CATNAP & DOGDAY: THE EARLY YEARS?! Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Animation

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[Music] hm what's in the news today oh God a dog is lost dude what's going on buddy H sweating and shaking wait does he have rabies I don't think so he's just gone crazy that's all H doy [Music] what you all right oh yeah just saw something sad about a hot dog oh no sorry a lost dog but why did you freak out cuz I used to be a straight dog you're a straight dog wao that must have got you a bunch of diseases tell us more so back then I got trapped for some evil experiments then one day a man in woman showed up they opened the gate and rescued me and since then I called them Mama and Papa after that they took me away from that awful place they brought me to a wonderful playground I thought I had a family but then they left me there never returned oh poor dog day yeah don't be sad you're family now I won't kill you for dinner thank you piggy stop crying we will find your parents for you yes Bine doggy parents no it's dangerous don't worry we got to hearo here two Heroes but I'm I'm scared huie you've got to figure out why your parents left you yes let's get K going man this Forest is scary and you were talking big just a moment ago here we are at poppy playtime Factory a wonderful place for parents to abandon their children hm a window guys I just found the perfect way to sneak in but it needs a little teamwork Puppy hiy Bubble kicky I'm climbing up hurry up I can't hold any longer come on come on yes I did it man this place is so big O uh-oh oh so many rooms here where do I even start let's give this a shot mama papa oh my God what the heck are those creepy creatures [Applause] what are they doing in this Factory it's creepy huh you guys let us go now why are you locking up children like this are you going to kill us no I don't want to die this way oh man how do I save them now huh mama papa huh well well well don't worry kiddos I'm only after dog day when dog day shows up I'll take him to see his parents and let you all go those traitors they're hiding you from me they kidnapped you do day and took you out of my factory they deserve this and you'll be reunited with them [Music] soon dad mama dog day they're after you run how can I leave you guys behind it's not the time to show off dude just run no I'm not leaving you're my family and I don't want to lose another family well well well what a heartwarming [Music] story well well well now let's blow this place up oh man we're going to be barbecued someone help [Music] us I'm coming what the how did you get in here I thought we were dead already did you realized that bad guy said well well well a lot he must be stupid thank God catnap shut him up aw it's nice that you guys are okay [Music] [Applause] hang in there toots we're almost at the hospital you'll be okay soon get out catnap I can't deal with someone as heartless as you Mommy why do you treat me like this aren't we family don't call me Mommy you hurt your sister like this just go away you monster I tried my best but you still only care about her what did I do wrong no no no help [Music] us mom toots how did this happen Bella toots dad calm down let's look around here maybe they stop it's all because of you you're the bad luck get out of my [Music] life no I'm not Dad please don't leave me Mom toots I'm [Music] sorry catnap what's going on yeah even if you continue crying your parents still don't care so just tell us thanks for your useless advice my mom and my sister are dead and I was the one who did that Dad Felix mom Bella catnap toots nailed it these guys are perfect for my cat television series let's kick things off [Music] what's wrong with this lousy machine hey dude what how much C did I draw for you to act like this mom dad a purple cat seriously it looks so weird yeah I don't think you should be part of my fam honey seems like we got a black sheep in the family huh aha I just had a great idea for a family drama series all right guys let's do this Felix Bella I'm tootes the adorable sweet and well-behaved kitten that everyone loves meow meow meow hi Perfect all three cats act like a happy family okay happier yes now catnap you're the one who is left out can you act like super sad and disappointed sad There You Go H happy birthday kid y thanks Mom and Dad Dad help me out here yay I won mom my leg my leg hurts mom I did it don't you see your sister crying you're a big brother and you don't even care for your little sister you only think about yourself I'm really disappointed okay everyone we're done for today time to head home hey sweetie you tired I'm hungry let's grab some food then how about chicken burgers y he chicken burgers yay H catnap I have some bad news the audience doesn't like your ugly look what yeah looks like we have to get you off the show please let me stay I want to be with my family H let's see I'll make a special episode about you and toots in a martial arts contest this is your last