Smith & Wesson 686 357 Magnum: First Shots & Impressions

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[Applause] what's up guys this is the honest outlaw and today we're going to be doing kind of a special first shots we haven't shot a revolver on the channel in a while and you guys have been asking for revolver content so i thought i would bring you probably my favorite revolver and a revolver that i've had a lot of experience with in the past as far as as much experience as i've had with revolvers uh this is probably like 50 so this is actually a new smith and wesson 686 but i have owned one in the past and they are what i would consider to be probably the gold standard of revolver at least for me they're my personal favorite if i was going to use a revolver this would most likely be it believe it or not in a very similar configuration that it is now so you're not familiar with the 686 i would consider it to be one of the most reliable revolvers and everybody's like all revolvers are reliable no they're not things like colt pythons can have timing issues uh the tourists that we had on the channel woefully failed multiple times when they talk about revolvers and reliability they in my opinion they talk about smith and wesson and smith and wesson has been making great revolvers for a really long time the 686 is no exception this is a 357 magnum which will actually help you out quite a bit with the ammo shortage that we've been having lately this will accept not only 357 but it'll accept 38 and 38 plus p as well so uh if you're looking for ammunition on the shelves you can't find any nine millimeter maybe look into a revolver route because my personal experience i have not been to a gun shop that didn't have 357 or 38 special on the on the counter right away for you to buy so it doesn't hurt to have an old-school gun in the rotation and on top of that for for you gentlemen that think these are obsolete there are some huge detriments to a revolver but however today i hope to i'm not jerry mitchulec but i hope to show you that even a semi-automatic shooter can make effective use of a revolver especially in tight situations does have a limited capacity i am aware of that this is a six round cylinder they do make a seven round cylinder and there are eight rounds uh eight round revolvers available in 357 and a nine millimeter if you want to go that route however i personally like the classics and this is one of those that goes into my collection so i went with the standard issue six round version and this is built on the l frame uh which is a very durable frame and a very durable barrel with a long uh long shelf life you can fire a lot of rounds for this not to worry about any problems and on top of that you can shoot magnum loads through this without having to worry about it blowing up in your face which is pretty nice also comes with an adjustable rear sight a very long sight radius along with that six inch barrel you also have to take into account that a revolver has a very long cylinder as well so it's going to be a lot longer sight radius allowing you to get those accurate shots at distance it's going to be double single action so you can fire double action just like that or you can [ __ ] back in a single action and you can have a very very light and accurate trigger pull one of the reasons why a lot of bullseye shooters especially guys who just want to punch paper all day they lean toward the revolvers because they are inherently very accurate this one included comes with the hog over molded grip doesn't look as cool as those awesome wood grips but i do like how it feels and this is a duty use revolver for me like i said if i'm going to go out and shoot and i don't want to have any good looks or anything like that it does look good but i am going to roll over to the hog grips on revolvers i like that a lot instead of going in reverse like the colts it opens as it should uh smith and wesson uh really nailed down in my opinion the the cylinder opening uh motion for me it just feels very natural very intuitive and when i'm going to reload it what i do is press this come up and i grip like that and i uh feed the rounds like that there's a lot of different ways to uh reload a revolver i am no expert by the way but that is personally the way jerry mitchell does it and uh he's pretty good so i i follow his advice it also has a hd front sight there it's basically just kind of some orange paint really you could do that with some orange nail polish i've done that before believe it or not just raid your wife's uh makeup cabinet and just throw some on there however it's nice to have it from the factory and i do like contrast when it comes to sights it speeds up your ability to shoot quickly and to me that's important these are also backed by smith and wesson's lifetime warranty policy which is very nice the overall length on this guy is 11.9 inches so 12 inches quite a big old guy and it weighs 44 ounces so it is like i said a steel frame the whole gun is made out of stainless steel so it's going to be a little bit heavier probably not the gun that you're going to want for concealed carry although for home defense or just all around shooting and having fun it's a great gun for that and the weight really does reduce the recoil even with those 357 magnum loads so we have a mix of ammunition to shoot today i have got some 38 some 38 plus p remington and then we have a little bit of 357 magnum as well and we'll just kind of shoot it today and play around and