Smiling Critters Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 React To Don't Wake Up Catnap or Else! II Naomi 🐰

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[Music] he's ging on us we got to find somewhere to hide I told you all this when happen run all you want I'll catch up to you before you know it where can we even go he knows play care just as well as we do we have nowhere to hide home sweet home is our best bet for now let's go ah guys wait help me no oh my gosh he got kick and chick again and if we're not careful we'll be next here get under the [Music] bed it's no use he's going to get us I told you this is why we don't wake up catnap I'm sorry pigy piggy I should have believed you from the start can't sleep of course I can put everyone to sleep by myself it's no use I need to figure out another way maybe there's something in here paper machΓ© volcanoes eternal life potion chocolate chip cookie recipe aha sleeping potion extra strong all right let's see if I can figure this out considering I can't read looks perfect cheers what this was supposed to be instant maybe it needs more chocolate chips oh this is [Music] useless oh well another sleepless night [Music] for now where did I put them I promised I'd give them back [Music] but oh there they are I'll make sure I don't wake him [Music] up sleep well my [Music] friend going somewhere little piggy oh my gosh catnap I didn't mean to wake you up I was just grabbing these before I forgot you didn't mean to wake me up but you did and I'm really sorry really sorry really sorry won't cut it he's this mad over being woken up from a nap that doesn't seem like the catnap I know where are you little piggy I hope you didn't see me you can't hide forever you win tonight I have to get back to sleep before I fall right over I think he's gone I've never seen cat nup like that it was terrifying uh maybe it was just a dream time to sleep piggy if I can must sleep must sleep I'm sorry katna I didn't mean to wake you no no good morning guys can you be quiet quiet how are you still asleep it's like midafternoon I just fell asleep now why scared of the dark the dark's not what I'm scared of something crazy happened last night I accidentally woke catnip up from his sleep and he attacked me he went crazy I've never seen anything like it to be fair I get pretty Grumpy in the morning too this wasn't just grumpy he changed he chased me and tried to kill me are you sure it wasn't just a nightmare no uh uh I don't think so morning everyone or should I say afternoon I had an amazing night sleep piggy piggy are you okay get away from me you know what you did what I did what did I do you tried to kill me last night H I was out like a light last night sleeping like a rock you must have had a nightmare that's what we said Relax piggy piggy he's not going to hurt you it's true i' never hurt you all right if you say so I don't believe him I'm going to record it tonight then you'll all see sure we will you will I'm going to have proof and you'll all help [Music] me this is my most dangerous Mission yet I have to wake catnap lure him to the camera head and then run for my life once I got evidence all right here goes nothing oh come on of course he doesn't wake up when I want [Music] him two uh-oh you again no my proof I told you nothing was going to happen no time for and I Told You So kicken chicken we need to run from what oh my God you were right run is that enough proof for you okay fine I believe you gosh chasing tires me out I'll get them tomorrow night guys where am I am I dead did he get us what are you doing in here dog day she was right catap turned evil at night now you're both talking crazy look I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't catnap and you got to stop waking him up at night but our charms are in his room you didn't mention that we need to get them back if we're without our charms for too long we'll turn into regular inanimate toys and it has to be at night catnap keeps his room locked during the day then we'll get them back tonight do you have a death wish come on the three of us can pull it off just follow my lead all right got my socks my camouflage he won't hear or see a thing let's go told you I could do it and he's not even awake this guy will sleep through anything a you I spoke too soon huh when will you fools Le do you believe me now okay fine you were right right run I'm sorry piggy piggy I should have believed you from the start I think I have an idea when I was recording catnap I saw him drink some kind of potion maybe that's what made him like this well we're not chemists how are we going to fix that I don't know but I think the lab is where we should start I'll distract him you run to the lab got it hey big guy sorry about the rude awakening from your catnap oh hey that's where your name comes [Music] from good luck so if this is the recipe maybe I'll do it backwards you if you're so determined to make sure I can't sleep I'll make sure you can't sleep forever night night Piggy wait what what's happening oh man did I just wake up what time is it I had the best night's sleep [Music] huh oops better not wake up pigy Piggy she's grumpy when she's tired
Channel: Naomi Official xD
Views: 25,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XJuO1vs9V9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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