Smash 64 Combo Contest - Super Smash Con 2022

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Popular_Potpourri 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] is that it's quite the setup yeah it's going to leave him with knots oh okay shine is super strong now or the bumper is super strong oh that's what happens okay yeah he's he charges the bumper he's powering up uh i imagine because when you you know reflect like a shell or another projectile right it does get stronger um and i remember uh i don't know if it was prince or someone did a combo where they were reflecting like a shell back and forth with fox to like power it up oh is the shine supposed to just hit jigglypuff a little bit yeah i think he he the position must be like incredibly precise that he's going for um i don't know if he maybe has something else in his back pocket to bust out if this isn't uh gonna work yeah the long setup so we have five five competitors in the first round one person is going to be eliminated yeah basically if anyone especially if you go first you're kind of at a huge disadvantage so if he's unable to complete this you know [Applause] um i know a lot of people you know they might not like it when it they feel like a lot of the combo gets spoiled but the excitement is building up right now he's gonna get the down air in no no no no and there's so there's always something when the combo doesn't get land the first time it loses a little bit of luck he he has that don't forget he has the the motion sensor bomb down at the bottom yeah oh that's got to be doing so i imagine it's going to be a down air into a shine right into the motion this is a top player you guys i just jaime all this either even the best players miss e cancel so when you see me missing all my z cancels you'll know i'm not that bad we'll ignore uh jaime's seed all right he's coming boom there it is he called it he called it nice so jaime manages to pull it off in the end and like as usual with jaime the the creativity is there like very small oh my god i remember the last one he had he always last year i think earth three years ago the last match con he wanted to get the perfect number percentage all right so we got eights eights and sevens okay so solid solid score from jaime um he's he's absolutely still in it what would you have given him um i feel like those scores are a little a little generous eight since i think a seven is seven i think the seven is pretty solid for for what it was you know unfortunately like people lose some points when they have the setup and it takes them a while and it doesn't work but the combo itself in a vacuum if you ignore the attempts like it's funny yes yes um you get the cool kind of glitch aspect to it that's true that's true and you you forget about the motion sensor bomb at the end like it's fun but i think he definitely got downgraded a little bit because of the few yeah having to retry it a few times in the action yeah yeah i think i'm a little biased toward like technical combos but you know that's just me i mean hey sometimes you know blake river just has to jump over a car and everyone's super impressed why did that win i don't know can't they all jump over cars because it was a kia sportage and we've got tacos coming up with the yellow hori pad so one uh one thing that tacos was um i think the the first person i remember seeing uh do this move he went into the the menu mid combo and turned on slow motion yes that was so cool for the last hit exciting when he did oh that was yeah it was so hype when he did that i think it was just for the last up smash or something too and you i think i've only seen in the combo contest one other person utilized that and almost no one even noticed that it happened like kiyoshi did it on his own his falcon uh on zeb's on a falcon punch yeah he slowed it down but it all happened so fast and it was like first right like no one even realized it happened yeah i wonder what he's gonna do yeah i really hope he does someone does that again because that's really cool yeah it kind of becomes taco's signature i feel like he's done it a few times uh yoshi okay he loves high rolling oh and i love hyrule too i'm excited to see that's here hopefully he uses we'll see if he oh he's fanning a regular man in a raven all right we're in the tent gonna get a drop another [Applause] [Applause] you can't help but give extra points for the first try that is a surefire way to get the judges uh extra impressive i give you i give them a 10 on that i mean that's 10. i give a 10. what more do you have to do than a let's look back at this and he switched he didn't you know you it was another guy yeah you expect a ray gun carry which you know we've all we've all done back in the day but it was good he mixed it up ray gun shots and then the edge finished yeah and first try first yeah they love to see it so nice let's see what they give him i'm thinking it's great because you know in a couple of combo contests uh tacos has not always been able to finish right yeah so it's great to see him come out first combo first try like i'm i'm pumped for that that was really really nice that was good i like that it ended with the egg as well he just he used by so many moves and just that down tilt to mix up the rate you know the ray combo with the yeah like uh he came in with like a nair to land on the uh the the house i think yeah it was it was great he was a reverse back hair i think off of the tent back into the before he started to the fan so i think he carried him into the tent right and then back and a lot of those things it didn't look like super technically you know like like a marine quest combo or a court combo but the positioning on a lot of those things was really important even that first fare he he fared and then um the enemy was behind him like that positioning is really important when you have to carry them all the way across stage and get these precise bounces off the tent like yeah it all matters yeah every bit is like was very intentional you could tell he he has that down i'm really curious to see what raz's first combo is because you know he just watched jaime um maybe not get the best of scores and then tacos come out with like straight nines so and he knows one person doesn't make it right so there's definitely a strategy the combo cons like where do i bust out my best car yes exactly because if you're expecting to to make it multiple rounds you have to keep something in the pocket i think you have to keep your best combo for maybe the second round you know like i think that's where i would right and again with with one only one person being eliminated this round a lot of people feel safe yeah but if everybody feels safe and then you're the one that