my wife doesn't like revolvers but with any luck i might get her to shoot maybe a cylinder out of this and just see what she thinks we'll see all right so i haven't zeroed in the sights on this guy yet but we are going to try it here at about 80 yards and just see if we hit if not we'll move up and shoot of paper it's a little bit windy today sorry about that we got a storm rolling in iowa in september is either 80 degrees and sunny or eight below zero depending on what the weather feels like it's going to do that day and as always i was extremely windy so sorry about that well it's on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we're out a little flinch there so reloading videos is basically what a revolver video actually is usually when we uh do videos we try to get as many mags loaded as possible so i don't have to ramble in between shots but you're gonna have to deal with a little bit of rambling today [Applause] a little bit low i think [Applause] yep move up a little bit there we go so [Applause] so all right so now we'll try the double action at about 50 yards or so got a good one going on and we'll see how we do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so six for six is not so bad i thought revolvers and double action were inaccurate i thought that's what the internet told me couldn't quite possibly be that the internet's wrong it's almost like it's up to the shooter [Music] huh i'll be damned get my rick grimes on [Applause] [Music] do you fire six or did you fire six sorry i'm tired me too buddy there's very low enthusiasm going on right now low enthusiasm real low i had a big day yesterday oh boy on the plus side there's like 30 steel targets down there you thought i'd hit one by accident we'll try that left hand again [Music] [Music] there's some [ __ ] i don't practice very much right handed revolver shooting be kind of cool to be able to shoot ambi with a revolver that way you could do a wheeled or if you got your right hand chopped off you'd have your left hand what [Music] we're out gotta go get more just playing around i saw that oh [ __ ] it's gotta be off to the left side alright i'm trying to get used to speed reloading the revolver all right like half loading the cops they used to practice it a lot because i believe what happened it miami dade but uh basically just if you don't have time to load a full cylinder and i have never trained this by the way you just pop a few off [Applause] dump them out hit that one at like one o'clock or two o'clock flame that guy in pop it out slam that guy in pop it out like i said working through it right now i've never bothered to train it why revolver is not a why would you do that what do you mean what's the so the idea is let's say you [ __ ] your whole magazine or your whole cylinder and you see a [ __ ] coming at you with an axe or a machete or a pitchfork or something it's just getting to be halloween you don't have time to load the full cylinder you just put one round in and you load it right before where the cylinder meets and then when you [ __ ] it it's in there well all right the whole point i'm just kind of playing around morning half the time i use videos just to train yeah and when you train you're not always good true that and i like revolvers and lever actions and single shot breach actions and all that other stuff because i've shot semi-auto so much uh kind of gets old a little bit sometimes so it's fun to learn new things build new neural pathways and all that not too bad yeah [Applause] all right so don't make fun but my wife has never shot a revolver before so we're going to go through a couple of things loaded the cylinder up gave it to her hammer down double single action pistol revolver i should say so you have two options you can either shoot it double action where you just pull the trigger and it goes bang however that is a longer trigger pull the reason why is because it has to cycle the uh cylinder in there also so it's a little bit heavier it's a little bit harder to hit and it will definitely test your firearms mechanics cheap way easy way to do it is to manually cycle the hammer which will cycle the uh the cylinder there and it will give you a much lighter easier to hit trigger pull so you can choose which one you do double action is going to be faster because you can just bang but single action what i like to do is i like to take my left thumb and move it up and fan the hammer myself that way i don't have to remove my firing grip but then again i am no expert as you can tell by my camera work so you uh you do whatever you feel you want to do because it's just for fun is it in double yeah yeah i'm good to go are you ready oh yeah oh i can already tell i'm not going to like yeah it's a big old gun so it's so big yeah do you feel lucky punk well you hit oh my god this gun is really heavy i am zero percent a fan [Applause] [Music] good job oh all right now how do i now you push that button forward this button yep and that will release the cylinder oh god there it is right there and then you have to push down the plunger okay and it will manually pop the rounds out total noob here fun all right no it was 80 degrees yesterday and uh today it's like 50. yeah it's with 20 mile an hour wind i don't want to be out here [Applause] bonsai wish i had a speed loader right i think we do inside somewhere we have several believe it or not i just don't know where they are if y'all don't know we have a very small house and a lot of gun stuff [Music] wow you wouldn't think