Smashburgers! | Home Movies with Alison Roman

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I just went to burger boot camp yeah well I'm upset I'm upset because there are so many bad burgers out there the like fat patty on a brioche bun with like gruyere and like truffle cheese and you're just like what no get out of here with that I'm screaming is it coming across I sound aggressive I didn't even have coffee Hello welcome to Home Movies I'm Alison Roman today we are making something that I have very much taken a stand against in the past and that thing is a burger specifically a smash burger which to my credit I've always said that I liked it's all so complex my relationship with burgers I feel like I just find most of them to be not my thing I don't care for sandwiches one could argue a burger is a sandwich that said growing up in southern California there were very few things that I loved more than going to in and out with my dad and getting a burger of course I would get my burger with no sauce add mustard instead no ketchup raw and grilled onion whatever it was like a whole thing I couldn't just like have the burger before we get started I do want to extend a hearty and heartfelt thank you to our favorite FreshDirect without which our groceries might never be possible both on Home Movies in my personal life for my cookbooks for my parties for just about everything I lean on them very very heavily so summer is no exception and I'm grateful to have them 365 all year round restaurant I love you so burger to me is a very personal thing it's specific my non-negotiable is that the patty be crispy and flat and the cheese be American the lettuce the iceberg the onions be raw and griddled and the condiment be mustard and that's it oh I also put pickles on that fits in there somewhere you get the point for as open-minded as I am and I do eat everything and I'm adventurous and I love food food is my life I really am particular she's particular I'm particular we interrupt this home movie to bring you a word from our sponsor FreshDirect FreshDirect is my best friend I have been using FreshDirect for a very long time some might call it a codependent relationship I love FreshDirect because they have everything they have regular brand name stuff it's very consistent but they also have really great local stuff things from long island and upstate and they do a really good job of bringing the farm stuff to you without you having to like find out which day the farmer's market is and if you're like I've never used FreshDirect I'm don't know what FreshDirect is and you're FreshDirect curious well great news because right now you can get 50 off your first order of 99 or more if you use the code roman at checkout that's r-o-m-a-n like my last name at checkout for 50 off your first order of 99 or more if you want to make a smash burger great news if you want to make a smash burger using FreshDirect as your purveyor for groceries even better use the code below and it'll take you directly to a page where you can add to cart all of the ingredients that you see here today fun if I'm given the option to have a different type of burger and it's not exactly how I want it I'll order something else like I'll get the chicken tenders I'll get the hot dog I love hot dogs you know this insert hot dog video here it's my first love but a smash burger really does have a special place in my heart so the bun it's got to be a potato roll it's the perfect size it's the perfect texture it just is the cheese it's got to be American and it's gotta be sliced if you come at me with that cheddar I don't want it it's not good on a burger and you know it's true the lettuce iceberg baby romaine close second unless it's iceberg it's gotta be romaine if you don't have either get it off the burger the onions plentiful we have raw and we have griddled into the meat the pickles they're on the side and they're thinly sliced on the bun they are delicious they are kosher dill if you try to come here with a bread and butter pickle it will not be a conversation that I'm willing to have with you oh yeah I get two types of pickles this is for on the side snacking and this is for inside the burger the condiment singular it's mustard and it's french's and that's it and no there's no ketchup the garnish it's a chip it's a dill pickle it's a salt and vinegar it's a salt and pepper it's a potato chip that's it and honestly the most flexible part of this whole thing is what goes inside of the burger if you want to use ground beef great use ground beef I like an 85 15 blend which means 85 percent lean 15 fat or you can use Impossible meat and this is a plant-based protein something what it's a plant-based meat made from plants and possible meat it's a plant-based meat made from plants what I think Impossible griddles up the nicest to mimic the ground beef and I'll show you both let's start with our onions shall we you want to just like have all your toppings prepped because once the meat cooks which takes like maybe five minutes from top to bottom you want everything else ready so you can just assemble and eat growing up as an in-n-out baby I was trained on having grilled onions as a part of the burger experience and it's tough for me to have them without smashing the onion into the burger my friend Emil taught me that it's a brilliant move because you get sort of like cooked and raw texture in one and for some people that's enough of the raw texture oh that's the other I guess important part of this whole thing just because it's summertime doesn't mean