that drops it right but but if someone drops a combo all you have to do is connect yes i'm so excited razz is using two controllers no way he is using two controllers he has one in his lap [Applause] in his hands he has he has one the both donkey kongs right now this is this is a real thing oh man i wish we had a hand cam on this one yes okay okay so again he's using his two hands for both of these controllers he's not using like his feet or anything he's switching between controllers this is this is tough that's gotta be difficult and when you add in the playing on the stage and [Music] i wonder i think is team attack on yes a team attack is on i wonder if that matters i wonder if he has to hit the other donkey phone to like break up out of the attack or something okay so he needs to upbeat a little earlier so that he's finished with his attack right in time so he needs to get the man that's tough oh it's still gone it's so long [Applause] oh tilt man this is so tough [Applause] it's still going oh and he doesn't i think he does want that dash attack there [Applause] he saw him do the dash attack uh in that first attempt and he he did the f there was an f yeah i think he wants the he wants the dash attack oh what does he want there oh he wants off the bumper back here yeah [Applause] he's running it oh okay all right we i didn't even notice we haven't done he has the controller stacked up it's almost like uh there's some uh nes speed runners that will play like co-op games with the they like rubber band the controllers together that's like almost what he's doing right now oh he just dropped it oh he's still gonna go for it oh oh and that'll that should finish it if he lands that [ __ ] that that fare it didn't look like the platform was still there so i think you're right yeah it's a great finish you always expect like the punch to you know finish it off still going oh he always grabbed him he grabbed him he's still got what is he doing that was i did not expect them to catch oh i thought it was done at that f air the catch see this is why we watch this it keeps you guessing he's sticking with it that is a that is a difficult combo and i think he's the crowd is on their feet a 10 from hungrybox dogs is like dude he dropped that like three times i think it might be holding a 10. let's see what he puts up [Music] [Applause] wow those are fantastic scores for i i'm pretty sure i thought he got dropped i don't know let's see oh like i mean he dropped so the combo meter dropped but well now and so far does it yeah like the charge no there's a there was a tech still good no it was here's attack right here and the tech all right so whatever i still think that was really awesome with the attacker but he could have caught it before the tech right yeah definitely but he had again he had the level of difficulty they gave him the benefit of the doubt again no offense rise i i do think it's a little bit generous to give a ten on something that gets dropped i don't know man dude alvin alvin is fuming right now somewhere he's like wait you can drop combos down but okay so if you think that was if that was generous i think highmaze was generous okay all right you know i feel like that was so difficult two controllers i guess it was was there was the only drop the tech yeah i think so because another attempt that he did there was a drop earlier but he kept it going but he kept it yeah but and it does reset when you bounce off yeah i i'm pretty sure off that wall yeah oh yeah i know like the the updated version like off the you know the hyrule walls it doesn't drop but i don't know if it's different on the peaches walls but those the little bumpers the slots yeah those little cause they do like kind of roll down and yes yes but you are in you are locked in stun while you're rolling down there so it definitely is still a combo yes and he was still in stun when he got hit when he hit off the stage after and you know what what also i think was really cool about that combo we we both thought it was going to be over from the f we thought it was going for an f air spike and just and he the i think it was the first time he oh no it wasn't the first time the second time he did the fair spike when he catched when he caught him like he surprised us with it going a lot longer than we thought it was going to go because then you're just like well now how is it going to end yeah we thought it was going to end whereas like when you know when people drop the combo it spoils a little bit of the surprise but there was still a lot of surprise there even though he had to set it up a few times is it samus or link outro a samus combo you really don't see a whole lot he had a crazy stainless combo on twitter a while back um what he's playing on that's really cool too that's the uh this is all right all right oh you know well no no because uh prince did attempted something similar to this i where he he spent time on the cloud to make it disappear and the mine fell and then they oh my god so it's like while he said he charges while he goes into the menu yeah that's it's a great time save this speed runner straps right there save the frames he's got him two bump three bombs down man this is a lot so is it three bombs or four three right one on the side one on the cloud one on the other cloud damn the timing oh oh does she want to hit him down into the shell she's gotta miss that platform just the timing for him to throw the shell up and then do the long freaking 10 yeah like 33 frames or whatever it is yeah that is really good timing actually and he's he's both times he just missed the down here i think he's doing the down air he wants to do the down air early enough to keep a combo but he's got to do it late enough that he misses the flat there oh yeah there it is oh oh no he wants to get the shot oh that's going to be sick great such perfect placement of the mines and everything the the amount of time you have to spend in training mode to get the placements just right you kind of gotta do the combo then put the mine down like so many attempts and yeah you could task it to like figure it out yeah that's true i don't know he's got such good timing on that he really does [Applause] [Music] oh man just this is a really cool combo though and i mean uh falcon is just flying after that he almost it's almost like you have to shoot this shot um before he even hits the mine because he's popped off so fast maybe that early yeah this is incredible timing when he throws the shell and he just jumps over does that you know what i bet like that that's just such a good time oh what a tip from the cpu [Applause] so it's it's all laid out now we just we he needs to just have to execute it's a great combo we need to see that