well Karen I'm going to go over to Marvin's house definitely not a strip club it's definitely going to be Marvin's house no strip clubs for me just Marvin okay Marvin it's just so sad those people died today we could have died I know but we didn't we got off the plane so just be grateful we're alive hey look how high I'm jumping Jeffy no jumping on the trampoline in the living room oh trampoline dick B jumping down and [ __ ] seriously Jeffy people lost their lives there's no mood to jump on a trampoline right now we're jumping on a trampoline makes me feel better dang how high you think I can jump oh my God what what what happened Marvin I didn't see Jeffy was jumping on the trampoline he got decapitated for the S fan oh my God Jeff yeah that more that what do we do I'm going to go take a bath a bath yes I'm going to take a bath because I'm sad you don't take a bath if you see someone die Morgan it's my sad bath time I don't know what I'm going to do I got to call no11 why do I call no11 he's already dead there's no saving of him he's dead his head's completely off what do I do [Music] oh this bath is making me feel so much better oh I'm going to watch Tik Tok on my phone hey buddy I think my wife burned dinner you want to come to the strip club with me I just saw my son get decapitated by a ceiling fan well that's why we don't put trampolines under ceiling fans there you go buddy what did we learn you don't care that my son is dead well listen you're not the only one dealing with the dead body okay I'm pretty sure my wife fell into an oven and got cooked to death you saw that happen to her well I didn't see it but I heard it I didn't want to see it because I didn't want to be traumatized but I'm also kind of freaking out because I saw this movie called Final Destination where some people avoid dying in a plane crash and then they start dying in freak accidents and I'm pretty sure that's what's happening to us because my wife is dead your son is dead and I don't see your wife so I'm assuming she's dead too my wife might be dead yeah probably so I figure if we're going to die anyway we might as well die at the strip club right I mean what's the worst that could happen there a stripper's ass is too fat and it engulfs my head and I suffocate or I'm sucking on titties and they're too fat and I suffocate that sounds like a pretty good Death To Me Marvin yeah I guess the best place to die is a strip club yeah exactly so um how are we going to get there well we can take my car no no no cars there's a car accident in Final Destination 2 and it's horrible a log wases Through a Windshield no I don't want to deal with that okay um do you have a bike no because then if the chain breaks it might slit our throat and I don't want to do that either why don't we just walk no no cuz we could get hit by a car or lightning or another plane no it's no good we can just call an Uber right yes yes that's a good idea I don't think death would kill an innocent Uber driver just to get to us good idea okay let me call the Uber let me get my bowling ball wait why are you bringing a bowling ball to a strip club because there's a bowling alley at the strip club Marvin it's called tens and pins cuz you can look at tens while you're knocking down pins it's great oh okay the Uber's almost here oh last one there is a rotten egg no no I'm going down there oh no fair I got to roll my ball I'm going to make it to the Uber first I'm not going to be a rotten egg I'm going to catch you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] watch out ouch oh yeah yeah that would happen yeah I am definitely in a final destination movie I really got to get to this strip club oh man I am ready to die yes I am oh hey what's your name I'm Brooklyn guy great what are you doing here oh I'm just looking for something to kill me oh my God are you depressed no I'm in a pretty good mood I just know I'm going to die soon oh is it like cancer no no it's going to be a freak accident oh are you a psychic well maybe I did have a vision earlier that helped me avoid a plane crash oh my God that's so cool hey can I give you money to do stuff to me sure but I have to tell you I have HIV there it is that's how it's going to get me I'm looking death in the face yep I can't cheat death twice you know what I don't even think I want to this is how I die hey not touching the lce oh no I paid oh no [ __ ] no not like this oh come on on no it was supposed to be hot I was supposed to die in the titties it's not fair curse you cruel dad [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 4,073,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, final destination, puppet, puppets, marvin, rose, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan', sbl, joke, laugh, fun, plane crash, airplane, brooklyn guy, karen, airport, junior, joseph, cody
Id: yr8cDwAqfoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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