you need to grill everything in the summer time people are like grilling salads and you're like why are we grilling our leaves I am a 365 skillet burger girl I will bring the cast iron or the griddle out to the grill or to the fire pit and cook them over the fire or the grill Margeaux loves smash burgers what are you doing she's rubbing up against that FreshDirect bag is what she's doing meow all right onions go on to the plate this is where things get you know heated two schools of thought one is shredded lettuce like confetti and one is big sheets I'm a sheet person I think that they are crunchier I think they taste better my friend Jeremy opened a place called moonburger in Kingston, New York and I am lucky enough to be on his board along with my friends Anoop and Emil and we spent a lot of time figuring out what makes a perfect burger especially like in a drive-thru way like does it how do you want to hold it how does it eat it and I would say the biggest point of contention other than the sauce was should the lettuce be shredded or sheeted you know if you're in the area please go visit tell them I sent you what else oh pickles that's it I think if you're doing like a burger full party it's like a matter of getting all your buns on like a sheet tray and like after they've been toasted like putting them on the sheet tray doing your burgers putting them on the bun and then putting them on a table with all of these condiments not the cheese but with all of these condiments because you're nobody's mom unless you are and that's congratulations but it's not like I'm gonna dress everybody's burger for you also some people might not care for lettuce some people might want less onions some people might want tomato god forbid that will not be making an appearance here today you'll notice it is not part of the spread point being is that dressing your burger is personal so much like a hot dog party it should be something that you can set out all of the condiments for but hot dog party I'm like sauerkraut kimchi mayo if you must and a burger I want to be simple and classic and there's no like dumb trick to like the juiciest burger ever it's like it's just a good burger it shouldn't be that juicy it should be crispy and brown the cheese the mustard the onions the pickles the lettuce like that's what gives it like the juiciness and the texture if you want a juicy piece of meat go and buy a beautiful rib eye steak and cook it we also when we were doing moonburger r d we also argued over how thick to make the pickles and how many pickles to put on I definitely was an outlier I was like no mayonnaise no ketchup thick ass pickles so much lettuce four onions and everyone's like no you're making a salad in a bun and I'm like oh interesting and again these are pickles on the side is that gilding a lily sure they cut them too thick I think this is a real pro move this shows you care this is like concierge service taking the already sliced pickle and slicing it further wow that's friendship okay so this is a 12 ounce package I think that four patties out of this is great that's a three ounce patty I don't think burgers need to be more than three ounces just kind of visualize one difference that we did learn with Impossible versus ground beef is that the Impossible doesn't need additional salt oh margo do you want to try Impossible do you think she'd like it was it safe for cats oh it's not all right well I won't then and then for this this is a pound so I will do get six patties out of this five but if you're like a four ounce person then feel free to make this into four I just don't think we need more than three ounces of meat per burger and if you're wondering if you don't want to get a scale it's like I mean I have pretty regular sized hands it's like a handful of meat what fruit is this size a tangerine peach nectarine anyone yeah we're not seasoning the meat seasoning beef with salt actually toughens up the protein and because we're gonna smash this burger there's plenty of time to sort of surface area season your meat you won't miss it I promise and if I have a little bit left over like that I'll just divide what I have left over and add it to the remaining three and a half ounces wow do you want to see I didn't fake it I just like to know if I say something that I'm right no I'm just kidding it's all part of the process I'm only as good as my word okay so these I'm gonna season with salt I actually don't mind it when these are seasoned with salt um everyone else thought they were too salty all right our pan is hot she's smoking she's smoking hot I'm gonna do beef first wipe out the pan and then we'll do Impossible just to keep them separate but you'll see they they really do cook remarkably similarly salted side is going to go down and then you really want to smash it like you really got to smash the hell out of it I'm going to season this with salt so I'm taking some onions I'm putting them on top you just want to smash it as hard as you possibly can knowing that a burger will always contract when it cooks if it starts really thin it's going gonna squeeze together that's like fat melting and protein tightening if he comes it goes like from here to here she's ready to flip this happens fast so I'm going to add the bun and the cheese goes right on top onions on the bottom the nice thing about doing this on a grill like the skillet on the grill is that when the fat goes splatters it goes outside because it is kind of like a greasy affair I'm gonna dress these how I want to dress my burgers is that a lot of