uh that shot hit he's gonna land it i want to see i want to see those afro emotes in chat [Applause] give him your energy [Applause] let's go afro we got the judges giving him some love so how long do the contestants have i can never remember i mean if it's like three minutes what are we going to tell them no we want to see it we all want to see it justin uh it's been more than five minutes yeah uh you know who i am you know whose event this is look at the little using the fares to like move farther it's getting technical all right let's go let's go oh yeah that's that's felt early i felt like that yeah earlier than the other ones that were landing but like you said the timing is so tight for it to still be a combo yes he's just pulling the trigger a little early i wouldn't mind if it like breaks the i'm less mindy about it breaking the common meter is that is that the theme the theme of this it's like other people are sticklers about it but you got to think like human reaction like no one's uh we're we're just the 64 community we're such purists yeah like a lot of other communities that are watching this like these are all combos yeah like these are all saying no one's gonna get that like a frame perfect escape so like if you missed the combo by a frame or two are we are we just like getting soft in our old age i certainly am for sure [Applause] [Applause] we code in a faster shell real quick do you think he's just so he's just got to hold on to hold off on that down there just a little longer like the tiniest bit was there anything that like messed it up when like falcon randomly text that one like uh [Music] he only needs a tiny bit because the shell does have to hit him to the left yeah where the mine is so it's not like he has to land right on top of the shell he just barely needs to hit it right this is the one that's the one this is the war it's always the one when justin says like last try did he say that no i don't know i can't hear him hold it off there it is he [Applause] [Applause] you know pixels off from completing it on one of those two attacks like he's so close and i mean there's a really good chance now he's not gonna advance wait actually does it count did he still die even though he missed the shot did the character oh that's true that's true and that's that is something that can still it's but like it's it's not that like it's clear that he dropped it like it was a combo yeah you're right he did finish a combination but that combo without the ending is not impressive enough what is this the olympics you have to like plan your routine he had him that combo will give him a maximum of uh seven right now right he had his starting score but then the deductions just ate him a lot yeah yeah he's not so actually so now actually this this gives us like a little more strategy for the other players going forward they only have to finish whatever they're trying to do right and i think we've seen that in some other combos in the past where they had like an alternate ending like their safe ending yeah yeah i mean it's good to have the time right yeah that's true and princess made it no prince you're not playing melee what if he just like busted out a melee combo i wouldn't put it past him he's like oh yes i have my gamecube controller with me right now and it's funny to see prince now okay for those of you who aren't familiar with prince especially for those of you joining first of all where have you been yes agreed but prince has been wearing a mask that's part of his like identity when he's been here at super smash con since the beginning right which is so now it's just kind of run in the middle for us all but yeah but this is right that was like he was like you know the masked competitor like the mystery man kirby kirby so prince baby prince is making combos on this game on youtube for decades decades yeah longer than youtube has existed basically they're like grainy vhs recordings i think all right let's see the prince emotes in the chat three-time champion and all right he had he has this all mapped out we're getting some some custom spawn shenanigans he's going up there 110. 110 oh wait oh he's controlling another k is he there's another player is he sending it to his cpu i like that they just spam it like set you custom spawn [Applause] i almost feel like the setups need to be like built in now yeah right you know like this this isn't part of the time setup this isn't part of the time no we should allow them to like macro the setups maybe you know that'd be great oh that's cool i forgot when you throw straight down off the all right he's coming he used it to spit out that's why the other player was there he sucked up dk and spit him out to start the cop that's so cool whoa where did that one go the other cloud yeah the other club there's another cloud further off to the right for those of you that have forgotten what stages other than dreamland you look like he got the angle off the platform yo that was so cool and once again prince doing something we haven't seen before just showboating he he started it with the neutral b and you're like what is he going to do with the dk because he up tilted him afterwards like he's got to do something yeah and then the angled neutral beats spit out off the platform literally a star finish yeah i mean the hungry box just pressure man hungry box do the right thing do the right thing [Laughter] the nine and the pop off because he had the ten in his hand too what a little trickster i mean super creative and i i could i can i understand if someone was like you know maybe it wasn't like technical enough and you know but super creative really unique you just you don't see anything using those moves we were literally begging for the slow motion yeah before i like that's all i wanted was so car finish i i guarantee you a ton of 64 players watching right now did not know you would get an angle off of that no i always do like dumb shenanigans like that like it's like when you throw an item and it bounces off someone's shield you get like weird angles sometimes it's it's so funny but yeah playing on other stages why is the star like curving up for it it almost looked like a a it looked like it had a curve too it was so cool it wasn't like a perfect line yeah yeah but yeah without the slow motion it wouldn't have been as apparent either yeah a lot of people probably wouldn't have been like noticed yeah yeah i i might have missed it especially like he had missed the the early part of it a few times he like didn't get remotely that far right like you're you're [ __ ] like trying to focus on what's happening but it all happens so fast it's like when kirsky would like do a combo on the first try like wait what just happened yeah so i