chance thanks Miss Delight I'll do my [Music] best can I talk to you for a moment what Daddy when you're competing try to um relax a bit and most importantly don't hurt toots you already won the race now let her win this one that's not fair if you want to be part of our family you got to play by the rules understand never I'll show you who's the best cat around here 3 2 1 in action this time you're not winning so easily [Music] bro ouch come on is that all you got little kitty man up go go go tootes H I'm not just a little kitty you are [Music] my face my face oh no my poor baby girl what should I do now jeez what did I do to I didn't mean to I'm so sorry if I hadn't hurt toots mom and toots wouldn't have ended up on that doomed cable car and they wouldn't have died catnap it's not your fault those careless people who didn't maintain the cable car are to blame who's there why are you running away I I heard everything I didn't realize you were going through all that I didn't care about you at all no Dad please don't I know it was M Delight who set up this drama for our family dad please come back okay so you know it all huh I'm sorry kiddo I I've been avoiding facing up to things for too long I'll try to make it right from now on finally catnap gets his happy [Music] ending oh my gosh it's just a nightmare what the heck who's that waa who's this little guy he looks just like me did the heavens drop a baby on me oh sweetie don't be scared Daddy's here hey buddy cheer up no need for Tears okay why won't he stop crying maybe he's hungry yeah that must be it he's definitely hungry coming coming you like it [Music] huh oh this is so [Music] annoying what's that sound oh my [Music] goodness no no no hey that was close wait what's that smell oh no could it be bbby I really need your help right now what's up dog day but hey keep it cool and don't tell anyone okay uh-huh I won't say a word so have good a puppy now and I what you got a puppy hey kien Do's got himself a puppy seriously wow are you sure about that yeah he told me himself but let's keep it a secret all right of course guys guess what do day a dad really dude I said keep it a secret dog day why do you suddenly become a dad tell us how this baby came about w w w w this is crazy it down let not what you think someone left a baby at my door so now I'm stuck taking care of him can we at least see the baby no only Bobby's Al last a come on dog day we're friends maybe they're just trying to help please all right but don't miss the stop hoay a he's adorable can't believe dark they end up with a baby so early let me hold the baby no let me go first dude I'm Bobby a bear hug is always better but it's my turn first oh all right here's how you hold a baby pay attention got it okay so the issue here is I think the baby's uncomfortable cuz the diaper wet we got to change it change the diaper you need baby powder to clean the baby's pH oh no I'm sorry Once Upon a Time hadam Min fell in love it was the kind of love that changed the world forever from then on tell me what's 1+ one look at this you got [Music] this bad dog are you kidding it's just a [Music] baby ever since I met you I knew you'd be a wonderful artist a star to be born a young talent to be found h Hy the heck are you doing dude he just broke his heart with your loud voice seriously piggy you added pepper chili and meat to this trust me it's all about Flavor if you want it spicy give us a sign puppy huh poppy I'm putting all my trust in you please please please don't let me down I won't holy kicking [Music] ouch Ken are you crazy lying in the middle of the pad like that are you trying to buring me alive why wouldn't you just look if you don't have any intentions then I can do whatever I want and you have no say in it dude seriously you're so rude hey this is what they call [Music] babysitting seriously are you trying to help or just mess with me Bobby this is all on you oh man dog day I didn't mean to mess things up I was just trying to help s with the tears it's not your fault dog day are you losing it we did your best and now you're dissing us so now I got to thank you for making everything worse that doesn't make any sense worse how could you take it easy kicken say that again you stupid dog no no no sh oh puppy don't be such a [Music] crybaby sh quit talking out loud so we cry all night long everything's cool [Music] now Mr light do did you see some kid who might have ended up here by mistake oh there he is let me take poppy back to Poppy playtime Factory no way but he's my kid it's my son dog day he belongs to Poppy playtime not you they'll take good care of him there with all their professionalism and stuff but I love him he looks just like me welcome to Puppy Playtime where every homeless kid grows in a modern happy environment Puppy Playtime a place every orphan can call [Music] home why are you picking on my family we didn't do anything wrong you and your horrible kid act like you're Innocent but you're not yeah we know exactly what you're [Music] planning