David's Birthday Amatriciana | Home Movies with Alison Roman

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I was walking outside this morning and  I literally said to myself it's about it's about five Rob Thomas' outside such a deep joke that you because when it's hot  outside I cannot not say man it's a hot wolf hello I'm Alison Roman welcome to Home Movies  today is a very special day it is David's birthday   or add sound effects no I know we will thank  you so as is now Home Movies tradition when   it's someone's birthday we like to you know  give them the gift of getting to select their   home movie be the home movie you want to see  in the world what is the home of dress for   the home movie you want to be you know yes  Lauren said that you that David was dressed   like a celebrity that had been out all night  and was at Starbucks ordering a latte Nebraska   yeah oh nice it's true oh my God bullet  train yeah Drake showed up it was what which we made massive hit thank  you so much everyone for my birthday   I want you to like And subscribe not  a biggest hit of that was people like tell everybody at home what you requested yes  people at home I requested an amatriciana I guess   my personal favorite of the four Roman pastas  we did carbonara before one of my favorites yeah   and this is amatriciana inspired by David  do you remember the first time you had it   honestly probably in Rome uh uh rochioli fancy the  best I'm going there soon yeah yeah so last time   when I wasn't here I was in Italy people thought  I'd people thought we'd had a fight which honestly   we hadn't no and we do have a fight you'll never  know don't worry No One Ever Knows except for Dan   uh our middle child yeah um in its most basic form  a Metro Shiana is one of the four classic Roman   pastas the others being carbonara alegritya and  gacho e Pepe I have sort of long maintained since   I like became aware of those four passes that  amatriciana is actually my favorite because it   combines the porkiness of alegritya and carbonara  and the pepperiness of cachoe Pepe so to me it's   sort of like the best of all worlds they're all  sort of connected by their combinations of like   pasta pork pepper cheese in some capacity you  can use guanciale which is the jowl of the pork   I also used it in carbonara pancetta is also a  nice substitute pancetta is from the belly it's   cured guanciale it's from the jowl it's cured  they both have a lot of fat pancetta has more   meat than guanciale and the fat is really what  we're after not necessarily the meat so if you   have something like Lardo that would be good slab  bacon if you are going to use it try to get the   unsmoked variety because pancetta and guanchali  are not smoked so we don't want to introduce that   Smoky flavor because that reads as like bacon  we're just after like cured pork flavor pasta   you can I've had this in Rome with uh rigatoni  I've had it with bucatini I'm going to use   rigatoni because we use picatini a lot on the show  I feel like and it's always nice to pluck out that   one lucky rigatoni am I right what is that even  mean that's a throwback David doesn't know that   the one you eat wow let us know in the comments  below if you know what I'm talking about   Dan pointed out to me last night this is our I  think when this air is it's our 50th home really   50 videos yeah well also I'm wearing this shirt  again and I walked out and I was like can I wear   this shirt again and I was like I wear this shirt  like you're a real 50 episodes ago yeah I'm a real   person I only have so many clothes so give me a  break anytime I'm making pasta the first thing I   do is I fill this up with water and I put it on to  boil I'm gonna salt it heavily salty like to see   always and forever all right and I'm gonna make  this sauce in a skillet that was very more of a   rose of me Skillet sorry chaos David's birthday  always makes me feel like uneasy the sauce comes   together actually quite quickly but it's also  not something that you need to eat right away so   this can be made in advance there's no stressful  moment in time or like something needs to happen   immediately so while that's happening I'm just  going to kind of lazily start the pasta making   or this the sauce making process and it will be  ready in due time you want to avoid the urge to   just like go absolutely wild with the guanciale  people love cured pork products and oftentimes I   think think more is more I don't think more is  more here and also like a little bit does go a   long way which is why typically this is sold in  like you know a smallish chunk you're not buying   like pounds of it at a time this is eight ounces  for four people yeah I would use half this and   that's an ounce per person which feels right to  me it'll shrink down a lot and again see how like   the marbling here it's mostly fat and not a ton of  meat which is a really nice thing some people like   to remove the skin part I for one love it and I'm  not going to remove that the best amatriciana I   ever had honestly probably at the cesare yeah yeah  