missed it again but the cool part was that he had he hadn't messed he you know he hadn't had to redo that part so that was the first time we're seeing that and uh all right so yeah afro is eliminated afro someone that i thought really could take it all yeah i mean if you remember the the online combo contest we ran uh back in april was that 2020 um i'm sure you remember you know you were definitely definitely commentating i asked him earlier he's like uh yeah you only commentated it yeah yeah uh you remember afros like wait who's afro dude you commentated the combo contest but he ended up winning uh over prince barely one point you know uh one of the judges changed their their vote at the last second a little controversial but i mean he had some he had some crazy stuff and the things he puts out on twitter incredibly creative um but you know now he could save his uh whatever he was saving for round two and three we'll still get seen at some point oh yeah for another contest well we'll see what he wanted to do later let's see so prince has a 49 yeah it was all tens but yeah but yeah that was it and so jaime he did have the lowest score in the first round oh no no no yeah he did he did he did he did so is that why he's going first or i believe so yeah i i love that i love these two i feel like we've seen him so many times but i'll never get tired of bouncing off the piranha plane oh god i'm having xander do flashbacks ld where are you oh no he's missing zeke he's missing on that a few times jaime i mean he's like done downers up to like 999 before i remember well he's usually very unfair with those [Applause] i don't think you have to see cancer if you do it on the way up probably not in the short hop is he gonna carry him all the way out the side no he's not okay so he had to build up just enough percent or that down smash would actually take him far enough out of the blast zone this it's a huge stage it yeah it's a very wide stage and i know i know a lot of people were probably like expecting more after downsides like is it piranha plant like what yeah but there's no way he could have gotten over there to do more well like you said i thought that would have that would have been a very high may thing to do yes down [Applause] he did do something that we didn't expect at least it was more of a technical combo actually yeah i mean the z cancels like you know yes it's something that we have to do all the time constantly but things like um the the hit lag like when you are actually making contact with the enemy like it slows down the timing changes and then he had uh different he was jumping from different points landing on different elevations yeah angled short hops as well yeah jumping from different elevations from that from the elevator in the in the center to the uh to the left side and i mean it's it's so tough to try and come up with new things year after year that's true that's very true because if they do something that we've seen before and you were like i don't know we're getting we're getting going to be fair these guys are putting out combos on twitter throughout the year so they they have to like save even better things for this yeah i mean you you go through their twitter like razz and prince and jaime and afro these are their those are their research that yeah i was gonna say is that what you did you think they're they if they find one that's really good they save it they say wait i'm not gonna oh absolutely okay oh right into it i'm so glad we get tacos dk yes me too reverse fair oh what's he going to the menu for a quick reset yeah yeah it's true it's probably going in the menu just oh man oh off the shelf [Applause] [Music] very fast oh look at that perfect land on that upper platform there [Applause] that's so pretty right he needs the quick double jump [Applause] oh and then the run-off platform dude those like oh you missed the show tacos you move too fast because i mean with the cargo he can't like pause for a beat man that that turn around is so nasty turning around we like a lot of us turning around in place is like the hardest tech in the game he waited that time oh no dude even the way he the way he sets it up with the like uh punch cancel to get into the start of the uh oh i bet you that down smash in the beginning is for the timing of the plan as well you're probably right yeah right yeah [Applause] definitely i think he's going to keep going for it he should [Applause] oh no the game knew yeah said no you must be perfect can't believe he gets that turn around every time [Applause] no he got it the first the very first time off the show i wonder if there's some bit of like rng luck kind of with what the shell how the shell behavior might be or if it's an exact positioning very subtle positioning time [Applause] nice and slow there let's go oh wow so it really does have to hit that's tough takas is asking a lot from this red shell yeah all right all right all right [Applause] now you had it he can't believe it he's gonna get it he's gonna get it [Applause] that was awesome i i wonder if so he did you know was doing those charge turnarounds yeah i wondered i wonder if he actually needed the juice i bet you he was getting a little g like yeah that first one that we saw all right so the shell behaves here yeah because he he really he holds it on on a couple of those turnarounds i think he i think he needs the juice yeah yeah just the right amount of juice what would you give ted see he likes he likes the technical difficulties yeah i mean that that was tough that is in my book that is a solid knife as far as like tech skill i think what we've seen so far there are some things that you take for granted in there like the turning around in place on the platform like the running plat drop mary had to do early on yeah yeah the very precise spacing and timing of throwing with the red shell and the charge canceled there's a lot going on in that combo uh so yeah in my book solid nine i think so as well yeah i would have done that and and ending with the uncharged punch is hilarious glad you pointed that out because i didn't even catch that for a second and to do that you have to you know double tap the b button otherwise you'll just keep charging in there so that was that was great yeah and it was taco's dk which is always always good to see he's he's gone like his two main characters with the yoshi and the dk the dk yeah oh i wonder who he would go next and that's and that's like i feel like a lot of these guys will go like their main characters because you know they're most comfortable with them and everything um we saw prince go curvy though who knows that was a cool comment though wait how many are going to make it into the next round two two are gonna