catnip Junior where are you guys I'm coming what's happening catnap my husband these guys are plotting to kill us hurry come help us out it's not like that catnap why would you do this to my family it's just a big misunderstanding yeah we've got proof right here take a [Music] look catnips diary how did you even get this trouble's coming run where is he catnaps not here stop hiding I've seen it all you've caused this mess how dare you run like that are you even a man what do you mean I didn't do any wait who's that that's catnap Junior your son wait so does that mean I'm a dad wao yeah how about we all move in together and take care of the little dude heck yeah hey anyone smell something weird um baby smell no something smells fishy here all of a sudden catnaps got a kid with that lady this doesn't make any sense yeah let's keep an eye on him hey the kid won't stop crying must be hungry why don't you go find some milk for him all [Music] right mind if I borrow this huh you're terrible [Music] catnap seriously where's catnap here I am quick change his diaper H oh man stinky come on buddy time to sleep dad's begging here poor catnap that kid is suspicious we got to figure out where exactly he came from totally toally [Music] what's this suit did someone leave their underwear here guys look what I found catnips diary dear diary I've tried everything spells catnip even threatening letters but he still doesn't like me guys are such jerks huh or maybe he's a family person so the only way to win him over is to have a kid [Music] together to pull that off I snuck into his room and quietly took a lock of his fur but oops I woke him up luckily his closet was big enough for me to hide oh and I took these undies as a souvenir then I put his fur inside the baby making machine and Junior was born catnap you're not getting away from me now [Laughter] uh Gru woman is crazy hi there you dare to invade my room that's quite Brave of you hey what's the plan now kill them all let's save catnap from this family yeah to the trash room and [Music] Beyond no way my family's just a big lie but catnap Jr is still your kid you got to think about him no it's just a lab creation yeah it's all shady and fake no yeah finally free good [Music] wait I'm [Music] coming gotcha catnip [Music] ah I smell a summer Vibe coming [Music] H oh gosh this summer vacation's going to be so much fun right baby boy I don't know about that ha here we are now let's go cuz Daddy is ready for some vitamin C why do I have to go through all this oh cuz I'm poor or to be precise I married a poor husband I wish I had a richer one huh you okay baby girl hi handsome I'm good just need some vitamin B you know well I can help you with that Wifey come on we're ready for a volleyball match looks like it's not the right time but take this my love I'll see you [Music] later that's my [Music] boy long live the king well that was rude hey dude are you trying to mess with us hey huh oh my child farming [Music] Prince marshmallow honey oh hey not yet honey this time it's [Music] yours now let's dance the night away [Music] I'm freezing huh wifey where are you catnip catnip oh gosh I hope she doesn't get herself into any trouble catnip where are you huh oh little kitty Daddy's here and come on let go of my arm darling Bad Kitty do you really want me to stop huh huh K Up Wait H listen to me it's not what you think I can't believe you're such a terrible wife a horrible mother stay away from me and Junior no please help me get my child back oh come on don't be angry I could give you tons of kittens or bulls maybe this is my precious little baby when I raised myself there's no replacing him I want it [Music] back tnap give me back my son dang it I'll show you what a mom is capable of no no no you evil cat chill babe I got your back wo wo wo finally we're out of that M Junior my baby well not so fast oh honey that cat is such a baddy you have to punish him you scoundrel how dare you hurt my darling I'll kill you I'm not backing down there you are my baby huh thank God the diamond's still here got to keep my personal property safe M wait so this is the baby you've been after no oh I see you've just been using me to get back this diamond wow not only are you snobby but also sneaky well keep the diamond and live your best lonely life [Music] hey anyone around [Music] help oh no look what Daddy found for you Junior this neat stuff will be awesome in a picture with Uncle Bubba hey hello uh junior you there huh oh no don't scare daddy wakey wakey woohoo who's ready for some Big R help me safe Junior how how did he end up like this I don't know I these things must be the evidence evidence wait you don't mean someone must have killed him I must find that killer okay but don't touch anything let me take pictures first [Music] we have enough Clues what's next I'll call the gang over to ask some questions guys gather around there's a mystery dingdong please don't let it be about me spill the tea or someone's going to die waiting wait a sec you