i could miss a target from 10 yards but you'd be wrong impressions are that it is a revolver not only a revolver but a fairly well-made revolver in my personal opinion as you can see here the damage we've done to this gun just in the 200 rounds that we've shot today but you can see how unbelievably dirty this gun is now when you want the legendary reliability out of a revolver what you're going to need is some legendary cleaning revolvers in my personal opinion need a little bit more attention to detail when they're cleaned and a little bit more cleaning overall than something like a glock for example i don't know if you know this but in a lot of our tests especially striker fired guns i will fire the whole thousand rounds without even bothering to clean or lubricate them i lubricate them right at the start and then just run them and a lot of those guns will run perfectly fine all the way through a revolver in my personal opinion not so much i'm actually going to take this in and clean it and i'm probably going to clean it every 200 rounds we shoot out of it until we get to the thousand round review maintenance is just something you're gonna have to accept with older guns like a 1911 for example i love the 1911 but it is what it is you just can't run it without lube without cleaning it and a revolver the cylinder is going to need to be cleaned and the inside of the barrel is going to be cleaned a little bit here and there and just keep it at peak performance that way we keep that awesome reliability that you would come to expect out of a wheel gun there's going to be some idiosyncrasies with this and and some different things that you're going to have to learn to adapt to number one of those is going to be low capacity so big 44 ounce gun that has a lower capacity than something like a glock 42 that however can be overcame with some accuracy and with some ability to just run the pistol quickly and for me if i had a speed loader i could reload this fairly quickly uh however in most self-defense situations for that matter you're never really going to need more than six rounds statistically is it nice to have more than that yeah but if you're in your hou if you're in somebody's house and you're trying to take their tv or do something nefarious and all of a sudden you start hearing uh 357 rounds shot off in your general direction i bet you get out of that house pretty quick regardless of how many there were so overall i still think it is more than acceptable as a tool for self-defense and i think it's a lot of fun as well personally me i kind of subscribe to the clint smith mindset when it comes to firearms where i like to be a man of many guns i like to be able to run whatever gun might happen to be in the area at the time if that's a flintlock pistol if that is a crossbow whatever it's going to be i like to be mechanically capable of running that with some proficiency and revolver is a very popular design that has been around for a very very long time and there are a lot of them in the world so not only does it have the advantage of having very low recoil also very accurate one shot capability but also it has an ability to run different ammunition types as i said earlier if you have you're in an area where nine millimeters impossible to find but you can find some 38 plus p go get yourself a 686 and run some 38 plus p and you have a more than capable home defense platform for a relatively reasonable price i think these go around somewhere between six and nine hundred dollars if you get into the performance custom line which are very cool comes with awesome triggers much better than this stock trigger they can get kind of pricey but honestly very affordable for what you have and you're going to have a gun that's going to be extremely durable and extremely reliable if taken care of properly so overall i'm a big fan of the 686 as far as revolvers go if it was a [ __ ] at the fan situation life or death situation and i had to pick a revolver i'm definitely going to be picking this personally there's a lot of good ones out there but i love this one probably a little bit more than most except for maybe my cowboy action single actions which would not be as good as this for home defense the nice thing about the double single is that you do have the ability to just pile those rounds out if you want to so overall love the gun think it's worth the money we'll do a thousand round review not sure when it's going to come out but it'll be sometime hopefully before iowa freezes over into the arctic tundra that happens during the winter so overall i love the gun uh if you like this video please like and subscribe please support your oklahoma shelters and remember to recycle i'll check you later hey babe is that a revolver in your pocket are you just excited to see me it's a revolver [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 67,844
Rating: 4.956356 out of 5
Keywords: smith and wesson, smith & wesson, .357 magnum, 686, 686 review, s&w, s&w 686, s&w 686 review, 357 mag, 357 magnum, 38 special, best revolver, best revolver ever, colt, python, king cobra, 500 magnum, 44 mag, 44 magnum, dirty harry, jerry mic, most accurate, best gun, best pistol, best handgun, john wick, cod, honest outlaw, ruger, s&w vs colt, best 357, best 357 magnum, 1911, glock, g17, g19, g43x, sig p365xl, sig p365, fail, problems, how to use a revolver, best gun for a girl
Id: JwMXl7NSO5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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