advance so two are getting eliminated this round okay yeah yeah so we we wanted to have as many combos as possible in round two so right we did one and then two yes yes yes okay instead of the like traditional like thinning of the herd earlier really yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay guys part of the setup oh yeah he's probably need some damage and position so razz uh i you know i added the razz emote onto the channel and then i showed it to him like last night and he was like no you should put this really silly face of me he sent it to me at like four o'clock today i'm like dude it's a little late for that [Laughter] gotta understand how much work wait is he wearing it no okay in his picture uh he was wearing this like banana shirt i was like is he wearing it again though are you setting a custom percent here too [Applause] just standing up and addressing the crowd yeah this is a lot of damage leaning back sitting back graz a one-hit combo does not count [Applause] [Laughter] it's got a nice little rhythm to it he's a madman when does it end the crowd is getting hyped for this see you know i think the combo contest is also like there's a lot of showmanship for sure you know what i mean like something like this you better have set that smoke gas if that didn't set all right your time starts now oh it's gonna be like another kind of like black hole thing no the damage boost the massive damage boost okay this is fun dude that's so cool that's so creative that's really cool [Applause] but that that's what's boosting him it's like the bomb gives the shell like massive momentum and it comes back and hits him and that's what like makes him go flying i love that how do you come up i don't know it's so cool that that looks so cool that like sliding backwards into that boomerang because he he starts the boomerang throw when he's like in there when he's hit yeah like he doesn't jump into [Music] didn't get the jump early enough there i think yeah oh he knows exactly how many rolls he takes a little step too [Applause] this is so cool i i really want to see this end because this is just one of the coolest beginnings to a combo we've ever seen [Applause] so he was doing up smash before he's going through and he's just he's somehow accidentally hitting the b button yeah [Applause] up tilt all right he got the a button this time yeah yeah it seems like improvement technical as he is [Applause] oh man slightly off placement for captain falcon i guess right there i love the little step back yeah yeah exactly a couple rolls and then he's got a little step back for positioning there it is [Applause] oh he all right so he's just going for an ending are you sure i i i don't know if that's how he wants to that's gonna hit him off of the uh he might be going for a lift kit he might be going for an edge canceled upbeat he might yeah he might i mean that's really hard if he's adding that into it [Applause] he's dying he's dying if he misses the fight he dies he's got so much momentum [Applause] oh man come on let's go razz i just i wanted to get an ending yeah i do i want to see it then too even if it's not the ending he wants we need an ending right [Applause] and i think i think he'll go for an ending even if the combo does drop right if he gets it far enough he's just gonna try to close it out i can't get enough of that so funny it's really great that's how much damage he has he flies from one end of us came together [Applause] there it is oh no he had it he had it [Applause] all right justin said a couple more tries there's a couple more tries let's go shoot him shoot him erasmo in the chat show him some love yes and tens [Applause] come on razzle dazzle us baby oh he's trying to get the reverse back here yeah that's what he and he he's getting that fine yeah yeah he nailed it this one happens when you get stuck for so long you kind of start to overthink it you mess up the things that you're like you're just so used to getting you know it's funny because recently uh dogs johnson and uh janitor very well-known combo artist we're talking about the same thing he might get in right now the boomerang and he just didn't jump and he knows he had it he says he said one more all right but they were talking about the same thing how if you just are like beating your head against the wall over and over you start missing the simple thing right because you're surprised you got past the area that you did keep keep going i just wanted to take that falcon take that [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh that's so true but he winning for hungrybox what are you gonna do spoil it there's no way he was gonna let that street go he's been he's been the hardest judge i respect it i respect it yeah and i'm cool with that you know what someone has to do it someone's got to do the dirty work someone has to ruin it and i'm not out there yeah yeah i'm like i'm like i can't i feel too bad i'd be like oh someone gave him a seven i gotta give him a nine i mean that that had to work just because we're the old people doesn't mean you have to be like the grandma that's like balance you out that was it was such a creative combo though i know me too and if he like had a specific percent he was aiming for it that's even better like i'm telling you it's late the layers on this combo were there and it's awesome yeah yeah see that's like combo meta it has evolved right it's it's not just about the hits you're you're dealing with oh there's like there's all this [ __ ] and when he was when he was bringing up the percentage and the credit like pumping up the crowd yeah i mean he could have done that earlier and just been like that start my time when i'm done with that yeah this is going to take a while yeah yeah so the meta has evolved in no small part to this man we see right here prince just busting out things we never see including tonight yeah i mean in uh in a game that is how many years old now enough man enough three now 99 not yet 24. came out in april april 99 yeah it's hard dude it's hard there's a lot of numbers here yeah see i'm not even gonna like try and embarrass yourself like oh i definitely can or oh i definitely can't i'm just putting it all on you thank you thank you yeah i can handle it all we know is it was a long time ago it's been a while it has been a while and we're still seeing new things right and a lot of it from this guy and you know last uh smash con 2019 prince again busting out some wild stuff but he wasn't able to finish at all even afterwards he said i'm trying things that are too difficult yeah yeah but that's the balance right because at the end of the day i'm saying like living on and like immortality you can win the contest like with some if you win the