guys are acting like there's a crime scene or something yeah Junior must be so scared sadly he's is not capable of being scared anymore cuz he's dead what that's why people get abortions right so babies don't get killed after being bored this is what the killer Left [Music] Behind is that my baby bottle catnap Junior will love the milk I made ouch Ken why'd you skate in here oh sorry oh no got to hurry up I'll go with [Music] you Yeehaw yah Ken you're so noisy get out okay piggy thanks for telling us next dog day so what were you doing then I I was just walking around so then how do you EXP bed this what all right let me explain heck why did you skating here I'm sorry oh no go hurry up I'll go with you wow oh [Music] tasty eat this junior an apple a day keeps the doctor away don't D he already had his milk oh I didn't know then we should eat seriously you stole my apples so what messing with my food messes with my mouth how is that so stop it we're finding out who killed catnap junor Papa so who do you think did it none of you guys did it what what does that mean are you trying to cover up for them dude calm down C that it's you what what are you talking about what were you doing when catnap junr died I I was just sleeping in the park did anyone see you sleeping no one how could I kill my own child oh stop being so nice and all you didn't care about catnap junor we all know it I once saw you treat catnap Junior like a toy he was crying hard man like how can you even call yourself a dad dude katnap stop this is so [Music] dangerous o ooh I have a story too the other day you forced catnap junor to drink your milk I was like ew got anything else to say but I really didn't kill my kid please believe leave me I'm so disappointed in you how could you do something so evil all right I may not be the perfect parent but I swear I love my kiddo this a love it's torture yeah are you really sure that kid's yours though huh say that one more [Music] time fine who do you think you are ordering me around you evil stepdad how dare you I'm going to tell you you ugly cat stop right there can't want to kill me can want to kill me huh aha what oh no then where's my baby they're probably all doubting each other now must be [Applause] fun what the heck is going on the lab or something in the lab okie dokie look at this a little cutie Kitty and cutie puppy who left them here they're like Min cat and do huh oh gosh here comes another one a no huh please help us take care of these children thank you your dear friends catnap and dog day jeez hang up and dog they have children since when so what are we supposed to do with them well we do what parents do show them [Music] love guys watch the little ones for me okay I'll go fight catnap and dog day don't worry I got this H you're the reason why he's worried puppy sh here's your milky milky a no he doesn't like milk what should I feed him well I have a solution a bone of a dead dog dog bone is the best food look at how he's enjoying it stay here K I'll get you some [Music] milk oh my gosh Kitty where are you here you go jeez chitty you scared me happy what are you doing look this kiddo's like a mix of dog day and catnap oh wow you're right but how do they even have a kid together oh you don't know so do and catnap have been in love for ages then one day they said let's have a baby first they make some jeans from their fur then they use their own energy to bring these little critters for pretty much wiped them out that's why they're taking a break to recharge wow what a Titanic Love Story soups ready [Music] YY you want to boil us but it's because of kicken skateboard oh maybe your Fat's in the way so you can't see anything at all hey that's so mean hey sweetie just relax while I give you a nice bath okay oh hppy I think you should add a bit more so chicken you're crazy wait where did the baby go oh no I can't find him [Music] anywhere can't find any clues here either cat up huh crafty are you done yet can I borrow your baby powder here where's the powder I waiting forever you already took it no I didn't who's there let us out guys I made another pot of soup of dog bone in capat bone hello not [Music] again looks like we're trapped in here dared to do this it's me what you can talk why'd you lock us up we've been nice to you it's not personal it's strictly business I'm actually bull buling no it was me who kidnapped dog day and catnap and stuck them in the power thingy to steal their strength during the transformation things went wrong catnapped and dog day only lost half their power and turned into stupid babies so I became their weird combo really frustrating then I had this brilliant idea what if I played Baby to trick you guys finally you fell into my trap what did you do with K up and dog day I've tied them up you better worry about me suck in your energy suit no please don't just let us go got [Music] there your milky milky dog bone is the best [Music] food here you go jeez Kitty you scared me [Music] [Music] [Music] what's happening why