cheddar is really good yeah the guanciale is like   a bit thicker and like chunkier and like softer  the goal is to not crisp this up to make like   chewy crispy bits it's like to sort of render it  softly and subtly so that when you get a piece of   it it's like a beautiful piece of melting fat I'm  gonna cut these into like what's that a half inch   yeah they also don't have to be perfect cubes  the swan Charlie has like a nice layer of like   black peppercorn and stuff on the back which looks  really good to me and I'm just going to cut this   now into little quarters these are about half inch  cubes you don't want like massive massive pieces   but you do want enough of it to linger around  so you have like little bits of fat to chew on   cute that is cute so again we're not trying to  crisp this up we're not looking for golden brown   meat immediately we are simply looking for this  fat to render out nice and slow I'm going to give   it a little splash of olive oil some people say  don't do that I I like to start my fat in a little   bit of fat nice what heat are you at I'm I'm on  low I'm on like medium low all right this is gonna   keep cooking but already it's started to give us  a lot of fat which is really nice if you notice   that it's Browning before it's rendering turn  your heat down it's a hot one I'm slicing this   onion not too thin not too thick we're not going  for caramelized we're going to like cook it in   the fat so that you can like see the pieces of it  it should have some texture and you could chop it   but I like to slice it but the onion is there  for like savoriness and for a bit of sweetness   look how much fat has already come  out that's a lot of fat actually   like an astonishing amount of fat how  do you rank the four Roman pastas I'd   say amatriciana cache Pepe alegrity Chia  carbonara for me wow carbonara too rich   yeah I need the acidity I want the spiciness  and carbonara doesn't really have either other   than black pepper but like I ate carbonara  maybe once a year and it's alone in my kitchen   alone honestly this is a really boring recipe  video because there's not much to do everyone   knows that the episodes that are for birthdays are  like for the people it's for people to get to know   David better get ready with David do you want to  what were you gonna say about our friendship oh   um why don't you go up and talk about yeah  why don't you come up and talk you have a   very unique gift for finding a smiley face oh  yeah crazy things so she'll send me a picture of   something that looks like an onion and I'm like  why are you sending me this random picture of   an onion and then she circles a smiley face in it  you see joy and everything that's so sweet no one   would ever say that about me oh yeah I mean I see  why they would say why they wouldn't but it makes   me nervous I'm Gonna Stand further back I would  honestly just probably do this over the Skillet   as I'm doing it if I were cooking at home but  I have some time to kill while we wait for this   guanciale to continue cooking and rendering which  is happening it's changed significantly since we   added it do you send pictures of them no I don't  see George the way Alison does am I good are you   good what else are you gonna do no I'm gonna add  the onions the skillet now all right cool thank   you and while there is salt in that gonchali  I'm still going to add salt to the sauce now   onions so there's quite a bit of black pepper  already from there but depending on where your   guanciale is coming from or what kind you have you  could also season it now with pepper as well and   the reason that the guanciale is there and why  there's so much of it and why we're after that   fat is because tomatoes are obviously very lean  there's no fat in there they're also highly acidic   and things like butter olive oil fat really cut  through the acidity and make the Tomato experience   a lot more palatable the content of like high  fat and tomato like really are a beautiful match oh just like David and I which one about the  tomato or the fat I'm the tomato sure she's acidic   people are really going to be shipping Alison  and David after this yeah they really they   should show us we're very close friends saying  you ship someone that means you wish them to be   together yeah I'm saying let's have a platoon  David didn't know that so this whole time when   people are like we ship he's like Yay no no no  first of all I've never been like Yay but I think   we should normalize friendship shipping we ship  you friendship I like to take my onions almost   to fried which I'm sure might be controversial  but it's just my preference I like the texture   of them I like the sweetness that it brings and  I like that depth of flavor that comes that only   can come from like a well-browned onion and in  the process the bits of guanciale will start to   Brown and crisp but that's okay because they've  already given up so much of their fat I'm gonna   add the tomatoes now I just crushed this by  hand it's a different texture than a can of   crushed tomatoes which