contest with not your best or you can just or you can swing for the fences and just like prince i want to see him swing for the face yeah we want to see he's the best of all time at the combo at convoy right like he is he is he is that's no disrespect to a lot of the people out there that have been doing combos forever like isaiah like marie glass uh kyoski i mean it's hard to say but i mean prince has always been his specialty yes i mean isaiah's combos were so sick though but people are still trying to recreate which is just insane things he was doing and recording on vhs in like 2003. i know uh prince kiyoshiku some of the other guys have wanted to do some saffron combos and they've done things like putting mines like all the way down in like the depths between the buildings um it's the pokemon situation random the pokemon is random as far as i know unless custom spawn like sets it because what was the one that just came out bulbasaur venusaur yeah [Applause] [Music] oh oh i just hit my legs that was awesome that was so awesome oh that was insane i was like what's he gonna do with that oh my god that's so cool that's been that's been the this year's like meta of like this this year's step in the med evolution is like damage boosting yourself into location really the first one we saw use that in a combo contest i think another japanese player might have done one on twitter that year but then prince busted out in the contest and it like blew everyone's mind there's that like snapshot of isaiah with like like his eyes are wide like i mean we we know the combo now we know the ending we want to see it yeah it's just gonna be so pretty if he lands it and after all these years there's still nothing more exciting than the falcon punch finish yes why are we not sick of this yet it's just so [ __ ] it's so satisfying you know just hit so hard it hits different as it is it's different the reverse back here so he needs a fastball up here there he does which is i'm pretty sure he did it the first time and you see him missing the uppers here yeah he needs it he starts with that reverse back i love a good reverse bear love me a good reverse bear he just missed the combo drop he was just a little bit off there isn't it funny like to be clear remember he did finish a combo yes he just didn't land that final hit which we all want right but he did finish a combo so something has been completed i mean i still popped off oh yeah like crazy i'm happy the monitors are still on the table dude and this is another example like sometimes people get it so close on the first try okay this is a good one start oh no he was so close so he's get i think he's hitting it like a little too far away from the he needs i think he needs to hit it so he can attack maybe i thought he was hitting a lower part so i know you can you can angle the falcon punch a little bit up or down and i wonder if he he needs to do the up angle he might like [Music] [Applause] you can't like turn off tap jump in this game there's no c stick so everything has to be incredibly precise movements with the joystick [Applause] he's busy watching falcon nice you got the fastball up here [Applause] i could tell he was out of placement so so what's happening is he needs to hit the lower part of like the pokemon door if he if he goes up too high then he flies off to the top left side of the screen oh he dropped it i think he's going to keep going though i think he should [Applause] his heart wasn't there [Music] he just jumped on the mic he's really good at that uh reverse bear yeah oh man he's right there it's so close and actually maybe he's going a little he's got to be a little later on that no just got to hit falcon so i mean he we know that he knows that it's possible yeah he's done so yeah whatever the positioning the slight positioning change he needs to make or maybe the angle on the falcon part is like who knows but it's it's there does he always is he does he double jump before that reverse up air before he hits the bomb or is it just hit i can't remember what he does let's see there's just like a little tricky run off right here oh yeah he's too high he's he's got it it's right there [Applause] all right crowds getting into it pumping them up so close this jumps up [Applause] hey justin what's a try i didn't see it i wasn't looking yet oh wow what a freaking bizarre angle [Applause] [Music] prince is too cool to like be like can i have one more he was right he was ready to go [Applause] that would have been cool after all that i i think i think he's still getting nates i think he's getting in right i think he's still getting eight yeah i think he's going who was it that got a bunch of tens tacos with the dk combo oh yeah yeah so clear clear where did razz get what are they i think brad's got some aids that's hard to remember he's got a bunch of eights and a seven remember we were saying oh yeah it was all eights in the seven so oh it's still looking similar oh he's got a man he's got it he's got it he still got a combo he just didn't land like the little chat he didn't get the cherry on top yeah let's put it that way right it is a big cherry it is like it's a ch it is called a cherry sundae like what are you serving possibly so all right and i'm sure later we'll see the completed version maybe it was an angled punch maybe he just needed to position a little bit differently but he you know whatever it was like you said before whatever it was he knows what little detail he wasn't quite getting right also here we go are these total scores oh yeah we have the round scores and the total scores so it looks like rap so it was it was it was tacos and then and then prince so jaime is right there wait so is this jaime eliminated because of total score and oh and raz is too so we only know we so we talked about this earlier and we're going by we're going by round okay um they have the totals up there um you know it's fun to look at like yeah yeah okay but it matters what you do in there right each round is each round is fresh yes okay and there's you know i get it they're kind of ups and downs to yeah each way to do it but um we are it's round by round um that way that way you're not as massively penalized if you have kind of a rough ground yeah because if everyone's like but you made it through right because and that's what's important you you advance but you know what does it matter in bracket how much you win by no no you you know you won you advance you're in the next round you're not going down a few stocks you don't start off with like a stock deficit because you didn't have a great uh round before good thing but you know what actually the only people going into this round are tacos and prince anyway right and they not only do