is everyone here you turned into babies messed with us and now you're acting like you don't remember anything hey forget about that we need to figure out what to do with bull bullo [Music] okay oh my how could Mr light do that to dog day should we just run away from here well once we're out who's going to help us getting caught again would suck big time we got to give it a shot no matter what crafty show us what you got yeah we're all relying on you girl Bring It On yes stop right there I'm going to kill you all stop come on in thanks catnap you saved us again if you don't have anywhere to go stay at my place it's safe there and I'll take care of you wait you want to adopt us [Music] yeah why are you being so nice to us it's kind of weird home sweet home fun appetite guys you didn't poison this did you huh why would I do that let me test it out first it's fine guys go ahead and eat yay dog day you hurt your hand let me bandage it don't worry catnap I'll take care of it later are you guys scared of me can't trust anyone these days dog day wait guys catnaps not that kind of person stop it fatty piggy just cuz someone feeds you doesn't mean they're good people huh hoppy don't be sad catnap the thing is dog day's been hurt by trusting the wrong person before hey don't say everything to [Music] him smiling Critters naughty [Music] students especially you catnap I'm going to get you all back to [Music] class piggy H sorry for saying you're a fatty piggy no problem huh hoppy that's who I am yeah don't worry hoppy once piggy finishes eating she won't remember a [Music] thing cool oh so you guys are here [Applause] what [Music] guys ouch everyone run wait for me it won't be that easy oh no watch out catnap he was trying to protect us oh my gosh we should have trusted him yeah we got to stick with catnap even if it means going against M Delight now you're on your own let's see what you can do get off me get off me put your dirty hands off me that was close cat na sorry for doubting you earlier no problem as long as you guys are here for [Music] me huh what the heck is going on huh huh you guys crafty why are you doing this let them go haha no way it's an order or order but from who do you know what you're talking about an order from my boss duck nice one hello crafty now go grab smiling babies and catnap for me on [Music] it what's going on crafty why are you doing this to your friend oh my gosh why has our kid turned out so evil darling we've been together for so long how do you feel about us having a baby together oh love you're making me blush jeez our baby would be super cute I know right oh look at our little one so precious you know what how about we start our own little family oh I've been waiting forever for you ask [Music] this WOW here it is the baby making machine oh gosh I'm a little nervous no worries honey we've been practicing just follow my lead all right oh the baby is so cute she looks just like you so um what should we name her H how about crafty I love crafty [Music] oh this is about to get interesting hey catnap meet our little one crafty wow look puppy you got a new friend huh crafty you can't do that uhoh crafty you're so naughty parrots [Music] h [Music] a huh this has to be another one of crafty's Tricks not letting this slide this time look how excited our kid is definitely a lively one oh catnap what's up I need to talk about crafty she tried to kill the smiling Critters oh kids can be so mischievous this is not Mischief this is violence you need to teach him better or I will kill him poor little one nobody understands you like we do it's okay sweetie just do what you like what the heck is that nice job crafty wait who's that it's bull bulino hitting the scene I'm the m Mastermind behind all of crafty's Mischief are you all enjoying it what why did you do this to her she's just a kid oh why not bully is my name remember I got to make the most out of it now crafty use your pen to finish off catnap quick got it hold on pen is for drawing not for killing baby come on crafty you're a good kid that's off no no no crafty stay [Music] back oh my this is [Music] bad take this crafty I order you to get here [Music] oh my what have you done why would our kid do something like this honey please come back to us mom will always be here for you huh be careful huh sweetie wake up finally my father's wishes are about to come true crafty as for those little smiling ones I leave them to you to deal with look how excited our kid [Music] is definitely a lively [Music] one mama papa wow wow congrats dog day you're officially the big boss at SC Donald's wait this restaurant is really mine Fried Chicken crafty cream pork steak bub roll esie sauce hops Harvest Salad man these are awesome special treats just for your grand opening you know we're working with limited ingredients here yay but hey I've got something even more interesting what a bill after taking out all my deposits expenses I still owe you $700 for store decoration are you trying to trick me I sold all those