SMG4: War Of The Fat Italians 2022

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foreign [Music] [Music] versus Nintendo is about to begin to catch anyone up Nintendo has signed this DMC that all non-nintendo IPS should be removed from the Mushroom Kingdom however the defense has provided this parody contract stating that SMD floor and friends are not in fact infringing on copyright now with everyone caught up Let the case begin I'd like to start off my case with exhibit a Mario this Mario is clearly a different Mario from the one Nintendo caption don't interrupt me give them little girl it was a lots of fun [Music] I like that okay we will settle this with the war A Ware there has nothing to do with ball my decision is final we'll be prepared to the side they go for you too God damn it it's okay I'm scared come on guys this is the best chance we have of winning this trial so let's give it a [Music] okay without further ado speak again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm a bet you can't do this oh Jesus I'm in danger ah I'm out you don't with the Mario so you want to know this epic rapper's backstory let me give you the rundown it all started when I got my ovaries foreign then I slapped her booty so hard she exploded and that's how I became the world's greatest rapper yo thanks for listening to my story Melanie you're a real one I'm awake I'm awake [Music] 39 buried zero found [Music] ation no you don't love it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's do it hi guys hi Steve [Music] oh very good time what the hell is he doing foreign very cool fun fact my cousin killed three people but also he's really hot potato [Music] I give up that's it [Music] dude I get way more than you oh yeah not a chance bro I get more than you ever will foreign will show up any second now I did it I did it foreign [Music] hey what the hell why am I here I'm still funny I'll prove it oh my God [Music] all right screw you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you perfect [Music] this is such a dumb challenge Mamma Mia I want to die [Music] what's nine plus ten Hey Romeo do you wanna eat some ice cream shop [Music] oh but that's broken hello sir can I take your order [Music] don't say it don't say it don't say it and you'll get a triple demo I mean fungus Burger can I can I fries with tomato sauce [Music] yeah I could totally do it and I'll prove it foreign [Music] [Music] hell yeah I did it I'm playing Super Mario Bros foreign [Music] I meant so for blario hose yeah definitely piloted over 2 000 games on my hard drive [Laughter] you fool I have 70 alternate [Music] oh yeah [Music] all right You Beautiful Bastard show me what you get [Music] well that's terrible I don't even know what I'm looking at damn it oh yeah yeah [Music] making the mother of all omelets here Jack bring it all the week will be purged and the strongest will Thrive can't fret over every egg I'm not scared me work come on come get some what did you do to me goodbye cancel culture strikes again low Get Wrecked foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign oh that's too easy I got this I'll get Rick smg4 ha ha ha ha ha ha whoa heck yeah awesome [Music] I want to die I want to die I want to die they say I run faster than life those bullies won't bother me now [Music] oh no [Music] please [Applause] [Laughter] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] pull off and heavy he has to struggle daily to survive because of your negligence heavy has the pizza what do you have to say huh I like your Maxi kid [Music] [Applause] mmm you have all thought well but this is such a hard decision [Music] hmm I think to break this steel mate it's time time for the closing statements besides of Victor wait Crown me that's right it's time to break it down for you [Music] do this here's the case you claim my clients are a vicious race you're honor you'll find they're not so Insidious but just a group of lovable idiots Adventure Mr projector the defense will bring a world of pain no that's wrong we feel dreams we've been a smile with the magical means it's all about love with our wholesome show where you can be assaulted by the Teletubby bow okay sometimes we break the law but that's an insignificant little flaw our mission is to laugh and joy and Inspire to secure the things that we set on fire yeah this is you make us look so stupid and dense none of what we do makes any sense so why I'm sorry buddy I got an impression that's okay can you guys please stop assistant it's hot enough already existed all right you hurt their flee they're innocent so if you please rejection time to solve this Precision City I've been waiting from the very beginning there's no use with your engine cause these Mario is copyright infringer no please I don't want to be a child I was just a naive stupid little child sir you deserve this mockery can't be original or high quality it'll be sentenced you for robbery of our intellectual property [Music] is there for now objections I'm just a dumbass with an IQ of zero [Music] guilty [Music] [Music] oh yeah no this cannot be what you yay [Music] [Applause] thank you all so much the channel is saved to this what's the point of being dance [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold it me Immortal son wait but how [Music] foreign [Music] what's that Cinema foreign [Music] if it means I can stay here with my friends I accept [Music] foreign I feel good I feel better than good because okay hopefully I can make the videos I want to make again damn right ahead [Music] I can't bail my ovaries transforming [Music] oh man this new body's gonna take some getting used to you kidding me check out this sick gangster bandana hey that's the spirit [Music] yes boss [Music] I'm so glad everything turned out fine in the end yeah I've gotten used to this new body too look what I can do and now we can live on without being in fear of Nintendo Mario you okay Oh Mamma Mia hmm oh oh [Music] that's probably the sweetest thing you've ever said Mario yeah man thanks for saving us from that crazy monkey oh no guys get ready for a fight he he [Music] Ard things oh yeah oh yeah me too do you have any anime paraphernalia no no weapons yeah maybe a little bit of fireworks I saw this Kong has a funny car [Music] oh yeah Nintendo didn't kick my ass yeah get out of it oh it's good to be back hey guys thank you all so much for watching that what free we had so much fun making it and you know it was really exciting to see the story come together in the end we went super meta with it and we decided to change smg4s design and bobbin Bookers in case actual Nintendo decides to dmca but don't worry guys Mario Luigi their designs aren't changing so don't worry about that and to top it all off we have it in there and they're adding an announcement for you guys introducing animates how animation figuring collectible line look we decided to make figurines of all our characters we've got a new design smg4 over here and put it up we also got Maggie in her lawyer version I think they turned out really well we just decided you know if we wanted a little miniature version of our characters up on our shelves and you know we figured you guys would want that as well so go check that out we also have other limited edition Raffi merch over on like a t-shirt and a keychain but be quick because oh for the next 10 days only there's a 15 discount get it before they're gone forever and all that stuff so yeah smp4. still guys and again thank you all so much for watching Lottery 2022 it's been a really fun ride and here's to next year guys bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: SMG4
Views: 9,988,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Super, Mario, gaming, video game, Super Mario, Super Mario 64, SM64, SMG4, Supermarioglitchy4, Hobo, Bros, Hobo Bros, bloopers, sm64 bloopers, funny, comedy, lols, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Toad, switch, nintendo switch, fortnite, minecraft
Id: gk1hKEJMtPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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