they have the highest score in the last round they also have the highest totals i mean that's generally how it's going to work yeah i guess it was so it's a moot point one point a move point point yeah it's a cow's opinion cow's opinion all right more more dk that's nice it's nice hoodie he's got all different characters yeah yeah i didn't notice that before we want peaches so we're getting we're getting bumper shenanigans the crowd loves this here it's so great to see everyone kind of come together to watch this tacos emotes in the chat what okay little red shell action [Applause] oh i was talking about bumper shenanigans he's hitting himself with red shells tacos has been like kind of getting his combos on the relatively quick side as far as the pool has gone today the accidental exit i love that she'll drop off me oh too fast i like that that's cool to start to get himself in a position of hitting himself that's pretty cool [Applause] [Music] that would be nasty i feel like it couldn't just end an affair no it's not the finals they can't i wonder you gotta wonder if like i think taco's plans this far like some competitors might not even plan around three they're just hoping to get there like talking to some people in in previous combo contests they're like yeah i have two combos yeah i don't think i'm gonna make it very far i'm like come on man you gotta have four yeah believe in yourself [Music] and whenever people use these red shells i mean it's it's awesome to watch but the timing on it is always so tight and then you you're at the whim of this dude we've seen this red shirt a lot of red shell kind of messing up our company but sometimes they just it feels like they just don't want to cooperate now they're supposed to be homing shells are they not yeah come on man you know you play mario kart sometimes these shells just like go into a wall you're like dude the right thing mind of their own sometimes [Applause] oh so close is that attack it is but the combo meter still goes um but the positioning it puts falcon in a place where he doesn't like it so he knows he has to reset yeah i got you so it doesn't follow like the trajectory he's expecting if he attacks exactly because i mean again with these red shells everything is so precise [Applause] after this everybody's like i'm not doing red shells next time yeah the year of the red shell oh the reverse the backup the backup combo again i love that he had an alternate ending waiting see that's what you said before you know this is a good planning he uses the armor on the throw to knock him out i love that and it's not like he just had an alternate like last hit ending i mean this is like a whole separate second half yeah and it's like probably dodging that shell he has to just miss that bumper so the bumper is like by the end of the combo the bumper so much further to the left yes [Music] now is the stage moving or is the platform in the bumper mode who knows oh wow yeah it's so weird with what happens why zachariah okay and then he dodges the shell with his jumps as well he pulled he pulled back that time [Applause] [Applause] spider just so good so good a team like that stuff like that the armor on the throw veteran teams move so you gotta wonder now let's say tacos lands this right that's i mean prince has a pretty good shot just because if he can land whatever he's gonna do without having to like take that many tries he's in a really good position to win this see he's got a couple attempts left in him there it is the hand going through he does it let's go he's not himself he knows he knows that he should have had it earlier because he can he like he can execute that i mean and again it's it's on for i don't like bringing a score down because of multiple attempts like that yes because in the end it is the same combo you are judging it on the creativity and everything but i agree with you but that's like saying when you like strike that from the record in court yeah like the jury remembers you know like it's hot it's hard it's hard it's gonna affect it jj's not getting picked for any juries now perfect perfect yeah perfect i mean it's part of like kind of what we talked about as well with the overall showmanship right and if part of your score is execution i mean do you you take that into account i mean he didn't execute throughout the entire attempt i mean it doesn't live in a you know that combo doesn't live in a vacuum right so to speak we didn't just see it on twitter yeah that was amazing that was awesome yeah you know you watched it yeah you see someone get it on the first try like you're so impressed you're like how did he do that you're like he does that like every time and then you know imagine being like the guy doing the combo and you're like oh my god i get that like one out of a hundred the first time and you walk off like you see that i get it every time but you're like oh my god there's like the janitor combos like some of the isaiah combos like from back in the day i mean they spent hours and hours and hours until they got it the first time in recent like there's like a pinned one on janitor's twitter where he's like if only i was recording audio just do you all could have heard how hard i popped off when i finally landed this you're watching it and it's like just incredibly technical like fastball upbears and like edge cancels and everything but like he was just grinding that for hours and hours like days yeah but here they have to do it on stage in like three minutes i mean there's a whole different level of pressure you know and here we go prince final combo in the finals who else has to compete with i mean taco's got a good score there yeah yeah he actually you're very right don't ask me to remember the score because i you know i've already forgotten it yeah same he needs big numbers more red shells oh geez oh no freaking movie no no you are not doing this let's go let's watch the combo meter is it a combo it's got to be you know so fun fact about zamasu you also gain you also yeah yeah it just it doesn't matter for this but it's like uh if you're like passing bonus stages and stuff samus gets a little bit of height off the uh charger at any this is so awesome only uses the blast to get the other shell that's pretty cool too and the char shot has to be so perfectly placed then it goes through the red shell it doesn't have the first time yeah that's a really good point because everybody's sitting on the ledge right next to falcon he could be hitting with that first and when he did it the first time i was like oh he's shooting the red shell dude and where's house falcons hitbox lower than the shells dad he needed that last hit [Applause] but that is a completed combo yeah everybody is happy that