Smiling Critters React To Catnap is Buried Alive! II Naomi 🐰

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[Music] [Music] what the a oh my God they buried me how am I supposed to escape this I'll never see my friends again The Smiling crus what will they do without me and my darling family I can't leave my beautiful wife widowed and my son without a father I'll break my way out somehow this flimsy wood won't contain me wait if I break it through the top I'll get smothered in dirt maybe I can break the bottom and dig out instead there we go progress huh seems like clawing it is not an option all I've got left is Brute Force here goes nothing yes I just have to dig around it [Music] now where am I now a cave there must be an exit somewhere in here uh-oh I don't like the sound of that ah he then don't know where this path leads but I guess I'm about to find out why is all this happening to me almost buried alive and suffocated to death now crushed by rocks and dirt what a humiliating way to go ah I'm doomed what in the world come on come on yeah I better keep moving just in case that wall doesn't hold up wait what is this wa so someone else has to be down here maybe even multiple people these look like CEO robots probably from one of his failed evil schemes but that means there was a way for him to get in so there must be a way for me to get out right are those cave drawings how long has this place been down here wait a second is that me he got the proportions all wrong my hips are not that big though something about this seems strangely familiar was this the CEO's plan to kill me and what's in that little bottle sleep of death a potion that simulates death for a short period of time used to fake out enemies or starcross lovers let me go please why would I do that you're the perfect bait to lead cadap here and when he gets here he's going to save me just you wait we'll see about that as if on Q let her go or I'll take her back by force oh now I'm scared you want her come and get her since you asked so nicely Kap are you okay not this time what is this stuff wouldn't you like to know well you'll find out soon enough that won't stop me I'll never let you get away with this I you don't have much time left catnap soon my potion will knock you out stop your pulse and make you unable to wake up so it'll kill me technically for a little while at least but by then your body will be taken care of I'm guessing by your little friends and with you out of the picture The Smiling Critters will be under my control yet again no can sorry hoppy there's no one left to save you [Laughter] anymore this can't be the end kab he's not dead is he he doesn't have a pulse he's not breathing I think he is dead no [Music] why why he was so young it isn't fair I know buddy just try to stay strong okay I can't believe he's really gone thank you for always taking care of us catnap we'll never forget you I love to pretend like I'm in charge but we all know the real leader was you I wish I could have found a way to bring you back I'm [Music] sorry it wasn't their fault they buried me they really thought I was dead because of that stupid potion that also means the CEO still has hoppy I got to get out of here fast with catnap G who's going to take care of us is that the smiling Critters I must be underneath home sweet home if I can just reach that latch somehow oh they had to have built a way up there right I guess we're just going to have to fend for ourselves from now on here take another tissue Bingo one of these buttons has got to drop a ladder down or something security protocol activated wuggies released wait [Music] what Ah that's not what I meant to do self-destruct sequence initiated T minus 10 seconds to meltdown yes 5 4 3 2 1 I did it I'm alive everyone I'm alive ow ah disgusting ah zombie zombie help okay you really got to stop doing that wait dog day I think that's really him but how I was never actually dead to begin with there was this vile and you know what it's a pretty long story I'll explain it later have you gotten hobby back yet no we can't find her the CEO took we need to go rescue her before it's too late but catnap the CEO has littered his Tower full of deadly robots there's no way we can break through ah so that's what all the robot Parts in the basement were for come on bubba you got to believe with catnap on our side we can do anything you're right let's do this [Music] didn't seriously expect these tin cans to stop me did you what cut up but the smiley Critters thought you were dead I saw them Buri you in the ground we did it was actually a really nice and respectful service yes but I woke up got out and now I'm here catnap you came back for me I never give up hoppy not when it comes to saving my friends no matter I've always got a backup plan oh no I can't die here oh no is someone getting a taste of their own medicine God you cat you'll pay for this looks like there's only one thing left to do oh no someone come get me I'm still alive down here no [Music] no you got me jumping like [Music]
Channel: Naomi Official xD
Views: 17,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iMOtcKlyFMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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