mustard yes do I care no pickles go on the mustard are there a lot of pickles the onions go on top of the cheese are there a lot of onions you better believe there are then the lettuce goes on top of that and I just take like two to three sheets like that and just kind of like fold them on top tastes really good my bun is sliding my lettuce is sliding this one's falling apart mmm pickles need to go up on the bottom I messed up we gotta do it again that's what I was like something's not working like the the bun was sliding off the top sorry guys gotta redo that one part of the process all right so we do it again oh I just melted that great okay so step one toast your butt step two eat a piece of American cheese these have been salted we're gonna go salt side down oh well I just spent my spatula that's fine this spatula is infinitely better I don't know I didn't just use it to begin with thank you Jane don't be a hero now we salt we onion really smoosh them in there meanwhile back at the ranch we take our buns and on the bottom bun that's where the mustard goes and that's where the pickles go this is like a pretty it's like 90 seconds I feel like if that and then smash that side as well so the moral of the story is here folks make sure your spatula is really sturdy and make sure that it's willing to go the distance with you you can't have it bending on you in the middle of a video that's embarrassing smash burgers in a way are kind of like pancakes where like it is hard to do multiple all the time unless you have a griddle so if you're really into pancakes or you're really into smash burgers maybe invest in a long griddle we're pretty much melted all right onions on top of that I think the argument for the shred is that sometimes like the rib of the lettuce can be difficult to put in there but I don't know I think it's just more texture and more crunch and then a little further smashed mmm so much better than the first one I need like a cold Peroni right now for a lady you guys want to eat these burgers also hello yeah thank you so much oh my god I mean I didn't invent the wheel here much less reinvent the wheel this is just the wheel I'm showing you the wheel isn't it weird to just eat with no music while somebody watches you it's health if you're making a lot of burgers the most important tip of advice I can give you is to clean your skillet between uses because your meat your onions your cheese the bits really start to accumulate and just give it a give it a little wipeout okay so I just want to show you what it is like with Impossible same process same procedure it doesn't have the same type of fat as meat so you really need to heat your spatula and let it get hot on the skillet drop it smash it and it'll come right off if you don't do that there's a high likelihood that your spatula is going to stick and they cook almost the exact same time as regular beef flipping oh I think in this day and age it's very important if you're having a barbecue hot dog burger etc to always have at least one meat substitute or plant-based something on hand if you're gonna have two burgers why not make one meatless you know it's like the 28th burger I've had in as many hours minutes I'm really good I don't miss the meat at all maybe it's just me but Daniel come try sure I think he loves that I think like if I did a blind taste test I don't know if I'd be able to tell when all said and done you're like vaguely meaty onion cheese mustard pickle let it like it's like it all works together in the exact same way it's just nice to know that you can kind of do both equally deliciously and like with great success final burger thoughts um no I mean other than like I don't recommend just sitting in your kitchen alone with no music eating burgers and burger and after burger and burger but if that's your destiny go with god you know what do you recommend having friends over having someone to share in the burger with you listening to some sweet tunes little Bruce Springsteen on the old speakers I don't know I guess my main takeaways are burgers are not better on the grill red meat doesn't necessarily a burger make American cheese is non-negotiable you're certainly not putting enough pickles on your burger you need onions two ways mustard is the best condiment and eat your burgers with friends um thank you again to our friends at FreshDirect for making this summer the best summer ever for delivering our groceries for making sure that we can continue to make these Home Movies we love you we thank you oh invest in a good spatula because this is like a regular sort of hardware store slash kitchen supply store like well made like deep handle sturdy steel this however I basically looked at it and it was like I'm very strong and it's not going anywhere I did work out yesterday I am getting small I am doing gains is that making gains getting gains doing the games making new games I'm making games
Channel: Alison Roman
Views: 514,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smashburger, smash burger, smashed burger, hamburger, smashburger recipe, smash burger recipe, smashed burger recipe, hamburger recipe, how to make a smashburger, how to make a smash burger, how to make a smashed burger, smashburger easy, smash burger easy, smashburger simple, smash burger simple, alison roman, home movies with alison roman, a newsletter, nothing fancy, dining in, cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, food, chef, home cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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