Smiling Critters Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 React To Catnap & Dogday Meet their Cartoon Self II Naomi🐰

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[Music] a [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] huh come on guys move it it's still hot on our Trail what is that thing anyway whatever it is it's big and mean and wants to eat us for dinner no way I'm not going to be fried chicken chicken chicken there's nothing we could do for him now we got to keep moving and watch out for more traps you never know what could be just around the corner nothing no grab my hand no you've got to run warn the others before it's too late wait no wait this isn't fair what did we do to deserve this what did we do to deserve this pathetic who who are you you don't remember me no matter perhaps this will J your memory wait no don't [Music] please leave her alone can up stand back hooby I'll take care of this you always the hero AR you catnip when it comes to my friends absolutely and you're nothing more than a big bully bully wait that's how I know you you're you're yeah that's right it's me bull trap bull trap now how do I know that name allow me to remind you of the legend of the dark Critter it was many years ago that reject frowny Fox just flopped in the stores and the smiling quit his brand was at an alltime low no one at playtime Co had a single clue what to do except for one genius employee my Creator in order to get the true Edge they needed he knew it was time to take some chances they needed a true X Factor lucky for him he had just the thing before I knew it I sprung into be like a roaring fire emerging from a single Spar the Creator was over Joo he knew I had just the right of man his spice to kick this smiling Critters brand back into high gear before he went off to tell the tales of his success to the CEO he brought me to home sweet home in order to play with my new family The Smiling quitters I was shy at first worried that I wouldn't fit in but those feelings quickly buckled under my strength huh who's the cow I'm bat trap good to meet me um well hi a bull trp I'm happy uh-huh and who's that loser over there hey brownie Fox isn't a loser he's just sensitive don't be a bully fine I'll make nice with the little cry baby hey what you reading uh uh uh poetry really I love poetry you do yeah here's one roses are red VI a blue the stupid gray fox is about to be both too wait hey what do you think you're doing he's establishing the pecking order around here and it's about time too rowny Fox was giving us a bad name anyway this isn't right hey bull trap stop what are your boyfriend or something what no of course not hope being a browny sitting in a tree k r s h r n g stop it leave us alone you big boy I could feel it the energy from picking on loses gave me strength I wanted more and luckily I was given plenty of opportunities to get it I was on top with the world soon I the Run of home sweet home and life was good oh I would soon find out that despite being the king of play care there are always challenges to the throne I'm telling you dog day this has gone too far uh hey uh what happened to you bull trrap what happened to you bull trp who does he think he is anyways coming here and acting like he owns the place you're the leader here not him he thinks he can boss us around just because he's bigger than us hey wait a minute that gives me an idea meet me at the incinerator we've got a bully to bully shut squeaks you a to pay homage to your king not quite oh catnap K so you're the one who's been terrorizing my friends ehy well uh they started it that's not how they tell it you know bll trap I don't quite think you're on brand for us you see we all got our start as humans whereas you well you're just a stupid little toy and we simply don't want to play with you anymore so you're fired no I will return and our de luckily for me your little friend soon sent FY FKS down to join me I was able to feed of that reject energy long enough to sustain myself and grow into this m magnificent face you see before you with my new form I'm unstoppable his pendant that's what gives him his power kidnap keep him busy right well B trap now's your chance for Revenge come get some I got it here goes nothing no my pendant what have you done no not so big now huh you haven't seen the last to me you'll be sry no do we let him go no let him go bullies like him only feed off of our attention ignore them completely and well they simply disappear [Music]
Channel: Naomi Official xD
Views: 55,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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