was sick do you take his prince is not sad you'll have to do more to beat tacos he may the creativity of this is so high though it is really cool i love it i get like the reason we were joking like oh yeah red shells but no one's doing this to get the shot and die right away it's so good i love that [Applause] what is this choose your own adventure compliment so he rolls to put those at the very edge of the play dashes that is so so cool to get that shot under that red shell uses the forward air to both hit him and move the shell over tilt [Applause] the crowd is on their feet for prince and i don't think there's going to be much of a fight here i think we know what the outcome is going to be but let's see what the judges say that is the sickest congo i've ever seen let's go that is amazing no one has done anything like that we thought it was gonna end like six different times look at them on their feet holding he's only two he's only two tens he's giving him a twenty [Applause] nobody stood a chance nobody said a chance nobody stood a chance i called it before they even put the numbers up i was like this is this is a faux pas let's go that was wild i mean you know everyone everyone in the contest had a combo plan for the finals and everybody in the contest just watched that and went i lost yeah it's like when you're watching someone play and you're like oh i got hit by that yeah oh yeah yeah i feel like he got me i lost yeah you're a four time combo contest champion how many combo contests has he dropped he lost the one in 2019. he was trying some crazy stuff couldn't finish his combos kiosky was on point he landed everything this time it is all prince all night that crowd has just cheered him on and a great job by all the contestants but one great way to end everything incredibly creative we saw some stuff we hadn't seen before a lot of red shirts a lot of red shells which i mean the red shell it adds this level of complexity right and like i get it right you want to make it look as crazy as possible but it does make it a lot harder yes yes and it they also add this like level where the audience gets like is a little unsure of what's going to happen which is cool because when you feel like you know where the combo is going even if you haven't seen it yet you're like oh okay like especially when we saw tacos he did the fair and we thought he was gonna like spike off the stage but once he changed it up and he surprised he uh he did something that wasn't that you weren't expecting it makes it even better and that's a big part of it like the ending the some part of it it's just out of nowhere you don't know what's coming um this is just where the combo contest is going yeah you know we thought like oh okay everything has to have items everything has to use like custom spawns it's like it's still all about the showmanship like what can you do to wow the audience how can you surprise them yes what they didn't expect in a 23 year old game we did the math earlier yeah oh yeah it's uh it's tough smart but it wouldn't that was incredible man and just the little things like that getting the shot under the red shell to start the combo and you know sd off the stage and getting the shot right before the sd right into a respawn where he uses the blast to activate the other red shell then he's using the f air to activate the red shell and hit him that was my favorite part of the combo he's like faring the red shell but the very last hit affair also and he uses the time between the two shells to charge his shot then he's like a down tilt or an f tilt off of the off of the pipe i think the first attempt when he didn't charge i think he actually walked off or something i i don't really i don't remember because it's all a blur but yeah it's kind of that's what we'll have to go back it always happens dude every time we do like any any tournament anything we finish and i'm like wait who who won what happened yeah it's always so like hype in the moment it's just like man that was amazing though i cannot i'm just like i picture the chat it's just all 10 emotes all prince emotes everyone's just going crazy that's so great the yoshi combo taco's yoshi combo on hyrule i think was another with the ray gun was was just a really cool combo as well so he was mixing it up yeah like he wouldn't it wasn't just ray gun shots the whole way you know yeah there was like an ariel in there and the egg and yeah taco showed up tacos really tacos showed up i mean everybody kind i mean unfortunately afro you know had that had his mishap to get out in the first round but he still had a really cool idea and like razz had that really cool combo where he was like where he hid himself as link and used like the damage boost and then getting stuck on the wall coming up the boomerang that was just that was really cool and creative and you know we had we had these guys twitter's on on on the screen you know definitely go check them out they're going to be posting uh their unfinished combos yeah the ones that didn't make the ones that didn't make the cut i mean there's some crazy stuff from all of them so make sure you go check all of them out um but another night another combo contest uh a great kickoff to super smash come on so much happening this weekend i mean every every smash game uh everything's going to show up we get some 64 on stream tomorrow and saturday everything's going to be there make sure you all watch um follow the schedule it'll all be there and uh yeah i guess uh it's finally time to get out of here before i can't even talk anymore yeah my voice is kind of shocking i'm not gonna laugh your arm is probably sore when i play i was like i i kind of almost pushed him into the equipment unfortunately oh man that's used to me at this point though but it was a great night we're so happy that you all could join us for this um if you want me to keep uh the prince emotes in the chapter that's the tournament just spamming right now and uh gimmer can't do anything about it and uh yeah that was awesome congratulations to prince congratulations to all the competitors and we will see you all on stream tomorrow the rest of the weekend yeah we'll be here we'll see you then have a great night
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 474,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, marss, melee, mkleo, mythra, pyra, slingshot, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, ultimate tournament, combo contest, smash 64 combo contest, ssc, ssc combo contest, smash con, smash con combo contest, ssb64, smash 64
Id: o0h57r2FxJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 50sec (3950 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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