smiling Critters and handed over every penny yeah you did but that's still not enough evil cat I will show you how capable I am wow fancy [Music] huh oh customers are here dog dad you got this shift one [Music] [Music] yooo ship two [Music] man I'm be I wonder how much debt I've managed to pay off today wow I worked like a dog all day and only paid off a third of the debt oh New Order come on let's keep pushing through ship three [Music] [Music] p [Music] Shi forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] ow wo wo [Music] yay I'm dead tired what's that [Music] noise I did it I'm finally free ych congrats on getting rid of that debt dog day stop pretending to be nice catnap and besides you may want to destroy the bill well that $700 was just for decorations dude you can't afford to buy this place since we're friends I'll give you a friendly rent price just $77,000 a month how does that sound you sneaky rat I already know what to cook for tomorrow's [Music] [Music] menu hey are you awake now what's going on day let me go well I just want you to to feel what you did to me what dude was no trying to hurt you you know what you did why you trying to trick me I'll mess you up so you understand how it feels when you look me up like [Music] that no stop it you don't have to do that you have no idea how excited I am catnap you're crazy dog day yeah what a masterpiece yeah you really shouldn't do this who cares to come back here I want to stop using red smoke what are you talking about are you serious yeah I'm really serious du relax we're trying to find a solution for you sooner or later you'll be fine really if that's true can I have some red smoke now I just want to feel normal again we need to keep it away from him or keep him away from it what why let me out of here cab I don't want to use red smoke anymore I just want to be free we need to keep you away from the red smoke until we find a cure what no way without the red smoke I'm done I can't handle I believe you can handle it we've got your back no you don't understand it's torture let me out please I need the red smoke let's give him some space you don't need to do that at least let me live in peace these are my last days I can't sleep at all if fin only I could have some red smoke wake up doc day there's no red smoke here stay awake I got to stay awake no thinking no red smoke stay healthy and say no to that stuff I can't sleep I can't hey you can look me up let me out of here who do you think you are to keep me in set me free no I'm so messed up I just want to hang out with you all enjoy the Sun so lonely here should we open the door for him maybe he's changed let's free him yes let me out wait for me SU don't fall for it we have to be determined that's the only way to help him you're driving me crazy if I break out you'll regret it that make you feel what it's like to be stuck in this room like me it's probably best to leave him alone maybe they'll calm him down what's Happening Here the smell kind of refreshing but kind of gr hey buddy I'm giving you a special favor now there's one more thing you got to do kill all those guys for me you can count on [Applause] [Music] me should we go see what's happening outside let's give it another 5 minutes we don't have 5 minutes let's go go go gnap hurry up and lead her to the lab my anot is in there all right all right I'm On It Bubba no no no everyone let's go inside aren't you coming in catnap I'll stay back and try to stop dog day well well well looks just trying to be a hero you're in trouble now I can hear ctive anymore du must have hurt him oh no we got to do something to save him don't worry guys I've got a plan to deal with do day luckily I've already whipped up the antidote we just need to inject it into do day and everything will be fine is that a needle gun let's split up and take action I'll go find do day you guys go rescue catnap huh the security camera only caught do day dragging catnap to the playhouse not sure which room he stash catnip in it's giving me the creeps down here hey everyone check this out these scratch marks and cotton are new cadap must have been brought here okay let's get in there oh noap dog day is totally crazy he's done something real bad let's get catnap out first he needs help right away you guys how did you find don't worry huh watch out here comes my Thunder Kick you can't bully My Pal ah ouch ah such life bonding you guys today I'll let you all go down together no Doug day don't hurt them again huh a f like you has no right to negotiate with me h Huh ah ah sorry guys I'm late is everyone all right chicken you finally showed up coming katab oh my Lord what what have I done [Music]
Channel: SM Toons
Views: 398,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SM Toons, sm toons, smtoons, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: 6Hnehd2KzC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 21sec (3741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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