is why I opt for the can  that I Crush whole I almost never call for a can   of crushed tomatoes I just I from Brand to Brand  it's too inconsistent I'd much rather crush it   by hand watch out for splatter splash Zone Dennis  oh I forgot to add the chili flake I'm gonna add   the chili flake really quickly I got it in that  little bit of fat over there and because of that   fat just like any other emulsification like a  vinaigrette or an aioli the sauce almost does   kind of read as creamy because you're combining a  fat with the water the water from the tomato and   the fat from the pork it's like the unifying  element of a lot of these pastas creaminess   without cream creaminess from fat creaminess  from emulsification how long does this go for I don't see this as like a long  cooking sauce you do want to   definitely take like the tinny edge off  of raw tomatoes from a can let's call it   I'm going to say we're going to cook this  for minutes and someone's gonna pipe that   in once we do it 15 to 20 minutes how about that  great all right I'm gonna season this with salt we're cooking it we're cooking it down we're  taking the edge off it's going to marry in   with the pork fat with the onions the onions will  continue to soften the pork will almost continue   to soften and it just needs like a gentle bubble  like that that's very sweet it is a sweet bubble   our pasta water is boiling our sauce is happening  you can see it's like thickened up considerably   let's turn like a really gorgeous brick red   but I'm going to continue to let it  just like simmer and keep cooking um when I eat I'm a Christiana it's all I  eat it's like that's the meal that's it   but if I was eating this with like other things  like as part of a dinner I would only want I would   probably make 12 ounces of pasta this sauce is  thickening really nicely and as it thickens as   the water evaporates from the tomatoes the flavor  is like truly deepen and the sugars come out it   becomes more like almost like caramelized flavor  rather than like raw flavor and it'll be like   thicker and chunkier which is fine because we also  always have our pasta water to like help loosen   things up if and when need be we're back the  pasta's ready I'm pulling it at Al Dente I'm gonna   drain it I'm going to save a little bit of the  water but a word on the sauce if you want to see   what I was after here it's thick it's chunky  it's juicy so I'm gonna put it in here just because I think putting all that pasta in  the skillet would be a nightmare one lucky rigatoni it's about a cup of pasta water so this is the  reason we cook our pasta al   dente right we finished cooking it in the sauce and we don't want it to overcook it's step  one give it a head start in the water the   salted water step two finish it in the  sauce which is why we add some of that   water back to it so it like can also reduce so  at the end of it you're back to that original   consistency I'm going to give it a little  bit more Pepper and a little bit more chili David it's almost ready are you ready  pop out that Invisalign yeah I'll do   it right now we are going to finish  it with a little fresh garlic because   so David likes it so this pasta is  ready to go it's thickened it's reduced   the tubes are perfectly cooked it's tomatoey but  not you know like marinara e H I'll try one oh   that was not a lucky rigatoni so Porky bear gum  I'm gonna grate the clove just directly in there the sound is really something huh  it's very anxious interesting word that looks tight and then I would say  I'm going to shower it with cheese okay cheers to you us happy birthday to you   oh my God thank you so much for the  song guys this is exactly what I wanted yay that was so weird what do you think of it I  think it's really good what does it mean anything   what are its flaws basketball Roman question  what's wrong with it though that's good I like   it a lot one Charlie great size yeah I it's like  you get little bits of like beautiful chewy pork   every now and then it's a little spicy maybe  no I mean not for me I'd like I'd like for it   to be like five Rob Thomas's out of five you  know thank you so much for all this birthday   greatness appreciate you make your friend their  favorite pasta for their birthday it's a great   gift also tell your friends you love them yeah I  love you I love you yeah happy Home Movies guys   happy Home Movies we did it happy 50th birthday  home movie oh not the way birthdays you're old
Channel: Alison Roman
Views: 221,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amatriciana, amatriciana recipe, amatriciana alison roman, how to make amatriciana, quick amatriciana, easy amatriciana, simple amatriciana, rigatoni amatriciana, rigatoni amatriciana recipe, pasta, pasta recipe, guanciale amatriciana, alison roman, home movies with alison roman, a newsletter, nothing fancy, dining in, cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, food, chef, home cooking
Id: S4dzKIpyhr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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