Smiling Critters Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 React To The Death of Catnap!?

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[Music] what's going on they're never like [Music] this how are you this fast what's gotten into you we're better stronger and faster than ever get him how are you doing this you're not the strongest Critter at play care anymore catnap yeah you're coming with [Music] us get your hands off me ready 3 2 1 pull stop please it hurts it's not coming loose he stitched on pretty good then we'll just have to pull harder let go you'll kill me at this rate don't worry we're not going to kill you oh thank goodness yet I got one me too dog day fin finish the job it's my pleasure oh what have you done let's string him up guys make an example string me [Music] up why why are you doing this we need to get rid of you so we can be the new strongest beings in play care and then the factory and soon the world and also because we must feed fade I don't we'll come back later it's more fun when he's awake I've never seen this part of the play here before it's pretty creepy I don't even know why an orphanage needs a dungeon whoa oh my God catnap are you alive wake up what happened where am I oh no so it wasn't a nightmare what wasn't a nightmare babba Bobby dog day they attacked me tore me to shreds that's not like them at all why did they do that did you do something to them I would never and they never hurt me I think there's something wrong with them but I'm not sure what FL I need you to [Music] to gnip oh my God C up is dead he's dead oh man we missed it no worries we can still deal with the second strongest person down here you player I'm honored but I'm not going down without a fight seems like we'll have to even the odds come on everybody with me e what are you doing player prepare to meet your doom player please I need you to put me back together we'll find a cure just stop them before they tear me apart from inside you can never stop us no run I was planning on it jeez he's fast I don't know if I can beat this thing I have to lose him somehow nice try where are you H he's around here somewhere okay I got to figure out what to do next or I'm cat food player poppy are you evil like the others no I'm still okay what happened they ripped him apart killed him and now they're puppeting his body from the inside what that's disgusting we need to help him catnap sent me to find his parts and put them back together but I don't even know where to start oh player it's hopeless we can't take them all on how did this even happen I was there I saw it all I was being attacked by one of the CEO's drones ah get away from me I can't take this thing on my own sp help we got this hoppy you go hide thank you I ran and hid I knew if I stayed in home sweet home Tim might find me so I hopped outside I should never have left them I was a coward you're not a coward you're in danger wait until you hear what happens next well done smiling Critters I knew you could defeat this drone now you've show me your true strength in numbers well thank you don't get too comfortable Bobby I've got a bad feeling about this as a little gift of my appreciation here's something I've been experimenting with have fun does anyone else feel amazing strong I was going to say evil the CEO poisoned them with some sort of gas that made them evil Poppy what's wrong it was all my fault catnap came to the rescue and they caught him and ripped him up they killed him and it's not your fault hoppy maybe we can fix it together can you sneak into the lab and look for a cure while I find the rest of catnaps body I I can try Okay hoppy got to make a cure oh if only Bubba were here wait never mind he's evil oh I wish I'd paid more attention and miss the lights class H if I were a severed leg where would I be yep there it is one down just a few more pieces to go happy fire help hey Frankenstein it's me you want you fine I'll catch you first can you right on my tail ooh and speaking of Tails now I just need to get this smiling Critters out of his top half and Su them all back together real fast that's easy enough right don't get too confident you put up a good fight player but now it's your turn we'll rip you to shreds and feed on you from the inside just like catnap you will be nothing but our [Music] puppet our body you'll pay for this player come on come [Music] on player you saved me you actually did it yeah now get up and help me fight I can't I barely have my legs on they rip us both apart don't worry guys Poppy's got your back what happened oh my god catnap did we do that yes you dismembered me catnap I'm so sorry and hoppy you saved us I owed you this whole mess started because of me I'm just glad no one's evil and ripping anyone apart anymore speaking of which can you guys put me back together please I can't feel my [Music] tail
Channel: Naomi Official xD
Views: 29,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WN8nC92c_dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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